using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using Unity.UIWidgets.async2; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler2; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public delegate void DismissDirectionCallback(DismissDirection? direction); public delegate Future ConfirmDismissCallback(DismissDirection? direction); public enum DismissDirection { vertical, horizontal, endToStart, startToEnd, up, down } public class Dismissible : StatefulWidget { public Dismissible( Key key = null, Widget child = null, Widget background = null, Widget secondaryBackground = null, ConfirmDismissCallback confirmDismiss = null, VoidCallback onResize = null, DismissDirectionCallback onDismissed = null, DismissDirection direction = DismissDirection.horizontal, TimeSpan? resizeDuration = null, Dictionary dismissThresholds = null, TimeSpan? movementDuration = null, float crossAxisEndOffset = 0.0f, DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(key != null); D.assert(secondaryBackground == null || background != null); this.resizeDuration = resizeDuration ?? new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 300); this.dismissThresholds = dismissThresholds ?? new Dictionary(); this.movementDuration = movementDuration ?? new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200); this.child = child; this.background = background; this.secondaryBackground = secondaryBackground; this.confirmDismiss = confirmDismiss; this.onResize = onResize; this.onDismissed = onDismissed; this.direction = direction; this.crossAxisEndOffset = crossAxisEndOffset; this.dragStartBehavior = dragStartBehavior; } public readonly Widget child; public readonly Widget background; public readonly Widget secondaryBackground; public readonly VoidCallback onResize; public readonly DismissDirectionCallback onDismissed; public readonly ConfirmDismissCallback confirmDismiss; public readonly DismissDirection direction; public readonly TimeSpan? resizeDuration; public readonly Dictionary dismissThresholds; public readonly TimeSpan? movementDuration; public readonly float crossAxisEndOffset; public readonly DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior; public override State createState() { return new _DismissibleState(); } } class _AutomaticWidgetTicker : Ticker where T : StatefulWidget { internal _AutomaticWidgetTicker( TickerCallback onTick, AutomaticKeepAliveClientWithTickerProviderStateMixin creator, string debugLabel = null) : base(onTick: onTick, debugLabel: debugLabel) { _creator = creator; } readonly AutomaticKeepAliveClientWithTickerProviderStateMixin _creator; public override void Dispose() { _creator._removeTicker(this); base.Dispose(); } } class _DismissibleClipper : CustomClipper { public _DismissibleClipper( Axis axis, Animation moveAnimation ) : base(reclip: moveAnimation) { this.axis = axis; this.moveAnimation = moveAnimation; } public readonly Axis axis; public readonly Animation moveAnimation; public override Rect getClip(Size size) { switch (axis) { case Axis.horizontal: float offset1 = moveAnimation.value.dx * size.width; if (offset1 < 0) { return Rect.fromLTRB(size.width + offset1, 0.0f, size.width, size.height); } return Rect.fromLTRB(0.0f, 0.0f, offset1, size.height); case Axis.vertical: float offset = moveAnimation.value.dy * size.height; if (offset < 0) { return Rect.fromLTRB(0.0f, size.height + offset, size.width, size.height); } return Rect.fromLTRB(0.0f, 0.0f, size.width, offset); } return null; } public override Rect getApproximateClipRect(Size size) { return getClip(size); } public override bool shouldReclip(CustomClipper oldClipper) { //D.assert(oldClipper is _DismissibleClipper); _DismissibleClipper clipper = oldClipper as _DismissibleClipper; return clipper.axis != axis || clipper.moveAnimation.value != moveAnimation.value; } } enum _FlingGestureKind { none, forward, reverse } public class _DismissibleState : AutomaticKeepAliveClientWithTickerProviderStateMixin { static readonly Curve _kResizeTimeCurve = new Interval(0.4f, 1.0f, curve: Curves.ease); const float _kMinFlingVelocity = 700.0f; const float _kMinFlingVelocityDelta = 400.0f; const float _kFlingVelocityScale = 1.0f / 300.0f; const float _kDismissThreshold = 0.4f; public override void initState() { base.initState(); _moveController = new AnimationController(duration: widget.movementDuration, vsync: this); _moveController.addStatusListener(_handleDismissStatusChanged); _updateMoveAnimation(); } AnimationController _moveController; Animation _moveAnimation; AnimationController _resizeController; Animation _resizeAnimation; float _dragExtent = 0.0f; bool _dragUnderway = false; Size _sizePriorToCollapse; protected override bool wantKeepAlive { get { return _moveController?.isAnimating == true || _resizeController?.isAnimating == true; } } public override void dispose() { _moveController.dispose(); _resizeController?.dispose(); base.dispose(); } bool _directionIsXAxis { get { return widget.direction == DismissDirection.horizontal || widget.direction == DismissDirection.endToStart || widget.direction == DismissDirection.startToEnd; } } DismissDirection? _extentToDirection(float? extent) { if (extent == 0.0) { return null; } if (_directionIsXAxis) { switch (Directionality.of(context)) { case TextDirection.rtl: return extent < 0 ? DismissDirection.startToEnd : DismissDirection.endToStart; case TextDirection.ltr: return extent > 0 ? DismissDirection.startToEnd : DismissDirection.endToStart; } D.assert(false); return null; } return extent > 0 ? DismissDirection.down : DismissDirection.up; } DismissDirection? _dismissDirection { get { return _extentToDirection(_dragExtent); } } bool _isActive { get { return _dragUnderway || _moveController.isAnimating; } } float _overallDragAxisExtent { get { Size size = context.size; return _directionIsXAxis ? size.width : size.height; } } void _handleDragStart(DragStartDetails details) { _dragUnderway = true; if (_moveController.isAnimating) { _dragExtent = _moveController.value * _overallDragAxisExtent * _dragExtent.sign(); _moveController.stop(); } else { _dragExtent = 0.0f; _moveController.setValue(0.0f); } setState(() => { _updateMoveAnimation(); }); } void _handleDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) { if (!_isActive || _moveController.isAnimating) { return; } float delta = details.primaryDelta ?? 0.0f; float oldDragExtent = _dragExtent; switch (widget.direction) { case DismissDirection.horizontal: case DismissDirection.vertical: _dragExtent += delta; break; case DismissDirection.up: if (_dragExtent + delta < 0) { _dragExtent += delta; } break; case DismissDirection.down: if (_dragExtent + delta > 0) { _dragExtent += delta; } break; case DismissDirection.endToStart: switch (Directionality.of(context)) { case TextDirection.rtl: if (_dragExtent + delta > 0) { _dragExtent += delta; } break; case TextDirection.ltr: if (_dragExtent + delta < 0) { _dragExtent += delta; } break; } break; case DismissDirection.startToEnd: switch (Directionality.of(context)) { case TextDirection.rtl: if (_dragExtent + delta < 0) { _dragExtent += delta; } break; case TextDirection.ltr: if (_dragExtent + delta > 0) { _dragExtent += delta; } break; } break; } if (oldDragExtent.sign() != _dragExtent.sign()) { setState(() => { _updateMoveAnimation(); }); } if (!_moveController.isAnimating) { _moveController.setValue(_dragExtent.abs() / _overallDragAxisExtent); } } void _updateMoveAnimation() { float end = _dragExtent.sign(); _moveAnimation = new OffsetTween( begin:, end: _directionIsXAxis ? new Offset(end, widget.crossAxisEndOffset) : new Offset(widget.crossAxisEndOffset, end) ) ); } _FlingGestureKind _describeFlingGesture(Velocity velocity) { D.assert(widget.direction != null); if (_dragExtent == 0.0f) { return _FlingGestureKind.none; } float vx = velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dx; float vy = velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dy; DismissDirection? flingDirection; if (_directionIsXAxis) { if (vx.abs() - vy.abs() < _kMinFlingVelocityDelta || vx.abs() < _kMinFlingVelocity) { return _FlingGestureKind.none; } D.assert(vx != 0.0f); flingDirection = _extentToDirection(vx); } else { if (vy.abs() - vx.abs() < _kMinFlingVelocityDelta || vy.abs() < _kMinFlingVelocity) { return _FlingGestureKind.none; } D.assert(vy != 0.0); flingDirection = _extentToDirection(vy); } D.assert(_dismissDirection != null); if (flingDirection == _dismissDirection) { return _FlingGestureKind.forward; } return _FlingGestureKind.reverse; } void _handleDragEnd(DragEndDetails details) { if (!_isActive || _moveController.isAnimating) { return; } _dragUnderway = false; if (_moveController.isCompleted) { _confirmStartResizeAnimation().then_((value) => { if (value) { _startResizeAnimation(); return; } }); } float flingVelocity = _directionIsXAxis ? details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dx : details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dy; switch (_describeFlingGesture(details.velocity)) { case _FlingGestureKind.forward: D.assert(_dragExtent != 0.0f); D.assert(!_moveController.isDismissed); if ((widget.dismissThresholds.getOrDefault(_dismissDirection) ?? _kDismissThreshold) >= 1.0) { _moveController.reverse(); break; } _dragExtent = flingVelocity.sign(); _moveController.fling(velocity: flingVelocity.abs() * _kFlingVelocityScale); break; case _FlingGestureKind.reverse: D.assert(_dragExtent != 0.0f); D.assert(!