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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.async {
public static partial class _stream {
/** Runs user code and takes actions depending on success or failure. */
internal static void _runUserCode<T>(
Func<T> userCode, Action<T> onSuccess, Action<Exception> onError) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(e);
if (replacement == null) {
else {
var error = async_._nonNullError(replacement);
internal static void _cancelAndErrorWithReplacement<T>(StreamSubscription<T> subscription,
_Future future, Exception error) {
AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error);
if (replacement != null) {
error = (Exception) _async._nonNullError(replacement);
_cancelAndError(subscription, future, error);
internal delegate void _ErrorCallback(Exception error);
internal static _ErrorCallback _cancelAndErrorClosure<T>(
StreamSubscription<T> subscription, _Future future) {
return (error) => { _cancelAndError(subscription, future, error); };
internal static void _cancelAndValue<T>(StreamSubscription<T> subscription, _Future future, object value) {
var cancelFuture = subscription.cancel();
if (cancelFuture != null && !Equals(cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) {
cancelFuture.whenComplete(() => future._complete(FutureOr.value(value)));
else {
static void _cancelAndError<T>(StreamSubscription<T> subscription, _Future future, Exception error
) {
var cancelFuture = subscription.cancel();
if (cancelFuture != null && !Equals(cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) {
cancelFuture.whenComplete(() => future._completeError(error));
else {
internal static void _cancelAndValue<T>(StreamSubscription<T> subscription, _Future future, FutureOr value) {
var cancelFuture = subscription.cancel();
if (cancelFuture != null && !Equals(cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) {
cancelFuture.whenComplete(() => future._complete(value));
else {
internal delegate bool _Predicate<T>(T value);
internal static void _addErrorWithReplacement<T>(_EventSink<T> sink, Exception error, string stackTrace) {
AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error);
if (replacement != null) {
error = async_._nonNullError(replacement);
stackTrace = replacement.StackTrace;
sink._addError(error, stackTrace);
internal delegate T _Transformation<S, T>(S value);
internal delegate bool _ErrorTest(Exception error);
internal delegate bool _Equality<T>(T a, T b);
abstract class _ForwardingStream<S, T> : Stream<T> {
internal readonly Stream<S> _source;
internal _ForwardingStream(Stream<S> _source) {
this._source = _source;
public override bool isBroadcast {
get { return _source.isBroadcast; }
public override StreamSubscription<T> listen(Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError = null,
Action onDone = null, bool cancelOnError = false) {
cancelOnError = Equals(true, cancelOnError);
return _createSubscription(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError);
internal virtual StreamSubscription<T> _createSubscription(
Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError, Action onDone, bool cancelOnError) {
return new _ForwardingStreamSubscription<S, T>(
this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError);
// Override the following methods in subclasses to change the behavior.
internal virtual void _handleData(S data, _EventSink<T> sink) {
sink._add((T) (object) data);
internal virtual void _handleError(object error, _EventSink<T> sink) {
string stackTrace = error is Exception ? ((Exception) error).StackTrace : "";
sink._addError(error, stackTrace);
internal virtual void _handleDone(_EventSink<T> sink) {
// /**
// * Abstract superclass for subscriptions that forward to other subscriptions.
// */
class _ForwardingStreamSubscription<S, T>
: _BufferingStreamSubscription<T> {
readonly _ForwardingStream<S, T> _stream;
StreamSubscription<S> _subscription;
internal _ForwardingStreamSubscription(_ForwardingStream<S, T> _stream,
Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError, Action onDone, bool cancelOnError
: base(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) {
this._stream = _stream;
_subscription = _stream._source
.listen(_handleData, onError: _handleError, onDone: _handleDone);
// _StreamSink interface.
