主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
175 行
6.1 KiB
175 行
6.1 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using RSG;
using System.Net;
using System;
using System.IO;
using Unity.UIWidgets.lib.cache_manager;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.painting {
public abstract class ImageProvider {
public abstract ImageStream resolve(ImageConfiguration configuration);
public abstract class ImageProvider<T> : ImageProvider {
public override ImageStream resolve(ImageConfiguration configuration) {
ImageStream stream = new ImageStream();
T obtainedKey;
obtainedKey = obtainKey(configuration);
stream.setCompleter(PaintingBinding.instance.imageCache.putIfAbsent(obtainedKey, () => load(obtainedKey)));
return stream;
public abstract ImageStreamCompleter load(T key);
public abstract T obtainKey(ImageConfiguration configuration);
public class NetworkImage : ImageProvider<NetworkImage> {
public NetworkImage(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headers, double scale = 1.0) {
this.url = url;
this.headers = headers;
this.scale = scale;
/// The URL from which the image will be fetched.
string url;
/// The scale to place in the [ImageInfo] object of the image.
double scale;
/// The HTTP headers that will be used with [HttpClient.get] to fetch image from network.
Dictionary<string, string> headers;
public override NetworkImage obtainKey(ImageConfiguration configuration) {
return this;
public override ImageStreamCompleter load(NetworkImage key) {
// return new OneFrameImageStreamCompleter(_loadAsync(key));
return new OneFrameImageStreamCompleter(_loadAsyncWithCache(key));
public static IPromise<ImageInfo> _loadAsync(NetworkImage key) {
var promise = new Promise<ImageInfo>(); // Create promise.
using (var client = new WebClient()) {
client.DownloadDataCompleted += // Monitor event for download completed.
(s, ev) => {
if (ev.Error != null) {
promise.Reject(ev.Error); // Error during download, reject the promise.
else {
var bytes = ev.Result;
var imageInfo = new ImageInfo(new ui.Image(
promise.Resolve(imageInfo); // Downloaded completed successfully, resolve the promise.
client.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(key.url)); // Initiate async op.
return promise; // Return the promise so the caller can await resolution (or error).
public static IPromise<ImageInfo> _loadAsyncWithCache(NetworkImage key) {
var cache = CacheManager.getInstance();
var result = cache.getMeta(key.url).
Then(meta => cache.downloadFileIfNeeded(meta)).
Then(meta => cache.updateMeta(meta)).
Then(path => cache.loadCacheFile(path));
return result;
public override string ToString() {
return "NetworkImage with Url: " + this.url;
public bool Equals(NetworkImage other) {
return this.url.Equals(other.url) && this.scale.Equals(other.scale);
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
return obj is NetworkImage && this.Equals((NetworkImage) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
var hashCode = this.url.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.scale.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public class FileImage : ImageProvider<FileImage> {
public FileImage(string path, double scale = 1.0) {
this.path = path;
this.scale = scale;
public string path;
public double scale;
public override FileImage obtainKey(ImageConfiguration configuration) {
return this;
public override ImageStreamCompleter load(FileImage key) {
return new OneFrameImageStreamCompleter(_loadAsync(key));
public static IPromise<ImageInfo> _loadAsync(FileImage key) {
var promise = new Promise<ImageInfo>();
var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(key.path);
var imageInfo = new ImageInfo(new ui.Image(
return promise;
public override string ToString() {
return "FileImage with Path: " + this.path;
public bool Equals(FileImage other) {
return this.path.Equals(other.path) && this.scale.Equals(other.scale);
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
return obj is FileImage && this.Equals((FileImage) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
var hashCode = this.path.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.scale.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public class ImageConfiguration {
public ImageConfiguration(Size size = null) {
this.size = size;
public static readonly ImageConfiguration empty = new ImageConfiguration();
public ImageConfiguration copyWith(Size size = null) {
return new ImageConfiguration(
size: size ?? this.size
public readonly Size size;