using System.Collections.Generic; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.material; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.service; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using StrutStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.StrutStyle; using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle; namespace UIWidgets.Runtime.material { public class TextFormField : FormField { public TextFormField( Key key = null, TextEditingController controller = null, string initialValue = null, FocusNode focusNode = null, InputDecoration decoration = null, TextInputType keyboardType = null, TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none, TextInputAction? textInputAction = null, TextStyle style = null, StrutStyle strutStyle = null, TextDirection? textDirection = null, TextAlign textAlign = TextAlign.left, TextAlignVertical textAlignVertical = null, bool autofocus = false, bool readOnly = false, ToolbarOptions toolbarOptions = null, bool? showCursor = null, bool obscureText = false, bool autocorrect = true, SmartDashesType? smartDashesType = null, SmartQuotesType? smartQuotesType = null, bool enableSuggestions = true, bool autovalidate = false, bool maxLengthEnforced = true, int? maxLines = 1, int? minLines = null, bool expands = false, int? maxLength = null, ValueChanged onChanged = null, GestureTapCallback onTap = null, VoidCallback onEditingComplete = null, ValueChanged onFieldSubmitted = null, FormFieldSetter onSaved = null, FormFieldValidator validator = null, List inputFormatters = null, bool enabled = true, float cursorWidth = 2.0f, Radius cursorRadius = null, Color cursorColor = null, Brightness? keyboardAppearance = null, EdgeInsets scrollPadding = null, bool enableInteractiveSelection = true, InputCounterWidgetBuilder buildCounter = null, ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics = null ) : base( key: key, initialValue: controller != null ? controller.text : (initialValue ?? ""), onSaved: onSaved, validator: validator, autovalidate: autovalidate, enabled: enabled, builder: (FormFieldState field) => { _TextFormFieldState state = (_TextFormFieldState) field; InputDecoration effectiveDecoration = (decoration ?? new InputDecoration()) .applyDefaults(Theme.of(field.context).inputDecorationTheme); void onChangedHandler(string value) { if (onChanged != null) { onChanged(value); } field.didChange(value); } return new TextField( controller: state._effectiveController, focusNode: focusNode, decoration: effectiveDecoration.copyWith(errorText: field.errorText), keyboardType: keyboardType, textInputAction: textInputAction, style: style, strutStyle: strutStyle, textAlign: textAlign, textAlignVertical: textAlignVertical, textDirection: textDirection ?? TextDirection.ltr, textCapitalization: textCapitalization, autofocus: autofocus, toolbarOptions: toolbarOptions, readOnly: readOnly, showCursor: showCursor, obscureText: obscureText, autocorrect: autocorrect, smartDashesType: smartDashesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartDashesType.disabled : SmartDashesType.enabled), smartQuotesType: smartQuotesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartQuotesType.disabled : SmartQuotesType.enabled), enableSuggestions: enableSuggestions, maxLengthEnforced: maxLengthEnforced, maxLines: maxLines, minLines: minLines, expands: expands, maxLength: maxLength, onChanged: onChangedHandler, onTap: onTap, onEditingComplete: onEditingComplete, onSubmitted: onFieldSubmitted, inputFormatters: inputFormatters, enabled: enabled, cursorWidth: cursorWidth, cursorRadius: cursorRadius, cursorColor: cursorColor, scrollPadding: scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f), scrollPhysics: scrollPhysics, keyboardAppearance: keyboardAppearance, enableInteractiveSelection: enableInteractiveSelection, buildCounter: buildCounter ); } ) { D.assert(initialValue == null || controller == null); D.assert(maxLines > 0); D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0); D.assert(minLines == null || minLines > 0); D.assert((maxLines == null) || (minLines == null) || (maxLines >= minLines), () => "minLines can't be greater than maxLines"); D.assert(!expands || (maxLines == null && minLines == null), () => "minLines and maxLines must be null when expands is true."); D.assert(!obscureText || maxLines == 1, () => "Obscured fields cannot be multiline."); D.assert(maxLength == null || maxLength > 0); this.controller = controller; } public readonly TextEditingController controller; public override State createState() { return new _TextFormFieldState(); } } class _TextFormFieldState : FormFieldState { TextEditingController _controller; public TextEditingController _effectiveController { get { return widget.controller ?? _controller; } } public new TextFormField widget { get { return (TextFormField) base.widget; } } public override void initState() { base.initState(); if (widget.controller == null) { _controller = new TextEditingController(text: widget.initialValue); } else { widget.controller.addListener(_handleControllerChanged); } } public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget _oldWidget) { TextFormField oldWidget = _oldWidget as TextFormField; base.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (widget.controller != oldWidget.controller) { oldWidget.controller?.removeListener(_handleControllerChanged); widget.controller?.addListener(_handleControllerChanged); if (oldWidget.controller != null && widget.controller == null) { _controller = TextEditingController.fromValue(oldWidget.controller.value); } if (widget.controller != null) { setValue(widget.controller.text); if (oldWidget.controller == null) { _controller = null; } } } } public override void dispose() { widget.controller?.removeListener(_handleControllerChanged); base.dispose(); } public override void reset() { base.reset(); setState(() => { _effectiveController.text = (string) widget.initialValue; }); } void _handleControllerChanged() { if (_effectiveController.text != value) { didChange(_effectiveController.text); } } } }