using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using Unity.UIWidgets.async; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public delegate Widget ViewportBuilder(BuildContext context, ViewportOffset position); public class Scrollable : StatefulWidget { public Scrollable( Key key = null, AxisDirection axisDirection = AxisDirection.down, ScrollController controller = null, ScrollPhysics physics = null, ViewportBuilder viewportBuilder = null, ScrollIncrementCalculator incrementCalculator = null, DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(viewportBuilder != null); this.axisDirection = axisDirection; this.controller = controller; this.physics = physics; this.viewportBuilder = viewportBuilder; this.incrementCalculator = incrementCalculator; this.dragStartBehavior = dragStartBehavior; } public readonly AxisDirection axisDirection; public readonly ScrollController controller; public readonly ScrollPhysics physics; public readonly ViewportBuilder viewportBuilder; public readonly ScrollIncrementCalculator incrementCalculator; public readonly DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior; public Axis axis { get { return AxisUtils.axisDirectionToAxis(axisDirection); } } public override State createState() { return new ScrollableState(); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new EnumProperty("axisDirection", axisDirection)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("physics", physics)); } public static ScrollableState of(BuildContext context) { _ScrollableScope widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_ScrollableScope>(); return widget == null ? null : widget.scrollable; } public static bool recommendDeferredLoadingForContext(BuildContext context) { _ScrollableScope widget = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_ScrollableScope>()?.widget as _ScrollableScope; if (widget == null) { return false; } return widget.position.recommendDeferredLoading(context); } public static Future ensureVisible( BuildContext context, float alignment = 0.0f, TimeSpan? duration = null, Curve curve = null, ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy alignmentPolicy = ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.explicitPolicy ) { duration = duration ?? TimeSpan.Zero; curve = curve ?? Curves.ease; List futures = new List(); ScrollableState scrollable = of(context); while (scrollable != null) { futures.Add(scrollable.position.ensureVisible( context.findRenderObject(), alignment: alignment, duration: duration, curve: curve, alignmentPolicy: alignmentPolicy )); context = scrollable.context; scrollable = of(context); } if (futures.isEmpty() || duration == TimeSpan.Zero) { return Future.value(); } if (futures.Count == 1) { return futures.Single(); } return Future.wait(futures); } } class _ScrollableScope : InheritedWidget { internal _ScrollableScope( Key key = null, ScrollableState scrollable = null, ScrollPosition position = null, Widget child = null ) : base(key: key, child: child) { D.assert(scrollable != null); D.assert(child != null); this.scrollable = scrollable; this.position = position; } public readonly ScrollableState scrollable; public readonly ScrollPosition position; public override bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget old) { return position != ((_ScrollableScope) old).position; } } public class ScrollableState : TickerProviderStateMixin, ScrollContext { public ScrollPosition position { get { return _position; } } ScrollPosition _position; public AxisDirection axisDirection { get { return widget.axisDirection; } } ScrollBehavior _configuration; ScrollPhysics _physics; void _updatePosition() { _configuration = ScrollConfiguration.of(context); _physics = _configuration.getScrollPhysics(context); if (widget.physics != null) { _physics = widget.physics.applyTo(_physics); } ScrollController controller = widget.controller; ScrollPosition oldPosition = position; if (oldPosition != null) { if (controller != null) { controller.detach(oldPosition); } async_.scheduleMicrotask(()=> { oldPosition.dispose(); return null; }); } if (controller == null) { _position = new ScrollPositionWithSingleContext(physics: _physics, context: this, oldPosition: oldPosition); } else { _position = controller?.createScrollPosition(_physics, this, oldPosition) ?? new ScrollPositionWithSingleContext(physics: _physics, context: this, oldPosition: oldPosition); } D.assert(position != null); if (controller != null) { controller.attach(position); } } public override void didChangeDependencies() { base.didChangeDependencies(); _updatePosition(); } bool _shouldUpdatePosition(Scrollable oldWidget) { ScrollPhysics newPhysics = widget.physics; ScrollPhysics oldPhysics = oldWidget.physics; do { Type newPhysicsType = newPhysics != null ? newPhysics.GetType() : null; Type oldPhysicsType = oldPhysics != null ? oldPhysics.GetType() : null; if (newPhysicsType != oldPhysicsType) { return true; } if (newPhysics != null) { newPhysics = newPhysics.parent; } if (oldPhysics != null) { oldPhysics = oldPhysics.parent; } } while (newPhysics != null || oldPhysics != null); Type controllerType = widget.controller == null ? null : widget.controller.GetType(); Type oldControllerType = oldWidget.controller == null ? null : oldWidget.controller.GetType(); return controllerType != oldControllerType; } public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidgetRaw) { Scrollable oldWidget = (Scrollable) oldWidgetRaw; base.