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using System;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.uiOld{
public partial struct uiMatrix3 {
public void mapPoints(ref uiOffset[] dst, ref uiOffset[] src) {
D.assert(dst != null && src != null && dst.Length == src.Length);
_getMapPtsProc()(this, ref dst, ref src, src.Length);
public void mapPoints(ref uiOffset[] pts) {
mapPoints(ref pts, ref pts);
delegate void MapPtsProc(uiMatrix3 mat, ref uiOffset[] dst, ref uiOffset[] src, int count);
static readonly MapPtsProc[] gMapPtsProcs = {
Identity_pts, Trans_pts,
Scale_pts, Scale_pts,
Affine_pts, Affine_pts,
Affine_pts, Affine_pts,
// repeat the persp proc 8 times
Persp_pts, Persp_pts,
Persp_pts, Persp_pts,
Persp_pts, Persp_pts,
Persp_pts, Persp_pts
static MapPtsProc GetMapPtsProc(TypeMask mask) {
D.assert(((int) mask & ~kAllMasks) == 0);
return gMapPtsProcs[(int) mask & kAllMasks];
MapPtsProc _getMapPtsProc() {
return GetMapPtsProc(_getType());
static void Identity_pts(uiMatrix3 m, ref uiOffset[] dst, ref uiOffset[] src, int count) {
D.assert(m._getType() == 0);
if (dst != src && count > 0) {
Array.Copy(src, dst, count);
static void Trans_pts(uiMatrix3 m, ref uiOffset[] dst, ref uiOffset[] src, int count) {
D.assert(m._getType() <= TypeMask.kTranslate_Mask);
if (count > 0) {
var tx = m.getTranslateX();
var ty = m.getTranslateY();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dst[i] = new uiOffset(src[i].dx + tx, src[i].dy + ty);
static void Scale_pts(uiMatrix3 m, ref uiOffset[] dst, ref uiOffset[] src, int count) {
D.assert(m._getType() <= (TypeMask.kScale_Mask | TypeMask.kTranslate_Mask));
if (count > 0) {
var tx = m.getTranslateX();
var ty = m.getTranslateY();
var sx = m.getScaleX();
var sy = m.getScaleY();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dst[i] = new uiOffset(src[i].dx * sx + tx, src[i].dy * sy + ty);
static void Persp_pts(uiMatrix3 m, ref uiOffset[] dst, ref uiOffset[] src, int count) {
if (count > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
var sy = src[i].dy;
var sx = src[i].dx;
var x = uiScalarUtils.sdot(sx, m.kMScaleX, sy, m.kMSkewX) +
var y = uiScalarUtils.sdot(sx, m.kMSkewY, sy, m.kMScaleY) +
var z = uiScalarUtils.sdot(sx, m.kMPersp0, sy, m.kMPersp1) +
if (z != 0) {
z = 1 / z;
dst[i] = new uiOffset(x * z, y * z);
static void Affine_pts(uiMatrix3 m, ref uiOffset[] dst, ref uiOffset[] src, int count) {
D.assert(m._getType() != TypeMask.kPerspective_Mask);
if (count > 0) {
var tx = m.getTranslateX();
var ty = m.getTranslateY();
var sx = m.getScaleX();
var sy = m.getScaleY();
var kx = m.getSkewX();
var ky = m.getSkewY();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dst[i] = new uiOffset(
src[i].dx * sx + src[i].dy * kx + tx,
src[i].dx * ky + src[i].dy * sy + ty);
public partial struct uiMatrix3 {
delegate void MapXYProc(uiMatrix3 mat, float x, float y, out float x1, out float y1);
static readonly MapXYProc[] gMapXYProcs = {
Identity_xy, Trans_xy,
Scale_xy, ScaleTrans_xy,
Rot_xy, RotTrans_xy,
Rot_xy, RotTrans_xy,
// repeat the persp proc 8 times
Persp_xy, Persp_xy,
Persp_xy, Persp_xy,
Persp_xy, Persp_xy,
Persp_xy, Persp_xy
static MapXYProc GetMapXYProc(TypeMask mask) {
D.assert(((int) mask & ~kAllMasks) == 0);
return gMapXYProcs[(int) mask & kAllMasks];
MapXYProc _getMapXYProc() {
return GetMapXYProc(_getType());
static void Identity_xy(uiMatrix3 m, float sx, float sy, out float resX, out float resY) {
