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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.async {
static partial class _stream {
internal delegate void _DataHandler<T>(T value);
internal delegate void _DoneHandler();
internal static void _nullDataHandler<T>(T obj) {
internal static void _nullErrorHandler(Exception error) {
internal static void _nullDoneHandler() {
internal delegate _PendingEvents<T> _EventGenerator<T>();
internal delegate void _BroadcastCallback<T>(StreamSubscription<T> subscription);
abstract class _StreamImpl<T> : Stream<T> {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stream interface.
public override StreamSubscription<T> listen(
Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError = null, Action onDone = null, bool cancelOnError = false) {
// void onData(T data),
// {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) {
cancelOnError = Equals(true, cancelOnError);
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
_createSubscription(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError);
return subscription;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Create a subscription object. Called by [subcribe]. */
internal virtual StreamSubscription<T> _createSubscription(
Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError, Action onDone, bool cancelOnError) {
return new _BufferingStreamSubscription<T>(
onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError);
/** Hook called when the subscription has been created. */
void _onListen(StreamSubscription<T> subscription) {
class _GeneratedStreamImpl<T> : _StreamImpl<T> {
readonly _stream._EventGenerator<T> _pending;
bool _isUsed = false;
internal _GeneratedStreamImpl(_stream._EventGenerator<T> _pending) {
this._pending = _pending;
internal override StreamSubscription<T> _createSubscription(
Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError, Action onDone, bool cancelOnError) {
if (_isUsed) throw new Exception("Stream has already been listened to.");
_isUsed = true;
var result = new _BufferingStreamSubscription<T>(
onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError);
return result;
class _IterablePendingEvents<T> : _PendingEvents<T> {
IEnumerator<T> _iterator;
internal _IterablePendingEvents(IEnumerable<T> data) {
_iterator = data.GetEnumerator();
public override bool isEmpty {
get { return _iterator == null; }
public override void handleNext(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch) {
if (_iterator == null) {
throw new Exception("No events pending.");
bool? hasMore = null;
try {
hasMore = _iterator.MoveNext();
if (hasMore ?? false) {
else {
_iterator = null;
catch (Exception e) {
if (hasMore == null) {
// Threw in .moveNext().
// Ensure that we send a done afterwards.
_iterator = Enumerable.Empty<T>().GetEnumerator(); // new EmptyIterator<Null>();
dispatch._sendError(e, e.StackTrace);
else {
// Threw in .current.
dispatch._sendError(e, e.StackTrace);
public override void clear() {
if (isScheduled) cancelSchedule();
_iterator = null;
abstract class _DelayedEvent<T> {
/** Added as a linked list on the [StreamController]. */
internal virtual _DelayedEvent<T> next { get; set; }
/** Execute the delayed event on the [StreamController]. */
public abstract void perform(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch);
class _DelayedData<T> : _DelayedEvent<T> {
readonly T value;
internal _DelayedData(T value) {
this.value = value;
public override void perform(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch) {
/** A delayed error event. */
class _DelayedError<T> : _DelayedEvent<T> {
readonly Exception error;
readonly string stackTrace;
internal _DelayedError(Exception error, string stackTrace) {
this.error = error;
this.stackTrace = stackTrace;
public override void perform(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch) {
dispatch._sendError(error, stackTrace);
class _DelayedDone<T> : _DelayedEvent<T> {
internal _DelayedDone() {
public override void perform(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch) {
internal override _DelayedEvent<T> next {
get { return null; }
set { throw new Exception("No events after a done."); }
interface _EventSink<T> {
void _add(T data);
void _addError(object error, string stackTrace);
void _close();
interface _EventDispatch<T> {
void _sendData(T data);
void _sendError(object error, string stackTrace);
void _sendDone();
class _BufferingStreamSubscription<T>
: StreamSubscription<T>, _EventSink<T>, _EventDispatch<T> {
/** The `cancelOnError` flag from the `listen` call. */
const int _STATE_CANCEL_ON_ERROR = 1;
const int _STATE_CLOSED = 2;
const int _STATE_INPUT_PAUSED = 4;
const int _STATE_CANCELED = 8;
const int _STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL = 16;
const int _STATE_IN_CALLBACK = 32;
const int _STATE_HAS_PENDING = 64;
const int _STATE_PAUSE_COUNT = 128;
_stream._DataHandler<T> _onData;
Action<Exception, string> _onError;
_stream._DoneHandler _onDone;
readonly Zone _zone = Zone.current;
/** Bit vector based on state-constants above. */
int _state;
// TODO(floitsch): reuse another field
/** The future [_onCancel] may return. */
Future _cancelFuture;
_PendingEvents<T> _pending;
internal _BufferingStreamSubscription(
Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError, Action onDone, bool cancelOnError) {
_state = (cancelOnError ? _STATE_CANCEL_ON_ERROR : 0);
internal void _setPendingEvents(_PendingEvents<T> pendingEvents) {
D.assert(_pending == null);
if (pendingEvents == null) return;
_pending = pendingEvents;
if (!pendingEvents.isEmpty) {
// StreamSubscription interface.