_moveController.isDismissed); _dragExtent = flingVelocity.sign(); _moveController.fling(velocity: -flingVelocity.abs() * _kFlingVelocityScale); break; case _FlingGestureKind.none: if (!_moveController.isDismissed) { // we already know it's not completed, we check that above if (_moveController.value > (widget.dismissThresholds.getOrDefault(_dismissDirection) ?? _kDismissThreshold)) { _moveController.forward(); } else { _moveController.reverse(); } } break; } } void _handleDismissStatusChanged(AnimationStatus status) { if (status == AnimationStatus.completed && !_dragUnderway) { _confirmStartResizeAnimation().then_((value) => { if (value) { _startResizeAnimation(); } else { _moveController.reverse(); } updateKeepAlive(); }); } } Future _confirmStartResizeAnimation() { if (widget.confirmDismiss != null) { DismissDirection? direction = _dismissDirection; D.assert(direction != null); return widget.confirmDismiss(direction); } return Future.value(true).to(); } void _startResizeAnimation() { D.assert(_moveController != null); D.assert(_moveController.isCompleted); D.assert(_resizeController == null); D.assert(_sizePriorToCollapse == null); if (widget.resizeDuration == null) { if (widget.onDismissed != null) { DismissDirection? direction = _dismissDirection; D.assert(direction != null); widget.onDismissed(direction); } } else { _resizeController = new AnimationController(duration: widget.resizeDuration, vsync: this); _resizeController.addListener(_handleResizeProgressChanged); _resizeController.addStatusListener((AnimationStatus status) => updateKeepAlive()); _resizeController.forward(); setState(() => { _sizePriorToCollapse = context.size; _resizeAnimation = new CurveTween( curve: _kResizeTimeCurve ) ).drive( new FloatTween( begin: 1.0f, end: 0.0f ) ); }); } } void _handleResizeProgressChanged() { if (_resizeController.isCompleted) { if (widget.onDismissed != null) { DismissDirection? direction = _dismissDirection; D.assert(direction != null); widget.onDismissed(direction); } } else { if (widget.onResize != null) { widget.onResize(); } } } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {; // See AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin. D.assert(!_directionIsXAxis || WidgetsD.debugCheckHasDirectionality(context)); Widget background = widget.background; if (widget.secondaryBackground != null) { DismissDirection? direction = _dismissDirection; if (direction == DismissDirection.endToStart || direction == DismissDirection.up) { background = widget.secondaryBackground; } } if (_resizeAnimation != null) { // we've been dragged aside, and are now resizing. D.assert(() => { if (_resizeAnimation.status != AnimationStatus.forward) { D.assert(_resizeAnimation.status == AnimationStatus.completed); throw new UIWidgetsError(new List { new ErrorSummary("A dismissed Dismissible widget is still part of the tree."), new ErrorHint( "Make sure to implement the onDismissed handler and to immediately remove the Dismissible " + "widget from the application once that handler has fired." ) }); } return true; }); return new SizeTransition( sizeFactor: _resizeAnimation, axis: _directionIsXAxis ? Axis.vertical : Axis.horizontal, child: new SizedBox( width: _sizePriorToCollapse.width, height: _sizePriorToCollapse.height, child: background ) ); } Widget content = new SlideTransition( position: _moveAnimation, child: widget.child ); if (background != null) { List children = new List(); if (!_moveAnimation.isDismissed) { children.Add(Positioned.fill( child: new ClipRect( clipper: new _DismissibleClipper( axis: _directionIsXAxis ? Axis.horizontal : Axis.vertical, moveAnimation: _moveAnimation ), child: background ) )); } children.Add(content); content = new Stack(children: children); } return new GestureDetector( onHorizontalDragStart: _directionIsXAxis ? (GestureDragStartCallback) _handleDragStart : null, onHorizontalDragUpdate: _directionIsXAxis ? (GestureDragUpdateCallback) _handleDragUpdate : null, onHorizontalDragEnd: _directionIsXAxis ? (GestureDragEndCallback) _handleDragEnd : null, onVerticalDragStart: _directionIsXAxis ? null : (GestureDragStartCallback) _handleDragStart, onVerticalDragUpdate: _directionIsXAxis ? null : (GestureDragUpdateCallback) _handleDragUpdate, onVerticalDragEnd: _directionIsXAxis ? null : (GestureDragEndCallback) _handleDragEnd, behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, child: content, dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior ); } } }