using System.Collections.Generic; using uiwidgets; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using UnityEngine; using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle; using Transform = Unity.UIWidgets.widgets.Transform; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.material { public enum CollapseMode { parallax, pin, none } public enum StretchMode { zoomBackground, blurBackground, fadeTitle, } public class FlexibleSpaceBar : StatefulWidget { public FlexibleSpaceBar( Key key = null, Widget title = null, Widget background = null, bool? centerTitle = null, EdgeInsets titlePadding = null, CollapseMode collapseMode = CollapseMode.parallax, List stretchModes = null ) : base(key: key) { this.title = title; this.background = background; this.centerTitle = centerTitle; this.titlePadding = titlePadding; this.collapseMode = collapseMode; this.stretchModes = stretchModes ?? new List {StretchMode.zoomBackground}; } public readonly Widget title; public readonly Widget background; public readonly bool? centerTitle; public readonly CollapseMode collapseMode; public readonly List stretchModes; public readonly EdgeInsets titlePadding; public static Widget createSettings( float? toolbarOpacity = null, float? minExtent = null, float? maxExtent = null, float? currentExtent = null, Widget child = null) { D.assert(currentExtent != null); D.assert(child != null); return new FlexibleSpaceBarSettings( toolbarOpacity: toolbarOpacity ?? 1.0f, minExtent: minExtent ?? currentExtent, maxExtent: maxExtent ?? currentExtent, currentExtent: currentExtent, child: child ); } public override State createState() { return new _FlexibleSpaceBarState(); } } class _FlexibleSpaceBarState : State { bool? _getEffectiveCenterTitle(ThemeData themeData) { if (widget.centerTitle != null) { return widget.centerTitle; } switch (themeData.platform) { case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer: case RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor: case RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer: return true; default: return false; } } Alignment _getTitleAlignment(bool effectiveCenterTitle) { if (effectiveCenterTitle) { return Alignment.bottomCenter; } return Alignment.bottomLeft; } float? _getCollapsePadding(float t, FlexibleSpaceBarSettings settings) { switch (widget.collapseMode) { case return -(settings.maxExtent.Value - settings.currentExtent.Value); case CollapseMode.none: return 0.0f; case CollapseMode.parallax: float deltaExtent = settings.maxExtent.Value - settings.minExtent.Value; return -new FloatTween(begin: 0.0f, end: deltaExtent / 4.0f).lerp(t); } return null; } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new LayoutBuilder( builder: (BuildContext _context, BoxConstraints constraints) => { FlexibleSpaceBarSettings settings = _context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType(); D.assert(settings != null, () => "A FlexibleSpaceBar must be wrapped in the widget returned by FlexibleSpaceBar.createSettings()."); List children = new List(); float deltaExtent = settings.maxExtent.Value - settings.minExtent.Value; float t = (1.0f - (settings.currentExtent.Value - settings.minExtent.Value) / deltaExtent) .clamp(0.0f, 1.0f); if (widget.background != null) { float fadeStart = Mathf.Max(0.0f, 1.0f - material_.kToolbarHeight / deltaExtent); float fadeEnd = 1.0f; D.assert(fadeStart <= fadeEnd); float opacity = 1.0f - new Interval(fadeStart, fadeEnd).transform(t); if (opacity > 0.0f) { float height = settings.maxExtent ?? 0; if (widget.stretchModes.Contains(StretchMode.zoomBackground) && constraints.maxHeight > height) { height = constraints.maxHeight; } children.Add(new Positioned( top: _getCollapsePadding(t, settings), left: 0.0f, right: 0.0f, height: height, child: new Opacity( opacity: opacity, child: widget.background) ) ); if (widget.stretchModes.Contains(StretchMode.blurBackground) && constraints.maxHeight > settings.maxExtent) { float blurAmount = (constraints.maxHeight - settings.maxExtent) / 10 ?? 0; children.Add(Positioned.fill( child: new BackdropFilter( child: new Container( color: Colors.transparent ), filter: ui.ImageFilter.blur( sigmaX: blurAmount, sigmaY: blurAmount ) ) )); } } } Widget title = null; if (widget.title != null) { switch (Application.platform) { case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer: title = widget.title; break; default: title = widget.title; break; } } if (widget.stretchModes.Contains(StretchMode.fadeTitle) && constraints.maxHeight > settings.maxExtent) { float stretchOpacity = 1 - (((constraints.maxHeight - settings.maxExtent) / 100)?.clamp(0.0f, 1.0f) ?? 0); title = new Opacity( opacity: stretchOpacity, child: title ); } ThemeData theme = Theme.of(_context); float toolbarOpacity = settings.toolbarOpacity.Value; if (toolbarOpacity > 0.0f) { TextStyle titleStyle = theme.primaryTextTheme.title; titleStyle = titleStyle.copyWith( color: titleStyle.color.withOpacity(toolbarOpacity)); bool effectiveCenterTitle = _getEffectiveCenterTitle(theme).Value; EdgeInsets padding = widget.titlePadding ?? EdgeInsets.only( left: effectiveCenterTitle ? 0.0f : 72.0f, bottom: 16.0f ); float scaleValue = new FloatTween(begin: 1.5f, end: 1.0f).lerp(t); Matrix4 scaleTransform = Matrix4.diagonal3Values(scaleValue, scaleValue, 1); Alignment titleAlignment = _getTitleAlignment(effectiveCenterTitle); children.Add(new Container( padding: padding, child: new Transform( alignment: titleAlignment, transform: scaleTransform, child: new Align( alignment: titleAlignment, child: new DefaultTextStyle( style: titleStyle, child: new LayoutBuilder( builder: (BuildContext __context, BoxConstraints _constraints) => { return new Container( width: _constraints.maxWidth / scaleValue, alignment: titleAlignment, child: title ); } ) ) ) ) ) ); } return new ClipRect( child: new Stack( children: children) ); } ); } } public class FlexibleSpaceBarSettings : InheritedWidget { public FlexibleSpaceBarSettings( Key key = null, float? toolbarOpacity = null, float? minExtent = null, float? maxExtent = null, float? currentExtent = null, Widget child = null ) : base(key: key, child: child) { D.assert(toolbarOpacity != null); D.assert(minExtent != null && minExtent >= 0); D.assert(maxExtent != null && maxExtent >= 0); D.assert(currentExtent != null && currentExtent >= 0); D.assert(toolbarOpacity >= 0.0); D.assert(minExtent <= maxExtent); D.assert(minExtent <= currentExtent); D.assert(currentExtent <= maxExtent); this.toolbarOpacity = toolbarOpacity; this.minExtent = minExtent; this.maxExtent = maxExtent; this.currentExtent = currentExtent; } public readonly float? toolbarOpacity; public readonly float? minExtent; public readonly float? maxExtent; public readonly float? currentExtent; public override bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget oldWidget) { FlexibleSpaceBarSettings _oldWidget = (FlexibleSpaceBarSettings) oldWidget; return toolbarOpacity != _oldWidget.toolbarOpacity || minExtent != _oldWidget.minExtent || maxExtent != _oldWidget.maxExtent || currentExtent != _oldWidget.currentExtent; } } }