using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using AOT; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using Unity.UIWidgets.async; using Unity.UIWidgets.external; using; using UnityEngine; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Rect = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Rect; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui { public static class Conversions { public static UnityEngine.Color toColor(this Color color) { return new UnityEngine.Color( / 255f, / 255f, / 255f, color.alpha / 255f); } public static Color32 toColor32(this Color color) { return new Color32( (byte), (byte), (byte), (byte) color.alpha); } public static Vector2 toVector(this Offset offset) { return new Vector2(offset.dx, offset.dy); } public static UnityEngine.Rect toRect(this Rect rect) { return new UnityEngine.Rect(rect.left,, rect.width, rect.height); } public static float alignToPixel(this float v, float devicePixelRatio) { return Mathf.Round(v * devicePixelRatio) / devicePixelRatio; } internal static Color _scaleAlpha(this Color a, float factor) { return a.withAlpha((a.alpha * factor).round().clamp(0, 255)); } } static class PaintingUtils { internal static bool _rectIsValid(Rect rect) { D.assert(rect != null, () => "Rect argument was null."); D.assert(!rect.hasNaN, () => "Rect argument contained a NaN value."); return true; } internal static bool _offsetIsValid(Offset offset) { D.assert(offset != null, () => "Offset argument was null."); D.assert(!offset.dx.isNaN() && !offset.dy.isNaN(), () => "Offset argument contained a NaN value."); return true; } internal static bool _matrix4IsValid(float[] matrix4) { D.assert(matrix4 != null, () => "Matrix4 argument was null."); D.assert(matrix4.Length == 16, () => "Matrix4 must have 16 entries."); D.assert(matrix4.All((float value) => value.isFinite()), () => "Matrix4 entries must be finite."); return true; } internal static bool _rrectIsValid(RRect rrect) { D.assert(rrect != null, () => "RRect argument was null."); D.assert(!rrect.hasNaN, () => "RRect argument contained a NaN value."); return true; } internal static bool _radiusIsValid(Radius radius) { D.assert(radius != null, () => "Radius argument was null."); D.assert(!radius.x.isNaN() && !radius.y.isNaN(), () => "Radius argument contained a NaN value."); return true; } internal static Color _scaleAlpha(Color a, float factor) { return a.withAlpha((a.alpha * factor).round().clamp(0, 255)); } internal static unsafe int getInt32(this byte[] bytes, int byteOffset) { D.assert(byteOffset % 4 == 0); fixed (byte* b = &bytes[byteOffset]) { return *(int*) b; } } internal static unsafe void setInt32(this byte[] bytes, int byteOffset, int value) { D.assert(byteOffset % 4 == 0); fixed (byte* b = &bytes[byteOffset]) { *(int*) b = value; } } internal static unsafe float getFloat32(this byte[] bytes, int byteOffset) { D.assert(byteOffset % 4 == 0); fixed (byte* b = &bytes[byteOffset]) { return *(float*) b; } } internal static unsafe void setFloat32(this byte[] bytes, int byteOffset, float value) { D.assert(byteOffset % 4 == 0); fixed (byte* b = &bytes[byteOffset]) { *(float*) b = value; } } internal static T[] range(this T[] data, int index, int length) { T[] result = new T[length]; Array.Copy(data, index, result, 0, length); return result; } internal static uint[] _encodeColorList(List colors) { int colorCount = colors.Count; var result = new uint[colorCount]; for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; ++i) result[i] = colors[i].value; return result; } internal static float[] _encodePointList(List points) { D.assert(points != null); int pointCount = points.Count; var result = new float[pointCount * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i) { int xIndex = i * 2; int yIndex = xIndex + 1; Offset point = points[i]; D.assert(_offsetIsValid(point)); result[xIndex] = point.dx; result[yIndex] = point.dy; } return result; } internal static float[] _encodeTwoPoints(Offset pointA, Offset pointB) { D.assert(_offsetIsValid(pointA)); D.assert(_offsetIsValid(pointB)); var result = new float[4]; result[0] = pointA.dx; result[1] = pointA.dy; result[2] = pointB.dx; result[3] = pointB.dy; return result; } } public class Color : IEquatable { public Color(uint value) { this.value = value & 0xFFFFFFFF; } public static readonly Color clear = new Color(0x00000000); public static readonly Color black = new Color(0xFF000000); public static readonly Color white = new Color(0xFFFFFFFF); public static Color fromARGB(int a, int r, int g, int b) { return new Color( (uint) (((a & 0xff) << 24) | ((r & 0xff) << 16) | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | (b & 0xff))); } public static Color fromRGBO(int r, int g, int b, float opacity) { return new Color( (uint) ((((int) (opacity * 0xff) & 0xff) << 24) | ((r & 0xff) << 16) | ((g & 0xff) << 8) | (b & 0xff))); } public uint value; public int alpha { get { return (int) ((0xff000000 & value) >> 24); } } public float opacity { get { return alpha / 255.0f; } } public int red { get { return (int) ((0x00ff0000 & value) >> 16); } } public int green { get { return (int) ((0x0000ff00 & value) >> 8); } } public int blue { get { return (int) ((0x000000ff & value) >> 0); } } public Color withAlpha(int a) { return fromARGB(a, red, green, blue); } public Color withOpacity(float opacity) { return withAlpha((int) (opacity * 255)); } public Color withRed(int r) { return fromARGB(alpha, r, green, blue); } public Color withGreen(int g) { return fromARGB(alpha, red, g, blue); } public Color withBlue(int b) { return fromARGB(alpha, red, green, b); } static float _linearizeColorComponent(float component) { if (component <= 0.03928f) { return component / 12.92f; } return Mathf.Pow((component + 0.055f) / 1.055f, 2.4f); } public float computeLuminance() { float R = _linearizeColorComponent((float) red / 0xFF); float G = _linearizeColorComponent((float) green / 0xFF); float B = _linearizeColorComponent((float) blue / 0xFF); return 0.2126f * R + 0.7152f * G + 0.0722f * B; } public static Color lerp(Color a, Color b, float t) { if (a == null && b == null) { return null; } if (a == null) { return b._scaleAlpha(t); } if (b == null) { return a._scaleAlpha(1.0f - t); } return fromARGB( ((int) MathUtils.lerpNullableFloat(a.alpha, b.alpha, t)).clamp(0, 255), ((int) MathUtils.lerpNullableFloat(,, t)).clamp(0, 255), ((int) MathUtils.lerpNullableFloat(,, t)).clamp(0, 255), ((int) MathUtils.lerpNullableFloat(,, t)).clamp(0, 255) ); } public static Color alphaBlend(Color foreground, Color background) { int alpha = foreground.alpha; if (alpha == 0x00) { // Foreground completely transparent. return background; } int invAlpha = 0xff - alpha; int backAlpha = background.alpha; if (backAlpha == 0xff) { // Opaque background case return fromARGB( 0xff, (alpha * + invAlpha * / 0xff, (alpha * + invAlpha * / 0xff, (alpha * + invAlpha * / 0xff ); } else { // General case backAlpha = (backAlpha * invAlpha) / 0xff; int outAlpha = alpha + backAlpha; D.assert(outAlpha != 0x00); return fromARGB( outAlpha, ( * alpha + * backAlpha) / outAlpha, ( * alpha + * backAlpha) / outAlpha, ( * alpha + * backAlpha) / outAlpha); } } public static int getAlphaFromOpacity(float opacity) { return (opacity.clamp(0.0f, 1.0f) * 255).round(); } public bool Equals(Color other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return true; } return value == other.value; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return true; } if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) { return false; } return Equals((Color) obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { return value.GetHashCode(); } public static bool operator ==(Color a, Color b) { return ReferenceEquals(a, null) ? ReferenceEquals(b, null) : a.Equals(b); } public static bool operator !=(Color a, Color b) { return !(a == b); } public override string ToString() { return $"Color(0x{value:X8})"; } } public enum BlendMode { clear, src, dst, srcOver, dstOver, srcIn, dstIn, srcOut, dstOut, srcATop, dstATop, xor, plus, // REF: modulate, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, colorDodge, colorBurn, hardLight, softLight, difference, exclusion, multiply, // REF: hue, saturation, color, luminosity, } public enum FilterQuality { none, low, medium, high, } public enum StrokeCap { butt, round, square, } public enum StrokeJoin { miter, round, bevel, } public enum PaintingStyle { fill, stroke, } public enum Clip { none, hardEdge, antiAlias, antiAliasWithSaveLayer, } public static partial class ui_ { internal const int _kDoNotResizeDimension = -1; } public class Paint { internal readonly byte[] _data = new byte[_kDataByteCount]; const int _kIsAntiAliasIndex = 0; const int _kColorIndex = 1; const int _kBlendModeIndex = 2; const int _kStyleIndex = 3; const int _kStrokeWidthIndex = 4; const int _kStrokeCapIndex = 5; const int _kStrokeJoinIndex = 6; const int _kStrokeMiterLimitIndex = 7; const int _kFilterQualityIndex = 8; const int _kMaskFilterIndex = 9; const int _kMaskFilterBlurStyleIndex = 10; const int _kMaskFilterSigmaIndex = 11; const int _kInvertColorIndex = 12; const int _kDitherIndex = 13; const int _kIsAntiAliasOffset = _kIsAntiAliasIndex << 2; const int _kColorOffset = _kColorIndex << 2; const int _kBlendModeOffset = _kBlendModeIndex << 2; const int _kStyleOffset = _kStyleIndex << 2; const int _kStrokeWidthOffset = _kStrokeWidthIndex << 2; const int _kStrokeCapOffset = _kStrokeCapIndex << 2; const int _kStrokeJoinOffset = _kStrokeJoinIndex << 2; const int _kStrokeMiterLimitOffset = _kStrokeMiterLimitIndex << 2; const int _kFilterQualityOffset = _kFilterQualityIndex << 2; const int _kMaskFilterOffset = _kMaskFilterIndex << 2; const int _kMaskFilterBlurStyleOffset = _kMaskFilterBlurStyleIndex << 2; const int _kMaskFilterSigmaOffset = _kMaskFilterSigmaIndex << 2; const int _kInvertColorOffset = _kInvertColorIndex << 2; const int _kDitherOffset = _kDitherIndex << 2; // If you add more fields, remember to update _kDataByteCount. const int _kDataByteCount = 56; object[] _objects; internal IntPtr[] _objectPtrs; const int _kShaderIndex = 0; const int _kColorFilterIndex = 1; const int _kImageFilterIndex = 2; const int _kObjectCount = 3; // Must be one larger than the largest index. public Paint() { if (enableDithering) { _dither = true; } } public bool isAntiAlias { get { return _data.getInt32(_kIsAntiAliasOffset) == 0; } set { int encoded = value ? 