您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

1351 行
56 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.async2;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;
//using Unity.UIWidgets.material;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler2;
using Unity.UIWidgets.service;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using Brightness = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Brightness;
using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color;
using MathUtils = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.MathUtils;
using Rect = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Rect;
using StrutStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.StrutStyle;
using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets {
public delegate void SelectionChangedCallback(TextSelection selection, SelectionChangedCause cause);
public class TextEditingController : ValueNotifier<TextEditingValue> {
public TextEditingController(string text = null) : base(text == null
? TextEditingValue.empty
: new TextEditingValue(text)) {
TextEditingController(TextEditingValue value) : base(value ?? TextEditingValue.empty) {
public static TextEditingController fromValue(TextEditingValue value) {
return new TextEditingController(value);
public string text {
get { return value.text; }
set {
this.value = this.value.copyWith(
text: value,
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(-1),
composing: TextRange.empty);
public virtual TextSpan buildTextSpan(TextStyle style = null , bool withComposing = false) {
if (!value.composing.isValid || !withComposing) {
return new TextSpan(style: style, text: text);
TextStyle composingStyle = style.merge(
new TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.underline)
var spans = new List<InlineSpan>();
spans.Add(new TextSpan(text: value.composing.textBefore(value.text)));
spans.Add(new TextSpan(
style: composingStyle,
text: value.composing.textInside(value.text)));
spans.Add(new TextSpan(text: value.composing.textAfter(value.text)));
return new TextSpan(
style: style,
children: spans
public TextSelection selection {
get { return value.selection; }
set {
if (value.start > text.Length || value.end > text.Length) {
throw new UIWidgetsError($"invalid text selection: {value}");
this.value = this.value.copyWith(selection: value, composing: TextRange.empty);
public void clear() {
value = TextEditingValue.empty;
public void clearComposing() {
value = value.copyWith(composing: TextRange.empty);
public class ToolbarOptions {
public ToolbarOptions(
bool copy = false,
bool cut = false,
bool paste = false,
bool selectAll = false
) {
D.assert(copy != null);
D.assert(cut != null);
D.assert(paste != null);
D.assert(selectAll != null);
this.copy = copy;
this.cut = cut;
this.paste = paste;
this.selectAll = selectAll;
public readonly bool copy;
public readonly bool cut;
public readonly bool paste;
public readonly bool selectAll;
public class EditableText : StatefulWidget {
public EditableText(
Key key = null,
TextEditingController controller = null,
FocusNode focusNode = null,
bool readOnly = false,
bool obscureText = false,
bool autocorrect = true,
//SmartDashesType smartDashesType,
//SmartQuotesType smartQuotesType,
bool enableSuggestions = true,
TextStyle style = null,
StrutStyle strutStyle = null,
Color cursorColor = null,
Color backgroundCursorColor = null,
TextAlign textAlign = TextAlign.left,
TextDirection? textDirection = null,
Locale locale = null,
float? textScaleFactor = null,
int? maxLines = 1,
int? minLines = null,
bool expands = false,
bool forceLine = false,
TextWidthBasis textWidthBasis = TextWidthBasis.parent,
bool autofocus = false,
bool? showCursor = null,
bool showSelectionHandles = false,
Color selectionColor = null,
TextSelectionControls selectionControls = null,
TextInputType keyboardType = null,
TextInputAction? textInputAction = null,
TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none,
ValueChanged<string> onChanged = null,
VoidCallback onEditingComplete = null,
ValueChanged<string> onSubmitted = null,
SelectionChangedCallback onSelectionChanged = null,
VoidCallback onSelectionHandleTapped = null,
List<TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
bool rendererIgnoresPointer = false,
float? cursorWidth = 2.0f,
Radius cursorRadius = null,
bool cursorOpacityAnimates = false,
Offset cursorOffset = null,
bool paintCursorAboveText = false,
ui.BoxHeightStyle selectionHeightStyle = ui.BoxHeightStyle.tight,
ui.BoxWidthStyle selectionWidthStyle = ui.BoxWidthStyle.tight,
EdgeInsets scrollPadding = null,
Brightness? keyboardAppearance = Brightness.light,
DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,
bool? enableInteractiveSelection = true,
ScrollController scrollController = null,
ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics = null,
ToolbarOptions toolbarOptions = null,
bool unityTouchKeyboard = false
) : base(key) {
toolbarOptions = toolbarOptions ?? new ToolbarOptions(
copy: true,
cut: true,
paste: true,
selectAll: true
D.assert(controller != null);
D.assert(focusNode != null);
D.assert(obscureText != null);
D.assert(autocorrect != null);
//smartDashesType = smartDashesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartDashesType.disabled : SmartDashesType.enabled),
//smartQuotesType = smartQuotesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartQuotesType.disabled : SmartQuotesType.enabled),
D.assert(enableSuggestions != null);
D.assert(showSelectionHandles != null);
D.assert(enableInteractiveSelection != null);
D.assert(readOnly != null);
D.assert(forceLine != null);
D.assert(style != null);
D.assert(cursorColor != null);
D.assert(cursorOpacityAnimates != null);
D.assert(paintCursorAboveText != null);
D.assert(backgroundCursorColor != null);
D.assert(selectionHeightStyle != null);
D.assert(selectionWidthStyle != null);
D.assert(textAlign != null);
D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0);
D.assert(minLines == null || minLines > 0);
(maxLines == null) || (minLines == null) || (maxLines >= minLines),
()=>"minLines can't be greater than maxLines"
D.assert(expands != null);
!expands || (maxLines == null && minLines == null),()=>
"minLines and maxLines must be null when expands is true."