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (widget.controller != oldWidget.controller) { if (oldWidget.controller != null) { oldWidget.controller.detach(position); } if (widget.controller != null) { widget.controller.attach(position); } } if (_shouldUpdatePosition(oldWidget)) { _updatePosition(); } } public override void dispose() { if (widget.controller != null) { widget.controller.detach(position); } position.dispose(); base.dispose(); } readonly GlobalKey _gestureDetectorKey = GlobalKey.key(); readonly GlobalKey _ignorePointerKey = GlobalKey.key(); Dictionary _gestureRecognizers = new Dictionary(); bool _shouldIgnorePointer = false; bool _lastCanDrag; Axis _lastAxisDirection; public void setCanDrag(bool canDrag) { if (canDrag == _lastCanDrag && (!canDrag || widget.axis == _lastAxisDirection)) { return; } if (!canDrag) { _gestureRecognizers = new Dictionary(); } else { switch (widget.axis) { case Axis.vertical: _gestureRecognizers = new Dictionary(); _gestureRecognizers.Add(typeof(VerticalDragGestureRecognizer), new GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers( () => new VerticalDragGestureRecognizer(), instance => { instance.onDown = _handleDragDown; instance.onStart = _handleDragStart; instance.onUpdate = _handleDragUpdate; instance.onEnd = _handleDragEnd; instance.onCancel = _handleDragCancel; instance.minFlingDistance = _physics == null ? (float?) null : _physics.minFlingDistance; instance.minFlingVelocity = _physics == null ? (float?) null : _physics.minFlingVelocity; instance.maxFlingVelocity = _physics == null ? (float?) null : _physics.maxFlingVelocity; instance.dragStartBehavior = widget.dragStartBehavior; } )); break; case Axis.horizontal: _gestureRecognizers = new Dictionary(); _gestureRecognizers.Add(typeof(HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer), new GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers( () => new HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer(), instance => { instance.onDown = _handleDragDown; instance.onStart = _handleDragStart; instance.onUpdate = _handleDragUpdate; instance.onEnd = _handleDragEnd; instance.onCancel = _handleDragCancel; instance.minFlingDistance = _physics == null ? (float?) null : _physics.minFlingDistance; instance.minFlingVelocity = _physics == null ? (float?) null : _physics.minFlingVelocity; instance.maxFlingVelocity = _physics == null ? (float?) null : _physics.maxFlingVelocity; instance.dragStartBehavior = widget.dragStartBehavior; } )); break; } } _lastCanDrag = canDrag; _lastAxisDirection = widget.axis; if (_gestureDetectorKey.currentState != null) { _gestureDetectorKey.currentState.replaceGestureRecognizers(_gestureRecognizers); } } public TickerProvider vsync { get { return this; } } public void setIgnorePointer(bool value) { if (_shouldIgnorePointer == value) { return; } _shouldIgnorePointer = value; if (_ignorePointerKey.currentContext != null) { var renderBox = (RenderIgnorePointer) _ignorePointerKey.currentContext.findRenderObject(); renderBox.ignoring = _shouldIgnorePointer; } } public BuildContext notificationContext { get { return _gestureDetectorKey.currentContext; } } public BuildContext storageContext { get { return context; } } Drag _drag; ScrollHoldController _hold; void _handleDragDown(DragDownDetails details) { D.assert(_drag == null); D.assert(_hold == null); _hold = position.hold(_disposeHold); } void _handleDragStart(DragStartDetails details) { D.assert(_drag == null); _drag = position.drag(details, _disposeDrag); D.assert(_drag != null); D.assert(_hold == null); } void _handleDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) { D.assert(_hold == null || _drag == null); if (_drag != null) { _drag.update(details); } } void _handleDragEnd(DragEndDetails details) { D.assert(_hold == null || _drag == null); if (_drag != null) { _drag.end(details); } D.assert(_drag == null); } void _handleDragCancel() { D.assert(_hold == null || _drag == null); if (_hold != null) { _hold.cancel(); } if (_drag != null) { _drag.cancel(); } D.assert(_hold == null); D.assert(_drag == null); } float _targetScrollOffsetForPointerScroll(PointerScrollEvent e) { float delta = widget.axis == Axis.horizontal ? e.scrollDelta.dx : e.scrollDelta.dy; if (AxisUtils.axisDirectionIsReversed(widget.axisDirection)) { delta *= -1; } return Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(position.pixels + delta, position.minScrollExtent), position.maxScrollExtent); } float _pointerSignalEventDelta(PointerScrollEvent evt) { float delta = widget.axis == Axis.horizontal ? evt.scrollDelta.dx : evt.scrollDelta.dy; if (AxisUtils.axisDirectionIsReversed(widget.axisDirection)) { delta *= -1; } return delta; } void _receivedPointerSignal(PointerSignalEvent e) { if (e is PointerScrollEvent && position != null) { float targetScrollOffset = _targetScrollOffsetForPointerScroll(e as PointerScrollEvent); if (targetScrollOffset != position.pixels) { GestureBinding.instance.pointerSignalResolver.register(e, _handlePointerScroll); } } } void _handlePointerScroll(PointerEvent e) { D.assert(e is PointerScrollEvent); if (_physics != null && !