using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.material; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler; using Unity.UIWidgets.service; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using ImageUtils = Unity.UIWidgets.widgets.ImageUtils; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.material { enum _SwitchType { material, adaptive } public class Switch : StatefulWidget { internal const float _kTrackHeight = 14.0f; internal const float _kTrackWidth = 33.0f; internal const float _kTrackRadius = _kTrackHeight / 2.0f; internal const float _kThumbRadius = 10.0f; internal const float _kSwitchWidth = _kTrackWidth - 2 * _kTrackRadius + 2 * Constants.kRadialReactionRadius; internal const float _kSwitchHeight = 2 * Constants.kRadialReactionRadius + 8.0f; internal const float _kSwitchHeightCollapsed = 2 * Constants.kRadialReactionRadius; public Switch( Key key = null, bool? value = null, ValueChanged onChanged = null, Color activeColor = null, Color activeTrackColor = null, Color inactiveThumbColor = null, Color inactiveTrackColor = null, ImageProvider activeThumbImage = null, ImageProvider inactiveThumbImage = null, MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize = null ) : this( key: key, value: value, onChanged: onChanged, activeColor: activeColor, activeTrackColor: activeTrackColor, inactiveThumbColor: inactiveThumbColor, inactiveTrackColor: inactiveTrackColor, activeThumbImage: activeThumbImage, inactiveThumbImage: inactiveThumbImage, materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize, switchType: _SwitchType.material ) { } Switch( Key key = null, bool? value = null, ValueChanged onChanged = null, Color activeColor = null, Color activeTrackColor = null, Color inactiveThumbColor = null, Color inactiveTrackColor = null, ImageProvider activeThumbImage = null, ImageProvider inactiveThumbImage = null, MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize = null, _SwitchType switchType = _SwitchType.material ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(value != null); this.value = value.Value; D.assert(onChanged != null); this.onChanged = onChanged; this.activeColor = activeColor; this.activeTrackColor = activeTrackColor; this.inactiveThumbColor = inactiveThumbColor; this.inactiveTrackColor = inactiveTrackColor; this.activeThumbImage = activeThumbImage; this.inactiveThumbImage = inactiveThumbImage; this.materialTapTargetSize = materialTapTargetSize; this._switchType = switchType; } public static Switch adaptive( Key key = null, bool? value = null, ValueChanged onChanged = null, Color activeColor = null, Color activeTrackColor = null, Color inactiveThumbColor = null, Color inactiveTrackColor = null, ImageProvider activeThumbImage = null, ImageProvider inactiveThumbImage = null, MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize = null ) { return new Switch(key: key, value: value, onChanged: onChanged, activeColor: activeColor, activeTrackColor: activeTrackColor, inactiveThumbColor: inactiveThumbColor, inactiveTrackColor: inactiveTrackColor, activeThumbImage: activeThumbImage, inactiveThumbImage: inactiveThumbImage, materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize, switchType: _SwitchType.adaptive ); } public readonly bool value; public readonly ValueChanged onChanged; public readonly Color activeColor; public readonly Color activeTrackColor; public readonly Color inactiveThumbColor; public readonly Color inactiveTrackColor; public readonly ImageProvider activeThumbImage; public readonly ImageProvider inactiveThumbImage; public readonly MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize; internal readonly _SwitchType _switchType; public override State createState() { return new _SwitchState(); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new FlagProperty("value", value: this.value, ifTrue: "on", ifFalse: "off", showName: true)); properties.add(new ObjectFlagProperty>("onChanged", this.onChanged, ifNull: "disabled")); } } class _SwitchState : TickerProviderStateMixin { Size getSwitchSize(ThemeData theme) { switch (this.widget.materialTapTargetSize ?? theme.materialTapTargetSize) { case MaterialTapTargetSize.padded: return new Size(Switch._kSwitchWidth, Switch._kSwitchHeight); case MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap: return new Size(Switch._kSwitchWidth, Switch._kSwitchHeightCollapsed); } D.assert(false); return null; } Widget buildMaterialSwitch(BuildContext context) { D.assert(MaterialD.debugCheckHasMaterial(context)); ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context); bool isDark = theme.brightness == Brightness.dark; Color activeThumbColor = this.widget.activeColor ?? theme.toggleableActiveColor; Color activeTrackColor = this.widget.activeTrackColor ?? activeThumbColor.withAlpha(0x80); Color inactiveThumbColor; Color inactiveTrackColor; if (this.widget.onChanged != null) { Color black32 = new Color(0x52000000); // Black with 32% opacity inactiveThumbColor = this.widget.inactiveThumbColor ?? (isDark ? Colors.grey.shade400 : Colors.grey.shade50); inactiveTrackColor = this.widget.inactiveTrackColor ?? (isDark ? Colors.white30 : black32); } else { inactiveThumbColor = this.widget.inactiveThumbColor ?? (isDark ? Colors.grey.shade800 : Colors.grey.shade400); inactiveTrackColor = this.widget.inactiveTrackColor ?? (isDark ? Colors.white10 : Colors.black12); } return new _SwitchRenderObjectWidget( value: this.widget.value, activeColor: activeThumbColor, inactiveColor: inactiveThumbColor, activeThumbImage: this.widget.activeThumbImage, inactiveThumbImage: this.widget.inactiveThumbImage, activeTrackColor: activeTrackColor, inactiveTrackColor: inactiveTrackColor, configuration: ImageUtils.createLocalImageConfiguration(context), onChanged: this.widget.onChanged, additionalConstraints: BoxConstraints.tight(this.getSwitchSize(theme)), vsync: this ); } // Widget buildCupertinoSwitch(BuildContext context) { // Size size = this.getSwitchSize(Theme.of(context)); // return new Container( // width: size.width, // Same size as the Material switch. // height: size.height, // alignment:, // child: CupertinoSwitch( // value: this.widget.value, // onChanged: this.widget.onChanged, // activeColor: this.widget.activeColor // ) // ); // } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { switch (this.widget._switchType) { case _SwitchType.material: return this.buildMaterialSwitch(context); case _SwitchType.adaptive: { return this.buildMaterialSwitch(context); // ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context); // D.assert(theme.platform != null); // switch (theme.platform) { // case // return buildMaterialSwitch(context); // case TargetPlatform.iOS: // return buildCupertinoSwitch(context); // } // break; } } D.assert(false); return null; } } class _SwitchRenderObjectWidget : LeafRenderObjectWidget { public _SwitchRenderObjectWidget( Key key = null, bool? value = null, Color activeColor = null, Color inactiveColor = null, ImageProvider activeThumbImage = null, ImageProvider inactiveThumbImage = null, Color activeTrackColor = null, Color inactiveTrackColor = null, ImageConfiguration configuration = null, ValueChanged onChanged = null, TickerProvider vsync = null, BoxConstraints additionalConstraints = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(value != null); this.value = value.Value; this.activeColor = activeColor; this.inactiveColor = inactiveColor; this.activeThumbImage = activeThumbImage; this.inactiveThumbImage = inactiveThumbImage; this.activeTrackColor = activeTrackColor; this.inactiveTrackColor = inactiveTrackColor; this.configuration = configuration; this.onChanged = onChanged; this.vsync = vsync; this.additionalConstraints = additionalConstraints; } public readonly bool value; public readonly Color activeColor; public readonly Color inactiveColor; public readonly ImageProvider activeThumbImage; public readonly ImageProvider inactiveThumbImage; public readonly Color activeTrackColor; public readonly Color inactiveTrackColor; public readonly ImageConfiguration configuration; public readonly ValueChanged onChanged; public readonly TickerProvider vsync; public readonly BoxConstraints additionalConstraints; public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) { return new _RenderSwitch( value: this.value, activeColor: this.activeColor, inactiveColor: this.inactiveColor, activeThumbImage: this.activeThumbImage, inactiveThumbImage: this.inactiveThumbImage, activeTrackColor: this.activeTrackColor, inactiveTrackColor: this.inactiveTrackColor, configuration: this.configuration, onChanged: this.onChanged, additionalConstraints: this.additionalConstraints, vsync: this.vsync ); } public override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderObject renderObjectRaw) { _RenderSwitch renderObject = (_RenderSwitch) renderObjectRaw; renderObject.value = this.value; renderObject.activeColor = this.activeColor; renderObject.inactiveColor = this.inactiveColor; renderObject.activeThumbImage = this.activeThumbImage; renderObject.inactiveThumbImage = this.inactiveThumbImage; renderObject.activeTrackColor = this.activeTrackColor; renderObject.inactiveTrackColor = this.inactiveTrackColor; renderObject.configuration = this.configuration; renderObject.onChanged = this.onChanged; renderObject.additionalConstraints = this.additionalConstraints; renderObject.vsync = this.vsync; } } class _RenderSwitch : RenderToggleable { public _RenderSwitch( bool? value = null, Color activeColor = null, Color inactiveColor = null, ImageProvider activeThumbImage = null, ImageProvider inactiveThumbImage = null, Color activeTrackColor = null, Color inactiveTrackColor = null, ImageConfiguration configuration = null, BoxConstraints additionalConstraints = null, ValueChanged onChanged = null, TickerProvider vsync = null ) : base( value: value, tristate: false, activeColor: activeColor, inactiveColor: inactiveColor, onChanged: onChanged, additionalConstraints: additionalConstraints, vsync: vsync ) { this._activeThumbImage = activeThumbImage; this._inactiveThumbImage = inactiveThumbImage; this._activeTrackColor = activeTrackColor; this._inactiveTrackColor = inactiveTrackColor; this._configuration = configuration; this._drag = new HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer { onStart = this._handleDragStart, onUpdate = this._handleDragUpdate, onEnd = this._handleDragEnd, }; } public ImageProvider activeThumbImage { get { return this._activeThumbImage; } set { if (value == this._activeThumbImage) { return; } this._activeThumbImage = value; this.markNeedsPaint(); } } ImageProvider _activeThumbImage; public ImageProvider inactiveThumbImage { get { return this._inactiveThumbImage; } set { if (value == this._inactiveThumbImage) { return; } this._inactiveThumbImage = value; this.markNeedsPaint(); } } ImageProvider _inactiveThumbImage; public Color activeTrackColor { get { return this._activeTrackColor; } set { D.assert(value != null); if (value == this._activeTrackColor) { return; } this._activeTrackColor = value; this.markNeedsPaint(); } } Color _activeTrackColor; public Color inactiveTrackColor { get { return this._inactiveTrackColor; } set { D.assert(value != null); if (value == this._inactiveTrackColor) { return; } this._inactiveTrackColor = value; this.markNeedsPaint(); } } Color _inactiveTrackColor; public ImageConfiguration configuration { get { return this._configuration; } set { D.assert(value != null); if (value == this._configuration) { return; } this._configuration = value; this.markNeedsPaint(); } } ImageConfiguration _configuration; public override void detach() { this._cachedThumbPainter?.Dispose(); this._cachedThumbPainter = null; base.detach(); } float _trackInnerLength { get { return this.size.width - 2.0f * Constants.kRadialReactionRadius; } } HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer _drag; void _handleDragStart(DragStartDetails details) { if (this.isInteractive) { this.reactionController.forward(); } } void _handleDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) { if (this.isInteractive) { this.position.curve = null; this.position.reverseCurve = null; float delta = details.primaryDelta.Value / this._trackInnerLength; this.positionController.setValue(this.positionController.value + delta); } } void _handleDragEnd(DragEndDetails details) { if (this.position.value >= 0.5) { this.positionController.forward(); } else { this.positionController.reverse(); } this.reactionController.reverse(); } public override void handleEvent(PointerEvent evt, HitTestEntry entry) { D.assert(this.debugHandleEvent(evt, entry)); if (evt is PointerDownEvent && this.onChanged != null) { this._drag.addPointer((PointerDownEvent) evt); } base.handleEvent(evt, entry); } Color _cachedThumbColor; ImageProvider _cachedThumbImage; BoxPainter _cachedThumbPainter; BoxDecoration _createDefaultThumbDecoration(Color color, ImageProvider image) { return new BoxDecoration( color: color, image: image == null ? null : new DecorationImage(image: image), shape:, boxShadow: ShadowConstants.kElevationToShadow[1] ); } bool _isPainting = false; void _handleDecorationChanged() { if (!this._isPainting) { this.markNeedsPaint(); } } public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { Canvas canvas = context.canvas; bool isActive = this.onChanged != null; float currentValue = this.position.value; float visualPosition = currentValue; Color trackColor = isActive ? Color.lerp(this.inactiveTrackColor, this.activeTrackColor, currentValue) : this.inactiveTrackColor; // Paint the track Paint paint = new Paint {color = trackColor}; float trackHorizontalPadding = Constants.kRadialReactionRadius - Switch._kTrackRadius; Rect trackRect = Rect.fromLTWH( offset.dx + trackHorizontalPadding, offset.dy + (this.size.height - Switch._kTrackHeight) / 2.0f, this.size.width - 2.0f * trackHorizontalPadding, Switch._kTrackHeight ); RRect trackRRect = RRect.fromRectAndRadius(trackRect, Radius.circular(Switch._kTrackRadius)); canvas.drawRRect(trackRRect, paint); Offset thumbPosition = new Offset( Constants.kRadialReactionRadius + visualPosition * this._trackInnerLength, this.size.height / 2.0f ); this.paintRadialReaction(canvas, offset, thumbPosition); try { this._isPainting = true; BoxPainter thumbPainter; Color thumbColor = isActive ? Color.lerp(this.inactiveColor, this.activeColor, currentValue) : this.inactiveColor; ImageProvider thumbImage = isActive ? (currentValue < 0.5 ? this.inactiveThumbImage : this.activeThumbImage) : this.inactiveThumbImage; if (this._cachedThumbPainter == null || thumbColor != this._cachedThumbColor || thumbImage != this._cachedThumbImage) { this._cachedThumbColor = thumbColor; this._cachedThumbImage = thumbImage; this._cachedThumbPainter = this._createDefaultThumbDecoration(thumbColor, thumbImage) .createBoxPainter(this._handleDecorationChanged); } thumbPainter = this._cachedThumbPainter; float inset = 1.0f - (currentValue - 0.5f).abs() * 2.0f; float radius = Switch._kThumbRadius - inset; thumbPainter.paint( canvas, thumbPosition + offset - new Offset(radius, radius), this.configuration.copyWith(size: Size.fromRadius(radius)) ); } finally { this._isPainting = false; } } } }