主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
97 行
3.4 KiB
97 行
3.4 KiB
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui {
public struct TextBlob {
internal TextBlob(string text, int textOffset, int textSize, float[] positionXs,
UnityEngine.Rect bounds, TextStyle style) {
this.instanceId = ++_nextInstanceId;
this._positionXs = positionXs;
this.text = text;
this.textOffset = textOffset;
this.textSize = textSize;
this.style = style;
this._bounds = bounds;
this._boundsInText = null;
public Rect boundsInText {
get {
if (this._boundsInText == null) {
var pos = this.getPositionX(0);
this._boundsInText = Rect.fromLTWH(this._bounds.xMin + pos, this._bounds.yMin,
this._bounds.width, this._bounds.height);
return this._boundsInText;
public Rect shiftedBoundsInText(float dx, float dy) {
var pos = this.getPositionX(0);
return Rect.fromLTWH(this._bounds.xMin + pos + dx, this._bounds.yMin + dy,
this._bounds.width, this._bounds.height);
public float getPositionX(int i) {
return this._positionXs[this.textOffset + i];
static long _nextInstanceId;
internal readonly long instanceId;
internal readonly string text;
internal readonly int textOffset;
internal readonly int textSize;
internal readonly TextStyle style;
readonly UnityEngine.Rect _bounds; // bounds with positions[start] as origin
readonly float[] _positionXs;
Rect _boundsInText;
public struct TextBlobBuilder {
TextStyle _style;
float[] _positionXs;
string _text;
int _textOffset;
int _size;
UnityEngine.Rect _bounds;
public void allocRunPos(painting.TextStyle style, string text, int offset, int size,
float textScaleFactor = 1.0f) {
this.allocRunPos(TextStyle.applyStyle(null, style, textScaleFactor), text, offset, size);
internal void allocRunPos(TextStyle style, string text, int offset, int size) {
this._style = style;
this._text = text;
this._textOffset = offset;
this._size = size;
// Allocate a single buffer for all text blobs that share this text, to save memory and GC.
// It is assumed that all of `text` is being used. This may cause great waste if a long text is passed
// but only a small part of it is to be rendered, which is not the case for now.
internal void allocPos(int size) {
if (this._positionXs == null || this._positionXs.Length < size) {
this._positionXs = new float[size];
public void setPositionX(int i, float positionX) {
this._positionXs[this._textOffset + i] = positionX;
public void setPositionXs(float[] positionXs) {
this._positionXs = positionXs;
public void setBounds(UnityEngine.Rect bounds) {
this._bounds = bounds;
public TextBlob make() {
var result = new TextBlob(this._text, this._textOffset,
this._size, this._positionXs, this._bounds, this._style);
return result;