using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.service; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using UnityEngine; using Canvas = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Canvas; using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color; using Rect = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Rect; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.rendering { class EditableUtils { public static readonly float _kCaretGap = 1.0f; public static readonly float _kCaretHeightOffset = 2.0f; public static readonly Offset _kFloatingCaretSizeIncrease = new Offset(0.5f, 1.0f); public static readonly float _kFloatingCaretRadius = 1.0f; } public delegate void SelectionChangedHandler(TextSelection selection, RenderEditable renderObject, SelectionChangedCause cause); public delegate void CaretChangedHandler(Rect caretRect); public enum SelectionChangedCause { tap, doubleTap, longPress, forcePress, keyboard, drag } public class TextSelectionPoint { public readonly Offset point; public readonly TextDirection? direction; public TextSelectionPoint(Offset point, TextDirection? direction) { D.assert(point != null); this.point = point; this.direction = direction; } public override string ToString() { return $"Point: {this.point}, Direction: {this.direction}"; } } public class RenderEditable : RenderBox { public RenderEditable( TextSpan text, TextDirection textDirection, TextAlign textAlign = TextAlign.left, Color cursorColor = null, Color backgroundCursorColor = null, ValueNotifier showCursor = null, bool? hasFocus = null, int? maxLines = 1, int? minLines = null, bool expands = false, StrutStyle strutStyle = null, Color selectionColor = null, float textScaleFactor = 1.0f, TextSelection selection = null, ViewportOffset offset = null, SelectionChangedHandler onSelectionChanged = null, CaretChangedHandler onCaretChanged = null, bool ignorePointer = false, bool obscureText = false, float cursorWidth = 1.0f, Radius cursorRadius = null, bool paintCursorAboveText = false, Offset cursorOffset = null, float devicePixelRatio = 1.0f, bool? enableInteractiveSelection = null, EdgeInsets floatingCursorAddedMargin = null, TextSelectionDelegate textSelectionDelegate = null, GlobalKeyEventHandlerDelegate globalKeyEventHandler = null) { floatingCursorAddedMargin = floatingCursorAddedMargin ?? EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(4, 4, 4, 5); D.assert(textSelectionDelegate != null); D.assert(minLines == null || minLines > 0); D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0); D.assert((maxLines == null) || (minLines == null) || maxLines >= minLines, () => "minLines can't be greater than maxLines"); D.assert(offset != null); D.assert(cursorWidth >= 0.0f); this._textPainter = new TextPainter( text: text, textAlign: textAlign, textDirection: textDirection, textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor, strutStyle: strutStyle); this._cursorColor = cursorColor; this._backgroundCursorColor = backgroundCursorColor; this._showCursor = showCursor ?? new ValueNotifier(false); this._hasFocus = hasFocus ?? false; this._maxLines = maxLines; this._minLines = minLines; this._expands = expands; this._selectionColor = selectionColor; this._selection = selection; this._obscureText = obscureText; this._offset = offset; this._cursorWidth = cursorWidth; this._cursorRadius = cursorRadius; this._enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection; this.ignorePointer = ignorePointer; this.onCaretChanged = onCaretChanged; this.onSelectionChanged = onSelectionChanged; this.textSelectionDelegate = textSelectionDelegate; this.globalKeyEventHandler = globalKeyEventHandler; D.assert(this._maxLines == null || this._maxLines > 0); D.assert(this._showCursor != null); D.assert(!this._showCursor.value || cursorColor != null); this._tap = new TapGestureRecognizer(this); this._doubleTap = new DoubleTapGestureRecognizer(this); this._tap.onTapDown = this._handleTapDown; this._tap.onTap = this._handleTap; this._doubleTap.onDoubleTap = this._handleDoubleTap; this._longPress = new LongPressGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this); this._longPress.onLongPress = this._handleLongPress; this._paintCursorOnTop = paintCursorAboveText; this._cursorOffset = cursorOffset; this._floatingCursorAddedMargin = floatingCursorAddedMargin; this._devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio; } public static readonly char obscuringCharacter = '•'; public SelectionChangedHandler onSelectionChanged; float? _textLayoutLastWidth; public CaretChangedHandler onCaretChanged; public bool ignorePointer; float _devicePixelRatio; public float devicePixelRatio { get { return this._devicePixelRatio; } set { if (this.devicePixelRatio == value) { return; } this._devicePixelRatio = value; this.markNeedsTextLayout(); } } bool _obscureText; public bool obscureText { get { return this._obscureText; } set { if (this._obscureText == value) { return; } this._obscureText = value; this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } } public TextSelectionDelegate textSelectionDelegate; public GlobalKeyEventHandlerDelegate globalKeyEventHandler; Rect _lastCaretRect; public ValueListenable selectionStartInViewport { get { return this._selectionStartInViewport; } } readonly ValueNotifier _selectionStartInViewport = new ValueNotifier(true); public ValueListenable selectionEndInViewport { get { return this._selectionEndInViewport; } } readonly