public override void onData(Action<T> handleData) {
handleData = handleData ?? _stream._nullDataHandler;
// TODO(floitsch): the return type should be 'void', and the type
// should be inferred.
_onData = d => {
_zone.registerUnaryCallback(data =>
handleData((T) data);
return default;
// Siyao: c# does not support convert action
public override void onError(Action<object, string> handleError) {
handleError = handleError ?? ((input1, input2) => _stream._nullErrorHandler(null));
_onError = (arg1, arg2) => _zone
.registerBinaryCallback((in1, in2) => {
handleError(in1, (string) in2);
return null;
}).Invoke(arg1, arg2);
public override void onDone(Action handleDone) {
handleDone = handleDone ?? _stream._nullDoneHandler;
_onDone = () => _zone.registerCallback(() => {
return null;
public override void pause(Future resumeSignal) {
if (_isCanceled) return;
bool wasPaused = _isPaused;
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
// Increment pause count and mark input paused (if it isn't already).
if (resumeSignal != null) resumeSignal.whenComplete(resume);
if (!wasPaused && _pending != null) _pending.cancelSchedule();
if (!wasInputPaused && !_inCallback) _guardCallback(_onPause);
public override void resume() {
if (_isCanceled) return;
if (_isPaused) {
if (!_isPaused) {
if (_hasPending && !_pending.isEmpty) {
// Input is still paused.
else {
if (!_inCallback) _guardCallback(_onResume);
public override Future cancel() {
// The user doesn't want to receive any further events. If there is an
// error or done event pending (waiting for the cancel to be done) discard
// that event.
if (!_isCanceled) {
return _cancelFuture ?? Future._nullFuture;
public override Future<E> asFuture<E>(E futureValue) {
_Future result = new _Future();
// Overwrite the onDone and onError handlers.
_onDone = () => { result._complete(FutureOr.value(futureValue)); };
_onError = (error, stackTrace) => {
Future cancelFuture = cancel();
if (!Equals(cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) {
cancelFuture.whenComplete(() => { result._completeError(error); });
else {
return result.to<E>();
// State management.
internal bool _isInputPaused {
get => (_state & _STATE_INPUT_PAUSED) != 0;
internal bool _isClosed {
get => (_state & _STATE_CLOSED) != 0;
internal bool _isCanceled {
get => (_state & _STATE_CANCELED) != 0;
internal bool _waitsForCancel {
get => (_state & _STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL) != 0;
internal bool _inCallback {
get => (_state & _STATE_IN_CALLBACK) != 0;
internal bool _hasPending {
get => (_state & _STATE_HAS_PENDING) != 0;
internal bool _isPaused {
get => _state >= _STATE_PAUSE_COUNT;
internal bool _canFire {
get => _state < _STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
internal bool _mayResumeInput {
get =>
!_isPaused && (_pending == null || _pending.isEmpty);
internal bool _cancelOnError {
get => (_state & _STATE_CANCEL_ON_ERROR) != 0;
public override bool isPaused {
get => _isPaused;
void _cancel() {
_state |= _STATE_CANCELED;
if (_hasPending) {
if (!_inCallback) _pending = null;
_cancelFuture = _onCancel();
void _decrementPauseCount() {
// _EventSink interface.
public virtual void _add(T data) {
if (_isCanceled) return;
if (_canFire) {
else {
_addPending(new _DelayedData<T>(data));
public virtual void _addError(object error, string stackTrace) {
if (_isCanceled) return;
if (_canFire) {
_sendError(error, stackTrace); // Reports cancel after sending.
else {
_addPending(new _DelayedError<T>((Exception) error, stackTrace));
public virtual void _close() {
if (_isCanceled) return;
_state |= _STATE_CLOSED;
if (_canFire) {
else {
_addPending(new _DelayedDone<T>());
// Hooks called when the input is paused, unpaused or canceled.
