using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.gestures { public delegate void PointerHoverEventListener(PointerHoverEvent evt); public delegate void PointerEnterEventListener(PointerEnterEvent evt); public delegate void PointerExitEventListener(PointerExitEvent evt); public delegate void _UpdatedDeviceHandler(_MouseState mouseState, HashSet previousAnnotations); public class _MouseState { PointerEvent _latestEvent; public _MouseState(PointerEvent initialEvent = null ) { D.assert(initialEvent != null); _latestEvent = initialEvent; } public HashSet annotations { get; private set; } = new HashSet(); // The most recently processed mouse event observed from this device. public PointerEvent latestEvent { get { return _latestEvent; } set { D.assert(value != null); _latestEvent = value; } } public int device { get { return latestEvent.device; } } public HashSet replaceAnnotations(HashSet value) { var previous = annotations; annotations = value; return previous; } public override string ToString() { string describeEvent(PointerEvent Event) { return Event == null ? "null" : describeIdentity(Object: Event); } var describeLatestEvent = $"latestEvent: {describeEvent(Event: latestEvent)}"; var describeAnnotations = $"annotations: [list of {annotations.Count}]"; return $"{describeIdentity(this)}" + $"({describeLatestEvent}, {describeAnnotations})"; } public string describeIdentity(object Object) { return $"{Object.GetType()}" + $"{Object.GetHashCode()}"; } } public class MouseTrackerAnnotation : Diagnosticable { public readonly PointerEnterEventListener onEnter; public readonly PointerExitEventListener onExit; public readonly PointerHoverEventListener onHover; public MouseTrackerAnnotation( PointerEnterEventListener onEnter = null, PointerHoverEventListener onHover = null, PointerExitEventListener onExit = null ) { this.onEnter = onEnter; this.onHover = onHover; this.onExit = onExit; } public override string ToString() { return $"{GetType()}#{GetHashCode()}{(onEnter == null ? "" : " onEnter")}{(onHover == null ? "" : " onHover")}{(onExit == null ? "" : " onExit")}"; } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties: properties); properties.add(new FlagsSummary( "callbacks", new Dictionary { {"enter", onEnter}, {"hover", onHover}, {"exit", onExit} }, "" )); } } public class _TrackedAnnotation { public readonly MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation; public HashSet activeDevices = new HashSet(); public _TrackedAnnotation( MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation) { this.annotation = annotation; } } public delegate IEnumerable MouseDetectorAnnotationFinder(Offset offset); public class MouseTracker : ChangeNotifier { public readonly Dictionary _mouseStates = new Dictionary(); readonly PointerRouter _router; public readonly Dictionary _trackedAnnotations = new Dictionary(); public readonly MouseDetectorAnnotationFinder annotationFinder; bool _duringDeviceUpdate; public bool _hasScheduledPostFrameCheck; public MouseTracker( PointerRouter router, MouseDetectorAnnotationFinder annotationFinder ) { D.assert(router != null); D.assert(annotationFinder != null); _router = router; router.addGlobalRoute(route: _handleEvent); this.annotationFinder = annotationFinder; } public bool mouseIsConnected { get { return _mouseStates.isNotEmpty(); } } public static bool _duringBuildPhase { get { return SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.persistentCallbacks; } } public override void dispose() { base.dispose(); _router.removeGlobalRoute(route: _handleEvent); } public static bool _shouldMarkStateDirty(_MouseState state, PointerEvent value) { if (state == null) { return true; } D.assert(value != null); var lastEvent = state.latestEvent; D.assert(value.device == lastEvent.device); D.assert(value is PointerAddedEvent == lastEvent is PointerRemovedEvent); if (value is PointerSignalEvent) { return false; } return lastEvent is PointerAddedEvent || value is PointerRemovedEvent || lastEvent.position != value.position; } public void _handleEvent(PointerEvent Event) { if (Event.kind != PointerDeviceKind.mouse) { return; } if (Event is PointerSignalEvent) { return; } var device = Event.device; var existingState = _mouseStates.getOrDefault(key: device); if (!