D.assert(0 == m._getType());
resX = sx;
resY = sy;
static void Trans_xy(uiMatrix3 m, float sx, float sy, out float resX, out float resY) {
D.assert(m._getType() == TypeMask.kTranslate_Mask);
resX = sx + m.kMTransX;
resY = sy + m.kMTransY;
static void Scale_xy(uiMatrix3 m, float sx, float sy, out float resX, out float resY) {
D.assert((m._getType() & (TypeMask.kScale_Mask | TypeMask.kAffine_Mask | TypeMask.kPerspective_Mask))
== TypeMask.kScale_Mask);
D.assert(0 == m.kMTransX);
D.assert(0 == m.kMTransY);
resX = sx * m.kMScaleX;
resY = sy * m.kMScaleY;
static void ScaleTrans_xy(uiMatrix3 m, float sx, float sy, out float resX, out float resY) {
D.assert((m._getType() & (TypeMask.kScale_Mask | TypeMask.kAffine_Mask | TypeMask.kPerspective_Mask))
== TypeMask.kScale_Mask);
resX = sx * m.kMScaleX + m.kMTransX;
resY = sy * m.kMScaleY + m.kMTransY;
static void Rot_xy(uiMatrix3 m, float sx, float sy, out float resX, out float resY) {
D.assert((m._getType() & (TypeMask.kAffine_Mask | TypeMask.kPerspective_Mask)) == TypeMask.kAffine_Mask);
D.assert(0 == m.kMTransX);
D.assert(0 == m.kMTransY);
resX = uiScalarUtils.sdot(sx, m.kMScaleX, sy, m.kMSkewX);
resY = uiScalarUtils.sdot(sx, m.kMSkewY, sy, m.kMScaleY);
static void RotTrans_xy(uiMatrix3 m, float sx, float sy, out float resX, out float resY) {
D.assert((m._getType() & (TypeMask.kAffine_Mask | TypeMask.kPerspective_Mask)) == TypeMask.kAffine_Mask);
resX = uiScalarUtils.sdot(sx, m.kMScaleX, sy, m.kMSkewX) + m.kMTransX;
resY = uiScalarUtils.sdot(sx, m.kMSkewY, sy, m.kMScaleY) + m.kMTransY;
static void Persp_xy(uiMatrix3 m, float sx, float sy, out float resX, out float resY) {
float x = uiScalarUtils.sdot(sx, m.kMScaleX, sy, m.kMSkewX) +
float y = uiScalarUtils.sdot(sx, m.kMSkewY, sy, m.kMScaleY) +
float z = uiScalarUtils.sdot(sx, m.kMPersp0, sy, m.kMPersp1) +
if (z != 0) {
z = 1 / z;
resX = x * z;
resY = y * z;
public partial struct uiMatrix3 {
//static methods
public static uiMatrix3 I() {
var m = new uiMatrix3();
return m;
public static uiMatrix3 makeTrans(float dx, float dy) {
var m = new uiMatrix3();
m.setTranslate(dx, dy);
return m;
public static uiMatrix3 makeScale(float sx, float sy) {
var m = new uiMatrix3();
m._setScale(sx, sy);
return m;
public static uiMatrix3 makeRotate(float radians) {
var m = new uiMatrix3();
return m;
public static uiMatrix3 makeRotate(float radians, float px, float py) {
var m = new uiMatrix3();
m.setRotate(radians, px, py);
return m;
public static uiMatrix3 makeTrans(uiOffset offset) {
var m = new uiMatrix3();
m.setTranslate(offset.dx, offset.dy);
return m;
public static uiMatrix3 makeSkew(float dx, float dy) {
var m = new uiMatrix3();
m.setSkew(dx, dy);
return m;
public static uiMatrix3 concat(uiMatrix3 a, uiMatrix3 b) {
uiMatrix3 result = I();
result._setConcat(a, b);
return result;
public void setRotate(float radians, float px, float py) {
float sinV, cosV;
sinV = uiScalarUtils.ScalarSinCos(radians, out cosV);
setSinCos(sinV, cosV, px, py);
public void setRotate(float radians) {
float sinV, cosV;
sinV = uiScalarUtils.ScalarSinCos(radians, out cosV);
setSinCos(sinV, cosV);
public void setSkew(float kx, float ky, float px, float py) {
kMScaleX = 1;
kMSkewX = kx;
kMTransX = -kx * py;
kMSkewY = ky;
kMScaleY = 1;
kMTransY = -ky * px;
kMPersp0 = kMPersp1 = 0;
kMPersp2 = 1;
_setTypeMask(kUnknown_Mask | kOnlyPerspectiveValid_Mask);
