using System; using UIWidgets.painting; using UnityEngine; namespace UIWidgets.ui { public class Color : IEquatable { public Color(long value) { this.value = value & 0xFFFFFFFF; } public static Color fromARGB(int a, int r, int g, int b) { return new Color( (((a & 0xff) << 24) | ((r & 0xff) << 16) | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | ((b & 0xff) << 0)) & 0xFFFFFFFF); } public static Color fromRGBO(int r, int g, int b, double opacity) { return new Color( ((((int) (opacity * 0xff) & 0xff) << 24) | ((r & 0xff) << 16) | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | ((b & 0xff) << 0)) & 0xFFFFFFFF); } public readonly long value; public int alpha { get { return (int) ((0xff000000 & this.value) >> 24); } } public double opacity { get { return this.alpha / 255.0; } } public int red { get { return (int) ((0x00ff0000 & this.value) >> 16); } } public int green { get { return (int) ((0x0000ff00 & this.value) >> 8); } } public int blue { get { return (int) ((0x000000ff & this.value) >> 0); } } public Color withAlpha(int a) { return Color.fromARGB(a,,,; } public Color withOpacity(double opacity) { return this.withAlpha((int) (opacity * 255)); } public Color withRed(int r) { return Color.fromARGB(this.alpha, r,,; } public Color withGreen(int g) { return Color.fromARGB(this.alpha,, g,; } public Color withBlue(int b) { return Color.fromARGB(this.alpha,,, b); } public bool Equals(Color other) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false; if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; return this.value == other.value; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false; if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true; if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false; return this.Equals((Color) obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { return this.value.GetHashCode(); } public static bool operator ==(Color a, Color b) { return object.ReferenceEquals(a, null) ? object.ReferenceEquals(b, null) : a.Equals(b); } public static bool operator !=(Color a, Color b) { return !(a == b); } } public class Paint { public Color color; public double blurSigma; } public static class Conversions { public static UnityEngine.Color toColor(this Color color) { return new UnityEngine.Color( / 255f, / 255f, / 255f, color.alpha / 255f); } public static Vector2 toVector(this Offset offset) { return new Vector2((float) offset.dx, (float) offset.dy); } public static UnityEngine.Rect toRect(this Rect rect) { return new UnityEngine.Rect((float) rect.left, (float), (float) rect.width, (float) rect.height); } public static Vector4 toVector(this BorderWidth borderWidth) { return new Vector4((float) borderWidth.left, (float), (float) borderWidth.right, (float) borderWidth.bottom); } public static float[] toFloatArray(this BorderWidth borderWidth) { return new[] { (float) borderWidth.left, (float), (float) borderWidth.right, (float) borderWidth.bottom }; } public static Vector4 toVector(this BorderRadius borderRadius) { return new Vector4((float) borderRadius.topLeft, (float) borderRadius.topRight, (float) borderRadius.bottomRight, (float) borderRadius.bottomLeft); } public static float[] toFloatArray(this BorderRadius borderRadius) { return new[] { (float) borderRadius.topLeft, (float) borderRadius.topRight, (float) borderRadius.bottomRight, (float) borderRadius.bottomLeft }; } } public class ColorFilter { public ColorFilter(Color color, BlendMode blendMode) { _color = color; _blendMode = blendMode; } Color _color; BlendMode _blendMode; } public enum BlendMode { None = 0, // explicitly assign zero to make it more clear clear, src, dst, dstOver, srcIn, dstIn, srcOut, dstOut, srcATop, dstATop, xor, plus, modulate, screen, // The last coeff mode. overlay, darken, lighten, colorDodge, colorBurn, hardLight, softLight, difference, exclusion, multiply, // The last separable mode. hue, saturation, color, luminosity, } }