// These must not throw. If overwritten to call user code, include suitable
// try/catch wrapping and send any errors to
// [_Zone.current.handleUncaughtError].
protected virtual void _onPause() {
protected virtual void _onResume() {
protected virtual Future _onCancel() {
return null;
// Handle pending events.
internal void _addPending(_DelayedEvent<T> evt) {
_StreamImplEvents<T> pending = _pending as _StreamImplEvents<T>;
if (_pending == null) {
pending = (_StreamImplEvents<T>) (_pending = new _StreamImplEvents<T>());
if (!_hasPending) {
if (!_isPaused) {
public virtual void _sendData(T data) {
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
_zone.runUnaryGuarded(data1 => {
_onData((T) data1);
return null;
}, data);
_state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
public virtual void _sendError(object error, string stackTrace) {
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
void sendError() {
// If the subscription has been canceled while waiting for the cancel
// future to finish we must not report the error.
if (_isCanceled && !_waitsForCancel) return;
// TODO(floitsch): this dynamic should be 'void'.
var onError = _onError;
if (onError != null) {
_zone.runBinaryGuarded((error1, stack) => {
onError((Exception) error1, (string) stack);
return null;
}, error, stackTrace);
else {
// Siyao: c# could not cast Action
D.assert(_onError != null);
// _zone.runUnaryGuarded(error => _onError, error);
_state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
if (_cancelOnError) {
if (_cancelFuture != null &&
!Equals(_cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) {
else {
else {
// Only check state if not cancelOnError.
public void _sendDone() {
void sendDone() {
// If the subscription has been canceled while waiting for the cancel
// future to finish we must not report the done event.
if (!_waitsForCancel) return;
_zone.runGuarded(() => {
return null;
_state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
if (_cancelFuture != null &&
!Equals(_cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) {
else {
internal void _guardCallback(Action callback) {
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
_state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
void _checkState(bool wasInputPaused) {
if (_hasPending && _pending.isEmpty) {
_state &= ~_STATE_HAS_PENDING;
if (_isInputPaused && _mayResumeInput) {
// If the state changes during a callback, we immediately
// make a new state-change callback. Loop until the state didn't change.
while (true) {
if (_isCanceled) {
_pending = null;
bool isInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
if (wasInputPaused == isInputPaused) break;
if (isInputPaused) {
else {
_state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
wasInputPaused = isInputPaused;
if (_hasPending && !_isPaused) {
abstract class _PendingEvents<T> {
// No async event has been scheduled.
const int _STATE_UNSCHEDULED = 0;
// An async event has been scheduled to run a function.
const int _STATE_SCHEDULED = 1;
// An async event has been scheduled, but it will do nothing when it runs.
// Async events can't be preempted.
const int _STATE_CANCELED = 3;
* State of being scheduled.
* Set to [_STATE_SCHEDULED] when pending events are scheduled for
* async dispatch. Since we can't cancel a [scheduleMicrotask] call, if
* scheduling is "canceled", the _state is simply set to [_STATE_CANCELED]
* which will make the async code do nothing except resetting [_state].
* If events are scheduled while the state is [_STATE_CANCELED], it is
* merely switched back to [_STATE_SCHEDULED], but no new call to
* [scheduleMicrotask] is performed.
int _state = _STATE_UNSCHEDULED;
public virtual bool isEmpty { get; }
public bool isScheduled {
get => _state == _STATE_SCHEDULED;
public bool _eventScheduled {
get => _state >= _STATE_SCHEDULED;
* Schedule an event to run later.