D.assert(!obscureText || maxLines == 1, () => "Obscured fields cannot be multiline.");
D.assert(autofocus != null);
D.assert(rendererIgnoresPointer != null);
D.assert(scrollPadding != null);
D.assert(dragStartBehavior != null);
D.assert(toolbarOptions != null);
_strutStyle = strutStyle;
inputFormatters = inputFormatters ?? new List<TextInputFormatter>();
keyboardType = keyboardType ?? (maxLines == 1 ? TextInputType.text : TextInputType.multiline);
inputFormatters = maxLines == 1
? new List<TextInputFormatter>() {
: inputFormatters;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.showCursor = showCursor ?? !readOnly;
this.keyboardType = keyboardType ?? (maxLines == 1 ? TextInputType.text : TextInputType.multiline);
this.locale = locale;
this.scrollPadding = scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f);
this.controller = controller;
this.focusNode = focusNode;
this.obscureText = obscureText;
this.autocorrect = autocorrect;
this.style = style;
this.textWidthBasis = textWidthBasis;
this.onSelectionHandleTapped = onSelectionHandleTapped;
this.scrollController = scrollController;
this.selectionHeightStyle = selectionHeightStyle;
this.selectionWidthStyle = selectionWidthStyle;
this.enableSuggestions = enableSuggestions;
this.forceLine = forceLine;
this.showSelectionHandles = showSelectionHandles;
this.toolbarOptions = toolbarOptions;
_strutStyle = strutStyle;
this.textAlign = textAlign;
this.textDirection = textDirection;
this.textScaleFactor = textScaleFactor;
this.textInputAction = textInputAction;
this.textCapitalization = textCapitalization;
this.cursorColor = cursorColor;
this.backgroundCursorColor = backgroundCursorColor ; // TODO: remove ??
this.maxLines = maxLines;
this.minLines = minLines;
this.expands = expands;
this.autofocus = autofocus;
this.selectionColor = selectionColor;
this.onChanged = onChanged;
this.onSubmitted = onSubmitted;
this.onSelectionChanged = onSelectionChanged;
this.onEditingComplete = onEditingComplete;
this.rendererIgnoresPointer = rendererIgnoresPointer;
this.selectionControls = selectionControls;
this.unityTouchKeyboard = unityTouchKeyboard;
if (maxLines == 1) {
this.inputFormatters = new List<TextInputFormatter>();
if (inputFormatters != null) {
else {
this.inputFormatters = inputFormatters;
this.cursorWidth = cursorWidth;
this.cursorRadius = cursorRadius;
this.cursorOpacityAnimates = cursorOpacityAnimates;
this.cursorOffset = cursorOffset;
this.paintCursorAboveText = paintCursorAboveText;
this.keyboardAppearance = keyboardAppearance;
this.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
this.dragStartBehavior = dragStartBehavior;
this.scrollPhysics = scrollPhysics;
// this.globalKeyEventHandler = globalKeyEventHandler;
public readonly bool readOnly;
public readonly Locale locale;
public readonly TextEditingController controller;
public readonly FocusNode focusNode;
public readonly bool obscureText;
public readonly bool autocorrect;
public readonly TextStyle style;
public readonly bool enableSuggestions;
public readonly TextWidthBasis textWidthBasis;
public readonly VoidCallback onSelectionHandleTapped;
public readonly ScrollController scrollController;
public readonly bool showCursor;
public readonly ui.BoxHeightStyle selectionHeightStyle;
public readonly ui.BoxWidthStyle selectionWidthStyle;
public readonly bool forceLine;
public readonly bool showSelectionHandles ;
public readonly ToolbarOptions toolbarOptions;
public StrutStyle strutStyle {
get {
if (_strutStyle == null) {
return style != null
? StrutStyle.fromTextStyle(style, forceStrutHeight: true)
: StrutStyle.disabled;
return _strutStyle.inheritFromTextStyle(style);
readonly StrutStyle _strutStyle;
public readonly TextAlign textAlign;
public readonly TextDirection? textDirection;
public readonly TextCapitalization textCapitalization;
public readonly float? textScaleFactor;
public readonly Color cursorColor;
public readonly Color backgroundCursorColor;
public readonly int? maxLines;
public readonly int? minLines;
public readonly bool expands;
public readonly bool autofocus;
public readonly Color selectionColor;
public readonly TextSelectionControls selectionControls;
public readonly TextInputType keyboardType;
public readonly TextInputAction? textInputAction;
public readonly ValueChanged<string> onChanged;
public readonly VoidCallback onEditingComplete;
public readonly ValueChanged<string> onSubmitted;
public readonly SelectionChangedCallback onSelectionChanged;
public readonly List<TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters;