public void setSkew(float kx, float ky) {
kMScaleX = 1;
kMSkewX = kx;
kMTransX = 0;
kMSkewY = ky;
kMScaleY = 1;
kMTransY = 0;
kMPersp0 = kMPersp1 = 0;
kMPersp2 = 1;
_setTypeMask(kUnknown_Mask | kOnlyPerspectiveValid_Mask);
public static bool equals(uiMatrix3? a, uiMatrix3? b) {
if (ReferenceEquals(a, null) && ReferenceEquals(b, null)) {
return true;
if (ReferenceEquals(a, b)) {
return true;
if (ReferenceEquals(a, null) || ReferenceEquals(b, null)) {
return false;
var ma = a.Value;
var mb = b.Value;
return ma.kMScaleX == mb.kMScaleX && ma.kMSkewX == mb.kMSkewX && ma.kMTransX == mb.kMTransX &&
ma.kMSkewY == mb.kMSkewY && ma.kMScaleY == mb.kMScaleY && ma.kMTransY == mb.kMTransY &&
ma.kMPersp0 == mb.kMPersp0 && ma.kMPersp1 == mb.kMPersp1 && ma.kMPersp2 == mb.kMPersp2;
public partial struct uiMatrix3 {
public static uiMatrix3 fromMatrix3(Matrix3 mat3) {
var uiMat3 = I();
uiMat3.kMScaleX = mat3[0];
uiMat3.kMSkewX = mat3[1];
uiMat3.kMTransX = mat3[2];
uiMat3.kMSkewY = mat3[3];
uiMat3.kMScaleY = mat3[4];
uiMat3.kMTransY = mat3[5];
uiMat3.kMPersp0 = mat3[6];
uiMat3.kMPersp1 = mat3[7];
uiMat3.kMPersp2 = mat3[8];
return uiMat3;
static bool _only_scale_and_translate(int mask) {
return 0 == (mask & (int) (TypeMask.kAffine_Mask | TypeMask.kPerspective_Mask));
static float _getitem(uiMatrix3 mat, int i) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
return mat.kMScaleX;
case 1:
return mat.kMSkewX;
case 2:
return mat.kMTransX;
case 3:
return mat.kMSkewY;
case 4:
return mat.kMScaleY;
case 5:
return mat.kMTransY;
case 6:
return mat.kMPersp0;
case 7:
return mat.kMPersp1;
case 8:
return mat.kMPersp2;
default: {
return -1;
static float _rowcol3(uiMatrix3 row, int i, uiMatrix3 col, int j) {
return _getitem(row, i) * _getitem(col, j) + _getitem(row, i + 1) * _getitem(col, j + 3) +
_getitem(row, i + 2) * _getitem(col, j + 6);
static float _muladdmul(float a, float b, float c, float d) {
return (float) ((double) a * b + (double) c * d);
static uiMatrix3 ComputeInv(uiMatrix3 src, float invDet, bool isPersp) {
uiMatrix3 dst = I();
if (isPersp) {
dst.kMScaleX =
uiScalarUtils.scross_dscale(src.kMScaleY, src.kMPersp2, src.kMTransY,
src.kMPersp1, invDet);
dst.kMSkewX =
uiScalarUtils.scross_dscale(src.kMTransX, src.kMPersp1, src.kMSkewX,
src.kMPersp2, invDet);
dst.kMTransX =
uiScalarUtils.scross_dscale(src.kMSkewX, src.kMTransY, src.kMTransX,
src.kMScaleY, invDet);
dst.kMSkewY =
uiScalarUtils.scross_dscale(src.kMTransY, src.kMPersp0, src.kMSkewY,
src.kMPersp2, invDet);
dst.kMScaleY =
uiScalarUtils.scross_dscale(src.kMScaleX, src.kMPersp2, src.kMTransX,
src.kMPersp0, invDet);
dst.kMTransY =
uiScalarUtils.scross_dscale(src.kMTransX, src.kMSkewY, src.kMScaleX,
src.kMTransY, invDet);
dst.kMPersp0 =
uiScalarUtils.scross_dscale(src.kMSkewY, src.kMPersp1, src.kMScaleY,
src.kMPersp0, invDet);
dst.kMPersp1 =
uiScalarUtils.scross_dscale(src.kMSkewX, src.kMPersp0, src.kMScaleX,
src.kMPersp1, invDet);
dst.kMPersp2 =
uiScalarUtils.scross_dscale(src.kMScaleX, src.kMScaleY, src.kMSkewX,
src.kMSkewY, invDet);
else {
// not perspective
dst.kMScaleX = src.kMScaleY * invDet;
dst.kMSkewX = -src.kMSkewX * invDet;
dst.kMTransX =
uiScalarUtils.dcross_dscale(src.kMSkewX, src.kMTransY, src.kMScaleY,
src.kMTransX, invDet);
dst.kMSkewY = -src.kMSkewY * invDet;
dst.kMScaleY = src.kMScaleX * invDet;
dst.kMTransY =
uiScalarUtils.dcross_dscale(src.kMSkewY, src.kMTransX, src.kMScaleX,
src.kMTransY, invDet);