0 : 1; _data.setInt32(_kIsAntiAliasOffset, encoded); } } const uint _kColorDefault = 0xFF000000; public Color color { get { int encoded = _data.getInt32(_kColorOffset); return new Color((uint) (encoded ^ _kColorDefault)); } set { D.assert(value != null); int encoded = (int) (value.value ^ _kColorDefault); _data.setInt32(_kColorOffset, encoded); } } const int _kBlendModeDefault = (int) BlendMode.srcOver; public BlendMode blendMode { get { int encoded = _data.getInt32(_kBlendModeOffset); return (BlendMode) (encoded ^ _kBlendModeDefault); } set { int encoded = (int) value ^ _kBlendModeDefault; _data.setInt32(_kBlendModeOffset, encoded); } } public PaintingStyle style { get { return (PaintingStyle) _data.getInt32(_kStyleOffset); } set { int encoded = (int) value; _data.setInt32(_kStyleOffset, encoded); } } public float strokeWidth { get { return _data.getFloat32(_kStrokeWidthOffset); } set { float encoded = value; _data.setFloat32(_kStrokeWidthOffset, encoded); } } public StrokeCap strokeCap { get { return (StrokeCap) (_data.getInt32(_kStrokeCapOffset)); } set { int encoded = (int) value; _data.setInt32(_kStrokeCapOffset, encoded); } } public StrokeJoin strokeJoin { get { return (StrokeJoin) (_data.getInt32(_kStrokeJoinOffset)); } set { int encoded = (int) value; _data.setInt32(_kStrokeJoinOffset, encoded); } } const float _kStrokeMiterLimitDefault = 4.0f; public float strokeMiterLimit { get { return _data.getFloat32(_kStrokeMiterLimitOffset) + _kStrokeMiterLimitDefault; } set { float encoded = value - _kStrokeMiterLimitDefault; _data.setFloat32(_kStrokeMiterLimitOffset, encoded); } } public MaskFilter maskFilter { get { switch (_data.getInt32(_kMaskFilterOffset)) { case MaskFilter._TypeNone: return null; case MaskFilter._TypeBlur: return MaskFilter.blur( (BlurStyle) (_data.getInt32(_kMaskFilterBlurStyleOffset)), _data.getFloat32(_kMaskFilterSigmaOffset) ); } return null; } set { if (value == null) { _data.setInt32(_kMaskFilterOffset, MaskFilter._TypeNone); _data.setInt32(_kMaskFilterBlurStyleOffset, 0); _data.setFloat32(_kMaskFilterSigmaOffset, 0.0f); } else { // For now we only support one kind of MaskFilter, so we don"t need to // check what the type is if it"s not null. _data.setInt32(_kMaskFilterOffset, MaskFilter._TypeBlur); _data.setInt32(_kMaskFilterBlurStyleOffset, (int) value._style); _data.setFloat32(_kMaskFilterSigmaOffset, value._sigma); } } } public FilterQuality filterQuality { get { return (FilterQuality) (_data.getInt32(_kFilterQualityOffset)); } set { int encoded = (int) value; _data.setInt32(_kFilterQualityOffset, encoded); } } public Shader shader { get { return _objects?[_kShaderIndex] as Shader; } set { if (value == null) { if (_objects != null) { _objects[_kShaderIndex] = null; _objectPtrs[_kShaderIndex] = IntPtr.Zero; } } else { _objects = _objects ?? new object[_kObjectCount]; _objectPtrs = _objectPtrs ?? new IntPtr[_kObjectCount]; _objects[_kShaderIndex] = value; _objectPtrs[_kShaderIndex] = value._ptr; } } } public ColorFilter colorFilter { get { return ((_ColorFilter) _objects?[_kColorFilterIndex])?.creator; } set { _ColorFilter nativeFilter = value?._toNativeColorFilter(); if (nativeFilter == null) { if (_objects != null) { _objects[_kColorFilterIndex] = null; _objectPtrs[_kColorFilterIndex] = IntPtr.Zero; } } else { _objects = _objects ?? new object[_kObjectCount]; _objectPtrs = _objectPtrs ?? new IntPtr[_kObjectCount]; if (((_ColorFilter) _objects[_kColorFilterIndex])?.creator != value) { _objects[_kColorFilterIndex] = nativeFilter; _objectPtrs[_kColorFilterIndex] = nativeFilter._ptr; } } } } public ImageFilter imageFilter { get { return ((_ImageFilter) _objects?[_kImageFilterIndex])?.creator; } set { _ImageFilter nativeFilter = value?._toNativeImageFilter(); if (nativeFilter == null) { if (_objects != null) { _objects[_kImageFilterIndex] = null; _objectPtrs[_kImageFilterIndex] = IntPtr.Zero; } } else { _objects = _objects ?? new object[_kObjectCount]; _objectPtrs = _objectPtrs ?? new IntPtr[_kObjectCount]; if (((_ImageFilter) _objects[_kImageFilterIndex])?.creator != value) { _objects[_kImageFilterIndex] = nativeFilter; _objectPtrs[_kImageFilterIndex] = nativeFilter._ptr; } } } } public bool invertColors { get { return _data.getInt32(_kInvertColorOffset) == 1; } set { _data.setInt32(_kInvertColorOffset, value ? 1 : 0); } } bool _dither { get { return _data.getInt32(_kDitherOffset) == 1; } set { _data.setInt32(_kDitherOffset, value ? 1 : 0); } } static bool enableDithering = false; public override string ToString() { var result = new StringBuilder(); string semicolon = ""; result.Append("Paint("); if (style == PaintingStyle.stroke) { result.Append($"{style}"); if (strokeWidth != 0.0f) { result.Append($" {strokeWidth:F1}"); } else { result.Append(" hairline"); } if (strokeCap != StrokeCap.butt) { result.Append($" {strokeCap}"); } if (strokeJoin == StrokeJoin.miter) { if (strokeMiterLimit != _kStrokeMiterLimitDefault) { result.Append($" {strokeJoin} up to {strokeMiterLimit:F1}"); } } else { result.Append($" {strokeJoin}"); } semicolon = "; "; } if (isAntiAlias != true) { result.Append($"{semicolon}antialias off"); semicolon = "; "; } if (color?.value != _kColorDefault) { if (color != null) { result.Append($"{semicolon}{color}"); } else { result.Append($"{semicolon}no color"); } semicolon = "; "; } if ((int) blendMode != _kBlendModeDefault) { result.Append($"{semicolon}{blendMode}"); semicolon = "; "; } if (colorFilter != null) { result.Append($"{semicolon}colorFilter: {colorFilter}"); semicolon = "; "; } if (maskFilter != null) { result.Append($"{semicolon}maskFilter: {maskFilter}"); semicolon = "; "; } if (filterQuality != FilterQuality.none) { result.Append($"{semicolon}filterQuality: {filterQuality}"); semicolon = "; "; } if (shader != null) { result.Append($"{semicolon}shader: {shader}"); semicolon = "; "; } if (imageFilter != null) { result.Append($"{semicolon}imageFilter: {imageFilter}"); semicolon = "; "; } if (invertColors) { result.Append($"{semicolon}invert: {invertColors}"); } if (_dither) { result.Append($"{semicolon}dither: {_dither}"); } result.Append(")"); return result.ToString(); } } public enum ImageByteFormat { rawRgba, rawUnmodified, png, } public enum PixelFormat { rgba8888, bgra8888, } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct _ImageInfo { internal _ImageInfo(int width, int height, int format, int? rowBytes = null) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.format = format; this.rowBytes = rowBytes ?? width * 4; } public int width; public int height; public int format; public int rowBytes; } public class Image : NativeWrapperDisposable, IEquatable { internal Image(IntPtr ptr) : base(ptr) { } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { Image_dispose(ptr); } public int width => Image_width(_ptr); public int height => Image_height(_ptr); public Future toByteData( ImageByteFormat format = ImageByteFormat.rawRgba ) { return ui_._futurize( (_Callback callback) => { GCHandle callbackHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(callback); IntPtr error = Image_toByteData(_ptr, (int) format, _toByteDataCallback, (IntPtr) callbackHandle); if (error != IntPtr.Zero) { callbackHandle.Free(); return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(error); } return null; }); } [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(Image_toByteDataCallback))] static void _toByteDataCallback(IntPtr callbackHandle, IntPtr data, int length) { GCHandle handle = (GCHandle) callbackHandle; var callback = (_Callback) handle.Target; handle.Free(); if (!Isolate.checkExists()) { return; } try { if (data == IntPtr.Zero || length == 0) { callback(new byte[0]); } else { var bytes = new byte[length]; Marshal.Copy(data, bytes, 0, length); callback(bytes); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } public override string ToString() => $"[{width}\u00D7{height}]"; [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Image_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern int Image_width(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern int Image_height(IntPtr ptr); delegate void Image_toByteDataCallback(IntPtr callbackHandle, IntPtr data, int length); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr Image_toByteData(IntPtr ptr, int format, Image_toByteDataCallback callback, IntPtr callbackHandle); public bool Equals(Image other) { return other != null && width == other.width && height == other.height && _ptr.Equals(other._ptr); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return true; } if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) { return false; } return Equals((Image) obj); } public static bool operator ==(Image left, Image right) { return Equals(left, right); } public static bool operator !=(Image left, Image right) { return !Equals(left, right); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (width != null ? width.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^(height != null ? height.