public readonly bool rendererIgnoresPointer;
public readonly bool unityTouchKeyboard;
public readonly float? cursorWidth;
public readonly Radius cursorRadius;
public readonly bool cursorOpacityAnimates;
public readonly Offset cursorOffset;
public readonly bool paintCursorAboveText;
public readonly Brightness? keyboardAppearance;
public readonly EdgeInsets scrollPadding;
public readonly DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior;
public readonly bool? enableInteractiveSelection;
public readonly ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics;
public readonly GlobalKeyEventHandlerDelegate globalKeyEventHandler;
public bool selectionEnabled {
get { return enableInteractiveSelection ?? !obscureText; }
public override State createState() {
return new EditableTextState();
public static bool debugDeterministicCursor = false;
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty<TextEditingController>("controller", controller));
properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty<FocusNode>("focusNode", focusNode));
properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty<bool>("obscureText", obscureText, defaultValue: false));
properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty<bool>("autocorrect", autocorrect, defaultValue: true));
// properties.add( new EnumProperty<SmartDashesType>("smartDashesType", smartDashesType, defaultValue: obscureText ? SmartDashesType.disabled : SmartDashesType.enabled));
// properties.add( new EnumProperty<SmartQuotesType>("smartQuotesType", smartQuotesType, defaultValue: obscureText ? SmartQuotesType.disabled : SmartQuotesType.enabled));
properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty<bool>("enableSuggestions", enableSuggestions, defaultValue: true));
properties.add( new EnumProperty<TextAlign>("textAlign", textAlign, defaultValue: null));
properties.add( new EnumProperty<TextDirection>("textDirection", textDirection.Value, defaultValue: null));
properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty<Locale>("locale", locale, defaultValue: null));
properties.add( new FloatProperty("textScaleFactor", textScaleFactor, defaultValue: null));
properties.add( new IntProperty("maxLines", maxLines, defaultValue: 1));
properties.add( new IntProperty("minLines", minLines, defaultValue: null));
properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty<bool>("expands", expands, defaultValue: false));
properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty<bool>("autofocus", autofocus, defaultValue: false));
properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty<TextInputType>("keyboardType", keyboardType, defaultValue: null));
properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty<ScrollController>("scrollController", scrollController, defaultValue: null));
properties.add( new DiagnosticsProperty<ScrollPhysics>("scrollPhysics", scrollPhysics, defaultValue: null));
public class EditableTextState : AutomaticKeepAliveClientWithTickerProviderStateMixin<EditableText>,
WidgetsBindingObserver, TextInputClient,
TextSelectionDelegate {
const int _kObscureShowLatestCharCursorTicks = 3;
static TimeSpan _kCursorBlinkHalfPeriod = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
static TimeSpan _kCursorBlinkWaitForStart = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150);
Timer _cursorTimer;
bool _targetCursorVisibility = false;
ValueNotifier<bool> _cursorVisibilityNotifier = new ValueNotifier<bool>(false);
GlobalKey _editableKey = GlobalKey.key();
TextInputConnection _textInputConnection;
TextSelectionOverlay _selectionOverlay;
public ScrollController _scrollController = new ScrollController();
AnimationController _cursorBlinkOpacityController;
LayerLink _layerLink = new LayerLink();
bool _didAutoFocus = false;
FocusAttachment _focusAttachment;
TextEditingValue _lastFormattedUnmodifiedTextEditingValue;
TextEditingValue _lastFormattedValue;
TextEditingValue _receivedRemoteTextEditingValue;
static readonly TimeSpan _fadeDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250);
static readonly TimeSpan _floatingCursorResetTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(125);
AnimationController _floatingCursorResetController;
protected override bool wantKeepAlive {
get { return widget.focusNode.hasFocus; }
Color _cursorColor {
get { return widget.cursorColor.withOpacity(_cursorBlinkOpacityController.value); }
public override void initState() {
_focusAttachment = widget.focusNode.attach(context);
