主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
266 行
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266 行
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using System;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.rendering {
public abstract class RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor : RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor {
protected RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor(
RenderSliverBoxChildManager childManager = null
) : base(childManager: childManager) {
public abstract float itemExtent { get; set; }
protected virtual float indexToLayoutOffset(float itemExtent, int index) {
return itemExtent * index;
protected virtual int getMinChildIndexForScrollOffset(float scrollOffset, float itemExtent) {
if (itemExtent > 0.0) {
float actual = scrollOffset / itemExtent;
int round = actual.round();
if ((actual - round).abs() < foundation_.precisionErrorTolerance) {
return round;
return actual.floor();
return 0;
protected virtual int getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset(float scrollOffset, float itemExtent) {
return itemExtent > 0.0 ? Mathf.Max(0, (int) Mathf.Ceil(scrollOffset / itemExtent) - 1) : 0;
protected virtual float estimateMaxScrollOffset(
SliverConstraints constraints,
int firstIndex = 0,
int lastIndex = 0,
float leadingScrollOffset = 0.0f,
float trailingScrollOffset = 0.0f
) {
return childManager.estimateMaxScrollOffset(
firstIndex: firstIndex,
lastIndex: lastIndex,
leadingScrollOffset: leadingScrollOffset,
trailingScrollOffset: trailingScrollOffset
protected float computeMaxScrollOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, float itemExtent) {
return childManager.childCount.Value * itemExtent;
int _calculateLeadingGarbage(int firstIndex) {
RenderBox walker = firstChild;
int leadingGarbage = 0;
while(walker != null && indexOf(walker) < firstIndex){
leadingGarbage += 1;
walker = childAfter(walker);
return leadingGarbage;
int _calculateTrailingGarbage(int targetLastIndex) {
RenderBox walker = lastChild;
int trailingGarbage = 0;
while(walker != null && indexOf(walker) > targetLastIndex){
trailingGarbage += 1;
walker = childBefore(walker);
return trailingGarbage;
protected override void performLayout() {
SliverConstraints constraints = this.constraints;
float itemExtent = this.itemExtent;
float scrollOffset = constraints.scrollOffset + constraints.cacheOrigin;
D.assert(scrollOffset >= 0.0);
float remainingExtent = constraints.remainingCacheExtent;
D.assert(remainingExtent >= 0.0);
float targetEndScrollOffset = scrollOffset + remainingExtent;
BoxConstraints childConstraints = constraints.asBoxConstraints(
minExtent: itemExtent,
maxExtent: itemExtent
int firstIndex = getMinChildIndexForScrollOffset(scrollOffset, itemExtent);
int? targetLastIndex = targetEndScrollOffset.isFinite()
? getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset(targetEndScrollOffset, itemExtent)
: (int?) null;
if (firstChild != null) {
int leadingGarbage = _calculateLeadingGarbage(firstIndex);
int trailingGarbage = _calculateTrailingGarbage(targetLastIndex.Value);
collectGarbage(leadingGarbage, trailingGarbage);
else {
collectGarbage(0, 0);
if (firstChild == null) {
if (!addInitialChild(index: firstIndex,
layoutOffset: indexToLayoutOffset(itemExtent, firstIndex))) {
float max;
if (childManager.childCount != null) {
max = computeMaxScrollOffset(constraints, itemExtent);
else if (firstIndex <= 0) {
max = 0.0f;
else {
// We will have to find it manually.
int possibleFirstIndex = firstIndex - 1;
while (
possibleFirstIndex > 0 &&
index: possibleFirstIndex,
layoutOffset: indexToLayoutOffset(itemExtent, possibleFirstIndex)
) {
possibleFirstIndex -= 1;
max = possibleFirstIndex * itemExtent;
geometry = new SliverGeometry(
scrollExtent: max,
maxPaintExtent: max
RenderBox trailingChildWithLayout = null;
for (int index = indexOf(firstChild) - 1; index >= firstIndex; --index) {
RenderBox child = insertAndLayoutLeadingChild(childConstraints);
if (child == null) {
geometry = new SliverGeometry(scrollOffsetCorrection: index * itemExtent);
var childParentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData) child.parentData;
childParentData.layoutOffset = indexToLayoutOffset(itemExtent, index);
D.assert(childParentData.index == index);
trailingChildWithLayout = trailingChildWithLayout ?? child;
if (trailingChildWithLayout == null) {
var childParentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData) firstChild.parentData;
childParentData.layoutOffset = indexToLayoutOffset(itemExtent, firstIndex);
trailingChildWithLayout = firstChild;
float estimatedMaxScrollOffset = float.PositiveInfinity;
for (int index = indexOf(trailingChildWithLayout) + 1;
targetLastIndex == null || index <= targetLastIndex;
++index) {
RenderBox child = childAfter(trailingChildWithLayout);
if (child == null || indexOf(child) != index) {
child = insertAndLayoutChild(childConstraints, after: trailingChildWithLayout);
if (child == null) {
estimatedMaxScrollOffset = index * itemExtent;
else {
trailingChildWithLayout = child;
var childParentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData) child.parentData;
D.assert(childParentData.index == index);
childParentData.layoutOffset = indexToLayoutOffset(itemExtent, childParentData.index);
int lastIndex = indexOf(lastChild);
float leadingScrollOffset = indexToLayoutOffset(itemExtent, firstIndex);
float trailingScrollOffset = indexToLayoutOffset(itemExtent, lastIndex + 1);
D.assert(firstIndex == 0 ||
childScrollOffset(firstChild) - scrollOffset <= foundation_.precisionErrorTolerance);
D.assert(indexOf(firstChild) == firstIndex);
D.assert(targetLastIndex == null || lastIndex <= targetLastIndex);
estimatedMaxScrollOffset = Mathf.Min(
firstIndex: firstIndex,
lastIndex: lastIndex,
leadingScrollOffset: leadingScrollOffset,
trailingScrollOffset: trailingScrollOffset
float paintExtent = calculatePaintOffset(
from: leadingScrollOffset,
to: trailingScrollOffset
float cacheExtent = calculateCacheOffset(
from: leadingScrollOffset,
to: trailingScrollOffset
float targetEndScrollOffsetForPaint =
constraints.scrollOffset + constraints.remainingPaintExtent;
int? targetLastIndexForPaint = targetEndScrollOffsetForPaint.isFinite()
? getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset(targetEndScrollOffsetForPaint, itemExtent)
: (int?) null;
geometry = new SliverGeometry(
scrollExtent: estimatedMaxScrollOffset,
paintExtent: paintExtent,
cacheExtent: cacheExtent,
maxPaintExtent: estimatedMaxScrollOffset,
hasVisualOverflow: (targetLastIndexForPaint != null && lastIndex >= targetLastIndexForPaint)
|| constraints.scrollOffset > 0.0
if (estimatedMaxScrollOffset == trailingScrollOffset) {
public class RenderSliverFixedExtentList : RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor {
public RenderSliverFixedExtentList(
RenderSliverBoxChildManager childManager = null,
float itemExtent = 0.0f
) : base(childManager: childManager) {
_itemExtent = itemExtent;
public override float itemExtent {
get { return _itemExtent; }
set {
if (_itemExtent == value) {
_itemExtent = value;
float _itemExtent;