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (_ptr != null ? _ptr.GetHashCode() : 0); return hashCode; } } } /* * TODO: FrameInfo, Codec */ public delegate void ImageDecoderCallback(Image result); public class FrameInfo : NativeWrapper { internal FrameInfo(IntPtr ptr) : base(ptr) { } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { FrameInfo_dispose(ptr); } public TimeSpan duration => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_durationMillis); int _durationMillis => FrameInfo_durationMillis(_ptr); public Image image => new Image(FrameInfo_image(_ptr)); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void FrameInfo_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern int FrameInfo_durationMillis(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr FrameInfo_image(IntPtr ptr); } public class Codec : NativeWrapperDisposable { internal Codec(IntPtr ptr) : base(ptr) { } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { Codec_dispose(ptr); } public int frameCount => Codec_frameCount(_ptr); public int repetitionCount => Codec_repetitionCount(_ptr); public Future getNextFrame() { return ui_._futurize(_getNextFrame); } string _getNextFrame(_Callback callback) { GCHandle callbackHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(callback); IntPtr error = Codec_getNextFrame(_ptr, _getNextFrameCallback, (IntPtr) callbackHandle); if (error != IntPtr.Zero) { callbackHandle.Free(); return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(error); } return null; } [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(Codec_getNextFrameCallback))] static void _getNextFrameCallback(IntPtr callbackHandle, IntPtr ptr) { GCHandle handle = (GCHandle) callbackHandle; var callback = (_Callback) handle.Target; handle.Free(); if (!Isolate.checkExists()) { return; } try { callback(ptr == IntPtr.Zero ? null : new FrameInfo(ptr)); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } internal static unsafe string _instantiateImageCodec(byte[] list, _Callback callback, _ImageInfo? imageInfo, int targetWidth, int targetHeight) { GCHandle callbackHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(callback); fixed (byte* bytes = list) { IntPtr error = Codec_instantiateImageCodec(bytes, list?.Length ?? 0, _instantiateImageCodecCallback, (IntPtr) callbackHandle, imageInfo ?? default, imageInfo.HasValue, targetWidth, targetHeight); if (error != IntPtr.Zero) { callbackHandle.Free(); return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(error); } } return null; } [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(Codec_instantiateImageCodecCallback))] static void _instantiateImageCodecCallback(IntPtr callbackHandle, IntPtr ptr) { GCHandle handle = (GCHandle) callbackHandle; var callback = (_Callback) handle.Target; handle.Free(); try { D.assert(ptr != IntPtr.Zero); callback(new Codec(ptr)); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Codec_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern int Codec_frameCount(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern int Codec_repetitionCount(IntPtr ptr); delegate void Codec_getNextFrameCallback(IntPtr callbackHandle, IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr Codec_getNextFrame(IntPtr ptr, Codec_getNextFrameCallback callback, IntPtr callbackHandle); delegate void Codec_instantiateImageCodecCallback(IntPtr callbackHandle, IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe IntPtr Codec_instantiateImageCodec(byte* list, int listLength, Codec_instantiateImageCodecCallback callback, IntPtr callbackHandle, _ImageInfo imageInfo, bool hasImageInfo, int targetWidth, int targetHeight); } public static partial class ui_ { public static Future instantiateImageCodec(byte[] list, int? targetWidth = null, int? targetHeight = null) { return _futurize( (_Callback callback) => Codec._instantiateImageCodec(list, callback, null, targetWidth ?? _kDoNotResizeDimension, targetHeight ?? _kDoNotResizeDimension) ); } public static void decodeImageFromList(byte[] list, ImageDecoderCallback callback) { _decodeImageFromListAsync(list, callback); } static Future _decodeImageFromListAsync(byte[] list, ImageDecoderCallback callback) { return instantiateImageCodec(list).then_(codec => { return codec.getNextFrame().then_(frameInfo => { callback(frameInfo.image); }); }); } public static void decodeImageFromPixels( byte[] pixels, int width, int height, PixelFormat format, ImageDecoderCallback callback, int? rowBytes = null, int? targetWidth = null, int? targetHeight = null ) { _ImageInfo imageInfo = new _ImageInfo(width, height, (int) format, rowBytes); Future codecFuture = _futurize( (_Callback callback1) => Codec._instantiateImageCodec(pixels, callback1, imageInfo, targetWidth ?? _kDoNotResizeDimension, targetHeight ?? _kDoNotResizeDimension) ); codecFuture.then_(codec => codec.getNextFrame()) .then_(frameInfo => callback(frameInfo.image)); } } public enum PathFillType { nonZero, evenOdd, } public enum PathOperation { difference, intersect, union, xor, reverseDifference, } public abstract class EngineLayer : NativeWrapper { protected EngineLayer(IntPtr ptr) : base(ptr) { } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { EngineLayer_dispose(ptr); } [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void EngineLayer_dispose(IntPtr ptr); } public class Path : NativeWrapper { public Path() : base(Path_constructor()) { } public Path(IntPtr ptr) : base(ptr) { } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { Path_dispose(ptr); } public static Path from(Path source) { return new Path(Path_clone(source._ptr)); } public PathFillType fillType { get { return (PathFillType) Path_getFillType(_ptr); } set { Path_setFillType(_ptr, (int) value); } } public void moveTo(float x, float y) { Path_moveTo(_ptr, x, y); } public void relativeMoveTo(float dx, float dy) { Path_relativeMoveTo(_ptr, dx, dy); } public void lineTo(float x, float y) { Path_lineTo(_ptr, x, y); } public void relativeLineTo(float dx, float dy) { Path_relativeLineTo(_ptr, dx, dy); } public void quadraticBezierTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { Path_quadraticBezierTo(_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2); } public void relativeQuadraticBezierTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { Path_relativeQuadraticBezierTo(_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2); } public void cubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { Path_cubicTo(_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); } public void relativeCubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { Path_relativeCubicTo(_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); } public void conicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float w) { Path_conicTo(_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, w); } public void relativeConicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float w) { Path_relativeConicTo(_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, w); } public void arcTo(Rect rect, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool forceMoveTo) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(rect)); Path_arcTo(_ptr, rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, startAngle, sweepAngle, forceMoveTo); } public void arcToPoint(Offset arcEnd, Radius radius = null, float rotation = 0.0f, bool largeArc = false, bool clockwise = true) { radius = radius ??; D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(arcEnd)); D.assert(PaintingUtils._radiusIsValid(radius)); Path_arcToPoint(_ptr, arcEnd.dx, arcEnd.dy, radius.x, radius.y, rotation, largeArc, clockwise); } public void relativeArcToPoint(Offset arcEndDelta, Radius radius = null, float rotation = 0.0f, bool largeArc = false, bool clockwise = true) { radius = radius ??; D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(arcEndDelta)); D.assert(PaintingUtils._radiusIsValid(radius)); Path_relativeArcToPoint(_ptr, arcEndDelta.dx, arcEndDelta.dy, radius.x, radius.y, rotation, largeArc, clockwise); } public void addRect(Rect rect) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(rect)); Path_addRect(_ptr, rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); } public void addOval(Rect oval) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(oval)); Path_addOval(_ptr, oval.left,, oval.right, oval.bottom); } public void addArc(Rect oval, float startAngle, float sweepAngle) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(oval)); Path_addArc(_ptr, oval.left,, oval.right, oval.bottom, startAngle, sweepAngle); } public unsafe void addPolygon(List points, bool close) { D.assert(points != null); float[] list = PaintingUtils._encodePointList(points); fixed (float* listPtr = list) { Path_addPolygon(_ptr, listPtr, list.Length, close); } } public unsafe void addRRect(RRect rrect) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rrectIsValid(rrect)); float[] value32 = rrect._value32; fixed (float* value32Ptr = value32) { Path_addRRect(_ptr, value32Ptr); } } public unsafe void addPath(Path path, Offset offset, float[] matrix4 = null) { D.assert(path != null); // path is checked on the engine side D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(offset)); if (matrix4 != null) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._matrix4IsValid(matrix4)); fixed (float* matrix4Ptr = matrix4) { Path_addPathWithMatrix(_ptr, path._ptr, offset.dx, offset.dy, matrix4Ptr); } } else { Path_addPath(_ptr, path._ptr, offset.dx, offset.dy); } } public unsafe void extendWithPath(Path path, Offset offset, float[] matrix4 = null) { D.assert(path != null); D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(offset)); if (matrix4 != null) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._matrix4IsValid(matrix4)); fixed (float* matrix4Ptr = matrix4) { Path_extendWithPathAndMatrix(_ptr, path._ptr, offset.dx, offset.dy, matrix4Ptr); } } else { Path_extendWithPath(_ptr, path._ptr, offset.dx, offset.dy); } } public void close() { Path_close(_ptr); } public void reset() { Path_reset(_ptr); } public bool contains(Offset point) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(point)); return Path_contains(_ptr, point.dx, point.dy); } public Path shift(Offset offset) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(offset)); return new Path(Path_shift(_ptr, offset.dx, offset.dy)); } public unsafe Path transform(float[] matrix4) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._matrix4IsValid(matrix4)); fixed (float* matrixPtr = matrix4) { return new Path(Path_transform(_ptr, matrixPtr)); } } public unsafe Rect getBounds() { float[] rect = new float[4]; fixed (float* rectPtr = rect) { Path_getBounds(_ptr, rectPtr); } return Rect.fromLTRB(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); } public static Path combine(PathOperation operation, Path path1, Path path2) { D.assert(path1 != null); D.assert(path2 != null); Path path = new Path(); if (Path_op(path._ptr, path1._ptr, path2._ptr, (int) operation)) { return path; } throw new Exception( "Path.combine() failed. This may be due an invalid path; in particular, check for NaN values."); } public PathMetrics computeMetrics(bool forceClose = false) { return new PathMetrics(this, forceClose); } [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr Path_constructor(); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr Path_clone(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern int Path_getFillType(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_setFillType(IntPtr ptr, int fillType); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_moveTo(IntPtr ptr, float x, float y); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_relativeMoveTo(IntPtr ptr, float dx, float dy); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_lineTo(IntPtr ptr, float x, float y); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_relativeLineTo(IntPtr ptr, float dx, float dy); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_quadraticBezierTo(IntPtr ptr, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_relativeQuadraticBezierTo(IntPtr ptr, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_cubicTo(IntPtr ptr, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_relativeCubicTo(IntPtr ptr, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_conicTo(IntPtr ptr, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float w); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_relativeConicTo(IntPtr ptr, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float w); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_arcTo(IntPtr ptr, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool forceMoveTo); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_arcToPoint(IntPtr ptr, float arcEndX, float arcEndY, float radiusX, float radiusY, float rotation, bool largeArc, bool clockwise); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_relativeArcToPoint(IntPtr ptr, float arcEndX, float arcEndY, float radiusX, float radiusY, float rotation, bool largeArc, bool clockwise); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_addRect(IntPtr ptr, float left, float top, float right, float bottom); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_addOval(IntPtr ptr, float left, float top, float right, float bottom); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_addArc(IntPtr ptr, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float startAngle, float sweepAngle); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Path_addPolygon(IntPtr ptr, float* points, int pointsLength, bool close); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Path_addRRect(IntPtr ptr, float* value32); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Path_addPathWithMatrix(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr path, float dx, float dy, float* matrix4); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Path_addPath(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr path, float dx, float dy); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Path_extendWithPathAndMatrix(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr path, float dx, float dy, float* matrix4); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Path_extendWithPath(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr path, float dx, float dy); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_close(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Path_reset(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern bool Path_contains(IntPtr ptr, float x, float y); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr Path_shift(IntPtr ptr, float dx, float dy); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe IntPtr Path_transform(IntPtr ptr, float* matrix4); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Path_getBounds(IntPtr ptr, float* rect); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern bool Path_op(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr path1, IntPtr path2, int operation); } /* * TODO: path metric/measure * PathMetrics / PathMetricIterator / Tangent * public class PathMetric {} * class _PathMeasure {} */ public enum BlurStyle { normal, // only normal for now. solid, outer, inner, } public class MaskFilter : IEquatable { MaskFilter(BlurStyle style, float sigma) { _style = style; _sigma = sigma; } public static MaskFilter blur(BlurStyle style, float sigma) { return new MaskFilter(style, sigma); } internal readonly BlurStyle _style; internal readonly float _sigma; internal const int _TypeNone = 0; // null internal const int _TypeBlur = 1; // SkBlurMaskFilter public bool Equals(MaskFilter other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return true; } return _style == other._style && _sigma == other._sigma; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return true; } if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) { return false; } return Equals((MaskFilter) obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { return ((int) _style * 397) ^ _sigma.GetHashCode(); } } public static bool operator ==(MaskFilter left, MaskFilter right) { return Equals(left, right); } public static bool operator !=(MaskFilter left, MaskFilter right) { return !Equals(left, right); } public override string ToString() { return $"MaskFilter.blur(${_style}, ${_sigma:F1})"; } } public class PathMetrics : IEnumerable { public PathMetrics(Path path, bool forceClosed) { _iterator = new PathMetricIterator(new _PathMeasure(path, forceClosed)); } readonly IEnumerator _iterator; public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return _iterator; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } } public class PathMetricIterator : IEnumerator { public PathMetricIterator(_PathMeasure pathMeasure) { D.assert(pathMeasure != null); _pathMeasure = pathMeasure; } PathMetric _pathMetric; readonly _PathMeasure _pathMeasure; public bool MoveNext() { if (_pathMeasure._nextContour()) { _pathMetric = new PathMetric(_pathMeasure); return true; } _pathMetric = null; return false; } public void Reset() { D.assert(false, () => "PathMetricIterator.Reset is not implemented yet !"); } public PathMetric Current { get { PathMetric currentMetric = _pathMetric; if (currentMetric == null) { throw new Exception("PathMetricIterator is not pointing to a PathMetric. This can happen in two situations:\n" + "- The iteration has not started yet. If so, call \"moveNext\" to start iteration." + "- The iterator ran out of elements. If so, check that \"moveNext\" returns true prior to calling \"current\"."); } return currentMetric; } } object IEnumerator.Current { get { return Current; } } public void Dispose() { } } public class Tangent { public Tangent(Offset position, Offset vector) { D.assert(position != null); D.assert(vector != null); this.position = position; this.vector = vector; } public static Tangent fromAngle(Offset position, float angle) { return new Tangent(position, new Offset(Mathf.Cos(angle), Mathf.Sin(angle))); } public readonly Offset position; public readonly Offset vector; public float angle => -Mathf.Atan2(vector.dy, vector.dx); } public class PathMetric { public PathMetric(_PathMeasure measure) { D.assert(measure != null); _measure = measure; length = _measure.length(_measure.currentContourIndex); isClosed = _measure.isClosed(_measure.currentContourIndex); contourIndex = _measure.currentContourIndex; } public readonly float length; public readonly bool isClosed; public readonly int contourIndex; readonly _PathMeasure _measure; public Tangent getTangentForOffset(float distance) { return _measure.getTangentForOffset(contourIndex, distance); } public Path extractPath(float start, float end, bool startWithMoveTo = true) { return _measure.extractPath(contourIndex, start, end, startWithMoveTo); } public override string ToString() { return $"{GetType()}: length: {length}, isClosed: {isClosed}, contourIndex: {contourIndex}"; } } public class _PathMeasure : NativeWrapper { public _PathMeasure(Path path, bool forceClosed) : base(PathMeasure_constructor(path._ptr, forceClosed)) { } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { PathMeasure_dispose(ptr); } public int currentContourIndex = -1; public float length(int contourIndex) { D.assert(contourIndex <= currentContourIndex, () => $"Iterator must be advanced before index {contourIndex} can be used."); return PathMeasure_length(contourIndex); } public unsafe Tangent getTangentForOffset(int contourIndex, float distance) { D.assert(contourIndex <= currentContourIndex, () => $"Iterator must be advanced before index {contourIndex} can be used."); float[] posTan = new float[5]; fixed (float* posTanPtr = posTan) { PathMeasure_getPosTan(contourIndex, distance, posTanPtr); } if (posTan[0] == 0.0f) { return null; } else { return new Tangent( new Offset(posTan[1], posTan[2]), new Offset(posTan[3], posTan[4]) ); } } public Path extractPath(int contourIndex, float start, float end, bool startWithMoveTo = true) { D.assert(contourIndex <= currentContourIndex, () => $"Iterator must be advanced before index {contourIndex} can be used."); IntPtr pathPtr = PathMeasure_getSegment(contourIndex, start, end, startWithMoveTo); return new Path(pathPtr); } public bool isClosed(int contourIndex) { D.assert(contourIndex <= currentContourIndex, () => $"Iterator must be advanced before index {contourIndex} can be used."); return PathMeasure_isClosed(contourIndex); } public bool _nextContour() { bool next = PathMeasure_nativeNextContour(); if (next) { currentContourIndex++; } return next; } [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr PathMeasure_constructor(IntPtr path, bool forcedClosed); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void PathMeasure_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern float PathMeasure_length(int contourIndex); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void PathMeasure_getPosTan(int contourIndex, float