_scrollController.addListener(() => { _selectionOverlay?.updateForScroll(); });
_cursorBlinkOpacityController = new AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: _fadeDuration);
_floatingCursorResetController = new AnimationController(vsync: this);
public override void didChangeDependencies() {
if (!_didAutoFocus && widget.autofocus) {
_didAutoFocus = true;
public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget old) {
EditableText oldWidget = (EditableText) old;
if (widget.controller != oldWidget.controller) {
if (widget.focusNode != oldWidget.focusNode) {
_focusAttachment = widget.focusNode.attach(context);
public override void dispose() {
D.assert(_cursorTimer == null);
_selectionOverlay = null;
TextEditingValue _lastKnownRemoteTextEditingValue;
public void updateEditingValue(TextEditingValue value, bool isIMEInput) {
if (value.text != _value.text) {
if (widget.obscureText && value.text.Length == _value.text.Length + 1) {
_obscureShowCharTicksPending = !_unityKeyboard() ? _kObscureShowLatestCharCursorTicks : 0;
_obscureLatestCharIndex = _value.selection.baseOffset;
_lastKnownRemoteTextEditingValue = value;
_formatAndSetValue(value, isIMEInput);
_stopCursorTimer(resetCharTicks: false);
public void performAction(TextInputAction action) {
switch (action) {
case TextInputAction.newline:
if (!_isMultiline) {
case TextInputAction.done:
case TextInputAction.go:
case TextInputAction.send:
case TextInputAction.search:
Rect _startCaretRect;
TextPosition _lastTextPosition;
Offset _pointOffsetOrigin;
Offset _lastBoundedOffset;
Offset _floatingCursorOffset {
get { return new Offset(0, renderEditable.preferredLineHeight / 2); }
public void updateFloatingCursor(RawFloatingCursorPoint point) {
switch (point.state) {
case FloatingCursorDragState.Start:
if (_floatingCursorResetController.isAnimating) {
TextPosition currentTextPosition =
new TextPosition(offset: renderEditable.selection.baseOffset);
_startCaretRect = renderEditable.getLocalRectForCaret(currentTextPosition);
_startCaretRect.center - _floatingCursorOffset, currentTextPosition);
case FloatingCursorDragState.Update:
// We want to send in points that are centered around a (0,0) origin, so we cache the
// position on the first update call.
if (_pointOffsetOrigin != null) {
Offset centeredPoint = point.offset - _pointOffsetOrigin;
Offset rawCursorOffset =
_startCaretRect.center + centeredPoint - _floatingCursorOffset;
_lastBoundedOffset =
_lastTextPosition = renderEditable.getPositionForPoint(
renderEditable.localToGlobal(_lastBoundedOffset + _floatingCursorOffset));
renderEditable.setFloatingCursor(point.state, _lastBoundedOffset,
else {
_pointOffsetOrigin = point.offset;
case FloatingCursorDragState.End:
_floatingCursorResetController.animateTo(1.0f, duration: _floatingCursorResetTime,
curve: Curves.decelerate);
public RawInputKeyResponse globalInputKeyHandler(RawKeyEvent evt) {
return widget.globalKeyEventHandler?.Invoke(evt, true) ?? RawInputKeyResponse.convert(evt);
void _onFloatingCursorResetTick() {
Offset finalPosition = renderEditable.getLocalRectForCaret(_lastTextPosition).centerLeft -
if (_floatingCursorResetController.isCompleted) {
renderEditable.setFloatingCursor(FloatingCursorDragState.End, finalPosition,
if (_lastTextPosition.offset != renderEditable.selection.baseOffset) {
_handleSelectionChanged(TextSelection.collapsed(offset: _lastTextPosition.offset),
renderEditable, SelectionChangedCause.forcePress);
_startCaretRect = null;
_lastTextPosition = null;
_pointOffsetOrigin = null;
_lastBoundedOffset = null;
else {
float lerpValue = _floatingCursorResetController.value;
float lerpX = MathUtils.lerpFloat(_lastBoundedOffset.dx, finalPosition.dx, lerpValue);
float lerpY = MathUtils.lerpFloat(_lastBoundedOffset.dy, finalPosition.dy, lerpValue);
renderEditable.setFloatingCursor(FloatingCursorDragState.Update, new Offset(lerpX, lerpY),
_lastTextPosition, resetLerpValue: lerpValue);
void _finalizeEditing(bool shouldUnfocus) {
if (widget.onEditingComplete != null) {
else {
if (shouldUnfocus) {
if (widget.onSubmitted != null) {
void _updateRemoteEditingValueIfNeeded() {
if (!_hasInputConnection) {
var localValue = _value;
if (localValue == _lastKnownRemoteTextEditingValue) {
_lastKnownRemoteTextEditingValue = localValue;
TextEditingValue _value {
get { return widget.controller.value; }
set { widget.controller.value = value; }
bool _hasFocus {
get { return widget.focusNode.hasFocus; }
bool _isMultiline {
get { return widget.maxLines != 1; }
// Calculate the new scroll offset so the cursor remains visible.