ValueNotifier _selectionEndInViewport = new ValueNotifier(true); DoubleTapGestureRecognizer _doubleTap; void _updateSelectionExtentsVisibility(Offset effectiveOffset) { Rect visibleRegion = & this.size; Offset startOffset = this._textPainter.getOffsetForCaret( new TextPosition(offset: this._selection.start, affinity: this._selection.affinity), ); float visibleRegionSlop = 0.5f; this._selectionStartInViewport.value = visibleRegion .inflate(visibleRegionSlop) .contains(startOffset + effectiveOffset); Offset endOffset = this._textPainter.getOffsetForCaret( new TextPosition(offset: this._selection.end, affinity: this._selection.affinity), ); this._selectionEndInViewport.value = visibleRegion .inflate(visibleRegionSlop) .contains(endOffset + effectiveOffset); } int _extentOffset = -1; int _baseOffset = -1; int _previousCursorLocation = -1; bool _resetCursor = false; void _handleKeyEvent(RawKeyEvent keyEvent) { if (keyEvent is RawKeyUpEvent) { return; } if (this.selection.isCollapsed) { this._extentOffset = this.selection.extentOffset; this._baseOffset = this.selection.baseOffset; } if (this.globalKeyEventHandler?.Invoke(keyEvent, false)?.swallow ?? false) { return; } KeyCode pressedKeyCode =; int modifiers = (int); bool shift = (modifiers & (int) EventModifiers.Shift) > 0; bool ctrl = (modifiers & (int) EventModifiers.Control) > 0; bool alt = (modifiers & (int) EventModifiers.Alt) > 0; bool cmd = (modifiers & (int) EventModifiers.Command) > 0; bool rightArrow = pressedKeyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow; bool leftArrow = pressedKeyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow; bool upArrow = pressedKeyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow; bool downArrow = pressedKeyCode == KeyCode.DownArrow; bool arrow = leftArrow || rightArrow || upArrow || downArrow; bool aKey = pressedKeyCode == KeyCode.A; bool xKey = pressedKeyCode == KeyCode.X; bool vKey = pressedKeyCode == KeyCode.V; bool cKey = pressedKeyCode == KeyCode.C; bool del = pressedKeyCode == KeyCode.Delete; bool isMac = SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily == OperatingSystemFamily.MacOSX; if (keyEvent is RawKeyCommandEvent) { // editor case this._handleShortcuts(((RawKeyCommandEvent) keyEvent).command); return; } if ((ctrl || (isMac && cmd)) && (xKey || vKey || cKey || aKey)) { // runtime case if (xKey) { this._handleShortcuts(KeyCommand.Cut); } else if (aKey) { this._handleShortcuts(KeyCommand.SelectAll); } else if (vKey) { this._handleShortcuts(KeyCommand.Paste); } else if (cKey) { this._handleShortcuts(KeyCommand.Copy); } return; } if (arrow) { int newOffset = this._extentOffset; var word = (isMac && alt) || ctrl; if (word) { newOffset = this._handleControl(rightArrow, leftArrow, word, newOffset); } newOffset = this._handleHorizontalArrows(rightArrow, leftArrow, shift, newOffset); if (downArrow || upArrow) { newOffset = this._handleVerticalArrows(upArrow, downArrow, shift, newOffset); } newOffset = this._handleShift(rightArrow, leftArrow, shift, newOffset); this._extentOffset = newOffset; } if (del) { this._handleDelete(); } } int _handleControl(bool rightArrow, bool leftArrow, bool ctrl, int newOffset) { // If control is pressed, we will decide which way to look for a word // based on which arrow is pressed. if (leftArrow && this._extentOffset > 2) { TextSelection textSelection = this._selectWordAtOffset(new TextPosition(offset: this._extentOffset - 2)); newOffset = textSelection.baseOffset + 1; } else if (rightArrow && this._extentOffset < this.text.text.Length - 2) { TextSelection textSelection = this._selectWordAtOffset(new TextPosition(offset: this._extentOffset + 1)); newOffset = textSelection.extentOffset - 1; } return newOffset; } int _handleHorizontalArrows(bool rightArrow, bool leftArrow, bool shift, int newOffset) { if (rightArrow && this._extentOffset < this.text.text.Length) { if (newOffset < this.text.text.Length - 1 && char.IsHighSurrogate(this.text.text[newOffset])) { // handle emoji, which takes 2 bytes newOffset += 2; if (shift) { this._previousCursorLocation += 2; } } else { newOffset += 1; if (shift) { this._previousCursorLocation += 1; } } } if (leftArrow && this._extentOffset > 0) { if (newOffset > 1 && char.IsLowSurrogate(this.text.text[newOffset - 1])) { // handle emoji, which takes 2 bytes newOffset -= 2; if (shift) { this._previousCursorLocation -= 2; } } else { newOffset -= 1; if (shift) { this._previousCursorLocation -= 1; } } } return newOffset; } int _handleVerticalArrows(bool upArrow, bool downArrow, bool shift, int newOffset) { float plh = this._textPainter.preferredLineHeight; float verticalOffset = upArrow ? -0.5f * plh : 1.5f * plh; Offset caretOffset = this._textPainter.getOffsetForCaret(new TextPosition(offset: this._extentOffset), this._caretPrototype); Offset caretOffsetTranslated = caretOffset.translate(0.0f, verticalOffset); TextPosition position = this._textPainter.getPositionForOffset(caretOffsetTranslated); if (position.offset == this._extentOffset) { if (downArrow) { newOffset = this.text.text.Length; } else if (upArrow) { newOffset = 0; } this._resetCursor = shift; } else if (this._resetCursor && shift) { newOffset = this._previousCursorLocation; this._resetCursor = false; } else { newOffset = position.offset; this._previousCursorLocation = newOffset; } return newOffset; } int _handleShift(bool rightArrow, bool leftArrow, bool shift, int newOffset) { if (this.onSelectionChanged == null) { return newOffset; } if (shift) { if (this._baseOffset < newOffset) { this.onSelectionChanged( new TextSelection( baseOffset: this._baseOffset, extentOffset: newOffset ), this, SelectionChangedCause.keyboard ); } else { this.onSelectionChanged( new TextSelection( baseOffset: newOffset, extentOffset: this._baseOffset ), this, SelectionChangedCause.keyboard ); } } else { if (!this.selection.isCollapsed) { if (leftArrow) { newOffset = this._baseOffset < this._extentOffset ? this._baseOffset : this._extentOffset; } else if (rightArrow) { newOffset = this._baseOffset > this._extentOffset ? this._baseOffset : this._extentOffset; } } this.onSelectionChanged( TextSelection.fromPosition( new TextPosition( offset: newOffset ) ), this, SelectionChangedCause.keyboard ); } return newOffset; } void _handleShortcuts(KeyCommand cmd) { switch (cmd) { case KeyCommand.Copy: if (!this.selection.isCollapsed) { Clipboard.setData( new ClipboardData(text: this.selection.textInside(this.text.text))); } break; case KeyCommand.Cut: if (!this.selection.isCollapsed) { Clipboard.setData( new ClipboardData(text: this.selection.textInside(this.text.text))); this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue = new TextEditingValue( text: this.selection.textBefore(this.text.text) + this.selection.textAfter(this.text.text), selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: this.selection.start) ); } break; case KeyCommand.Paste: TextEditingValue value = this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue; Clipboard.getData(Clipboard.kTextPlain).Then(data => { if (data != null) { this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue = new TextEditingValue( text: value.selection.textBefore(value.text) + data.text + value.selection.textAfter(value.text), selection: TextSelection.collapsed( offset: value.selection.start + data.text.Length ) ); } }); break; case KeyCommand.SelectAll: this._baseOffset = 0; this._extentOffset = this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue.text.Length; this.onSelectionChanged( new TextSelection( baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue.text.Length ), this, SelectionChangedCause.keyboard ); break; default: D.assert(false); break; } } void _handleDelete() { var selection = this.selection; if (selection.textAfter(this.text.text).isNotEmpty()) { if (char.IsHighSurrogate(this.text.text[selection.end])) { this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue = new TextEditingValue( text: selection.textBefore(this.text.text) + selection.textAfter(this.text.text).Substring(2), selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: selection.start) ); } else { this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue = new TextEditingValue( text: selection.textBefore(this.text.text) + selection.textAfter(this.text.text).Substring(1), selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: selection.start) ); } } else { this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue = new TextEditingValue( text: selection.textBefore(this.text.text), selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: selection.start) ); } } protected void markNeedsTextLayout() { this._textLayoutLastWidth = null; this.markNeedsLayout(); } TextPainter _textPainter; public TextSpan text { get { return this._textPainter.text; } set { if (this._textPainter.text == value) { return; } this._textPainter.text = value; this.markNeedsTextLayout(); this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } } public TextAlign textAlign { get { return this._textPainter.textAlign; } set { if (this._textPainter.textAlign == value) { return; } this._textPainter.textAlign = value; this.markNeedsPaint(); } } public TextDirection? textDirection { get { return this._textPainter.textDirection; } set { if (this._textPainter.textDirection == value) { return; } this._textPainter.textDirection = value; this.markNeedsTextLayout(); this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } } public StrutStyle strutStyle { get { return this._textPainter.strutStyle; } set { if (this._textPainter.strutStyle == value) { return; } this._textPainter.strutStyle = value; this.markNeedsTextLayout(); } } Color _cursorColor; public Color cursorColor { get { return this._cursorColor; } set { if (this._cursorColor == value) { return; } this._cursorColor = value; this.markNeedsPaint(); } } Color _backgroundCursorColor; public Color backgroundCursorColor { get { return this._backgroundCursorColor; } set { if (this.backgroundCursorColor == value) { return; } this._backgroundCursorColor = value; this.markNeedsPaint(); } } ValueNotifier _showCursor; public ValueNotifier showCursor { get { return this._showCursor; } set { D.assert(value != null); if (this._showCursor == value) { return; } if (this.attached) { this._showCursor.removeListener(this.markNeedsPaint); } this._showCursor = value; if (this.attached) { this._showCursor.addListener(this.markNeedsPaint); } this.markNeedsPaint(); } } bool _hasFocus = false; bool _listenerAttached = false; public bool hasFocus { get { return this._hasFocus; } set { if (this._hasFocus == value) { return; } this._hasFocus = value; if (this._hasFocus) { D.assert(!this._listenerAttached); RawKeyboard.instance.addListener(this._handleKeyEvent); this._listenerAttached = true; } else { D.assert(this._listenerAttached); RawKeyboard.instance.removeListener(this._handleKeyEvent); this._listenerAttached = false; } this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } } int? _maxLines; public int? maxLines { get { return this._maxLines; } set { D.assert(value == null || value > 0); if (this._maxLines == value) { return; } this._maxLines = value; this.markNeedsTextLayout(); } } int? _minLines; public int? minLines { get { return this._minLines; } set { D.assert(value == null || value > 0); if (this._minLines == value) { return; } this._minLines = value; this.markNeedsTextLayout(); } } bool _expands; public bool expands { get { return this._expands; } set { if (this.expands == value) { return; } this._expands = value; this.markNeedsTextLayout(); } } Color _selectionColor; public Color selectionColor { get { return this._selectionColor; } set { if (this._selectionColor == value) { return; } this._selectionColor = value; this.markNeedsPaint(); } } public float textScaleFactor { get { return this._textPainter.textScaleFactor; } set { if (this._textPainter.textScaleFactor == value) { return; } this._textPainter.textScaleFactor = value; this.markNeedsTextLayout(); } } List _selectionRects; TextSelection _selection; public TextSelection selection { get { return this._selection; } set { if (this._selection == value) { return; } this._selection = value; this._selectionRects = null; this.markNeedsPaint(); this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } } ViewportOffset _offset; public ViewportOffset offset { get { return this._offset; } set { D.assert(this.offset != null); if (this._offset == value) { return; } if (this.attached) { this._offset.removeListener(this.markNeedsPaint); } this._offset = value; if (this.attached) { this._offset.addListener(this.markNeedsPaint); } this.markNeedsLayout(); } } float _cursorWidth = 1.0f; public float cursorWidth { get { return this._cursorWidth; } set { if (this._cursorWidth == value) { return; } this._cursorWidth = value; this.markNeedsLayout(); } } bool _paintCursorOnTop; public bool paintCursorAboveText { get { return this._paintCursorOnTop; } set { if (this._paintCursorOnTop == value) { return; } this._paintCursorOnTop = value; this.markNeedsLayout(); } } Offset _cursorOffset; public Offset cursorOffset { get { return this._cursorOffset; } set { if (this._cursorOffset == value) { return; } this._cursorOffset = value; this.markNeedsLayout(); } } Radius _cursorRadius; public Radius cursorRadius { get { return this._cursorRadius; } set { if (this._cursorRadius == value) { return; } this._cursorRadius = value; this.markNeedsLayout(); } } public EdgeInsets floatingCursorAddedMargin { get { return this._floatingCursorAddedMargin; } set { if (this._floatingCursorAddedMargin == value) { return; } this._floatingCursorAddedMargin = value; this.markNeedsPaint(); } } EdgeInsets _floatingCursorAddedMargin; bool _floatingCursorOn = false; Offset _floatingCursorOffset; TextPosition _floatingCursorTextPosition; bool? _enableInteractiveSelection; public bool? enableInteractiveSelection { get { return this._enableInteractiveSelection; } set { if (this._enableInteractiveSelection == value) { return; } this._enableInteractiveSelection = value; this.markNeedsTextLayout(); this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } } public bool selectionEnabled { get { return this.enableInteractiveSelection ?? !this.obscureText; } } public override void attach(object ownerObject) { base.attach(ownerObject); this._offset.addListener(this.markNeedsLayout); this._showCursor.addListener(this.markNeedsPaint); } public override void detach() { this._offset.removeListener(this.markNeedsLayout); this._showCursor.removeListener(this.markNeedsPaint); if (this._listenerAttached) { RawKeyboard.instance.removeListener(this._handleKeyEvent); } base.detach(); } bool _isMultiline { get { return this._maxLines != 1; } } Axis _viewportAxis { get { return this._isMultiline ? Axis.vertical : Axis.horizontal; } } Offset _paintOffset { get { switch (this._viewportAxis) { case Axis.horizontal: return new Offset(-this.offset.pixels, 0.0f); case Axis.vertical: return new Offset(0.0f, -this.offset.pixels); } return null; } } float _viewportExtent { get { D.assert(this.hasSize); switch (this._viewportAxis) { case Axis.horizontal: return this.size.width; case Axis.vertical: return this.size.height; } return 0.0f; } } float _getMaxScrollExtent(Size contentSize) { D.assert(this.hasSize); switch (this._viewportAxis) { case Axis.horizontal: return Mathf.Max(0.0f, contentSize.width - this.size.width); case Axis.vertical: return Mathf.Max(0.0f, contentSize.height - this.size.height); } return 0.0f; } float _maxScrollExtent = 0; bool _hasVisualOverflow { get { return this._maxScrollExtent > 0 || this._paintOffset !