distance, float* posTan); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr PathMeasure_getSegment(int contourIndex, float start, float end, bool startWithMoveTo); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern bool PathMeasure_isClosed(int contourIndex); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern bool PathMeasure_nativeNextContour(); } public class ColorFilter : IEquatable { ColorFilter(Color color, BlendMode? blendMode, float[] matrix, int type) { _color = color; _blendMode = blendMode; _matrix = matrix; _type = type; } public static ColorFilter mode(Color color, BlendMode blendMode) { return new ColorFilter(color, blendMode, null, _TypeMode); } public static ColorFilter matrix(float[] matrix) { return new ColorFilter(null, null, matrix, _TypeMatrix); } public static ColorFilter linearToSrgbGamma() { return new ColorFilter(null, null, null, _TypeLinearToSrgbGamma); } public static ColorFilter srgbToLinearGamma() { return new ColorFilter(null, null, null, _TypeSrgbToLinearGamma); } internal readonly Color _color; internal readonly BlendMode? _blendMode; internal readonly float[] _matrix; internal readonly int _type; internal const int _TypeMode = 1; // MakeModeFilter internal const int _TypeMatrix = 2; // MakeMatrixFilterRowMajor255 internal const int _TypeLinearToSrgbGamma = 3; // MakeLinearToSRGBGamma internal const int _TypeSrgbToLinearGamma = 4; // MakeSRGBToLinearGamma internal _ColorFilter _toNativeColorFilter() { switch (_type) { case _TypeMode: if (_color == null || _blendMode == null) { return null; } return _ColorFilter.mode(this); case _TypeMatrix: if (_matrix == null) { return null; } D.assert(_matrix.Length == 20, () => "Color Matrix must have 20 entries."); return _ColorFilter.matrix(this); case _TypeLinearToSrgbGamma: return _ColorFilter.linearToSrgbGamma(this); case _TypeSrgbToLinearGamma: return _ColorFilter.srgbToLinearGamma(this); default: throw new Exception($"Unknown mode {_type} for ColorFilter."); } } public bool Equals(ColorFilter other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return true; } return Equals(_color, other._color) && _blendMode == other._blendMode && _matrix.equalsList(other._matrix) && _type == other._type; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return true; } if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) { return false; } return Equals((ColorFilter) obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (_color != null ? _color.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ _blendMode.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ _matrix.hashList(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ _type; return hashCode; } } public static bool operator ==(ColorFilter left, ColorFilter right) { return Equals(left, right); } public static bool operator !=(ColorFilter left, ColorFilter right) { return !Equals(left, right); } public override string ToString() { switch (_type) { case _TypeMode: return $"ColorFilter.mode({_color}, {_blendMode})"; case _TypeMatrix: return $"ColorFilter.matrix({_matrix.toStringList()})"; case _TypeLinearToSrgbGamma: return "ColorFilter.linearToSrgbGamma()"; case _TypeSrgbToLinearGamma: return "ColorFilter.srgbToLinearGamma()"; default: return "Unknown ColorFilter type."; } } } class _ColorFilter : NativeWrapper { _ColorFilter(IntPtr ptr, ColorFilter creator) : base(ptr) { this.creator = creator; } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { ColorFilter_dispose(ptr); } public static _ColorFilter mode(ColorFilter creator) { D.assert(creator != null); D.assert(creator._type == ColorFilter._TypeMode); var filter = new _ColorFilter(ColorFilter_constructor(), creator); ColorFilter_initMode(filter._ptr, creator._color.value, (int) creator._blendMode); return filter; } public static unsafe _ColorFilter matrix(ColorFilter creator) { D.assert(creator != null); D.assert(creator._type == ColorFilter._TypeMatrix); var filter = new _ColorFilter(ColorFilter_constructor(), creator); fixed (float* matrix = creator._matrix) { ColorFilter_initMatrix(filter._ptr, matrix); } return filter; } public static _ColorFilter linearToSrgbGamma(ColorFilter creator) { D.assert(creator != null); D.assert(creator._type == ColorFilter._TypeLinearToSrgbGamma); var filter = new _ColorFilter(ColorFilter_constructor(), creator); ColorFilter_initLinearToSrgbGamma(filter._ptr); return filter; } public static _ColorFilter srgbToLinearGamma(ColorFilter creator) { D.assert(creator != null); D.assert(creator._type == ColorFilter._TypeSrgbToLinearGamma); var filter = new _ColorFilter(ColorFilter_constructor(), creator); ColorFilter_initSrgbToLinearGamma(filter._ptr); return filter; } public readonly ColorFilter creator; [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr ColorFilter_constructor(); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void ColorFilter_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void ColorFilter_initMode(IntPtr ptr, uint color, int blendMode); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void ColorFilter_initMatrix(IntPtr ptr, float* matrix4); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void ColorFilter_initLinearToSrgbGamma(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void ColorFilter_initSrgbToLinearGamma(IntPtr ptr); } public class ImageFilter : IEquatable { public static ImageFilter blur(float sigmaX = 0.0f, float sigmaY = 0.0f) { return new ImageFilter(_makeList(sigmaX, sigmaY), FilterQuality.none, _kTypeBlur); } public static ImageFilter matrix(float[] transform, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low) { var data = (float[]) transform.Clone(); return new ImageFilter(data, filterQuality, _kTypeMatrix); } ImageFilter(float[] data, FilterQuality filterQuality, int type) { _data = data; _filterQuality = filterQuality; _type = type; } static float[] _makeList(float a, float b) { return new[] {a, b}; } internal readonly float[] _data; internal readonly FilterQuality _filterQuality; internal readonly int _type; _ImageFilter _nativeFilter; internal const int _kTypeBlur = 0; internal const int _kTypeMatrix = 1; internal _ImageFilter _toNativeImageFilter() => _nativeFilter = _nativeFilter ?? _makeNativeImageFilter(); _ImageFilter _makeNativeImageFilter() { if (_data == null) { return null; } switch (_type) { case _kTypeBlur: return _ImageFilter.blur(this); case _kTypeMatrix: return _ImageFilter.matrix(this); default: throw new Exception($"Unknown mode {_type} for ImageFilter."); } } public bool Equals(ImageFilter other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return true; } return _type == other._type && _data.equalsList(other._data) && _filterQuality == other._filterQuality; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return true; } if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) { return false; } return Equals((ImageFilter) obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (int) _filterQuality; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ _data.hashList(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ _type; return hashCode; } } public static bool operator ==(ImageFilter left, ImageFilter right) { return Equals(left, right); } public static bool operator !=(ImageFilter left, ImageFilter right) { return !Equals(left, right); } public override string ToString() { switch (_type) { case _kTypeBlur: return $"ImageFilter.blur({_data[0]}, {_data[1]})"; case _kTypeMatrix: return $"ImageFilter.matrix({_data.toStringList()}, {_filterQuality})"; default: return "Unknown ImageFilter type."; } } } internal class _ImageFilter : NativeWrapper { _ImageFilter(IntPtr ptr, ImageFilter creator) : base(ptr) { this.creator = creator; } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { ImageFilter_dispose(ptr); } public static _ImageFilter blur(ImageFilter creator) { D.assert(creator != null); D.assert(creator._type == ImageFilter._kTypeBlur); /*if (creator._data.Length != 16) { throw new ArgumentException("\"matrix4\" must have 16 entries."); }*/ var filter = new _ImageFilter(ImageFilter_constructor(), creator); ImageFilter_initBlur(filter._ptr, creator._data[0], creator._data[1]); return filter; } public static unsafe _ImageFilter matrix(ImageFilter creator) { D.assert(creator != null); D.assert(creator._type == ImageFilter._kTypeMatrix); if (creator._data.Length != 16) { throw new ArgumentException("\"matrix4\" must have 16 entries."); } var filter = new _ImageFilter(ImageFilter_constructor(), creator); fixed (float* data = creator._data) { ImageFilter_initMatrix(filter._ptr, data, (int) creator._filterQuality); } return filter; } public readonly ImageFilter creator; [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr ImageFilter_constructor(); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void ImageFilter_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void ImageFilter_initBlur(IntPtr ptr, float sigmaX, float sigmaY); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void ImageFilter_initMatrix(IntPtr ptr, float* matrix4, int filterQuality); } public abstract class Shader : NativeWrapper { protected Shader(IntPtr ptr) : base(ptr) { } } public enum TileMode { clamp, repeated, mirror, } public class Gradient : Shader { Gradient(IntPtr ptr) : base(ptr) { } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { Gradient_dispose(ptr); } public static unsafe Gradient linear( Offset from, Offset to, List colors, List colorStops = null, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp, float[] matrix4 = null ) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(from)); D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(to)); D.assert(colors != null); D.assert(matrix4 == null || PaintingUtils._matrix4IsValid(matrix4)); _validateColorStops(colors, colorStops); var endPointsArray = PaintingUtils._encodeTwoPoints(from, to); var colorsArray = PaintingUtils._encodeColorList(colors); var colorStopsArray = colorStops?.ToArray() ?? new float[] { }; fixed (float* endPointsBuffer = endPointsArray) fixed (uint* colorsBuffer = colorsArray) fixed (float* colorStopsBuffer = colorStopsArray) fixed (float* matrix4Buffer = matrix4) { var gradient = new Gradient(Gradient_constructor()); Gradient_initLinear( gradient._ptr, endPointsBuffer, endPointsArray.Length, colorsBuffer, colorsArray.Length, colorStopsBuffer, colorStopsArray.Length, (int) tileMode, matrix4Buffer ); return gradient; } } public static unsafe Gradient radial( Offset center, float radius, List colors, List colorStops = null, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp, float[] matrix4 = null, Offset focal = null, float focalRadius = 0.0f) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(center)); D.assert(colors != null); D.assert(matrix4 == null || PaintingUtils._matrix4IsValid(matrix4)); _validateColorStops(colors, colorStops); var colorsArray = PaintingUtils._encodeColorList(colors); var colorStopsArray = colorStops?.ToArray() ?? new float[] { }; fixed (uint* colorsBuffer = colorsArray) fixed (float* colorStopsBuffer = colorStopsArray) fixed (float* matrix4Buffer = matrix4) { var gradient = new Gradient(Gradient_constructor()); if (focal == null || (focal == center && focalRadius == 0.0f)) { Gradient_initRadial(gradient._ptr, center.dx, center.dy, radius, colorsBuffer, colorsArray.Length, colorStopsBuffer, colorStopsArray.Length, (int) tileMode, matrix4Buffer); } else { D.assert(center != || focal !