float _getScrollOffsetForCaret(Rect caretRect) {
float caretStart;
float caretEnd;
if (_isMultiline) {
// The caret is vertically centered within the line. Expand the caret's
// height so that it spans the line because we're going to ensure that the entire
// expanded caret is scrolled into view.
float lineHeight = renderEditable.preferredLineHeight;
float caretOffset = (lineHeight - caretRect.height) / 2;
caretStart = caretRect.top - caretOffset;
caretEnd = caretRect.bottom + caretOffset;
else {
caretStart = caretRect.left;
caretEnd = caretRect.right;
float scrollOffset = _scrollController.offset;
float viewportExtent = _scrollController.position.viewportDimension;
if (caretStart < 0.0) {
scrollOffset += caretStart;
else if (caretEnd >= viewportExtent) {
scrollOffset += caretEnd - viewportExtent;
return scrollOffset;
// Calculates where the `caretRect` would be if `_scrollController.offset` is set to `scrollOffset`.
Rect _getCaretRectAtScrollOffset(Rect caretRect, float scrollOffset) {
float offsetDiff = _scrollController.offset - scrollOffset;
return _isMultiline ? caretRect.translate(0.0f, offsetDiff) : caretRect.translate(offsetDiff, 0.0f);
bool _hasInputConnection {
get { return _textInputConnection != null && _textInputConnection.attached; }
void _openInputConnection() {
if (widget.readOnly) {
if (!_hasInputConnection) {
TextEditingValue localValue = _value;
_lastFormattedUnmodifiedTextEditingValue = localValue;
_textInputConnection = TextInput.attach(
new TextInputConfiguration(
inputType: widget.keyboardType,
obscureText: widget.obscureText,
autocorrect: widget.autocorrect,
//smartDashesType: widget.smartDashesType ?? (widget.obscureText ? SmartDashesType.disabled : SmartDashesType.enabled),
//smartQuotesType: widget.smartQuotesType ?? (widget.obscureText ? SmartQuotesType.disabled : SmartQuotesType.enabled),
enableSuggestions: widget.enableSuggestions,
inputAction: widget.textInputAction ?? (widget.keyboardType == TextInputType.multiline
? TextInputAction.newline
: TextInputAction.done
textCapitalization: widget.textCapitalization,
keyboardAppearance: widget.keyboardAppearance.Value
TextStyle style = widget.style;
fontFamily: style.fontFamily,
fontSize: style.fontSize,
fontWeight: style.fontWeight,
textDirection: _textDirection,
textAlign: widget.textAlign
} else {
void _updateSizeAndTransform() {
if (_hasInputConnection) {
Size size = renderEditable.size;
Matrix4 transform = renderEditable.getTransformTo(null);
_textInputConnection.setEditableSizeAndTransform(size, transform);
.addPostFrameCallback((TimeSpan _) => _updateSizeAndTransform());
void _closeInputConnectionIfNeeded() {
if (_hasInputConnection) {
_textInputConnection = null;
_lastKnownRemoteTextEditingValue = null;
void _openOrCloseInputConnectionIfNeeded() {
if (_hasFocus && widget.focusNode.consumeKeyboardToken()) {
else if (!_hasFocus) {
public void requestKeyboard() {
if (_hasFocus) {
else {
List<FocusScopeNode> ancestorScopes = FocusScope.ancestorsOf(context);
for (int i = ancestorScopes.Count - 1; i >= 1; i -= 1) {
ancestorScopes[i].setFirstFocus(ancestorScopes[i - 1]);
void _hideSelectionOverlayIfNeeded() {
_selectionOverlay = null;
void _updateOrDisposeSelectionOverlayIfNeeded() {
if (_selectionOverlay != null) {
if (_hasFocus) {
else {
_selectionOverlay = null;
void _handleSelectionChanged(TextSelection selection, RenderEditable renderObject,
SelectionChangedCause cause) {
widget.controller.selection = selection;
if (widget.selectionControls != null && Application.isMobilePlatform && !_unityKeyboard()) {
_selectionOverlay = new TextSelectionOverlay(
context: context,
value: _value,
debugRequiredFor: widget,
layerLink: _layerLink,
renderObject: renderObject,
selectionControls: widget.selectionControls,
selectionDelegate: this,
dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior
bool longPress = cause == SelectionChangedCause.longPress;
if (cause != SelectionChangedCause.keyboard && (_value.text.isNotEmpty() || longPress)) {
if (longPress || cause == SelectionChangedCause.doubleTap) {
if (widget.onSelectionChanged != null) {
widget.onSelectionChanged(selection, cause);
bool _textChangedSinceLastCaretUpdate = false;
Rect _currentCaretRect;
void _handleCaretChanged(Rect caretRect) {
_currentCaretRect = caretRect;
// If the caret location has changed due to an update to the text or
// selection, then scroll the caret into view.
if (_textChangedSinceLastCaretUpdate) {
_textChangedSinceLastCaretUpdate = false;
// Animation configuration for scrolling the caret back on screen.
