主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
1386 行
56 KiB
1386 行
56 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.rendering {
public interface RenderAbstractViewport {
RevealedOffset getOffsetToReveal(RenderObject target, double alignment, Rect rect = null);
RenderObject parent { get; }
public static class RenderViewportUtils {
public static RenderAbstractViewport of(RenderObject obj) {
while (obj != null) {
if (obj is RenderAbstractViewport) {
return (RenderAbstractViewport) obj;
obj = (RenderObject) obj.parent;
return null;
public const double defaultCacheExtent = 250.0;
public class RevealedOffset {
public RevealedOffset(
double offset,
Rect rect) {
D.assert(rect != null);
this.offset = offset;
this.rect = rect;
public readonly double offset;
public readonly Rect rect;
public override string ToString() {
return $"{this.GetType()}(offset: {this.offset}, rect: {this.rect})";
public abstract class RenderViewportBase<ParentDataClass> :
ContainerRenderObjectMixinRenderBox<RenderSliver, ParentDataClass>,
where ParentDataClass : ParentData, ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderSliver> {
protected RenderViewportBase(
AxisDirection axisDirection = AxisDirection.down,
AxisDirection crossAxisDirection = AxisDirection.right,
ViewportOffset offset = null,
double cacheExtent = RenderViewportUtils.defaultCacheExtent
) {
D.assert(offset != null);
D.assert(AxisUtils.axisDirectionToAxis(axisDirection) != AxisUtils.axisDirectionToAxis(crossAxisDirection));
this._axisDirection = axisDirection;
this._crossAxisDirection = crossAxisDirection;
this._offset = offset;
this._cacheExtent = cacheExtent;
public new RenderObject parent {
get { return (RenderObject) base.parent; }
public AxisDirection axisDirection {
get { return this._axisDirection; }
set {
if (value == this._axisDirection) {
this._axisDirection = value;
AxisDirection _axisDirection;
public AxisDirection crossAxisDirection {
get { return this._crossAxisDirection; }
set {
if (value == this._crossAxisDirection) {
this._crossAxisDirection = value;
AxisDirection _crossAxisDirection;
public Axis axis {
get { return AxisUtils.axisDirectionToAxis(this.axisDirection); }
public ViewportOffset offset {
get { return this._offset; }
set {
D.assert(value != null);
if (value == this._offset) {
if (this.attached) {
this._offset = value;
if (this.attached) {
ViewportOffset _offset;
public double cacheExtent {
get { return this._cacheExtent; }
set {
if (value == this._cacheExtent) {
this._cacheExtent = value;
double _cacheExtent;
public override void attach(object owner) {
public override void detach() {
protected virtual bool debugThrowIfNotCheckingIntrinsics() {
D.assert(() => {
if (!debugCheckingIntrinsics) {
D.assert(!(this is RenderShrinkWrappingViewport));
throw new UIWidgetsError(
this.GetType() + " does not support returning intrinsic dimensions.\n" +
"Calculating the intrinsic dimensions would require instantiating every child of " +
"the viewport, which defeats the point of viewports being lazy.\n" +
"If you are merely trying to shrink-wrap the viewport in the main axis direction, " +
"consider a RenderShrinkWrappingViewport render object (ShrinkWrappingViewport widget), " +
"which achieves that effect without implementing the intrinsic dimension API."
return true;
return true;
protected override double computeMinIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
return 0.0;
protected override double computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
return 0.0;
protected override double computeMinIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
return 0.0;
protected override double computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
return 0.0;
public override bool isRepaintBoundary {
get { return true; }
protected double layoutChildSequence(
RenderSliver child,
double scrollOffset,
double overlap,
double layoutOffset,
double remainingPaintExtent,
double mainAxisExtent,
double crossAxisExtent,
GrowthDirection growthDirection,
Func<RenderSliver, RenderSliver> advance,
double remainingCacheExtent,
double cacheOrigin
) {
D.assert(scrollOffset >= 0.0);
double initialLayoutOffset = layoutOffset;
ScrollDirection adjustedUserScrollDirection =
this.offset.userScrollDirection, growthDirection);
double maxPaintOffset = layoutOffset + overlap;
while (child != null) {
double sliverScrollOffset = scrollOffset <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : scrollOffset;
double correctedCacheOrigin = Math.Max(cacheOrigin, -sliverScrollOffset);
double cacheExtentCorrection = cacheOrigin - correctedCacheOrigin;
D.assert(sliverScrollOffset >= correctedCacheOrigin.abs());
D.assert(correctedCacheOrigin <= 0.0);
D.assert(sliverScrollOffset >= 0.0);
D.assert(cacheExtentCorrection <= 0.0);
