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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using com.unity.uiwidgets.Runtime.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.external;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets {
public abstract class SliverChildDelegate {
protected SliverChildDelegate() {
public abstract Widget build(BuildContext context, int index);
public virtual int? estimatedChildCount {
get { return null; }
public virtual float? estimateMaxScrollOffset(
int firstIndex,
int lastIndex,
float leadingScrollOffset,
float trailingScrollOffset
) {
return null;
public virtual void didFinishLayout(int firstIndex, int lastIndex) {
public abstract bool shouldRebuild(SliverChildDelegate oldDelegate);
public override string ToString() {
var description = new List<string>();
return $"{Diagnostics.describeIdentity(this)}({string.Join(", ", description.ToArray())})";
protected virtual void debugFillDescription(List<string> description) {
try {
var children = this.estimatedChildCount;
if (children != null) {
description.Add("estimated child count: " + children);
catch (Exception ex) {
description.Add("estimated child count: EXCEPTION (" + ex.GetType() + ")");
public class SliverChildBuilderDelegate : SliverChildDelegate {
public SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
IndexedWidgetBuilder builder,
int? childCount = null,
bool addAutomaticKeepAlives = true,
bool addRepaintBoundaries = true
) {
D.assert(builder != null);
this.builder = builder;
this.childCount = childCount;
this.addAutomaticKeepAlives = addAutomaticKeepAlives;
this.addRepaintBoundaries = addRepaintBoundaries;
public readonly IndexedWidgetBuilder builder;
public readonly int? childCount;
public readonly bool addAutomaticKeepAlives;
public readonly bool addRepaintBoundaries;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context, int index) {
D.assert(this.builder != null);
if (index < 0 || (this.childCount != null && index >= this.childCount)) {
return null;
Widget child = this.builder(context, index);
if (child == null) {
return null;
if (this.addRepaintBoundaries) {
child = RepaintBoundary.wrap(child, index);
if (this.addAutomaticKeepAlives) {
child = new AutomaticKeepAlive(child: child);
return child;
public override int? estimatedChildCount {
get { return this.childCount; }
public override bool shouldRebuild(SliverChildDelegate oldDelegate) {
return true;
public class SliverChildListDelegate : SliverChildDelegate {
public SliverChildListDelegate(
List<Widget> children,
bool addAutomaticKeepAlives = true,
bool addRepaintBoundaries = true
) {
D.assert(children != null);
this.children = children;
this.addAutomaticKeepAlives = addAutomaticKeepAlives;
this.addRepaintBoundaries = addRepaintBoundaries;
public readonly bool addAutomaticKeepAlives;
public readonly bool addRepaintBoundaries;
public readonly List<Widget> children;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context, int index) {
D.assert(this.children != null);
if (index < 0 || index >= this.children.Count) {
return null;
Widget child = this.children[index];
D.assert(child != null);
if (this.addRepaintBoundaries) {
child = RepaintBoundary.wrap(child, index);
if (this.addAutomaticKeepAlives) {
child = new AutomaticKeepAlive(child: child);
return child;
public override int? estimatedChildCount {
get { return this.children.Count; }
public override bool shouldRebuild(SliverChildDelegate oldDelegate) {
return this.children != ((SliverChildListDelegate) oldDelegate).children;
public abstract class SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget : RenderObjectWidget {
protected SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget(
Key key = null,
SliverChildDelegate del = null
) : base(key: key) {
D.assert(del != null);
this.del = del;
public readonly SliverChildDelegate del;
public override Element createElement() {
return new SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement(this);
public virtual float? estimateMaxScrollOffset(
SliverConstraints constraints,
int firstIndex,
int lastIndex,
float leadingScrollOffset,
float trailingScrollOffset
) {
D.assert(lastIndex >= firstIndex);
return this.del.estimateMaxScrollOffset(
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<SliverChildDelegate>("del", this.del));
public class SliverList : SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget {
public SliverList(
Key key = null,
SliverChildDelegate del = null
) : base(key: key, del: del) {
public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement element = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement) context;
return new RenderSliverList(childManager: element);
public class SliverFixedExtentList : SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget {
public SliverFixedExtentList(
Key key = null,
SliverChildDelegate del = null,
float itemExtent = 0
) : base(key: key, del: del) {
this.itemExtent = itemExtent;
public readonly float itemExtent;
public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement element = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement) context;