static readonly TimeSpan _caretAnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
static readonly Curve _caretAnimationCurve = Curves.fastOutSlowIn;
bool _showCaretOnScreenScheduled = false;
void _showCaretOnScreen() {
if (_showCaretOnScreenScheduled) {
_showCaretOnScreenScheduled = true;
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback(_ => {
_showCaretOnScreenScheduled = false;
if (_currentCaretRect == null || !_scrollController.hasClients) {
float scrollOffsetForCaret = _getScrollOffsetForCaret(_currentCaretRect);
duration: _caretAnimationDuration,
curve: _caretAnimationCurve);
Rect newCaretRect = _getCaretRectAtScrollOffset(_currentCaretRect, scrollOffsetForCaret);
// Enlarge newCaretRect by scrollPadding to ensure that caret is not positioned directly at the edge after scrolling.
Rect inflatedRect = Rect.fromLTRB(
newCaretRect.left - widget.scrollPadding.left,
newCaretRect.top - widget.scrollPadding.top,
newCaretRect.right + widget.scrollPadding.right,
newCaretRect.bottom + widget.scrollPadding.bottom
rect: inflatedRect,
duration: _caretAnimationDuration,
curve: _caretAnimationCurve
double _lastBottomViewInset;
public void didChangeMetrics() {
if (_lastBottomViewInset < Window.instance.viewInsets.bottom) {
_lastBottomViewInset = Window.instance.viewInsets.bottom;
public void didChangeTextScaleFactor() {
public void didChangePlatformBrightness() {
public void didChangeLocales(List<Locale> locale) {
public Future<bool> didPopRoute() {
return Future.value(false).to<bool>();
public Future<bool> didPushRoute(string route) {
return Future.value(false).to<bool>();
void _formatAndSetValue(TextEditingValue value, bool isIMEInput = false) {
var textChanged = _value?.text != value?.text || isIMEInput;
if (textChanged && widget.inputFormatters != null && widget.inputFormatters.isNotEmpty()) {
foreach (var formatter in widget.inputFormatters) {
value = formatter.formatEditUpdate(_value, value);
_value = value;
else {
_value = value;
if (textChanged && widget.onChanged != null) {
void _onCursorColorTick() {
renderEditable.cursorColor =
_cursorVisibilityNotifier.value = _cursorBlinkOpacityController.value > 0;
public bool cursorCurrentlyVisible {
get { return _cursorBlinkOpacityController.value > 0; }
public TimeSpan cursorBlinkInterval {
get { return _kCursorBlinkHalfPeriod; }
public TextSelectionOverlay selectionOverlay {
get { return _selectionOverlay; }
int _obscureShowCharTicksPending = 0;
int _obscureLatestCharIndex;
object _cursorTick(object timer) {
_targetCursorVisibility = !_unityKeyboard() && !_targetCursorVisibility;
float targetOpacity = _targetCursorVisibility ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
if (widget.cursorOpacityAnimates) {
_cursorBlinkOpacityController.animateTo(targetOpacity, curve: Curves.easeOut);
else {
if (_obscureShowCharTicksPending > 0) {
setState(() => { _obscureShowCharTicksPending--; });
return null;
object _cursorWaitForStart(object timer) {
D.assert(_kCursorBlinkHalfPeriod > _fadeDuration);
_cursorTimer = Timer.periodic(_kCursorBlinkHalfPeriod, _cursorTick);
return null;
void _startCursorTimer() {
_targetCursorVisibility = true;
if (EditableText.debugDeterministicCursor) {
if (widget.cursorOpacityAnimates) {
_cursorTimer =
Timer.periodic(_kCursorBlinkWaitForStart, _cursorWaitForStart);
else {
_cursorTimer = Timer.periodic(_kCursorBlinkHalfPeriod, _cursorTick);
void _stopCursorTimer(bool resetCharTicks = true) {
_cursorTimer = null;
_targetCursorVisibility = false;
if (EditableText.debugDeterministicCursor) {
if (resetCharTicks) {
_obscureShowCharTicksPending = 0;
if (widget.cursorOpacityAnimates) {
void _startOrStopCursorTimerIfNeeded() {
if (_cursorTimer == null && _hasFocus && _value.selection.isCollapsed) {
else if (_cursorTimer != null && (!_hasFocus || !_value.selection.isCollapsed)) {
void _didChangeTextEditingValue() {
_textChangedSinceLastCaretUpdate = true;
setState(() => { });
void _handleFocusChanged() {
if (_hasFocus) {
_lastBottomViewInset = Window.instance.viewInsets.bottom;
if (!_value.selection.isValid) {
widget.controller.selection = TextSelection.collapsed(offset: _value.text.Length);
else {
_value = new TextEditingValue(text: _value.text);
TextDirection? _textDirection {
get {
TextDirection? result = widget.textDirection ?? Directionality.of(context);
D.assert(result != null,
() =>
$"{GetType().FullName} created without a textDirection and with no ambient Directionality.");
return result;
public RenderEditable renderEditable {
get { return (RenderEditable) _editableKey.currentContext.findRenderObject(); }
public TextEditingValue textEditingValue {
get { return _value; }
set {
float _devicePixelRatio {
get { return MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio; }
public void bringIntoView(TextPosition position) {
public void toggleToolbar() {
D.assert(_selectionOverlay != null);
if (_selectionOverlay.toolbarIsVisible) {
} else {
public bool showToolbar() {
if (_selectionOverlay == null) {
return false;
return true;
public void hideToolbar() {
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
base.build(context); // See AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin.