child.layout(new SliverConstraints(
axisDirection: this.axisDirection,
growthDirection: growthDirection,
userScrollDirection: adjustedUserScrollDirection,
scrollOffset: sliverScrollOffset,
overlap: maxPaintOffset - layoutOffset,
remainingPaintExtent: Math.Max(0.0, remainingPaintExtent - layoutOffset + initialLayoutOffset),
crossAxisExtent: crossAxisExtent,
crossAxisDirection: this.crossAxisDirection,
viewportMainAxisExtent: mainAxisExtent,
remainingCacheExtent: Math.Max(0.0, remainingCacheExtent + cacheExtentCorrection),
cacheOrigin: correctedCacheOrigin
), parentUsesSize: true);
var childLayoutGeometry = child.geometry;
if (childLayoutGeometry.scrollOffsetCorrection != null) {
return childLayoutGeometry.scrollOffsetCorrection.Value;
double effectiveLayoutOffset = layoutOffset + childLayoutGeometry.paintOrigin;
if (childLayoutGeometry.visible || scrollOffset > 0) {
this.updateChildLayoutOffset(child, effectiveLayoutOffset, growthDirection);
} else {
this.updateChildLayoutOffset(child, -scrollOffset + initialLayoutOffset, growthDirection);
maxPaintOffset = Math.Max(effectiveLayoutOffset + childLayoutGeometry.paintExtent, maxPaintOffset);
scrollOffset -= childLayoutGeometry.scrollExtent;
layoutOffset += childLayoutGeometry.layoutExtent;
if (childLayoutGeometry.cacheExtent != 0.0) {
remainingCacheExtent -= childLayoutGeometry.cacheExtent - cacheExtentCorrection;
cacheOrigin = Math.Min(correctedCacheOrigin + childLayoutGeometry.cacheExtent, 0.0);
this.updateOutOfBandData(growthDirection, childLayoutGeometry);
child = advance(child);
return 0.0;
public override Rect describeApproximatePaintClip(RenderObject childRaw) {
RenderSliver child = (RenderSliver) childRaw;
Rect viewportClip = Offset.zero & this.size;
if (child.constraints.overlap == 0.0) {
return viewportClip;
double left = viewportClip.left;
double right = viewportClip.right;
double top = viewportClip.top;
double bottom = viewportClip.bottom;
double startOfOverlap = child.constraints.viewportMainAxisExtent - child.constraints.remainingPaintExtent;
double overlapCorrection = startOfOverlap + child.constraints.overlap;
switch (GrowthDirectionUtils.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(
this.axisDirection, child.constraints.growthDirection)) {
case AxisDirection.down:
top += overlapCorrection;
case AxisDirection.up:
bottom -= overlapCorrection;
case AxisDirection.right:
left += overlapCorrection;
case AxisDirection.left:
right -= overlapCorrection;
return Rect.fromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (this.firstChild == null) {
if (this.hasVisualOverflow) {
context.pushClipRect(this.needsCompositing, offset, Offset.zero & this.size, this._paintContents);
} else {
this._paintContents(context, offset);
public void _paintContents(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
foreach (RenderSliver child in this.childrenInPaintOrder) {
if (child.geometry.visible) {
context.paintChild(child, offset + this.paintOffsetOf(child));
protected override void debugPaintSize(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
D.assert(() => {
base.debugPaintSize(context, offset);
Paint paint = new Paint {
color = new Color(0xFF00FF00)
Canvas canvas = context.canvas;
RenderSliver child = this.firstChild;
while (child != null) {
Size size = null;
switch (this.axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
size = new Size(child.constraints.crossAxisExtent, child.geometry.layoutExtent);
case Axis.horizontal:
size = new Size(child.geometry.layoutExtent, child.constraints.crossAxisExtent);
D.assert(size != null);
// canvas.drawRect(((offset + this.paintOffsetOf(child)) & size).deflate(0.5),
// BorderWidth.all(1), BorderRadius.zero, paint);
child = this.childAfter(child);
return true;
protected override bool hitTestChildren(HitTestResult result, Offset position = null) {
D.assert(position != null);
double mainAxisPosition = 0, crossAxisPosition = 0;
switch (this.axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
mainAxisPosition = position.dy;
crossAxisPosition = position.dx;
case Axis.horizontal:
mainAxisPosition = position.dx;
crossAxisPosition = position.dy;
foreach (RenderSliver child in this.childrenInHitTestOrder) {
if (child.geometry.visible && child.hitTest(
mainAxisPosition: this.computeChildMainAxisPosition(child, mainAxisPosition),
crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition
)) {
return true;
return false;
public RevealedOffset getOffsetToReveal(RenderObject target, double alignment, Rect rect = null) {
double leadingScrollOffset = 0.0;
double targetMainAxisExtent = 0.0;
RenderObject descendant;
rect = rect ?? target.paintBounds;
Matrix3 transform;
if (target is RenderBox) {
RenderBox targetBox = (RenderBox) target;
RenderBox pivot = targetBox;