=; } } /// Returns the local coordinates of the endpoints of the given selection. /// /// If the selection is collapsed (and therefore occupies a single point), the /// returned list is of length one. Otherwise, the selection is not collapsed /// and the returned list is of length two. In this case, however, the two /// points might actually be co-located (e.g., because of a bidirectional /// selection that contains some text but whose ends meet in the middle). /// public List getEndpointsForSelection(TextSelection selection) { D.assert(this.constraints != null); this._layoutText(this.constraints.maxWidth); var paintOffset = this._paintOffset; if (selection.isCollapsed) { var caretOffset = this._textPainter.getOffsetForCaret(selection.extendPos, this._caretPrototype); var start = new Offset(0.0f, this.preferredLineHeight) + caretOffset + paintOffset; return new List {new TextSelectionPoint(start, null)}; } else { var boxes = this._textPainter.getBoxesForSelection(selection); var start = new Offset(boxes[0].start, boxes[0].bottom) + paintOffset; var last = boxes.Count - 1; var end = new Offset(boxes[last].end, boxes[last].bottom) + paintOffset; return new List { new TextSelectionPoint(start, boxes[0].direction), new TextSelectionPoint(end, boxes[last].direction), }; } } public TextPosition getPositionForPoint(Offset globalPosition) { this._layoutText(this.constraints.maxWidth); globalPosition -= this._paintOffset; return this._textPainter.getPositionForOffset(this.globalToLocal(globalPosition)); } public Rect getLocalRectForCaret(TextPosition caretPosition) { this._layoutText(this.constraints.maxWidth); var caretOffset = this._textPainter.getOffsetForCaret(caretPosition, this._caretPrototype); Rect rect = Rect.fromLTWH(0.0f, 0.0f, this.cursorWidth, this.preferredLineHeight) .shift(caretOffset + this._paintOffset); if (this._cursorOffset != null) { rect = rect.shift(this._cursorOffset); } return rect.shift(this._getPixelPerfectCursorOffset(rect)); } public TextPosition getPositionDown(TextPosition position) { return this._textPainter.getPositionVerticalMove(position, 1); } public TextPosition getPositionUp(TextPosition position) { return this._textPainter.getPositionVerticalMove(position, -1); } public TextPosition getLineStartPosition(TextPosition position, TextAffinity? affinity = null) { var line = this._textPainter.getLineRange(position); return new TextPosition(offset: line.start, affinity: affinity ?? position.affinity); } public bool isLineEndOrStart(int offset) { int lineCount = this._textPainter.getLineCount(); for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { var line = this._textPainter.getLineRange(i); if (line.start == offset || line.endIncludingNewLine == offset) { return true; } } return false; } public TextPosition getLineEndPosition(TextPosition position, TextAffinity? affinity = null) { var line = this._textPainter.getLineRange(position); return new TextPosition(offset: line.endIncludingNewLine, affinity: affinity ?? position.affinity); } public TextPosition getWordRight(TextPosition position) { return this._textPainter.getWordRight(position); } public TextPosition getWordLeft(TextPosition position) { return this._textPainter.getWordLeft(position); } public TextPosition getParagraphStart(TextPosition position, TextAffinity? affinity = null) { D.assert(!this._needsLayout); int lineIndex = this._textPainter.getLineIndex(position); while (lineIndex - 1 >= 0) { var preLine = this._textPainter.getLineRange(lineIndex - 1); if (preLine.hardBreak) { break; } lineIndex--; } var line = this._textPainter.getLineRange(lineIndex); return new TextPosition(offset: line.start, affinity: affinity ?? position.affinity); } public TextPosition getParagraphEnd(TextPosition position, TextAffinity? affinity = null) { D.assert(!this._needsLayout); int lineIndex = this._textPainter.getLineIndex(position); int maxLine = this._textPainter.getLineCount(); while (lineIndex < maxLine) { var line = this._textPainter.getLineRange(lineIndex); if (line.hardBreak) { break; } lineIndex++; } return new TextPosition(offset: this._textPainter.getLineRange(lineIndex).endIncludingNewLine, affinity: affinity ?? position.affinity); } public TextPosition getParagraphForward(TextPosition position, TextAffinity? affinity = null) { var lineCount = this._textPainter.getLineCount(); Paragraph.LineRange? line = null; for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; ++i) { line = this._textPainter.getLineRange(i); if (!line.Value.hardBreak) { continue; } if (line.Value.end > position.offset) { break; } } if (line == null) { return new TextPosition(position.offset, affinity ?? position.affinity); } return new TextPosition(line.Value.end, affinity ?? position.affinity); } public TextPosition getParagraphBackward(TextPosition position, TextAffinity? affinity = null) { var lineCount = this._textPainter.getLineCount(); Paragraph.LineRange? line = null; for (int i = lineCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) { line = this._textPainter.getLineRange(i); if (i != 0 && !this._textPainter.getLineRange(i - 1).hardBreak) { continue; } if (line.Value.start < position.offset) { break; } } if (line == null) { return new TextPosition(position.offset, affinity ?? position.affinity); } return new TextPosition(line.Value.start, affinity ?? position.affinity); } protected override float computeMinIntrinsicWidth(float height) { this._layoutText(float.PositiveInfinity); return this._textPainter.minIntrinsicWidth; } protected override float computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(float height) { this._layoutText(float.PositiveInfinity); return this._textPainter.maxIntrinsicWidth + this.cursorWidth; } public float preferredLineHeight { get { return this._textPainter.preferredLineHeight; } } float _preferredHeight(float width) { bool lockedMax = this.maxLines != null && this.minLines == null; bool lockedBoth = this.maxLines != null && this.minLines == this.maxLines; bool singleLine = this.maxLines == 1; if (singleLine || lockedMax || lockedBoth) { return this.preferredLineHeight * this.maxLines.Value; } bool minLimited = this.minLines != null && this.minLines > 1; bool maxLimited = this.maxLines != null; if (minLimited || maxLimited) { this._layoutText(width); if (minLimited && this._textPainter.height < this.preferredLineHeight * this.minLines.Value) { return this.preferredLineHeight * this.minLines.Value; } if (maxLimited && this._textPainter.height > this.preferredLineHeight * this.maxLines.Value) { return this.preferredLineHeight * this.maxLines.Value; } } if (!width.isFinite()) { var text = this._textPainter.text.text; int lines = 1; for (int index = 0; index < text.Length; ++index) { if (text[index] == 0x0A) { lines += 1; } } return this.preferredLineHeight * lines; } this._layoutText(width); return Mathf.Max(this.preferredLineHeight, this._textPainter.height); } protected override float computeMinIntrinsicHeight(float width) { return this._preferredHeight(width); } protected internal override float computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(float width) { return this._preferredHeight(width); } protected override float? computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) { this._layoutText(this.constraints.maxWidth); return this._textPainter.computeDistanceToActualBaseline(baseline); } protected override bool hitTestSelf(Offset position) { return true; } TapGestureRecognizer _tap; LongPressGestureRecognizer _longPress; public override void handleEvent(PointerEvent evt, HitTestEntry entry) { if (this.ignorePointer) { return; } D.assert(this.debugHandleEvent(evt, entry)); if (evt is PointerDownEvent && this.onSelectionChanged != null) { this._tap.addPointer((PointerDownEvent) evt); this._doubleTap.addPointer((PointerDownEvent) evt); this._longPress.addPointer((PointerDownEvent) evt); } } Offset _lastTapDownPosition; public void handleTapDown(TapDownDetails details) { this._lastTapDownPosition = details.globalPosition; if (!Application.isMobilePlatform) { this.selectPosition(SelectionChangedCause.tap); } } void _handleTapDown(TapDownDetails details) { D.assert(!this.ignorePointer); this.handleTapDown(details); } public void handleTap() { this.selectPosition(cause: SelectionChangedCause.tap); } void _handleTap() { D.assert(!this.ignorePointer); this.handleTap(); } void _handleDoubleTap(DoubleTapDetails details) { D.assert(!this.ignorePointer); this.handleDoubleTap(details); } public void handleDoubleTap(DoubleTapDetails details) { // need set _lastTapDownPosition, otherwise it would be last single tap position this._lastTapDownPosition = details.firstGlobalPosition - this._paintOffset; this.selectWord(cause: SelectionChangedCause.doubleTap); } void _handleLongPress() { D.assert(!this.ignorePointer); this.handleLongPress(); } public void handleLongPress() { this.selectWord(cause: SelectionChangedCause.longPress); } public void selectPositionAt(Offset from = null, Offset to = null, SelectionChangedCause? cause = null) { D.assert(cause != null); D.assert(from != null); this._layoutText(this.constraints.maxWidth); if (this.onSelectionChanged != null) { TextPosition fromPosition = this._textPainter.getPositionForOffset(this.globalToLocal(from - this._paintOffset)); TextPosition toPosition = to == null ? null : this._textPainter.getPositionForOffset(this.globalToLocal(to - this._paintOffset)); int baseOffset = fromPosition.offset; int extentOffset = fromPosition.offset; if (toPosition != null) { baseOffset = Mathf.Min(fromPosition.offset, toPosition.offset); extentOffset = Mathf.Max(fromPosition.offset, toPosition.offset); } TextSelection newSelection = new TextSelection( baseOffset: baseOffset, extentOffset: extentOffset, affinity: fromPosition.affinity); this.onSelectionChanged(newSelection, this, cause.Value); } } void selectPosition(SelectionChangedCause? cause = null) { this.selectPositionAt(from: this._lastTapDownPosition, cause: cause); } public void selectWord(SelectionChangedCause? cause = null) { this.selectWordsInRange(from: this._lastTapDownPosition, cause: cause); } public void selectWordsInRange(Offset from = null, Offset to = null, SelectionChangedCause? cause = null) { D.assert(cause != null); D.assert(from != null); this._layoutText(this.constraints.maxWidth); if (this.onSelectionChanged != null) { TextPosition firstPosition = this._textPainter.getPositionForOffset(this.globalToLocal(from - this._paintOffset)); TextSelection firstWord = this._selectWordAtOffset(firstPosition); TextSelection lastWord = to == null ? firstWord : this._selectWordAtOffset( this._textPainter.getPositionForOffset(this.globalToLocal(to - this._paintOffset))); this.onSelectionChanged( new TextSelection( baseOffset: firstWord.baseOffset, extentOffset: lastWord.extentOffset, affinity: firstWord.affinity), this, cause.Value); } } public void selectWordEdge(SelectionChangedCause cause) { this._layoutText(this.constraints.maxWidth); D.assert(this._lastTapDownPosition != null); if (this.onSelectionChanged != null) { TextPosition position = this._textPainter.getPositionForOffset( this.globalToLocal(this._lastTapDownPosition - this._paintOffset)); TextRange word = this._textPainter.getWordBoundary(position); if (position.offset - word.start <= 1) { this.onSelectionChanged( TextSelection.collapsed(offset: word.start, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream), this, cause ); } else { this.onSelectionChanged( TextSelection.collapsed(offset: word.end, affinity: TextAffinity.upstream), this, cause ); } } } TextSelection _selectWordAtOffset(TextPosition