dst.kMPersp0 = 0;
dst.kMPersp1 = 0;
dst.kMPersp2 = 1;
return dst;
class uiScalarUtils {
public const float kScalarNearlyZero = 1f / (1 << 12);
public static bool ScalarNearlyZero(float x, float tolerance = kScalarNearlyZero) {
D.assert(tolerance >= 0);
return Mathf.Abs(x) <= tolerance;
public static bool ScalarNearlyEqual(float x, float y, float tolerance = kScalarNearlyZero) {
D.assert(tolerance >= 0);
return Mathf.Abs(x - y) <= tolerance;
public static bool ScalarIsInteger(float scalar) {
return scalar == Mathf.FloorToInt(scalar);
public static float DegreesToRadians(float degrees) {
return degrees * (Mathf.PI / 180);
public static float RadiansToDegrees(float radians) {
return radians * (180 / Mathf.PI);
public static float ScalarSinCos(float radians, out float cosValue) {
float sinValue = Mathf.Sin(radians);
cosValue = Mathf.Cos(radians);
if (ScalarNearlyZero(cosValue)) {
cosValue = 0;
if (ScalarNearlyZero(sinValue)) {
sinValue = 0;
return sinValue;
public static bool ScalarsAreFinite(uiMatrix3 m) {
float prod = m.kMScaleX * m.kMSkewX * m.kMTransX * m.kMSkewY * m.kMScaleY * m.kMTransY * m.kMPersp0 *
m.kMPersp1 * m.kMPersp2;
// At this point, prod will either be NaN or 0
return prod == 0; // if prod is NaN, this check will return false
static byte[] _scalar_as_2s_compliment_vars = new byte[4];
static unsafe int GetBytesToInt32(float value) {
var intVal = *(int*) &value;
fixed (byte* b = _scalar_as_2s_compliment_vars) {
*((int*) b) = intVal;
fixed (byte* pbyte = &_scalar_as_2s_compliment_vars[0]) {
return *((int*) pbyte);
public static int ScalarAs2sCompliment(float x) {
var result = GetBytesToInt32(x);
if (result < 0) {
result &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
result = -result;
return result;
public static float sdot(float a, float b, float c, float d) {
return a * b + c * d;
public static float sdot(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) {
return a * b + c * d + e * f;
public static float scross(float a, float b, float c, float d) {
return a * b - c * d;
public static double dcross(double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return a * b - c * d;
public static float scross_dscale(float a, float b,
float c, float d, double scale) {
return (float) (scross(a, b, c, d) * scale);
public static float dcross_dscale(double a, double b,
double c, double d, double scale) {
return (float) (dcross(a, b, c, d) * scale);
public static bool is_degenerate_2x2(
float scaleX, float skewX,
float skewY, float scaleY) {
float perp_dot = scaleX * scaleY - skewX * skewY;
return ScalarNearlyZero(perp_dot,
kScalarNearlyZero * kScalarNearlyZero);
public static float inv_determinant(uiMatrix3 mat, int isPerspective) {
double det;
if (isPerspective != 0) {
det = mat.kMScaleX *
dcross(mat.kMScaleY, mat.kMPersp2,
mat.kMTransY, mat.kMPersp1)
mat.kMSkewX *
dcross(mat.kMTransY, mat.kMPersp0,
mat.kMSkewY, mat.kMPersp2)
mat.kMTransX *
dcross(mat.kMSkewY, mat.kMPersp1,
mat.kMScaleY, mat.kMPersp0);
else {
det = dcross(mat.kMScaleX, mat.kMScaleY,
mat.kMSkewX, mat.kMSkewY);
// Since the determinant is on the order of the cube of the matrix members,
// compare to the cube of the default nearly-zero constant (although an
// estimate of the condition number would be better if it wasn't so expensive).
if (ScalarNearlyZero((float) det,
kScalarNearlyZero * kScalarNearlyZero * kScalarNearlyZero)) {
return 0;
return 1.0f / (float) det;