while (pivot.parent is RenderBox) {
pivot = (RenderBox) pivot.parent;
D.assert(pivot.parent != null);
D.assert(pivot.parent != this);
D.assert(pivot != this);
D.assert(pivot.parent is RenderSliver);
RenderSliver pivotParent = (RenderSliver) pivot.parent;
transform = targetBox.getTransformTo(pivot);
Rect bounds = transform.mapRect(rect);
double offset = 0.0;
GrowthDirection growthDirection = pivotParent.constraints.growthDirection;
switch (GrowthDirectionUtils.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(this.axisDirection, growthDirection)) {
case AxisDirection.up:
switch (growthDirection) {
case GrowthDirection.forward:
offset = bounds.bottom;
case GrowthDirection.reverse:
offset = bounds.top;
leadingScrollOffset = pivot.size.height - offset;
targetMainAxisExtent = bounds.height;
case AxisDirection.right:
leadingScrollOffset = bounds.left;
targetMainAxisExtent = bounds.width;
case AxisDirection.down:
leadingScrollOffset = bounds.top;
targetMainAxisExtent = bounds.height;
case AxisDirection.left:
switch (growthDirection) {
case GrowthDirection.forward:
offset = bounds.right;
case GrowthDirection.reverse:
offset = bounds.left;
leadingScrollOffset = pivot.size.width - offset;
targetMainAxisExtent = bounds.width;
descendant = pivot;
} else if (target is RenderSliver) {
RenderSliver targetSliver = (RenderSliver) target;
leadingScrollOffset = 0.0;
targetMainAxisExtent = targetSliver.geometry.scrollExtent;
descendant = targetSliver;
} else {
return new RevealedOffset(offset: this.offset.pixels, rect: rect);
RenderObject child = descendant;
while (child.parent is RenderSliver) {
var parent = (RenderSliver) child.parent;
leadingScrollOffset += parent.childScrollOffset(child);
child = parent;
D.assert(child.parent == this);
D.assert(child is RenderSliver);
RenderSliver sliver = (RenderSliver) child;
double extentOfPinnedSlivers = this.maxScrollObstructionExtentBefore(sliver);
leadingScrollOffset = this.scrollOffsetOf(sliver, leadingScrollOffset);
switch (sliver.constraints.growthDirection) {
case GrowthDirection.forward:
leadingScrollOffset -= extentOfPinnedSlivers;
case GrowthDirection.reverse:
double mainAxisExtent = 0.0;
switch (this.axis) {
case Axis.horizontal:
mainAxisExtent = this.size.width - extentOfPinnedSlivers;
case Axis.vertical:
mainAxisExtent = this.size.height - extentOfPinnedSlivers;
double targetOffset = leadingScrollOffset - (mainAxisExtent - targetMainAxisExtent) * alignment;
double offsetDifference = this.offset.pixels - targetOffset;
transform = target.getTransformTo(this);
this.applyPaintTransform(child, transform);
Rect targetRect = transform.mapRect(rect);
switch (this.axisDirection) {
case AxisDirection.down:
targetRect = targetRect.translate(0.0, offsetDifference);
case AxisDirection.right:
targetRect = targetRect.translate(offsetDifference, 0.0);
case AxisDirection.up:
targetRect = targetRect.translate(0.0, -offsetDifference);
case AxisDirection.left:
targetRect = targetRect.translate(-offsetDifference, 0.0);
return new RevealedOffset(offset: targetOffset, rect: targetRect);
protected Offset computeAbsolutePaintOffset(RenderSliver child, double layoutOffset,
GrowthDirection growthDirection) {
D.assert(child != null);
D.assert(child.geometry != null);
switch (GrowthDirectionUtils.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(this.axisDirection, growthDirection)) {
case AxisDirection.up:
return new Offset(0.0, this.size.height - (layoutOffset + child.geometry.paintExtent));
case AxisDirection.right:
return new Offset(layoutOffset, 0.0);
case AxisDirection.down:
return new Offset(0.0, layoutOffset);
case AxisDirection.left:
return new Offset(this.size.width - (layoutOffset + child.geometry.paintExtent), 0.0);
return null;
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new EnumProperty<AxisDirection>("axisDirection", this.axisDirection));
properties.add(new EnumProperty<AxisDirection>("crossAxisDirection", this.crossAxisDirection));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<ViewportOffset>("offset", this.offset));
public override List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() {
var children = new List<DiagnosticsNode>();
RenderSliver child = this.firstChild;
if (child == null) {
return children;
int count = this.indexOfFirstChild;
while (true) {
children.Add(child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: this.labelForChild(count)));
if (child == this.lastChild) {
count += 1;
child = this.childAfter(child);
return children;
protected abstract bool hasVisualOverflow { get; }
protected abstract void
updateOutOfBandData(GrowthDirection growthDirection, SliverGeometry childLayoutGeometry);
protected abstract void updateChildLayoutOffset(RenderSliver child, double layoutOffset,