position) { D.assert(this._textLayoutLastWidth == this.constraints.maxWidth); var word = this._textPainter.getWordBoundary(position); if (position.offset >= word.end) { return TextSelection.fromPosition(position); } return new TextSelection(baseOffset: word.start, extentOffset: word.end); } Rect _caretPrototype; void _layoutText(float constraintWidth) { if (this._textLayoutLastWidth == constraintWidth) { return; } var caretMargin = EditableUtils._kCaretGap + this.cursorWidth; var avialableWidth = Mathf.Max(0.0f, constraintWidth - caretMargin); var maxWidth = this._isMultiline ? avialableWidth : float.PositiveInfinity; this._textPainter.layout(minWidth: avialableWidth, maxWidth: maxWidth); this._textLayoutLastWidth = constraintWidth; } Rect _getCaretPrototype { get { switch (Application.platform) { case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer: return Rect.fromLTWH(0.0f, -EditableUtils._kCaretHeightOffset + 0.5f, this.cursorWidth, this.preferredLineHeight + 2.0f); default: return Rect.fromLTWH(0.0f, EditableUtils._kCaretHeightOffset, this.cursorWidth, this.preferredLineHeight - 2.0f * EditableUtils._kCaretHeightOffset); } } } protected override void performLayout() { this._layoutText(this.constraints.maxWidth); this._caretPrototype = this._getCaretPrototype; this._selectionRects = null; var textPainterSize = this._textPainter.size; this.size = new Size(this.constraints.maxWidth, this.constraints.constrainHeight(this._preferredHeight(this.constraints.maxWidth))); var contentSize = new Size(textPainterSize.width + EditableUtils._kCaretGap + this.cursorWidth, textPainterSize.height); this._maxScrollExtent = this._getMaxScrollExtent(contentSize); this.offset.applyViewportDimension(this._viewportExtent); this.offset.applyContentDimensions(0.0f, this._maxScrollExtent); } Offset _getPixelPerfectCursorOffset(Rect caretRect) { Offset caretPosition = this.localToGlobal(caretRect.topLeft); float pixelMultiple = 1.0f / this._devicePixelRatio; int quotientX = (caretPosition.dx / pixelMultiple).round(); int quotientY = (caretPosition.dy / pixelMultiple).round(); float pixelPerfectOffsetX = quotientX * pixelMultiple - caretPosition.dx; float pixelPerfectOffsetY = quotientY * pixelMultiple - caretPosition.dy; return new Offset(pixelPerfectOffsetX, pixelPerfectOffsetY); } void _paintCaret(Canvas canvas, Offset effectiveOffset, TextPosition textPosition) { D.assert(this._textLayoutLastWidth == this.constraints.maxWidth); var paint = new Paint() {color = this._floatingCursorOn ? this.backgroundCursorColor : this._cursorColor}; var caretOffset = this._textPainter.getOffsetForCaret(textPosition, this._caretPrototype) + effectiveOffset; Rect caretRect = this._caretPrototype.shift(caretOffset); if (this._cursorOffset != null) { caretRect = caretRect.shift(this._cursorOffset); } #if !UNITY_IOS if (this._textPainter.getFullHeightForCaret(textPosition, this._caretPrototype) != null) { caretRect = Rect.fromLTWH( caretRect.left, - EditableUtils._kCaretHeightOffset, caretRect.width, this._textPainter.getFullHeightForCaret(textPosition, this._caretPrototype).Value ); } #endif caretRect = caretRect.shift(this._getPixelPerfectCursorOffset(caretRect)); if (this.cursorRadius == null) { canvas.drawRect(caretRect, paint); } else { RRect caretRRect = RRect.fromRectAndRadius(caretRect, this.cursorRadius); canvas.drawRRect(caretRRect, paint); } if (!caretRect.Equals(this._lastCaretRect)) { this._lastCaretRect = caretRect; if (this.onCaretChanged != null) { this.onCaretChanged(caretRect); } } } public void setFloatingCursor(FloatingCursorDragState? state, Offset boundedOffset, TextPosition lastTextPosition, float? resetLerpValue = null) { D.assert(boundedOffset != null); D.assert(lastTextPosition != null); if (state == FloatingCursorDragState.Start) { this._relativeOrigin = new Offset(0, 0); this._previousOffset = null; this._resetOriginOnBottom = false; this._resetOriginOnTop = false; this._resetOriginOnRight = false; this._resetOriginOnBottom = false; } this._floatingCursorOn = state != FloatingCursorDragState.End; this._resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue = resetLerpValue; if (this._floatingCursorOn) { this._floatingCursorOffset = boundedOffset; this._floatingCursorTextPosition = lastTextPosition; } this.markNeedsPaint(); } // describeSemanticsConfiguration todo void _paintFloatingCaret(Canvas canvas, Offset effectiveOffset) { D.assert(this._textLayoutLastWidth == this.constraints.maxWidth); D.assert(this._floatingCursorOn); Paint paint = new Paint() {color = this._cursorColor.withOpacity(0.75f)}; float sizeAdjustmentX = EditableUtils._kFloatingCaretSizeIncrease.dx; float sizeAdjustmentY = EditableUtils._kFloatingCaretSizeIncrease.dy; if (this._resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue != null) { sizeAdjustmentX = MathUtils.lerpFloat(sizeAdjustmentX, 0f, this._resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue.Value); sizeAdjustmentY = MathUtils.lerpFloat(sizeAdjustmentY, 0f, this._resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue.Value); } Rect floatingCaretPrototype = Rect.fromLTRB( this._caretPrototype.left - sizeAdjustmentX, - sizeAdjustmentY, this._caretPrototype.right + sizeAdjustmentX, this._caretPrototype.bottom + sizeAdjustmentY ); Rect caretRect = floatingCaretPrototype.shift(effectiveOffset); Radius floatingCursorRadius = Radius.circular(EditableUtils._kFloatingCaretRadius); RRect caretRRect = RRect.fromRectAndRadius(caretRect, floatingCursorRadius); canvas.drawRRect(caretRRect, paint); } Offset _relativeOrigin = new Offset(0f, 0f); Offset _previousOffset; bool _resetOriginOnLeft = false; bool _resetOriginOnRight = false; bool _resetOriginOnTop = false; bool _resetOriginOnBottom = false; float? _resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue; public Offset calculateBoundedFloatingCursorOffset(Offset rawCursorOffset) { Offset deltaPosition = new Offset(0f, 0f); float topBound =; float bottomBound = this._textPainter.height - this.preferredLineHeight + this.floatingCursorAddedMargin.bottom; float leftBound = -this.floatingCursorAddedMargin.left; float rightBound = this._textPainter.width + this.floatingCursorAddedMargin.right; if (this._previousOffset != null) { deltaPosition = rawCursorOffset - this._previousOffset; } if (this._resetOriginOnLeft && deltaPosition.dx > 0) { this._relativeOrigin = new Offset(rawCursorOffset.dx - leftBound, this._relativeOrigin.dy); this._resetOriginOnLeft = false; } else if (this._resetOriginOnRight && deltaPosition.dx < 0) { this._relativeOrigin = new Offset(rawCursorOffset.dx - rightBound, this._relativeOrigin.dy); this._resetOriginOnRight = false; } if (this._resetOriginOnTop && deltaPosition.dy > 0) { this._relativeOrigin = new Offset(this._relativeOrigin.dx, rawCursorOffset.dy - topBound); this._resetOriginOnTop = false; } else if (this._resetOriginOnBottom && deltaPosition.dy < 0) { this._relativeOrigin = new Offset(this._relativeOrigin.dx, rawCursorOffset.dy - bottomBound); this._resetOriginOnBottom = false; } float currentX = rawCursorOffset.dx - this._relativeOrigin.dx; float currentY = rawCursorOffset.dy - this._relativeOrigin.dy; float adjustedX = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(currentX, leftBound), rightBound); float adjustedY = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(currentY, topBound), bottomBound); Offset adjustedOffset = new Offset(adjustedX, adjustedY); if (currentX < leftBound && deltaPosition.dx < 0) { this._resetOriginOnLeft = true; } else if (currentX > rightBound && deltaPosition.dx > 0) { this._resetOriginOnRight = true; } if (currentY < topBound && deltaPosition.dy < 0) { this._resetOriginOnTop = true; } else if (currentY > bottomBound && deltaPosition.dy > 0) { this._resetOriginOnBottom = true; } this._previousOffset = rawCursorOffset; return adjustedOffset; } void _paintSelection(Canvas canvas, Offset effectiveOffset) { D.assert(this._textLayoutLastWidth == this.constraints.maxWidth); D.assert(this._selectionRects != null); var paint = new Paint() {color = this._selectionColor}; foreach (var box in this._selectionRects) { canvas.drawRect(box.toRect().shift(effectiveOffset), paint); } } void _paintContents(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { D.assert(this._textLayoutLastWidth == this.constraints.maxWidth); var effectiveOffset = offset + this._paintOffset; bool showSelection = false; bool showCaret = false; if (this._selection != null && !this._floatingCursorOn) { if (this._selection.isCollapsed && this._showCursor.value && this.cursorColor != null) { showCaret = true; } else if (!this._selection.isCollapsed && this._selectionColor != null) { showSelection = true; } this._updateSelectionExtentsVisibility(effectiveOffset); } if (showSelection) { this._selectionRects = this._selectionRects ?? this._textPainter.getBoxesForSelection(this._selection); this._paintSelection(context.canvas, effectiveOffset); } if (this.paintCursorAboveText) { this._textPainter.paint(context.canvas, effectiveOffset); } if (showCaret) { this._paintCaret(context.canvas, effectiveOffset, this._selection.extendPos); } if (!this.paintCursorAboveText) { this._textPainter.paint(context.canvas, effectiveOffset); } if (this._floatingCursorOn) { if (this._resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue == null) { this._paintCaret(context.canvas, effectiveOffset, this._floatingCursorTextPosition); } this._paintFloatingCaret(context.canvas, this._floatingCursorOffset); } } void markNeedsSemanticsUpdate() { // todo } public override Rect describeApproximatePaintClip(RenderObject child) { return this._hasVisualOverflow ? & this.size : null; } public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { this._layoutText(this.constraints.maxWidth); if (this._hasVisualOverflow) { context.pushClipRect(this.needsCompositing, offset, & this.size, this._paintContents); } else { this._paintContents(context, offset); } } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("cursorColor", this.cursorColor)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty>("showCursor", this.showCursor)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("maxLines", this.maxLines)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("minLines", this.minLines)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("expands", this.expands)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("selectionColor", this.selectionColor)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("textScaleFactor", this.textScaleFactor)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("selection", this.selection)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("offset", this.offset)); } public override List debugDescribeChildren() { return new List { this.text.toDiagnosticsNode( name: "text", style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.transition ), }; } } }