// Transformers sending more than one event have no way to know if the stream
// is canceled or closed after the first, so we just ignore remaining events.
public override void _add(T data) {
if (_isClosed) return;
public override void _addError(object error, string stackTrace) {
if (_isClosed) return;
base._addError(error, stackTrace);
// StreamSubscription callbacks.
protected override void _onPause() {
if (_subscription == null) return;
protected override void _onResume() {
if (_subscription == null) return;
protected override Future _onCancel() {
if (_subscription != null) {
StreamSubscription<S> subscription = _subscription;
_subscription = null;
return subscription.cancel();
return null;
// Methods used as listener on source subscription.
void _handleData(S data) {
_stream._handleData(data, this);
void _handleError(object error, string stackTrace) {
_stream._handleError((Exception) error, this);
void _handleDone() {
// // -------------------------------------------------------------------
// // Stream transformers used by the default Stream implementation.
// // -------------------------------------------------------------------
class _WhereStream<T> : _ForwardingStream<T, T> {
readonly _stream._Predicate<T> _test;
internal _WhereStream(Stream<T> source, Func<T, bool> test) : base(source) {
_test = d => test(d);
internal override void _handleData(T inputEvent, _EventSink<T> sink) {
bool satisfies;
try {
satisfies = _test(inputEvent);
catch (Exception e) {
_stream._addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, e.StackTrace);
if (satisfies) {
// /**
// * A stream pipe that converts data events before passing them on.
// */
class _MapStream<S, T> : _ForwardingStream<S, T> {
readonly _stream._Transformation<S, T> _transform;
internal _MapStream(Stream<S> source, Func<S, T> transform) : base(source) {
_transform = d => transform(d);
internal override void _handleData(S inputEvent, _EventSink<T> sink) {
T outputEvent;
try {
outputEvent = _transform(inputEvent);
catch (Exception e) {
_stream._addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, e.StackTrace);
// /**
// * A stream pipe that converts data events before passing them on.
// */
class _ExpandStream<S, T> : _ForwardingStream<S, T> {
readonly _stream._Transformation<S, IEnumerable<T>> _expand;
internal _ExpandStream(Stream<S> source, _stream._Transformation<S, IEnumerable<T>> expand) : base(source) {
_expand = expand;
internal override void _handleData(S inputEvent, _EventSink<T> sink) {
try {
foreach (T value in _expand(inputEvent)) {
catch (Exception e) {
// If either _expand or iterating the generated iterator throws,
// we abort the iteration.
_stream._addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, e.StackTrace);
// /**
// * A stream pipe that converts or disposes error events
// * before passing them on.
// */
class _HandleErrorStream<T> : _ForwardingStream<T, T> {
readonly ZoneBinaryCallback _transform;
readonly _stream._ErrorTest _test;
internal _HandleErrorStream(Stream<T> source, ZoneBinaryCallback onError, _stream._ErrorTest test) :
base(source) {
_transform = onError;
_test = test;
internal override void _handleError(object error, _EventSink<T> sink) {
bool matches = true;
if (_test != null) {
try {
matches = _test((Exception) error);
catch (Exception e) {
_stream._addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, e.StackTrace);
string stackTrace = error is Exception ? ((Exception) error).StackTrace : "";
if (matches) {
try {
_async._invokeErrorHandler(_transform, error, stackTrace);
catch (Exception e) {
if (Equals(e, error)) {
sink._addError(error, stackTrace);
else {
_stream._addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, e.StackTrace);
else {
sink._addError(error, stackTrace);
class _TakeStream<T> : _ForwardingStream<T, T> {
readonly int _count;
internal _TakeStream(Stream<T> source, int count) : base(source) {
_count = count;
// This test is done early to avoid handling an async error
// in the _handleData method.
// ArgumentError.checkNotNull(count, "count");
internal override StreamSubscription<T> _createSubscription(Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError,
Action onDone, bool cancelOnError) {
if (_count == 0) {
return new _DoneStreamSubscription<T>(() => onDone());
return new _StateStreamSubscription<T>(
this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, _count);
internal override void _handleData(T inputEvent, _EventSink<T> sink) {
_StateStreamSubscription<T> subscription = (_StateStreamSubscription<T>) sink;
int count = subscription._count;
if (count > 0) {
count -= 1;
subscription._count = count;
if (count == 0) {
// Closing also unsubscribes all subscribers, which unsubscribes
// this from source.