GrowthDirection growthDirection);
protected abstract Offset paintOffsetOf(RenderSliver child);
protected abstract double scrollOffsetOf(RenderSliver child, double scrollOffsetWithinChild);
protected abstract double maxScrollObstructionExtentBefore(RenderSliver child);
protected abstract double computeChildMainAxisPosition(RenderSliver child, double parentMainAxisPosition);
protected abstract int indexOfFirstChild { get; }
protected abstract string labelForChild(int index);
protected abstract IEnumerable<RenderSliver> childrenInPaintOrder { get; }
protected abstract IEnumerable<RenderSliver> childrenInHitTestOrder { get; }
public override void showOnScreen(
RenderObject descendant,
Rect rect,
TimeSpan? duration = null,
Curve curve = null
) {
duration = duration ?? TimeSpan.Zero;
curve = curve ?? Curves.ease;
if (!this.offset.allowImplicitScrolling) {
descendant: descendant,
rect: rect,
duration: duration,
curve: curve
Rect newRect = showInViewport(
descendant: descendant,
viewport: this,
offset: this.offset,
rect: rect,
duration: duration,
curve: curve
rect: newRect,
duration: duration,
curve: curve
public static Rect showInViewport(
RenderObject descendant = null,
Rect rect = null,
RenderAbstractViewport viewport = null,
ViewportOffset offset = null,
TimeSpan? duration = null,
Curve curve = null
) {
duration = duration ?? TimeSpan.Zero;
curve = curve ?? Curves.ease;
D.assert(viewport != null);
D.assert(offset != null);
if (descendant == null) {
return rect;
RevealedOffset leadingEdgeOffset = viewport.getOffsetToReveal(descendant, 0.0, rect: rect);
RevealedOffset trailingEdgeOffset = viewport.getOffsetToReveal(descendant, 1.0, rect: rect);
double currentOffset = offset.pixels;
RevealedOffset targetOffset = null;
if (leadingEdgeOffset.offset < trailingEdgeOffset.offset) {
double leadingEdgeDiff = (offset.pixels - leadingEdgeOffset.offset).abs();
double trailingEdgeDiff = (offset.pixels - trailingEdgeOffset.offset).abs();
targetOffset = leadingEdgeDiff < trailingEdgeDiff ? leadingEdgeOffset : trailingEdgeOffset;
} else if (currentOffset > leadingEdgeOffset.offset) {
targetOffset = leadingEdgeOffset;
} else if (currentOffset < trailingEdgeOffset.offset) {
targetOffset = trailingEdgeOffset;
} else {
var transform = descendant.getTransformTo(viewport.parent);
return transform.mapRect(rect ?? descendant.paintBounds);
D.assert(targetOffset != null);
if (duration == TimeSpan.Zero) {
} else {
offset.animateTo(targetOffset.offset, duration: duration.Value, curve: curve);
return targetOffset.rect;
public class RenderViewport : RenderViewportBase<SliverPhysicalContainerParentData> {
public RenderViewport(
AxisDirection axisDirection = AxisDirection.down,
AxisDirection crossAxisDirection = AxisDirection.right,
ViewportOffset offset = null,
double anchor = 0.0,
List<RenderSliver> children = null,
RenderSliver center = null,
double cacheExtent = RenderViewportUtils.defaultCacheExtent
) : base(axisDirection, crossAxisDirection, offset, cacheExtent) {
D.assert(anchor >= 0.0 && anchor <= 1.0);
this._anchor = anchor;
this._center = center;
if (center == null && this.firstChild != null) {
this._center = this.firstChild;
public override void setupParentData(RenderObject child) {
if (!(child.parentData is SliverPhysicalContainerParentData)) {
child.parentData = new SliverPhysicalContainerParentData();
public double anchor {
get { return this._anchor; }
set {
D.assert(value >= 0.0 && value <= 1.0);
if (value == this._anchor) {
this._anchor = value;
public double _anchor;
public RenderSliver center {
get { return this._center; }
set {
if (value == this._center) {
this._center = value;
public RenderSliver _center;
protected override bool sizedByParent {
get { return true; }
protected override void performResize() {
D.assert(() => {
if (!this.constraints.hasBoundedHeight || !this.constraints.hasBoundedWidth) {
switch (this.axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
if (!this.constraints.hasBoundedHeight) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"Vertical viewport was given unbounded height.\n" +
"Viewports expand in the scrolling direction to fill their container." +
"In this case, a vertical viewport was given an unlimited amount of " +
"vertical space in which to expand. This situation typically happens " +
"when a scrollable widget is nested inside another scrollable widget.\n" +
"If this widget is always nested in a scrollable widget there " +
"is no need to use a viewport because there will always be enough " +
"vertical space for the children. In this case, consider using a " +
"Column instead. Otherwise, consider using the \"shrinkWrap\" property " +
"(or a ShrinkWrappingViewport) to size the height of the viewport " +
"to the sum of the heights of its children."