return new Scrollable(
axisDirection: _isMultiline ? AxisDirection.down : AxisDirection.right,
controller: _scrollController,
physics: widget.scrollPhysics,
dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior,
viewportBuilder: (BuildContext _context, ViewportOffset offset) =>
new CompositedTransformTarget(
link: _layerLink,
child: new _Editable(
key: _editableKey,
textSpan: buildTextSpan(),
value: _value,
cursorColor: _cursorColor,
backgroundCursorColor: widget.backgroundCursorColor,
showCursor: EditableText.debugDeterministicCursor
? new ValueNotifier<bool>(true)
: _cursorVisibilityNotifier,
hasFocus: _hasFocus,
maxLines: widget.maxLines,
minLines: widget.minLines,
expands: widget.expands,
strutStyle: widget.strutStyle,
selectionColor: widget.selectionColor,
textScaleFactor: widget.textScaleFactor ?? MediaQuery.textScaleFactorOf(context),
textAlign: widget.textAlign,
textDirection: _textDirection,
obscureText: widget.obscureText,
autocorrect: widget.autocorrect,
offset: offset,
onSelectionChanged: _handleSelectionChanged,
onCaretChanged: _handleCaretChanged,
rendererIgnoresPointer: widget.rendererIgnoresPointer,
cursorWidth: widget.cursorWidth,
cursorRadius: widget.cursorRadius,
cursorOffset: widget.cursorOffset,
paintCursorAboveText: widget.paintCursorAboveText,
enableInteractiveSelection: widget.enableInteractiveSelection == true,
textSelectionDelegate: this,
devicePixelRatio: _devicePixelRatio,
globalKeyEventHandler : widget.globalKeyEventHandler
public TextSpan buildTextSpan() {
if (!widget.obscureText && _value.composing.isValid) {
TextStyle composingStyle = widget.style.merge(
new TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.underline)
return new TextSpan(
style: widget.style,
children: new List<InlineSpan> {
new TextSpan(text: _value.composing.textBefore(_value.text)),
new TextSpan(
style: composingStyle,
text: _value.composing.textInside(_value.text)
new TextSpan(text: _value.composing.textAfter(_value.text)),
var text = _value.text;
if (widget.obscureText) {
text = new string(RenderEditable.obscuringCharacter, text.Length);
int o = _obscureShowCharTicksPending > 0 ? _obscureLatestCharIndex : -1;
if (o >= 0 && o < text.Length) {
text = text.Substring(0, o) + _value.text.Substring(o, 1) + text.Substring(o + 1);
return new TextSpan(style: widget.style, text: text);
// unity keyboard has a preview view with editing function, text selection & cursor function of this widget is disable
// in the case
bool _unityKeyboard() {
return TouchScreenKeyboard.isSupported && widget.unityTouchKeyboard;
/*Offset _getImePos() {
if (_hasInputConnection && _textInputConnection.imeRequired()) {
var localPos = renderEditable.getLocalRectForCaret(_value.selection.basePos).bottomLeft;
return renderEditable.localToGlobal(localPos);
return null;
bool _imePosUpdateScheduled = false;
/*void _updateImePosIfNeed() {
if (!_hasInputConnection || !_textInputConnection.imeRequired()) {
if (_imePosUpdateScheduled) {
_imePosUpdateScheduled = true;
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback(_ => {
_imePosUpdateScheduled = false;
if (!_hasInputConnection) {
class _Editable : LeafRenderObjectWidget {
public readonly TextSpan textSpan;
public readonly TextEditingValue value;
public readonly Color cursorColor;
public readonly Color backgroundCursorColor;
public readonly ValueNotifier<bool> showCursor;
public readonly bool hasFocus;
public readonly int? maxLines;
public readonly int? minLines;
public readonly bool expands;
public readonly StrutStyle strutStyle;
public readonly Color selectionColor;
public readonly float textScaleFactor;
public readonly TextAlign textAlign;
public readonly TextDirection? textDirection;
public readonly bool obscureText;
public readonly bool autocorrect;
public readonly ViewportOffset offset;
public readonly SelectionChangedHandler onSelectionChanged;
public readonly CaretChangedHandler onCaretChanged;
public readonly bool rendererIgnoresPointer;
public readonly float? cursorWidth;
public readonly Radius cursorRadius;
public readonly Offset cursorOffset;
public readonly bool enableInteractiveSelection;
public readonly TextSelectionDelegate textSelectionDelegate;
public readonly bool? paintCursorAboveText;