return new RenderSliverFixedExtentList(childManager: element, itemExtent: this.itemExtent);
public override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderObject renderObjectRaw) {
var renderObject = (RenderSliverFixedExtentList) renderObjectRaw;
renderObject.itemExtent = this.itemExtent;
public class SliverGrid : SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget {
public SliverGrid(
Key key = null,
SliverChildDelegate layoutDelegate = null,
SliverGridDelegate gridDelegate = null
) : base(key: key, del: layoutDelegate) {
D.assert(layoutDelegate != null);
D.assert(gridDelegate != null);
this.gridDelegate = gridDelegate;
public static SliverGrid count(
Key key = null,
int? crossAxisCount = null,
float mainAxisSpacing = 0.0f,
float crossAxisSpacing = 0.0f,
float childAspectRatio = 1.0f,
List<Widget> children = null
) {
return new SliverGrid(
key: key,
layoutDelegate: new SliverChildListDelegate(children ?? new List<Widget> { }),
gridDelegate: new SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
crossAxisCount: crossAxisCount ?? 0,
mainAxisSpacing: mainAxisSpacing,
crossAxisSpacing: crossAxisSpacing,
childAspectRatio: childAspectRatio
public static SliverGrid extent(
Key key = null,
float? maxCrossAxisExtent = null,
float mainAxisSpacing = 0.0f,
float crossAxisSpacing = 0.0f,
float childAspectRatio = 1.0f,
List<Widget> children = null
) {
return new SliverGrid(key: key,
layoutDelegate: new SliverChildListDelegate(new List<Widget> { }),
gridDelegate: new SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent(
maxCrossAxisExtent: maxCrossAxisExtent ?? 0,
mainAxisSpacing: mainAxisSpacing,
crossAxisSpacing: crossAxisSpacing,
childAspectRatio: childAspectRatio
public readonly SliverGridDelegate gridDelegate;
public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement element = context as SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement;
return new RenderSliverGrid(childManager: element, gridDelegate: this.gridDelegate);
public override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderObject renderObject) {
(renderObject as RenderSliverGrid).gridDelegate = this.gridDelegate;
public override float? estimateMaxScrollOffset(
SliverConstraints constraints,
int firstIndex,
int lastIndex,
float leadingScrollOffset,
float trailingScrollOffset
) {
return base.estimateMaxScrollOffset(
) ?? this.gridDelegate.getLayout(constraints)
.computeMaxScrollOffset(this.del.estimatedChildCount ?? 0);
public class SliverFillViewport : SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget {
public SliverFillViewport(
Key key = null, SliverChildDelegate del = null,
float viewportFraction = 1.0f) : base(key: key, del: del) {
D.assert(viewportFraction > 0.0);
this.viewportFraction = viewportFraction;
public readonly float viewportFraction;
public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement element = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement) context;
return new RenderSliverFillViewport(childManager: element, viewportFraction: this.viewportFraction);
public override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderObject renderObject) {
((RenderSliverFillViewport) renderObject).viewportFraction = this.viewportFraction;
public class SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement : RenderObjectElement, RenderSliverBoxChildManager {
public SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement(SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget widget) : base(widget) {
public new SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget widget {
get { return (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget) base.widget; }
public new RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor renderObject {
get { return (RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor) base.renderObject; }
public override void update(Widget newWidgetRaw) {
var newWidget = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget) newWidgetRaw;
SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget oldWidget = this.widget;
SliverChildDelegate newDelegate = newWidget.del;
SliverChildDelegate oldDelegate = oldWidget.del;
if (newDelegate != oldDelegate &&
(newDelegate.GetType() != oldDelegate.GetType() || newDelegate.shouldRebuild(oldDelegate))) {
Dictionary<int, Widget> _childWidgets = new Dictionary<int, Widget>();
SplayTree<int, Element> _childElements = new SplayTree<int, Element>();
RenderBox _currentBeforeChild;
protected override void performRebuild() {
this._currentBeforeChild = null;
D.assert(this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex == null);
try {
void processElement(int index) {
this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex = index;
Element newChild = this.updateChild(this._childElements.getOrDefault(index), this._build(index),
if (newChild != null) {
this._childElements[index] = newChild;
var parentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData) newChild.renderObject.parentData;
if (!parentData.keptAlive) {
this._currentBeforeChild = (RenderBox) newChild.renderObject;
else {
// processElement may modify the Map - need to do a .toList() here.