if (!this.constraints.hasBoundedWidth) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"Vertical viewport was given unbounded width.\n" +
"Viewports expand in the cross axis to fill their container and " +
"constrain their children to match their extent in the cross axis. " +
"In this case, a vertical viewport was given an unlimited amount of " +
"horizontal space in which to expand."
case Axis.horizontal:
if (!this.constraints.hasBoundedWidth) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"Horizontal viewport was given unbounded width.\n" +
"Viewports expand in the scrolling direction to fill their container." +
"In this case, a horizontal viewport was given an unlimited amount of " +
"horizontal space in which to expand. This situation typically happens " +
"when a scrollable widget is nested inside another scrollable widget.\n" +
"If this widget is always nested in a scrollable widget there " +
"is no need to use a viewport because there will always be enough " +
"horizontal space for the children. In this case, consider using a " +
"Row instead. Otherwise, consider using the \"shrinkWrap\" property " +
"(or a ShrinkWrappingViewport) to size the width of the viewport " +
"to the sum of the widths of its children."
if (!this.constraints.hasBoundedHeight) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"Horizontal viewport was given unbounded height.\n" +
"Viewports expand in the cross axis to fill their container and " +
"constrain their children to match their extent in the cross axis. " +
"In this case, a horizontal viewport was given an unlimited amount of " +
"vertical space in which to expand."
return true;
this.size = this.constraints.biggest;
switch (this.axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
case Axis.horizontal:
const int _maxLayoutCycles = 10;
double _minScrollExtent;
double _maxScrollExtent;
bool _hasVisualOverflow = false;
protected override void performLayout() {
if (this.center == null) {
D.assert(this.firstChild == null);
this._minScrollExtent = 0.0;
this._maxScrollExtent = 0.0;
this._hasVisualOverflow = false;
this.offset.applyContentDimensions(0.0, 0.0);
double mainAxisExtent = 0.0;
double crossAxisExtent = 0.0;
switch (this.axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
mainAxisExtent = this.size.height;
crossAxisExtent = this.size.width;
case Axis.horizontal:
mainAxisExtent = this.size.width;
crossAxisExtent = this.size.height;
double centerOffsetAdjustment = this.center.centerOffsetAdjustment;
int count = 0;
do {
var correction = this._attemptLayout(mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent,
this.offset.pixels + centerOffsetAdjustment);
if (correction != 0.0) {
} else {
if (this.offset.applyContentDimensions(
Math.Min(0.0, this._minScrollExtent + mainAxisExtent * this.anchor),
Math.Max(0.0, this._maxScrollExtent - mainAxisExtent * (1.0 - this.anchor))
)) {
count += 1;
} while (count < _maxLayoutCycles);
D.assert(() => {
if (count >= _maxLayoutCycles) {
D.assert(count != 1);
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"A RenderViewport exceeded its maximum number of layout cycles.\n" +
"RenderViewport render objects, during layout, can retry if either their " +
"slivers or their ViewportOffset decide that the offset should be corrected " +
"to take into account information collected during that layout.\n" +
"In the case of this RenderViewport object, however, this happened $count " +
"times and still there was no consensus on the scroll offset. This usually " +
"indicates a bug. Specifically, it means that one of the following three " +
"problems is being experienced by the RenderViewport object:\n" +
" * One of the RenderSliver children or the ViewportOffset have a bug such" +
" that they always think that they need to correct the offset regardless.\n" +
" * Some combination of the RenderSliver children and the ViewportOffset" +
" have a bad interaction such that one applies a correction then another" +
" applies a reverse correction, leading to an infinite loop of corrections.\n" +
" * There is a pathological case that would eventually resolve, but it is" +
" so complicated that it cannot be resolved in any reasonable number of" +
" layout passes."
