using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Unity.UIWidgets.external; using UnityEngine; namespace { public delegate void UIWidgetsExceptionHandler(UIWidgetsErrorDetails details); public delegate IEnumerable DiagnosticPropertiesTransformer(IEnumerable properties); public delegate IEnumerable InformationCollector(); public abstract class _ErrorDiagnostic : DiagnosticsProperty> { internal _ErrorDiagnostic( string message, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.flat, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name: null, value: new List() {message}, showName: false, showSeparator: false, defaultValue: null, style: style, level: level) { D.assert(message != null); } internal _ErrorDiagnostic( List messageParts, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.flat, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name: null, value: messageParts, showName: false, showSeparator: false, defaultValue: null, style: style, level: level) { D.assert(messageParts != null); } protected override string valueToString(TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null) { return string.Join("", value); } } public class ErrorDescription : _ErrorDiagnostic { public ErrorDescription(string message) : base(message, level: { } public ErrorDescription(List messageParts) : base(messageParts, level: { } } public class ErrorSummary : _ErrorDiagnostic { public ErrorSummary(string message) : base(message, level: DiagnosticLevel.summary) { } public ErrorSummary(List messageParts) : base(messageParts, level: DiagnosticLevel.summary) { } } internal class ErrorHint : _ErrorDiagnostic { public ErrorHint(string message) : base(message, level: DiagnosticLevel.hint) { } public ErrorHint(List messageParts) : base(messageParts, level: DiagnosticLevel.hint) { } } public class ErrorSpacer : DiagnosticsProperty { public ErrorSpacer() : base( "", null, description: "", showName: false ) { } } public class UIWidgetsErrorDetails : Diagnosticable { public UIWidgetsErrorDetails( Exception exception = null, string library = "UIWidgets framework", DiagnosticsNode context = null, IterableFilter stackFilter = null, InformationCollector informationCollector = null, bool silent = false ) { this.exception = exception; this.library = library; this.context = context; this.stackFilter = stackFilter; this.informationCollector = informationCollector; this.silent = silent; } public static readonly List propertiesTransformers = new List(); public readonly Exception exception; public readonly string library; public readonly DiagnosticsNode context; public readonly IterableFilter stackFilter; public readonly InformationCollector informationCollector; public readonly bool silent; public string exceptionAsString() { string longMessage = null; if (exception != null) { longMessage = exception.Message; } if (longMessage != null) { longMessage = longMessage.TrimEnd(); } if (longMessage.isEmpty()) { longMessage = ""; } return longMessage; } Diagnosticable _exceptionToDiagnosticable() { return null; } public DiagnosticsNode summary { get { string formatException() { return exceptionAsString().Split('\n')[0].TrimStart(); } if (foundation_.kReleaseMode) { return DiagnosticsNode.message(formatException()); } Diagnosticable diagnosticable = _exceptionToDiagnosticable(); DiagnosticsNode summary = null; if (diagnosticable != null) { DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder builder = new DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder(); debugFillProperties(builder); summary = node) => node.level == DiagnosticLevel.summary); } return summary ?? new ErrorSummary(formatException()); } } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); DiagnosticsNode verb = context != null ? new ErrorDescription($"thrown {new ErrorDescription($" {context}")}") : new ErrorDescription(""); Diagnosticable diagnosticable = _exceptionToDiagnosticable(); if (exception is NullReferenceException) { properties.add(new ErrorDescription($"The null value was {verb}.")); } else { DiagnosticsNode errorName; errorName = new ErrorDescription($"{exception.GetType()}"); properties.add(new ErrorDescription($"The following {errorName} was {verb}:")); if (diagnosticable != null) { diagnosticable.debugFillProperties(properties); } else { string prefix = $"{exception.GetType()}"; string message = exceptionAsString(); if (message.StartsWith(prefix)) { message = message.Substring(prefix.Length); } properties.add(new ErrorSummary(message)); } } if (informationCollector != null) { properties.add(new ErrorSpacer()); foreach (var diagnosticsNode in informationCollector()) { properties.add(diagnosticsNode); } } } public override string toStringShort() { return library != null ? $"Exception caught by {library}" : "Exception caught"; } public override string toString(DiagnosticLevel minLevel = { return toDiagnosticsNode(style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.error).toStringDeep(minLevel: minLevel); } public override DiagnosticsNode toDiagnosticsNode(string name = null, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.sparse) { return new _UIWIdgetsErrorDetailsNode( name: name, value: this, style: style ); } } internal class _UIWIdgetsErrorDetailsNode : DiagnosticableNode { public _UIWIdgetsErrorDetailsNode( string name, UIWidgetsErrorDetails value, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style ) : base( name: name, value: value, style: style ) { D.assert(value != null); } new DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder builder { get { DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder builder = base.builder; if (builder == null) { return null; } IEnumerable properties =; foreach (DiagnosticPropertiesTransformer transformer in UIWidgetsErrorDetails.propertiesTransformers) { properties = transformer(properties); } return new DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder(properties.ToList()); } } } class DiagnosticsStackTrace : DiagnosticsBlock { public DiagnosticsStackTrace( string name, IterableFilter stackFilter = null, bool showSeparator = true ) : base( name: name, properties: new List(), style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.flat, showSeparator: showSeparator, allowTruncate: true ) { } public DiagnosticsStackTrace( string name, string frame, bool showSeparator = true ) : base( name: name, properties: new List() {_createStackFrame(frame)}, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.whitespace, showSeparator: showSeparator ) { } public static DiagnosticsNode _createStackFrame(string frame) { return DiagnosticsNode.message(frame, allowWrap: false); } } public class UIWidgetsError : Exception { public UIWidgetsError(string message) { string[] lines = message.Split('\n'); diagnostics = new List() { new ErrorSummary(lines[0]) }; for (var i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++) { diagnostics.Add(new ErrorDescription(lines[i])); } } public UIWidgetsError(List diagnostics) { this.diagnostics = diagnostics; D.assert(diagnostics != null && diagnostics.isNotEmpty(), () => new UIWidgetsError(new List() {new ErrorSummary("Empty FlutterError")}).ToString()); D.assert(diagnostics.first().level == DiagnosticLevel.summary, () => new UIWidgetsError(new List() { new ErrorSummary("UIWidgetsError is missing a summary."), new ErrorDescription("All UIWidgetsError objects should start with a short (one line) " + "summary description of the problem that was detected."), new DiagnosticsProperty("Malformed", this, expandableValue: true, showSeparator: false, style : DiagnosticsTreeStyle.whitespace), new ErrorDescription( "\nThis error should still help you solve your problem, " + "however please also report this malformed error in the " + "framework by filing a bug on GitHub:\n" + " https://" ) }).ToString()); D.assert(() => { IEnumerable summaries = LinqUtils.WhereList(diagnostics,((DiagnosticsNode node) => node.level == DiagnosticLevel.summary)); if (summaries.Count() > 1) { return false; } return true; }, () => { IEnumerable summaries = LinqUtils.WhereList(diagnostics,((DiagnosticsNode node) => node.level == DiagnosticLevel.summary)); List message = new List() { new ErrorSummary("UIWidgetsError contained multiple error summaries."), new ErrorDescription( "All UIWidgetsError objects should have only a single short " + "(one line) summary description of the problem that was " + "detected." ), new DiagnosticsProperty("Malformed", this, expandableValue: true, showSeparator: false, style : DiagnosticsTreeStyle.whitespace) }; int i = 0; foreach (DiagnosticsNode summary in summaries) { message.Add(new DiagnosticsProperty($"Summary {i}", summary, expandableValue : true)); i += 1; } message.Add(new ErrorDescription( "\nThis error should still help you solve your problem, " + "however please also report this malformed error in the " + "framework by filing a bug on GitHub:\n" + " https://" )); return new UIWidgetsError(message).ToString(); }); } public readonly List diagnostics; public override string Message => ToString(); public static UIWidgetsExceptionHandler onError = dumpErrorToConsole; static int _errorCount = 0; public static void resetErrorCount() { _errorCount = 0; } const int wrapWidth = 100; public static void dumpErrorToConsole(UIWidgetsErrorDetails details) { dumpErrorToConsole(details, forceReport: false); } public static void dumpErrorToConsole(UIWidgetsErrorDetails details, bool forceReport = false) { D.assert(details != null); D.assert(details.exception != null); bool reportError = !details.silent; D.assert(() => { reportError = true; return true; }); if (!reportError && !forceReport) { return; } if (_errorCount == 0 || forceReport) { D.logError(new TextTreeRenderer( wrapWidth: wrapWidth, wrapWidthProperties: wrapWidth, maxDescendentsTruncatableNode: 5).render( details.toDiagnosticsNode(style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.error)).TrimEnd(), details.exception); } D.logError($"Another exception was thrown: ${details.summary}", details.exception); _errorCount += 1; } public static IEnumerable defaultStackFilter(IEnumerable frames) { return frames; } public void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { foreach (var diagnosticsNode in diagnostics) { properties.add(diagnosticsNode); } } public string toStringShort() => "UIWidgetsError"; public override string ToString() { TextTreeRenderer renderer = new TextTreeRenderer(wrapWidth: 400000000); return string.Join("\n", LinqUtils.SelectList(diagnostics,((DiagnosticsNode node) => renderer.render(node).TrimEnd()))); } public static void reportError(UIWidgetsErrorDetails details) { D.assert(details != null); D.assert(details.exception != null); if (onError != null) { onError(details); } } } }