this._childElements.Keys.ToList().ForEach(action: processElement);
if (this._didUnderflow) {
var lastKey = this._childElements?.Last()?.Key ?? -1;
processElement(lastKey + 1);
finally {
this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex = null;
Widget _build(int index) {
return this._childWidgets.putIfAbsent(index, () => this.widget.del.build(this, index));
public void createChild(int index, RenderBox after = null) {
D.assert(this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex == null);
this.owner.buildScope(this, () => {
bool insertFirst = after == null;
D.assert(insertFirst || this._childElements[index - 1] != null);
this._currentBeforeChild = insertFirst ? null : (RenderBox) this._childElements[index - 1].renderObject;
Element newChild;
try {
this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex = index;
this._childElements.TryGetValue(index, out newChild);
newChild = this.updateChild(newChild, this._build(index), index);
finally {
this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex = null;
if (newChild != null) {
this._childElements[index] = newChild;
else {
protected override Element updateChild(Element child, Widget newWidget, object newSlot) {
SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData oldParentData = null;
if (child != null && child.renderObject != null) {
oldParentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData) child.renderObject.parentData;
Element newChild = base.updateChild(child, newWidget, newSlot);
SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData newParentData = null;
if (newChild != null && newChild.renderObject != null) {
newParentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData) newChild.renderObject.parentData;
if (oldParentData != newParentData && oldParentData != null && newParentData != null) {
newParentData.layoutOffset = oldParentData.layoutOffset;
return newChild;
protected override void forgetChild(Element child) {
D.assert(child != null);
D.assert(child.slot != null);
D.assert(this._childElements.ContainsKey((int) child.slot));
this._childElements.Remove((int) child.slot);
public void removeChild(RenderBox child) {
int index = this.renderObject.indexOf(child);
D.assert(this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex == null);
D.assert(index >= 0);
this.owner.buildScope(this, () => {
try {
this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex = index;
Element result = this.updateChild(this._childElements[index], null, index);
D.assert(result == null);
finally {
this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex = null;
static float _extrapolateMaxScrollOffset(
int firstIndex,
int lastIndex,
float leadingScrollOffset,
float trailingScrollOffset,
int childCount
) {
if (lastIndex == childCount - 1) {
return trailingScrollOffset;
int reifiedCount = lastIndex - firstIndex + 1;
float averageExtent = (trailingScrollOffset - leadingScrollOffset) / reifiedCount;
int remainingCount = childCount - lastIndex - 1;
return trailingScrollOffset + averageExtent * remainingCount;
public float estimateMaxScrollOffset(SliverConstraints constraints,
int firstIndex = 0,
int lastIndex = 0,
float leadingScrollOffset = 0,
float trailingScrollOffset = 0
) {
int? childCount = this.childCount;
if (childCount == null) {
return float.PositiveInfinity;
return this.widget.estimateMaxScrollOffset(
) ?? _extrapolateMaxScrollOffset(
public int? childCount {
get { return this.widget.del.estimatedChildCount; }
public void didStartLayout() {
public void didFinishLayout() {
int firstIndex = this._childElements.FirstOrDefault().Key;
int lastIndex = this._childElements.LastOrDefault().Key;
this.widget.del.didFinishLayout(firstIndex, lastIndex);
int? _currentlyUpdatingChildIndex;
public bool debugAssertChildListLocked() {
D.assert(this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex == null);
return true;
public void didAdoptChild(RenderBox child) {
D.assert(this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex != null);
SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData childParentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData) child.parentData;
childParentData.index = this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex.Value;
bool _didUnderflow = false;
public void setDidUnderflow(bool value) {
this._didUnderflow = value;
protected override void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slotRaw) {
D.assert(slotRaw != null);
int slot = (int) slotRaw;
D.assert(this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex == slot);
this.renderObject.insert((RenderBox) child, after: this._currentBeforeChild);
D.assert(() => {
SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData childParentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData) child.parentData;
D.assert(slot == childParentData.index);
return true;
protected override void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slotRaw) {
protected override void removeChildRenderObject(RenderObject child) {
D.assert(this._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex != null);
this.renderObject.remove((RenderBox) child);
public override void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
D.assert(!this._childElements.Values.Any(child => child == null));
foreach (var e in this._childElements.Values) {
public override void debugVisitOnstageChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
this._childElements.Values.Where(child => {
SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData parentData =
(SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData) child.renderObject.parentData;
float itemExtent = 0;
switch (this.renderObject.constraints.axis) {
case Axis.horizontal:
itemExtent = child.renderObject.paintBounds.width;
case Axis.vertical:
itemExtent = child.renderObject.paintBounds.height;
return parentData.layoutOffset < this.renderObject.constraints.scrollOffset +
this.renderObject.constraints.remainingPaintExtent &&
parentData.layoutOffset + itemExtent > this.renderObject.constraints.scrollOffset;
}).ToList().ForEach(e => visitor(e));
public class SliverFillRemaining : SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
public SliverFillRemaining(
Key key = null,
Widget child = null
) : base(key: key, child: child) {
public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return new RenderSliverFillRemaining();
public class KeepAlive : ParentDataWidget<SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget> {
public KeepAlive(
Key key = null,
bool keepAlive = true,
Widget child = null
) : base(key: key, child: child) {
D.assert(child != null);
this.keepAlive = keepAlive;
public readonly bool keepAlive;
public override void applyParentData(RenderObject renderObject) {
D.assert(renderObject.parentData is SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData);
SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData parentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData) renderObject.parentData;
if (parentData.keepAlive != this.keepAlive) {
parentData.keepAlive = this.keepAlive;
var targetParent = renderObject.parent;
if (targetParent is RenderObject && !this.keepAlive) {
((RenderObject) targetParent).markNeedsLayout();
public override bool debugCanApplyOutOfTurn() {
return this.keepAlive;
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool>("keepAlive", this.keepAlive));