_physics.shouldAcceptUserOffset(position)) { return; } float targetScrollOffset = _targetScrollOffsetForPointerScroll(e as PointerScrollEvent); if (targetScrollOffset != position.pixels) { position.jumpTo(targetScrollOffset); } } void _disposeHold() { _hold = null; } void _disposeDrag() { _drag = null; } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { D.assert(position != null); Widget result = new _ScrollableScope( scrollable: this, position: position, child: new Listener( onPointerSignal: _receivedPointerSignal, child: new RawGestureDetector( key: _gestureDetectorKey, gestures: _gestureRecognizers, behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, child: new IgnorePointer( key: _ignorePointerKey, ignoring: _shouldIgnorePointer, child: widget.viewportBuilder(context, position) ) ) ) ); return _configuration.buildViewportChrome(context, result, widget.axisDirection); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("position", position)); } } public delegate float ScrollIncrementCalculator(ScrollIncrementDetails details); public enum ScrollIncrementType { line, page } public class ScrollIncrementDetails { public ScrollIncrementDetails( ScrollIncrementType type, ScrollMetrics metrics ) { D.assert(metrics != null); this.type = type; this.metrics = metrics; } public readonly ScrollIncrementType type; public readonly ScrollMetrics metrics; } public class ScrollIntent : Intent { public ScrollIntent( AxisDirection direction, ScrollIncrementType type = ScrollIncrementType.line ) : base (ScrollAction.key) { this.direction = direction; this.type = type; } public readonly AxisDirection direction; public readonly ScrollIncrementType type; protected bool isEnabled(BuildContext context) { return Scrollable.of(context) != null; } } public class ScrollAction : UiWidgetAction { public ScrollAction() : base(key) { } public static readonly LocalKey key = new ValueKey(typeof(ScrollAction)); float _calculateScrollIncrement(ScrollableState state, ScrollIncrementType type = ScrollIncrementType.line) { D.assert(state.position != null); D.assert(state.position.pixels != null); D.assert(state.widget.physics == null || state.widget.physics.shouldAcceptUserOffset(state.position)); if (state.widget.incrementCalculator != null) { return state.widget.incrementCalculator( new ScrollIncrementDetails( type: type, metrics: state.position ) ); } switch (type) { case ScrollIncrementType.line: return 50.0f; case return 0.8f * state.position.viewportDimension; } return 0.0f; } float _getIncrement(ScrollableState state, ScrollIntent intent) { float increment = _calculateScrollIncrement(state, type: intent.type); switch (intent.direction) { case AxisDirection.down: switch (state.axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.up: return -increment; break; case AxisDirection.down: return increment; break; case AxisDirection.right: case AxisDirection.left: return 0.0f; } break; case AxisDirection.up: switch (state.axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.up: return increment; break; case AxisDirection.down: return -increment; break; case AxisDirection.right: case AxisDirection.left: return 0.0f; } break; case AxisDirection.left: switch (state.axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.right: return -increment; break; case AxisDirection.left: return increment; break; case AxisDirection.up: case AxisDirection.down: return 0.0f; } break; case AxisDirection.right: switch (state.axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.right: return increment; break; case AxisDirection.left: return -increment; break; case AxisDirection.up: case AxisDirection.down: return 0.0f; } break; } return 0.0f; } public override void invoke(FocusNode node, Intent intent) { ScrollableState state = Scrollable.of(node.context); D.assert(state != null, () => "ScrollAction was invoked on a context that has no scrollable parent"); D.assert(state.position.pixels != null, () => "Scrollable must be laid out before it can be scrolled via a ScrollAction"); if (state.widget.physics != null && !state.widget.physics.shouldAcceptUserOffset(state.position)) { return; } float increment = _getIncrement(state, intent as ScrollIntent); if (increment == 0.0f) { return; } state.position.moveTo( state.position.pixels + increment, duration: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), curve: Curves.easeInOut ); } } }