=; Gradient_initConical(gradient._ptr, focal.dx, focal.dy, focalRadius, center.dx, center.dy, radius, colorsBuffer, colorsArray.Length, colorStopsBuffer, colorStopsArray.Length, (int) tileMode, matrix4Buffer); } return gradient; } } public static unsafe Gradient sweep( Offset center, List colors, List colorStops = null, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp, float startAngle = 0.0f, float endAngle = Mathf.PI * 2, float[] matrix4 = null ) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(center)); D.assert(colors != null); D.assert(startAngle < endAngle); D.assert(matrix4 == null || PaintingUtils._matrix4IsValid(matrix4)); _validateColorStops(colors, colorStops); var colorsArray = PaintingUtils._encodeColorList(colors); var colorStopsArray = colorStops?.ToArray() ?? new float[] { }; fixed (uint* colorsBuffer = colorsArray) fixed (float* colorStopsBuffer = colorStopsArray) fixed (float* matrix4Buffer = matrix4) { var gradient = new Gradient(Gradient_constructor()); Gradient_initSweep(gradient._ptr, center.dx, center.dy, colorsBuffer, colorsArray.Length, colorStopsBuffer, colorStopsArray.Length, (int) tileMode, startAngle, endAngle, matrix4Buffer); return gradient; } } static void _validateColorStops(List colors, List colorStops) { if (colorStops == null) { if (colors.Count != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("\"colors\" must have length 2 if \"colorStops\" is omitted."); } } else { if (colors.Count != colorStops.Count) { throw new ArgumentException("\"colors\" and \"colorStops\" arguments must have equal length."); } } } [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr Gradient_constructor(); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Gradient_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Gradient_initLinear(IntPtr ptr, float* endPoints, int endPointsLength, uint* colors, int colorsLength, float* colorStops, int colorStopsLength, int tileMode, float* matrix4); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Gradient_initRadial(IntPtr ptr, float centerX, float centerY, float radius, uint* colors, int colorsLength, float* colorStops, int colorStopsLength, int tileMode, float* matrix4); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Gradient_initConical(IntPtr ptr, float startX, float startY, float startRadius, float endX, float endY, float endRadius, uint* colors, int colorsLength, float* colorStops, int colorStopsLength, int tileMode, float* matrix4); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Gradient_initSweep(IntPtr ptr, float centerX, float centerY, uint* colors, int colorsLength, float* colorStops, int colorStopsLength, int tileMode, float startAngle, float endAngle, float* matrix4); } public class ImageShader : Shader { unsafe ImageShader(Image image, TileMode tmx, TileMode tmy, float[] matrix4) : base(ImageShader_constructor()) { D.assert(image != null); D.assert(matrix4 != null); if (matrix4.Length != 16) { throw new ArgumentException("\"matrix4\" must have 16 entries."); } fixed (float* matrix4Buffer = matrix4) { ImageShader_initWithImage(_ptr, image._ptr, (int) tmx, (int) tmy, matrix4Buffer); } } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { ImageShader_dispose(ptr); } [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr ImageShader_constructor(); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void ImageShader_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void ImageShader_initWithImage(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr image, int tmx, int tmy, float* matrix4); } public enum VertexMode { triangles, triangleStrip, triangleFan, } public class Vertices : NativeWrapper { Vertices() : base(Vertices_constructor()) { } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { Vertices_dispose(ptr); } public unsafe Vertices( VertexMode mode, List positions, List textureCoordinates = null, List colors = null, List indices = null ) : base(Vertices_constructor()) { D.assert(positions != null); if (textureCoordinates != null && textureCoordinates.Count != positions.Count) throw new ArgumentException("\"positions\" and \"textureCoordinates\" lengths must match."); if (colors != null && colors.Count != positions.Count) throw new ArgumentException("\"positions\" and \"colors\" lengths must match."); if (indices != null && indices.Any((i) => i < 0 || i >= positions.Count)) throw new ArgumentException("\"indices\" values must be valid indices in the positions list."); float[] encodedPositions = PaintingUtils._encodePointList(positions); float[] encodedTextureCoordinates = (textureCoordinates != null) ? PaintingUtils._encodePointList(textureCoordinates) : null; uint[] encodedColors = colors != null ? PaintingUtils._encodeColorList(colors) : null; ushort[] encodedIndices = indices != null ? LinqUtils.SelectArray(indices, (i => (ushort) i)) : null; fixed (float* encodedPositionsPtr = encodedPositions, encodedTextureCoordinatesPtr = encodedTextureCoordinates) fixed (uint* encodedColorsPtr = encodedColors) fixed (ushort* encodedIndicesPtr = encodedIndices) if (!Vertices_init(_ptr, (int) mode, encodedPositionsPtr, encodedPositions.Length, encodedTextureCoordinatesPtr, encodedTextureCoordinates.Length, encodedColorsPtr, encodedColors.Length, encodedIndicesPtr, encodedIndices.Length)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid configuration for vertices."); } public static unsafe Vertices raw( VertexMode mode, float[] positions, float[] textureCoordinates = null, uint[] colors = null, ushort[] indices = null ) { D.assert(positions != null); if (textureCoordinates != null && textureCoordinates.Length != positions.Length) throw new ArgumentException("\"positions\" and \"textureCoordinates\" lengths must match."); if (colors != null && colors.Length != positions.Length) throw new ArgumentException("\"positions\" and \"colors\" lengths must match."); if (indices != null && indices.Any((i) => i < 0 || i >= positions.Length)) throw new ArgumentException("\"indices\" values must be valid indices in the positions list."); var vertices = new Vertices(); fixed (float* encodedPositionsPtr = positions, encodedTextureCoordinatesPtr = textureCoordinates) fixed (uint* encodedColorsPtr = colors) fixed (ushort* encodedIndicesPtr = indices) if (!Vertices_init(vertices._ptr, (int) mode, encodedPositionsPtr, positions.Length, encodedTextureCoordinatesPtr, textureCoordinates.Length, encodedColorsPtr, colors.Length, encodedIndicesPtr, indices.Length)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid configuration for vertices."); return vertices; } [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] public static extern IntPtr Vertices_constructor(); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] public static extern void Vertices_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] public static extern unsafe bool Vertices_init(IntPtr ptr, int mode, float* positions, int positionsLength, float* textureCoordinates, int textureCoordinatesLength, uint* colors, int colorsLength, ushort* indices, int indicesLength); } public enum PointMode { points, lines, polygon, } public enum ClipOp { difference, intersect, } public class Canvas : NativeWrapper { public Canvas(PictureRecorder recorder, Rect cullRect = null) { D.assert(recorder != null); if (recorder.isRecording) { throw new ArgumentException("\"recorder\" must not already be associated with another Canvas."); } cullRect = cullRect ?? Rect.largest; _setPtr(Canvas_constructor(recorder._ptr, cullRect.left,, cullRect.right, cullRect.bottom)); } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { Canvas_dispose(ptr); } public virtual void save() { Canvas_save(_ptr); } public virtual unsafe void saveLayer(Rect bounds, Paint paint) { D.assert(paint != null); if (bounds == null) { fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_saveLayerWithoutBounds(_ptr, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } else { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(bounds)); fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_saveLayer(_ptr, bounds.left,, bounds.right, bounds.bottom, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } } public virtual void restore() { Canvas_restore(_ptr); } public virtual int getSaveCount() { return Canvas_getSaveCount(_ptr); } public virtual void translate(float dx, float dy) { Canvas_translate(_ptr, dx, dy); } public virtual void scale(float sx, float? sy = null) { Canvas_scale(_ptr, sx, sy ?? sx); } public virtual void rotate(float radians) { Canvas_rotate(_ptr, radians); } public virtual void skew(float sx, float sy) { Canvas_skew(_ptr, sx, sy); } public virtual unsafe void transform(float[] matrix4) { D.assert(matrix4 != null); if (matrix4.Length != 16) throw new ArgumentException("\"matrix4\" must have 16 entries."); fixed (float* matrx4Ptr = matrix4) Canvas_transform(_ptr, matrx4Ptr); } public virtual void clipRect(Rect rect, ClipOp clipOp = ClipOp.intersect, bool doAntiAlias = true) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(rect)); Canvas_clipRect(_ptr, rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, (int) clipOp, doAntiAlias); } public virtual unsafe void clipRRect(RRect rrect, bool doAntiAlias = true) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rrectIsValid(rrect)); fixed (float* rrectPtr = rrect._value32) Canvas_clipRRect(_ptr, rrectPtr, doAntiAlias); } public virtual void clipPath(Path path, bool doAntiAlias = true) { D.assert(path != null); Canvas_clipPath(_ptr, path._ptr, doAntiAlias); } public virtual void drawColor(Color color, BlendMode blendMode) { D.assert(color != null); Canvas_drawColor(_ptr, color.value, (int) blendMode); } public virtual unsafe void drawLine(Offset p1, Offset p2, Paint paint) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(p1)); D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(p2)); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawLine(_ptr, p1.dx, p1.dy, p2.dx, p2.dy, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual unsafe void drawPaint(Paint paint) { D.assert(paint != null); fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawPaint(_ptr, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual unsafe void drawRect(Rect rect, Paint paint) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(rect)); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawRect(_ptr, rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual unsafe void drawRRect(RRect rrect, Paint paint) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rrectIsValid(rrect)); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (float* rrectPtr = rrect._value32) fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawRRect(_ptr, rrectPtr, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual unsafe void drawDRRect(RRect outer, RRect inner, Paint paint) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rrectIsValid(outer)); D.assert(PaintingUtils._rrectIsValid(inner)); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (float* outerPtr = outer._value32) fixed (float* innerPtr = inner._value32) fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawDRRect(_ptr, outerPtr, innerPtr, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual unsafe void drawOval(Rect rect, Paint paint) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(rect)); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawOval(_ptr, rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual unsafe void drawCircle(Offset c, float radius, Paint paint) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(c)); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawCircle(_ptr, c.dx, c.dy, radius, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual unsafe void drawArc(Rect rect, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool useCenter, Paint paint) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(rect)); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawArc(_ptr, rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual unsafe void drawPath(Path path, Paint paint) { D.assert(path != null); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawPath(_ptr, path._ptr, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual unsafe void drawImage(Image image, Offset p, Paint paint) { D.assert(image != null); D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(p)); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawImage(_ptr, image._ptr, p.dx, p.dy, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual unsafe void drawImageRect(Image image, Rect src, Rect dst, Paint paint) { D.assert(image != null); D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(src)); D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(dst)); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawImageRect(_ptr, image._ptr, src.left,, src.right, src.bottom, dst.left,, dst.right, dst.bottom, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual unsafe void drawImageNine(Image image, Rect center, Rect dst, Paint paint) { D.assert(image != null); D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(center)); D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(dst)); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (IntPtr* objectsPtr = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) Canvas_drawImageNine(_ptr, image._ptr, center.left,, center.right, center.bottom, dst.left,, dst.right, dst.bottom, objectsPtr, dataPtr); } public virtual void drawPicture(Picture picture) { D.assert(picture != null); Canvas_drawPicture(_ptr, picture._ptr); } public virtual void drawParagraph(Paragraph paragraph, Offset offset) { D.assert(paragraph != null); D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(offset)); paragraph._paint(this, offset.dx, offset.dy); } public virtual void drawPoints(PointMode pointMode, List points, Paint paint) { unsafe { D.assert(pointMode != null); D.assert(points != null); D.assert(paint != null); float[] list = PaintingUtils._encodePointList(points); fixed (IntPtr* objectPtrs = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) fixed (float* listPtr = list) { Canvas_drawPoints(_ptr, objectPtrs, dataPtr, (int) pointMode, listPtr, list.Length); } } } public virtual unsafe void drawRawPoints(PointMode pointMode, float[] points, Paint paint) { D.assert(points != null); D.assert(paint != null); if (points.Length % 2 != 0) throw new ArgumentException("\"points\" must have an even number of values."); fixed (IntPtr* objectPtrs = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) fixed (float* pointsPtr = points) { Canvas_drawPoints(_ptr, objectPtrs, dataPtr, (int) pointMode, pointsPtr, points.Length); } } public virtual unsafe void drawVertices(Vertices vertices, BlendMode blendMode, Paint paint) { D.assert(vertices != null); D.assert(paint != null); fixed (IntPtr* objectPtrs = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* dataPtr = paint._data) { Canvas_drawVertices(_ptr, vertices._ptr, (int) blendMode, objectPtrs, dataPtr); } } public virtual unsafe void drawAtlas(Image atlas, List transforms, List rects, List colors, BlendMode blendMode, Rect cullRect, Paint paint) { D.assert(atlas != null); D.assert(transforms != null); D.assert(rects != null); D.assert(colors != null); D.assert(paint != null); int rectCount = rects.Count; if (transforms.Count != rectCount) throw new ArgumentException("\"transforms\" and \"rects\" lengths must match."); if (colors.isNotEmpty() && colors.Count != rectCount) throw new ArgumentException( "If non-null, \"colors\" length must match that of \"transforms\" and \"rects\"."); var rstTransformBuffer = new float[rectCount * 4]; var rectBuffer = new float [rectCount * 4]; for (int i = 0; i < rectCount; ++i) { int index0 = i * 4; int index1 = index0 + 1; int index2 = index0 + 2; int index3 = index0 + 3; RSTransform rstTransform = transforms[i]; Rect rect = rects[i]; D.assert(PaintingUtils._rectIsValid(rect)); rstTransformBuffer[index0] = rstTransform.scos; rstTransformBuffer[index1] = rstTransform.ssin; rstTransformBuffer[index2] = rstTransform.tx; rstTransformBuffer[index3] = rstTransform.ty; rectBuffer[index0] = rect.left; rectBuffer[index1] =; rectBuffer[index2] = rect.right; rectBuffer[index3] = rect.bottom; } uint[] colorBuffer = colors.isEmpty() ? null : PaintingUtils._encodeColorList(colors); fixed (IntPtr* objectPtrs = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* paintDataPtr = paint._data) fixed (float* rstTransformsPtr = rstTransformBuffer, rectsPtr = rectBuffer, cullRectPtr = cullRect?._value32) fixed (uint* colorsPtr = colorBuffer) { Canvas_drawAtlas(_ptr, objectPtrs, paintDataPtr, atlas._ptr, rstTransformsPtr, transforms.Count, rectsPtr, rects.Count, colorsPtr, colors.Count, (int) blendMode, cullRectPtr ); } } public virtual unsafe void drawRawAtlas(Image atlas, float[] rstTransforms, float[] rects, uint[] colors, BlendMode blendMode, Rect cullRect, Paint paint) { D.assert(atlas != null); D.assert(rstTransforms != null); D.assert(rects != null); D.assert(colors != null); D.assert(paint != null); int rectCount = rects.Length; if (rstTransforms.Length != rectCount) throw new ArgumentException("\"rstTransforms\" and \"rects\" lengths must match."); if (rectCount % 4 != 0) throw new ArgumentException("\"rstTransforms\" and \"rects\" lengths must be a multiple of four."); if (colors.Length * 4 != rectCount) throw new ArgumentException( "If non-null, \"colors\" length must be one fourth the length of \"rstTransforms\" and \"rects\"."); fixed (IntPtr* objectPtrs = paint._objectPtrs) fixed (byte* paintDataPtr = paint._data) fixed (float* rstTransformsPtr = rstTransforms, rectsPtr = rects, cullRectPtr = cullRect?._value32) fixed (uint* colorsPtr = colors) { Canvas_drawAtlas(_ptr, objectPtrs, paintDataPtr, atlas._ptr, rstTransformsPtr, rstTransforms.Length, rectsPtr, rects.Length, colorsPtr, colors.Length, (int) blendMode, cullRectPtr ); } } public virtual void drawShadow(Path path, Color color, float elevation, bool transparentOccluder) { D.assert(path != null); D.assert(color != null); Canvas_drawShadow(_ptr, path._ptr, color.value, elevation, transparentOccluder); } [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr Canvas_constructor(IntPtr recorder, float left, float top, float right, float bottom); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_save(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_saveLayerWithoutBounds(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_saveLayer(IntPtr ptr, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_restore(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern int Canvas_getSaveCount(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_translate(IntPtr ptr, float x, float y); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_scale(IntPtr ptr, float sx, float sy); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_rotate(IntPtr ptr, float