return true;
double _attemptLayout(double mainAxisExtent, double crossAxisExtent, double correctedOffset) {
D.assert(mainAxisExtent >= 0.0);
D.assert(crossAxisExtent >= 0.0);
this._minScrollExtent = 0.0;
this._maxScrollExtent = 0.0;
this._hasVisualOverflow = false;
double centerOffset = mainAxisExtent * this.anchor - correctedOffset;
double reverseDirectionRemainingPaintExtent = centerOffset.clamp(0.0, mainAxisExtent);
double forwardDirectionRemainingPaintExtent = (mainAxisExtent - centerOffset).clamp(0.0, mainAxisExtent);
double fullCacheExtent = mainAxisExtent + 2 * this.cacheExtent;
double centerCacheOffset = centerOffset + this.cacheExtent;
double reverseDirectionRemainingCacheExtent = centerCacheOffset.clamp(0.0, fullCacheExtent);
double forwardDirectionRemainingCacheExtent =
(fullCacheExtent - centerCacheOffset).clamp(0.0, fullCacheExtent);
RenderSliver leadingNegativeChild = this.childBefore(this.center);
if (leadingNegativeChild != null) {
double result = this.layoutChildSequence(
child: leadingNegativeChild,
scrollOffset: Math.Max(mainAxisExtent, centerOffset) - mainAxisExtent,
overlap: 0.0,
layoutOffset: forwardDirectionRemainingPaintExtent,
remainingPaintExtent: reverseDirectionRemainingPaintExtent,
mainAxisExtent: mainAxisExtent,
crossAxisExtent: crossAxisExtent,
growthDirection: GrowthDirection.reverse,
advance: this.childBefore,
remainingCacheExtent: reverseDirectionRemainingCacheExtent,
cacheOrigin: (mainAxisExtent - centerOffset).clamp(-this.cacheExtent, 0.0)
if (result != 0.0) {
return -result;
return this.layoutChildSequence(
child: this.center,
scrollOffset: Math.Max(0.0, -centerOffset),
overlap: leadingNegativeChild == null ? Math.Min(0.0, -centerOffset) : 0.0,
layoutOffset: centerOffset >= mainAxisExtent ? centerOffset : reverseDirectionRemainingPaintExtent,
remainingPaintExtent: forwardDirectionRemainingPaintExtent,
mainAxisExtent: mainAxisExtent,
crossAxisExtent: crossAxisExtent,
growthDirection: GrowthDirection.forward,
advance: this.childAfter,
remainingCacheExtent: forwardDirectionRemainingCacheExtent,
cacheOrigin: centerOffset.clamp(-this.cacheExtent, 0.0)
protected override bool hasVisualOverflow {
get { return this._hasVisualOverflow; }
protected override void
updateOutOfBandData(GrowthDirection growthDirection, SliverGeometry childLayoutGeometry) {
switch (growthDirection) {
case GrowthDirection.forward:
this._maxScrollExtent += childLayoutGeometry.scrollExtent;
case GrowthDirection.reverse:
this._minScrollExtent -= childLayoutGeometry.scrollExtent;
if (childLayoutGeometry.hasVisualOverflow) {
this._hasVisualOverflow = true;
protected override void updateChildLayoutOffset(RenderSliver child, double layoutOffset,
GrowthDirection growthDirection) {
var childParentData = (SliverPhysicalParentData) child.parentData;
childParentData.paintOffset = this.computeAbsolutePaintOffset(child, layoutOffset, growthDirection);
protected override Offset paintOffsetOf(RenderSliver child) {
var childParentData = (SliverPhysicalParentData) child.parentData;
return childParentData.paintOffset;
protected override double scrollOffsetOf(RenderSliver child, double scrollOffsetWithinChild) {
D.assert(child.parent == this);
GrowthDirection growthDirection = child.constraints.growthDirection;
switch (growthDirection) {
case GrowthDirection.forward: {
double scrollOffsetToChild = 0.0;
RenderSliver current = this.center;
while (current != child) {
scrollOffsetToChild += current.geometry.scrollExtent;
current = this.childAfter(current);
return scrollOffsetToChild + scrollOffsetWithinChild;
case GrowthDirection.reverse: {
double scrollOffsetToChild = 0.0;
RenderSliver current = this.childBefore(this.center);
while (current != child) {
scrollOffsetToChild -= current.geometry.scrollExtent;
current = this.childBefore(current);
return scrollOffsetToChild - scrollOffsetWithinChild;
return 0.0;
protected override double maxScrollObstructionExtentBefore(RenderSliver child) {
D.assert(child.parent == this);
GrowthDirection growthDirection = child.constraints.growthDirection;