* If called more than once, it should be called with the same dispatch as
* argument each time. It may reuse an earlier argument in some cases.
public void schedule(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch) {
if (isScheduled) return;
if (_eventScheduled) {
D.assert(_state == _STATE_CANCELED);
async_.scheduleMicrotask(() => {
int oldState = _state;
if (oldState == _STATE_CANCELED) return null;
return null;
public void cancelSchedule() {
if (isScheduled) _state = _STATE_CANCELED;
public abstract void handleNext(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch);
/** Throw away any pending events and cancel scheduled events. */
public abstract void clear();
class _StreamImplEvents<T> : _PendingEvents<T> {
/// Single linked list of [_DelayedEvent] objects.
_DelayedEvent<T> firstPendingEvent;
/// Last element in the list of pending events. New events are added after it.
_DelayedEvent<T> lastPendingEvent;
public override bool isEmpty {
get { return lastPendingEvent == null; }
internal void add(_DelayedEvent<T> evt) {
if (lastPendingEvent == null) {
firstPendingEvent = lastPendingEvent = evt;
else {
lastPendingEvent = lastPendingEvent.next = evt;
public override void handleNext(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch) {
_DelayedEvent<T> evt = firstPendingEvent;
firstPendingEvent = evt.next;
if (firstPendingEvent == null) {
lastPendingEvent = null;
evt.perform((_EventDispatch<T>) dispatch);
public override void clear() {
if (isScheduled) cancelSchedule();
firstPendingEvent = lastPendingEvent = null;
class _DoneStreamSubscription<T> : StreamSubscription<T> {
internal const int _DONE_SENT = 1;
internal const int _SCHEDULED = 2;
internal const int _PAUSED = 4;
readonly Zone _zone;
int _state = 0;
_stream._DoneHandler _onDone;
internal _DoneStreamSubscription(_stream._DoneHandler _onDone) {
_zone = Zone.current;
this._onDone = _onDone;
bool _isSent {
get => (_state & _DONE_SENT) != 0;
bool _isScheduled {
get => (_state & _SCHEDULED) != 0;
public override bool isPaused {
get => _state >= _PAUSED;
void _schedule() {
if (_isScheduled) return;
_zone.scheduleMicrotask(() => {
return null;
_state |= _SCHEDULED;
public override void onData(Action<T> handleData) {
public override void onError(Action<object, string> action) {
public override void onDone(Action handleDone) {
_onDone = () => handleDone();
public override void pause(Future resumeSignal = null) {
_state += _PAUSED;
if (resumeSignal != null) resumeSignal.whenComplete(resume);
public override void resume() {
if (isPaused) {
_state -= _PAUSED;
if (!isPaused && !_isSent) {
public override Future cancel() => Future._nullFuture;
public override Future<E> asFuture<E>(E futureValue) {
_Future result = new _Future();
_onDone = () => { result._completeWithValue(futureValue); };
return result.to<E>();
void _sendDone() {
_state &= ~_SCHEDULED;
if (isPaused) return;
_state |= _DONE_SENT;
if (_onDone != null) _zone.runGuarded(() => _onDone);
class _AsBroadcastStream<T> : Stream<T> {
readonly Stream<T> _source;
readonly _stream._BroadcastCallback<T> _onListenHandler;
readonly _stream._BroadcastCallback<T> _onCancelHandler;
readonly Zone _zone;
_AsBroadcastStreamController<T> _controller;
StreamSubscription<T> _subscription;
internal _AsBroadcastStream(
Stream<T> _source,
Action<StreamSubscription<T>> onListenHandler,
Action<StreamSubscription<T>> onCancelHandler)
// TODO(floitsch): the return type should be void and should be
// inferred.
this._source = _source;
_onListenHandler = a => Zone.current
b => {
onListenHandler?.Invoke((StreamSubscription<T>) b);
return default;
_onCancelHandler = d => Zone.current
c => {
onCancelHandler?.Invoke((StreamSubscription<T>) c);
return default;
_zone = Zone.current;
_controller = new _AsBroadcastStreamController<T>(_onListen, _onCancel);
public override bool isBroadcast {
get { return true; }
public override StreamSubscription<T> listen(Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError = null,
Action onDone = null, bool cancelOnError = false) {
if (_controller == null || _controller.isClosed) {
// Return a dummy subscription backed by nothing, since
// it will only ever send one done event.