public readonly float? devicePixelRatio;
public readonly GlobalKeyEventHandlerDelegate globalKeyEventHandler;
public _Editable(TextSpan textSpan = null,
TextEditingValue value = null,
Color cursorColor = null,
Color backgroundCursorColor = null,
ValueNotifier<bool> showCursor = null,
bool hasFocus = false,
int? maxLines = null,
int? minLines = null,
bool expands = false,
StrutStyle strutStyle = null,
Color selectionColor = null,
float textScaleFactor = 1.0f,
TextDirection? textDirection = null,
bool obscureText = false,
TextAlign textAlign = TextAlign.left,
bool autocorrect = false,
ViewportOffset offset = null,
SelectionChangedHandler onSelectionChanged = null,
CaretChangedHandler onCaretChanged = null,
bool rendererIgnoresPointer = false,
Key key = null,
TextSelectionDelegate textSelectionDelegate = null,
float? cursorWidth = null,
Radius cursorRadius = null,
Offset cursorOffset = null,
bool enableInteractiveSelection = true,
bool? paintCursorAboveText = null,
float? devicePixelRatio = null,
GlobalKeyEventHandlerDelegate globalKeyEventHandler = null) : base(key) {
this.textSpan = textSpan;
this.value = value;
this.cursorColor = cursorColor;
this.backgroundCursorColor = backgroundCursorColor;
this.showCursor = showCursor;
this.hasFocus = hasFocus;
this.maxLines = maxLines;
this.minLines = minLines;
this.expands = expands;
this.strutStyle = strutStyle;
this.selectionColor = selectionColor;
this.textScaleFactor = textScaleFactor;
this.textAlign = textAlign;
this.textDirection = textDirection;
this.obscureText = obscureText;
this.autocorrect = autocorrect;
this.offset = offset;
this.onSelectionChanged = onSelectionChanged;
this.onCaretChanged = onCaretChanged;
this.rendererIgnoresPointer = rendererIgnoresPointer;
this.textSelectionDelegate = textSelectionDelegate;
this.cursorWidth = cursorWidth;
this.cursorRadius = cursorRadius;
this.cursorOffset = cursorOffset;
this.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
this.paintCursorAboveText = paintCursorAboveText;
this.devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio;
this.globalKeyEventHandler = globalKeyEventHandler;
public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return new RenderEditable(
text: textSpan,
textDirection: textDirection ?? TextDirection.ltr,
offset: offset,
showCursor: showCursor,
cursorColor: cursorColor,
backgroundCursorColor: backgroundCursorColor,
hasFocus: hasFocus,
maxLines: maxLines,
minLines: minLines,
expands: expands,
strutStyle: strutStyle,
selectionColor: selectionColor,
textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor,
textAlign: textAlign,
selection: value.selection,
obscureText: obscureText,
onSelectionChanged: onSelectionChanged,
onCaretChanged: onCaretChanged,
ignorePointer: rendererIgnoresPointer,
cursorWidth: cursorWidth ?? 1.0f,
cursorRadius: cursorRadius,
cursorOffset: cursorOffset,
enableInteractiveSelection: enableInteractiveSelection,
textSelectionDelegate: textSelectionDelegate,
paintCursorAboveText: paintCursorAboveText == true,
devicePixelRatio: devicePixelRatio ?? 1.0f,
globalKeyEventHandler : globalKeyEventHandler
public override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderObject renderObject) {
var edit = (RenderEditable) renderObject;
edit.text = textSpan;
edit.cursorColor = cursorColor;
edit.backgroundCursorColor = backgroundCursorColor;
edit.showCursor = showCursor;
edit.hasFocus = hasFocus;
edit.maxLines = maxLines;
edit.strutStyle = strutStyle;
edit.selectionColor = selectionColor;
edit.textScaleFactor = textScaleFactor;
edit.textAlign = textAlign;
edit.textDirection = textDirection;
edit.selection = value.selection;
edit.offset = offset;
edit.onSelectionChanged = onSelectionChanged;
edit.onCaretChanged = onCaretChanged;
edit.ignorePointer = rendererIgnoresPointer;
edit.obscureText = obscureText;
edit.textSelectionDelegate = textSelectionDelegate;
edit.cursorWidth = cursorWidth ?? 1.0f;
edit.cursorRadius = cursorRadius;
edit.cursorOffset = cursorOffset;
edit.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
edit.paintCursorAboveText = paintCursorAboveText == true;
edit.devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio ?? 1.0f;
edit.globalKeyEventHandler = globalKeyEventHandler;