radians); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_skew(IntPtr ptr, float sx, float sy); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_transform(IntPtr ptr, float* matrix4); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_clipRect(IntPtr ptr, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, int clipOp, bool doAntiAlias); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_clipRRect(IntPtr ptr, float* rrect, bool doAntiAlias); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_clipPath(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr path, bool doAntiAlias); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_drawColor(IntPtr ptr, uint color, int blendMode); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawLine(IntPtr ptr, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawPaint(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawRect(IntPtr ptr, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawRRect(IntPtr ptr, float* rrect, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawDRRect(IntPtr ptr, float* outer, float* inner, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawOval(IntPtr ptr, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawCircle(IntPtr ptr, float x, float y, float radius, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawArc(IntPtr ptr, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool useCenter, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawPath(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr path, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawImage(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr image, float x, float y, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawImageRect(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr image, float srcLeft, float srcTop, float srcRight, float srcBottom, float dstLeft, float dstTop, float dstRight, float dstBottom, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawImageNine(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr image, float centerLeft, float centerTop, float centerRight, float centerBottom, float dstLeft, float dstTop, float dstRight, float dstBottom, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_drawPicture(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr picture); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawPoints(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData, int pointMode, float* points, int pointsLength); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawVertices(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr vertices, int blendMode, IntPtr* paintObject, byte* paintData); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern unsafe void Canvas_drawAtlas(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr* paintObjects, byte* paintData, IntPtr atlas, float* rstTransforms, int rstTransformsLength, float* rects, int rectsLength, uint* colors, int colorsLength, int blendMode, float* cullRect); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Canvas_drawShadow(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr path, uint color, float elevation, bool transparentOccluder); } public class Picture : NativeWrapperDisposable { internal Picture(IntPtr ptr) : base(ptr) { } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { Picture_dispose(ptr); } public Future toImage(int width, int height) { if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid image dimensions."); } return ui_._futurize( (_Callback callback) => { GCHandle callbackHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(callback); IntPtr error = Picture_toImage(_ptr, width, height, _toImageCallback, (IntPtr) callbackHandle); if (error != IntPtr.Zero) { callbackHandle.Free(); return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(error); } return null; }); } [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(Picture_toImageCallback))] static void _toImageCallback(IntPtr callbackHandle, IntPtr result) { GCHandle handle = (GCHandle) callbackHandle; var callback = (_Callback) handle.Target; handle.Free(); if (!Isolate.checkExists()) { return; } try { callback(result == IntPtr.Zero ? null : new Image(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } public int approximateBytesUsed => Picture_GetAllocationSize(_ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Picture_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern int Picture_GetAllocationSize(IntPtr ptr); delegate void Picture_toImageCallback(IntPtr callbackHandle, IntPtr result); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr Picture_toImage(IntPtr ptr, int width, int height, Picture_toImageCallback callback, IntPtr callbackHandle); } public class PictureRecorder : NativeWrapper { public PictureRecorder() : base(PictureRecorder_constructor()) { } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { PictureRecorder_dispose(ptr); } public bool isRecording => PictureRecorder_isRecording(_ptr); public Picture endRecording() { return new Picture(PictureRecorder_endRecording(_ptr)); } [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr PictureRecorder_constructor(); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void PictureRecorder_dispose(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern bool PictureRecorder_isRecording(IntPtr ptr); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr PictureRecorder_endRecording(IntPtr ptr); } public class Shadow : IEquatable { public Shadow( Color color, Offset offset, float blurRadius = 0) { D.assert(color != null); D.assert(offset != null); D.assert(blurRadius >= 0.0); this.color = color ?? new Color(_kColorDefault); this.offset = offset ??; this.blurRadius = blurRadius; } static readonly uint _kColorDefault = 0xFF000000; // Constants for shadow encoding. static readonly int _kBytesPerShadow = 16; static readonly int _kColorOffset = 0 << 2; static readonly int _kXOffset = 1 << 2; static readonly int _kYOffset = 2 << 2; static readonly int _kBlurOffset = 3 << 2; public readonly Color color; public readonly Offset offset; public readonly float blurRadius; public static float convertRadiusToSigma(float radius) { return radius * 0.57735f + 0.5f; } public float blurSigma { get { return convertRadiusToSigma(blurRadius); } } public Paint toPaint() { return new Paint() { color = color, maskFilter = MaskFilter.blur(BlurStyle.normal, blurSigma) }; } public Shadow scale(float factor) { return new Shadow( color: color, offset: offset * factor, blurRadius: blurRadius * factor ); } public static Shadow lerp(Shadow a, Shadow b, float t) { D.assert(t != null); if (a == null && b == null) return null; if (a == null) return b.scale(t); if (b == null) return a.scale(1.0f - t); return new Shadow( color: Color.lerp(a.color, b.color, t), offset: Offset.lerp(a.offset, b.offset, t), blurRadius: MathUtils.lerpNullableFloat(a.blurRadius, b.blurRadius, t) ); } public static List lerpList(List a, List b, float t) { D.assert(t != null); if (a == null && b == null) return null; a = a ?? new List(); b = b ?? new List(); List result = new List(); int commonLength = Math.Min(a.Count, b.Count); for (int i = 0; i < commonLength; i += 1) result.Add(lerp(a[i], b[i], t)); for (int i = commonLength; i < a.Count; i += 1) result.Add(a[i].scale(1.0f - t)); for (int i = commonLength; i < b.Count; i += 1) result.Add(b[i].scale(t)); return result; } internal static byte[] _encodeShadows(List shadows) { if (shadows == null) return new byte[0]; int byteCount = shadows.Count * _kBytesPerShadow; byte[] shadowsData = new byte[byteCount]; int shadowOffset = 0; for (int shadowIndex = 0; shadowIndex < shadows.Count; ++shadowIndex) { Shadow shadow = shadows[shadowIndex]; if (shadow == null) continue; shadowOffset = shadowIndex * _kBytesPerShadow; shadowsData.setInt32(_kColorOffset + shadowOffset, (int) (shadow.color.value ^ _kColorDefault)); shadowsData.setFloat32(_kXOffset + shadowOffset, shadow.offset.dx); shadowsData.setFloat32(_kYOffset + shadowOffset, shadow.offset.dy); shadowsData.setFloat32(_kBlurOffset + shadowOffset, shadow.blurRadius); } return shadowsData; } public override string ToString() => $"TextShadow({color}, {offset}, {blurRadius})"; public bool Equals(Shadow other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return true; } return Equals(color, other.color) && Equals(offset, other.offset) && blurRadius.Equals(other.blurRadius); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return true; } if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) { return false; } return Equals((Shadow) obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (color != null ? color.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (offset != null ? offset.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ blurRadius.GetHashCode(); return hashCode; } } } public class Skottie : NativeWrapper { public Skottie(string path) { _setPtr(Skottie_Construct(path)); } public override void DisposePtr(IntPtr ptr) { Skottie_Dispose(ptr); } public void paint(Canvas canvas, Offset offset, float width, float height, float frame) { Skottie_Paint(_ptr, canvas._ptr, offset.dx, offset.dy, width, height, frame); } public float duration() { return Skottie_Duration(_ptr); } [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr Skottie_Construct(string path); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Skottie_Dispose(IntPtr skottie); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Skottie_Paint(IntPtr skottie, IntPtr canvas, float x, float y, float width, float height, float frame); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern float Skottie_Duration(IntPtr skottie); } delegate void _Callback(T result); delegate string _Callbacker(_Callback callback); public static partial class ui_ { internal static Future _futurize(_Callbacker callbacker) { Completer completer = Completer.sync(); string error = callbacker(t => { if (t == null) { completer.completeError(new Exception("operation failed")); } else { completer.complete(FutureOr.value(t)); } }); if (error != null) throw new Exception(error); return; } } }