switch (growthDirection) {
case GrowthDirection.forward: {
double pinnedExtent = 0.0;
RenderSliver current = this.center;
while (current != child) {
pinnedExtent += current.geometry.maxScrollObstructionExtent;
current = this.childAfter(current);
return pinnedExtent;
case GrowthDirection.reverse: {
double pinnedExtent = 0.0;
RenderSliver current = this.childBefore(this.center);
while (current != child) {
pinnedExtent += current.geometry.maxScrollObstructionExtent;
current = this.childBefore(current);
return pinnedExtent;
return 0.0;
public override void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix3 transform) {
D.assert(child != null);
var childParentData = (SliverPhysicalParentData) child.parentData;
protected override double computeChildMainAxisPosition(RenderSliver child, double parentMainAxisPosition) {
D.assert(child != null);
D.assert(child.constraints != null);
SliverPhysicalParentData childParentData = (SliverPhysicalParentData) child.parentData;
switch (GrowthDirectionUtils.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(child.constraints.axisDirection,
child.constraints.growthDirection)) {
case AxisDirection.down:
return parentMainAxisPosition - childParentData.paintOffset.dy;
case AxisDirection.right:
return parentMainAxisPosition - childParentData.paintOffset.dx;
case AxisDirection.up:
return child.geometry.paintExtent - (parentMainAxisPosition - childParentData.paintOffset.dy);
case AxisDirection.left:
return child.geometry.paintExtent - (parentMainAxisPosition - childParentData.paintOffset.dx);
return 0.0;
protected override int indexOfFirstChild {
get {
D.assert(this.center != null);
D.assert(this.center.parent == this);
D.assert(this.firstChild != null);
int count = 0;
RenderSliver child = this.center;
while (child != this.firstChild) {
count -= 1;
child = this.childBefore(child);
return count;
protected override string labelForChild(int index) {
if (index == 0) {
return "center child";
return "child " + index;
protected override IEnumerable<RenderSliver> childrenInPaintOrder {
get {
if (this.firstChild == null) {
yield break;
var child = this.firstChild;
while (child != this.center) {
yield return child;
child = this.childAfter(child);
child = this.lastChild;
while (true) {
yield return child;
if (child == this.center) {
yield break;
child = this.childBefore(child);
protected override IEnumerable<RenderSliver> childrenInHitTestOrder {
get {
if (this.firstChild == null) {
yield break;
RenderSliver child = this.center;
while (child != null) {
yield return child;
child = this.childAfter(child);
child = this.childBefore(this.center);
while (child != null) {
yield return child;
child = this.childBefore(child);
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DoubleProperty("anchor", this.anchor));
public class RenderShrinkWrappingViewport : RenderViewportBase<SliverLogicalContainerParentData> {
public RenderShrinkWrappingViewport(
AxisDirection axisDirection = AxisDirection.down,
AxisDirection crossAxisDirection = AxisDirection.right,
ViewportOffset offset = null,
List<RenderSliver> children = null
) : base(
axisDirection: axisDirection,
crossAxisDirection: crossAxisDirection,
offset: offset) {
public override void setupParentData(RenderObject child) {
if (!(child.parentData is SliverLogicalContainerParentData)) {
child.parentData = new SliverLogicalContainerParentData();
protected override bool debugThrowIfNotCheckingIntrinsics() {
D.assert(() => {
if (!debugCheckingIntrinsics) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
this.GetType() + " does not support returning intrinsic dimensions.\n" +
"Calculating the intrinsic dimensions would require instantiating every child of " +
"the viewport, which defeats the point of viewports being lazy.\n" +
"If you are merely trying to shrink-wrap the viewport in the main axis direction, " +
"you should be able to achieve that effect by just giving the viewport loose " +
"constraints, without needing to measure its intrinsic dimensions."