return new _DoneStreamSubscription<T>(() => onDone());
_subscription = _subscription ?? _source.listen(_controller.add,
onError: _controller.addError, onDone: () => _controller.close());
cancelOnError = Equals(true, cancelOnError);
return _controller._subscribe(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError);
void _onCancel() {
bool shutdown = (_controller == null) || _controller.isClosed;
if (_onCancelHandler != null) {
a => {
_onCancelHandler((StreamSubscription<T>) a);
return default;
}, new _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper<T>(this));
if (shutdown) {
if (_subscription != null) {
_subscription = null;
void _onListen() {
if (_onListenHandler != null) {
a => {
_onListenHandler((StreamSubscription<T>) a);
return default;
}, new _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper<T>(this));
// Methods called from _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper.
internal void _cancelSubscription() {
if (_subscription == null) return;
// Called by [_controller] when it has no subscribers left.
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = _subscription;
_subscription = null;
_controller = null; // Marks the stream as no longer listenable.
internal void _pauseSubscription(Future resumeSignal) {
if (_subscription == null) return;
internal void _resumeSubscription() {
if (_subscription == null) return;
internal bool _isSubscriptionPaused {
get {
if (_subscription == null) return false;
return _subscription.isPaused;
class _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper<T> : StreamSubscription<T> {
readonly _AsBroadcastStream<T> _stream;
internal _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper(_AsBroadcastStream<T> _stream) {
this._stream = _stream;
public override void onData(Action<T> handleData) {
throw new Exception(
"Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription.");
public override void onError(Action<object, string> action) {
throw new Exception(
"Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription.");
public override void onDone(Action handleDone) {
throw new Exception(
"Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription.");
public override void pause(Future resumeSignal = null) {
public override void resume() {
public override Future cancel() {
return Future._nullFuture;
public override bool isPaused {
get { return _stream._isSubscriptionPaused; }
public override Future<E> asFuture<E>(E futureValue) {
throw new Exception(
"Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription.");
internal class _StreamIterator<T> : StreamIterator<T> {
StreamSubscription<T> _subscription;
object _stateData;
bool _isPaused = false;
internal _StreamIterator(Stream<T> stream) {
if (stream != null) {
_stateData = stream;
else {
throw new ArgumentException("not null", "stream");
// _stateData = stream ?? (throw ArgumentError.notNull("stream"));
object current {
get {
if (_subscription != null && _isPaused) {
return _stateData;
return default;
public override Future<bool> moveNext() {
if (_subscription != null) {
if (_isPaused) {
var future = new _Future();
_stateData = future;
_isPaused = false;
return future.to<bool>();
throw new Exception("Already waiting for next.");
return _initializeOrDone();
Future<bool> _initializeOrDone() {
D.assert(_subscription == null);
var stateData = _stateData;
if (stateData != null) {
Stream<T> stream = (Stream<T>) stateData;
_subscription = stream.listen(_onData,
onError: _onError, onDone: _onDone, cancelOnError: true);
var future = new _Future();
_stateData = future;
return future.to<bool>();
return Future._falseFuture.to<bool>();
public override Future cancel() {
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = _subscription;
object stateData = _stateData;
_stateData = null;
if (subscription != null) {
_subscription = null;
if (!_isPaused) {
_Future future = (_Future) stateData;
return subscription.cancel();
return Future._nullFuture;
void _onData(T data) {
D.assert(_subscription != null && !_isPaused);
_Future moveNextFuture = (_Future) _stateData;
_stateData = data;
_isPaused = true;
if (_subscription != null && _isPaused) _subscription.pause();
void _onError(object error, string stackTrace) {
D.assert(_subscription != null && !_isPaused);
_Future moveNextFuture = (_Future) _stateData;
_subscription = null;
_stateData = null;
moveNextFuture._completeError((Exception) error);
void _onDone() {
D.assert(_subscription != null && !_isPaused);
_Future moveNextFuture = (_Future) _stateData;
_subscription = null;
_stateData = null;
class _EmptyStream<T> : Stream<T> {
internal _EmptyStream() : base() {
public override bool isBroadcast {
get { return true; }
public override StreamSubscription<T> listen(Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError = null,
Action onDone = null, bool cancelOnError = false) {
return new _DoneStreamSubscription<T>(() => onDone());