// /**
// * A [_ForwardingStreamSubscription] with one extra state field.
// *
// * Use by several different classes, storing an integer, bool or general.
// */
class _StateStreamSubscription<T> : _ForwardingStreamSubscription<T, T> {
// Raw state field. Typed access provided by getters and setters below.
// siyao: this is used as bool and int, if it was used at the same time, everything would be fxxked up.
object _sharedState;
internal _StateStreamSubscription(
_ForwardingStream<T, T> stream,
Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError, Action onDone, bool cancelOnError, object _sharedState
: base(stream, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) {
this._sharedState = _sharedState;
internal bool _flag {
get => (bool) _sharedState;
set => _sharedState = value;
internal int _count {
get => (int) _sharedState;
set => _sharedState = value;
internal object _value {
get => _sharedState;
set => _sharedState = value;
class _TakeWhileStream<T> : _ForwardingStream<T, T> {
readonly _stream._Predicate<T> _test;
internal _TakeWhileStream(Stream<T> source, _stream._Predicate<T> test)
: base(source) {
_test = test;
internal override void _handleData(T inputEvent, _EventSink<T> sink) {
bool satisfies;
try {
satisfies = _test(inputEvent);
catch (Exception e) {
_stream._addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, e.StackTrace);
// The test didn't say true. Didn't say false either, but we stop anyway.
if (satisfies) {
else {
class _SkipStream<T> : _ForwardingStream<T, T> {
readonly int _count;
internal _SkipStream(Stream<T> source, int count)
: base(source) {
_count = count;
// This test is done early to avoid handling an async error
// in the _handleData method.
// ArgumentError.checkNotNull(count, "count");
// RangeError.checkNotNegative(count, "count");
internal override StreamSubscription<T> _createSubscription(
Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError, Action onDone, bool cancelOnError) {
return new _StateStreamSubscription<T>(
this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, _count);
internal void _handleDone(T inputEvent, _EventSink<T> sink) {
_StateStreamSubscription<T> subscription = (_StateStreamSubscription<T>) sink;
int count = subscription._count;
if (count > 0) {
subscription._count = count - 1;
class _SkipWhileStream<T> : _ForwardingStream<T, T> {
readonly _stream._Predicate<T> _test;
internal _SkipWhileStream(Stream<T> source, _stream._Predicate<T> test) : base(source) {
_test = test;
internal override StreamSubscription<T> _createSubscription(
Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError, Action onDone, bool cancelOnError
) {
return new _StateStreamSubscription<T>(
this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, false);
internal override void _handleData(T inputEvent, _EventSink<T> sink) {
_StateStreamSubscription<T> subscription = (_StateStreamSubscription<T>) sink;
bool hasFailed = subscription._flag;
if (hasFailed) {
bool satisfies;
try {
satisfies = _test(inputEvent);
catch (Exception e) {
_stream._addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, e.StackTrace);
// A failure to return a boolean is considered "not matching".
subscription._flag = true;
if (!satisfies) {
subscription._flag = true;
class _DistinctStream<T> : _ForwardingStream<T, T> {
static readonly object _SENTINEL = new object();
readonly _stream._Equality<T> _equals;
internal _DistinctStream(Stream<T> source, _stream._Equality<T> equals) : base(source) {
_equals = equals;
internal override StreamSubscription<T> _createSubscription(Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError,
Action onDone, bool cancelOnError) {
return new _StateStreamSubscription<T>(
this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, _SENTINEL);
internal override void _handleData(T inputEvent, _EventSink<T> sink) {
_StateStreamSubscription<T> subscription = (_StateStreamSubscription<T>) sink;
var previous = subscription._value;
if (Equals(previous, _SENTINEL)) {
// First event.
subscription._value = inputEvent;
else {
T previousEvent = (T) previous;
bool isEqual;
try {
if (_equals == null) {
isEqual = Equals(previousEvent, inputEvent);
else {
isEqual = _equals(previousEvent, inputEvent);
catch (Exception e) {
_stream._addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, e.StackTrace);
if (!isEqual) {
subscription._value = inputEvent;