_shouldMarkStateDirty(state: existingState, value: Event)) { return; } var previousEvent = existingState?.latestEvent; _updateDevices( targetEvent: Event, (mouseState, previousAnnotations) => { D.assert(mouseState.device == Event.device); _dispatchDeviceCallbacks( lastAnnotations: previousAnnotations, nextAnnotations: mouseState.annotations, previousEvent: previousEvent, unhandledEvent: Event ); } ); } public HashSet _findAnnotations(_MouseState state) { var globalPosition = state.latestEvent.position; var device = state.device; var result = new HashSet(); foreach (var values in annotationFinder(offset: globalPosition)) { result.Add(item: values); } return _mouseStates.ContainsKey(key: device) ? result : new HashSet(); } public void _updateAllDevices() { _updateDevices( handleUpdatedDevice: (mouseState, previousAnnotations) => { _dispatchDeviceCallbacks( lastAnnotations: previousAnnotations, nextAnnotations: mouseState.annotations, previousEvent: mouseState.latestEvent ); } ); } void _updateDevices( PointerEvent targetEvent = null, _UpdatedDeviceHandler handleUpdatedDevice = null) { D.assert(handleUpdatedDevice != null); D.assert(result: !_duringBuildPhase); D.assert(result: !_duringDeviceUpdate); var mouseWasConnected = mouseIsConnected; _MouseState targetState = null; if (targetEvent != null) { targetState = _mouseStates.getOrDefault(key: targetEvent.device); if (targetState == null) { targetState = new _MouseState(initialEvent: targetEvent); _mouseStates[key: targetState.device] = targetState; } else { D.assert(!(targetEvent is PointerAddedEvent)); targetState.latestEvent = targetEvent; if (targetEvent is PointerRemovedEvent) { _mouseStates.Remove(key: targetEvent.device); } } } D.assert(targetState == null == (targetEvent == null)); D.assert(() => { _duringDeviceUpdate = true; return true; }); var dirtyStates = targetEvent == null ? (IEnumerable<_MouseState>) _mouseStates.Values : new List<_MouseState> {targetState}; foreach (var dirtyState in dirtyStates) { var nextAnnotations = _findAnnotations(state: dirtyState); var lastAnnotations = dirtyState.replaceAnnotations(value: nextAnnotations); handleUpdatedDevice(mouseState: dirtyState, previousAnnotations: lastAnnotations); } D.assert(() => { _duringDeviceUpdate = false; return true; }); if (mouseWasConnected != mouseIsConnected) { notifyListeners(); } } public static void _dispatchDeviceCallbacks( HashSet lastAnnotations, HashSet nextAnnotations, PointerEvent previousEvent = null, PointerEvent unhandledEvent = null ) { D.assert(lastAnnotations != null); D.assert(nextAnnotations != null); var latestEvent = unhandledEvent ?? previousEvent; D.assert(latestEvent != null); IEnumerable exitingAnnotations = new List(); var exiting = new List(); foreach (var lastAnnotation in lastAnnotations) { if (!nextAnnotations.Contains(item: lastAnnotation)) { exiting.Add(item: lastAnnotation); } } exitingAnnotations = exiting; foreach (var annotation in exitingAnnotations) { if (annotation.onExit != null) { annotation.onExit(PointerExitEvent.fromMouseEvent(hover: latestEvent)); } } IEnumerable enteringAnnotations = new List(); var entering = new List(); foreach (var nextAnnotation in nextAnnotations) { if (!lastAnnotations.Contains(item: nextAnnotation)) { entering.Add(item: nextAnnotation); } } entering.ToList().Reverse(); enteringAnnotations = entering; foreach (var annotation in enteringAnnotations) { if (annotation.onEnter != null) { annotation.onEnter(PointerEnterEvent.fromMouseEvent(hover: latestEvent)); } } if (unhandledEvent is PointerHoverEvent) { var lastHoverPosition = previousEvent is PointerHoverEvent ? previousEvent.position : null; var pointerHasMoved = lastHoverPosition == null || lastHoverPosition != unhandledEvent.position; nextAnnotations.ToList().Reverse(); var hoveringAnnotations = pointerHasMoved ? nextAnnotations : enteringAnnotations; foreach (var annotation in hoveringAnnotations) { if (annotation.onHover != null) { annotation.onHover((PointerHoverEvent) unhandledEvent); } } } } public void schedulePostFrameCheck() { D.assert(result: _duringBuildPhase); D.assert(result: !_duringDeviceUpdate); if (!mouseIsConnected) { return; } if (!_hasScheduledPostFrameCheck) { _hasScheduledPostFrameCheck = true; SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback(stamp => { D.assert(result: _hasScheduledPostFrameCheck); _hasScheduledPostFrameCheck = false; _updateAllDevices(); }); } } } }