return true;
return true;
double _maxScrollExtent = 0.0;
double _shrinkWrapExtent = 0.0;
bool _hasVisualOverflow = false;
protected override void performLayout() {
if (this.firstChild == null) {
switch (this.axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
this.size = new Size(this.constraints.maxWidth, this.constraints.minHeight);
case Axis.horizontal:
this.size = new Size(this.constraints.minWidth, this.constraints.maxHeight);
this._maxScrollExtent = 0.0;
this._shrinkWrapExtent = 0.0;
this._hasVisualOverflow = false;
this.offset.applyContentDimensions(0.0, 0.0);
double mainAxisExtent = 0.0;
double crossAxisExtent = 0.0;
switch (this.axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
mainAxisExtent = this.constraints.maxHeight;
crossAxisExtent = this.constraints.maxWidth;
case Axis.horizontal:
mainAxisExtent = this.constraints.maxWidth;
crossAxisExtent = this.constraints.maxHeight;
double effectiveExtent = 0.0;
do {
var correction = this._attemptLayout(mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent, this.offset.pixels);
if (correction != 0.0) {
} else {
switch (this.axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
effectiveExtent = this.constraints.constrainHeight(this._shrinkWrapExtent);
case Axis.horizontal:
effectiveExtent = this.constraints.constrainWidth(this._shrinkWrapExtent);
bool didAcceptViewportDimension = this.offset.applyViewportDimension(effectiveExtent);
bool didAcceptContentDimension =
this.offset.applyContentDimensions(0.0, Math.Max(0.0, this._maxScrollExtent - effectiveExtent));
if (didAcceptViewportDimension && didAcceptContentDimension) {
} while (true);
switch (this.axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
this.size = this.constraints.constrainDimensions(crossAxisExtent, effectiveExtent);
case Axis.horizontal:
this.size = this.constraints.constrainDimensions(effectiveExtent, crossAxisExtent);
double _attemptLayout(double mainAxisExtent, double crossAxisExtent, double correctedOffset) {
D.assert(mainAxisExtent >= 0.0);
D.assert(crossAxisExtent >= 0.0);
this._maxScrollExtent = 0.0;
this._shrinkWrapExtent = 0.0;
this._hasVisualOverflow = false;
return this.layoutChildSequence(
child: this.firstChild,
scrollOffset: Math.Max(0.0, correctedOffset),
overlap: Math.Min(0.0, correctedOffset),
layoutOffset: 0.0,
remainingPaintExtent: mainAxisExtent,
mainAxisExtent: mainAxisExtent,
crossAxisExtent: crossAxisExtent,
growthDirection: GrowthDirection.forward,
advance: this.childAfter,
remainingCacheExtent: mainAxisExtent + 2 * this.cacheExtent,
cacheOrigin: -this.cacheExtent
protected override bool hasVisualOverflow {
get { return this._hasVisualOverflow; }
protected override void
updateOutOfBandData(GrowthDirection growthDirection, SliverGeometry childLayoutGeometry) {
D.assert(growthDirection == GrowthDirection.forward);
this._maxScrollExtent += childLayoutGeometry.scrollExtent;
if (childLayoutGeometry.hasVisualOverflow) {
this._hasVisualOverflow = true;
this._shrinkWrapExtent += childLayoutGeometry.maxPaintExtent;
protected override void updateChildLayoutOffset(RenderSliver child, double layoutOffset,
GrowthDirection growthDirection) {
D.assert(growthDirection == GrowthDirection.forward);
var childParentData = (SliverLogicalParentData) child.parentData;
childParentData.layoutOffset = layoutOffset;
protected override Offset paintOffsetOf(RenderSliver child) {
var childParentData = (SliverLogicalParentData) child.parentData;
return this.computeAbsolutePaintOffset(child, childParentData.layoutOffset, GrowthDirection.forward);
protected override double scrollOffsetOf(RenderSliver child, double scrollOffsetWithinChild) {
D.assert(child.parent == this);
D.assert(child.constraints.growthDirection == GrowthDirection.forward);
double scrollOffsetToChild = 0.0;
RenderSliver current = this.firstChild;
while (current != child) {
scrollOffsetToChild += current.geometry.scrollExtent;
current = this.childAfter(current);
return scrollOffsetToChild + scrollOffsetWithinChild;
protected override double maxScrollObstructionExtentBefore(RenderSliver child) {
D.assert(child.parent == this);
D.assert(child.constraints.growthDirection == GrowthDirection.forward);
double pinnedExtent = 0.0;
RenderSliver current = this.firstChild;
while (current != child) {
pinnedExtent += current.geometry.maxScrollObstructionExtent;
current = this.childAfter(current);
return pinnedExtent;
public override void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix3 transform) {
D.assert(child != null);
Offset offset = this.paintOffsetOf((RenderSliver) child);
transform.preTranslate((float) offset.dx, (float) offset.dy);
protected override double computeChildMainAxisPosition(RenderSliver child, double parentMainAxisPosition) {
D.assert(child != null);
D.assert(child.constraints != null);
SliverLogicalParentData childParentData = (SliverLogicalParentData) child.parentData;
switch (GrowthDirectionUtils.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(
child.constraints.axisDirection, child.constraints.growthDirection)) {
case AxisDirection.down:
case AxisDirection.right:
return parentMainAxisPosition - childParentData.layoutOffset;
case AxisDirection.up:
return (this.size.height - parentMainAxisPosition) - childParentData.layoutOffset;
case AxisDirection.left:
return (this.size.width - parentMainAxisPosition) - childParentData.layoutOffset;
return 0.0;
protected override int indexOfFirstChild {
get { return 0; }
protected override string labelForChild(int index) {
return "child " + index;
protected override IEnumerable<RenderSliver> childrenInPaintOrder {
get {
RenderSliver child = this.firstChild;
while (child != null) {
yield return child;
child = this.childAfter(child);
protected override IEnumerable<RenderSliver> childrenInHitTestOrder {
get {
RenderSliver child = this.lastChild;
while (child != null) {
yield return child;
child = this.childBefore(child);