using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using Unity.UIWidgets.async; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using UnityEngine; using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color; using Rect = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Rect; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public class ImageUtils { public static ImageConfiguration createLocalImageConfiguration(BuildContext context, Size size = null) { return new ImageConfiguration( DefaultAssetBundle.of(context: context), MediaQuery.of(context: context, true)?.devicePixelRatio ?? 1.0f, Localizations.localeOf(context: context, true), size: size, platform: Application.platform ); } public static Future precacheImage( ImageProvider provider, BuildContext context, Size size = null, ImageErrorListener onError = null ) { var config = createLocalImageConfiguration(context: context, size: size); var completer = Completer.create(); var stream = provider.resolve(configuration: config); ImageStreamListener listener = null; listener = new ImageStreamListener( (image, sync) => { if (!completer.isCompleted) { completer.complete(); } SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback(timeStamp => { stream.removeListener(listener: listener); }); }, onError: error => { if (!completer.isCompleted) { completer.complete(); } stream.removeListener(listener: listener); UIWidgetsError.reportError(new UIWidgetsErrorDetails( context: new ErrorDescription("image failed to precache"), library: "image resource service", silent: true)); } ); stream.addListener(listener: listener); return completer.future; } } public delegate Widget ImageFrameBuilder( BuildContext context, Widget child, int frame, bool wasSynchronouslyLoaded ); public delegate Widget ImageLoadingBuilder( BuildContext context, Widget child, ImageChunkEvent loadingProgress ); public delegate Widget ImageErrorWidgetBuilder( BuildContext context, object error, StackTrace stackTrace ); public class Image : StatefulWidget { public readonly AlignmentGeometry alignment; public readonly Rect centerSlice; public readonly Color color; public readonly BlendMode colorBlendMode; public readonly ImageErrorWidgetBuilder errorBuilder; public readonly FilterQuality filterQuality; public readonly BoxFit? fit; public readonly ImageFrameBuilder frameBuilder; public readonly bool gaplessPlayback; public readonly float? height; public readonly ImageProvider image; public readonly ImageLoadingBuilder loadingBuilder; public readonly bool matchTextDirection; public readonly ImageRepeat repeat; public readonly float? width; public Image( Key key = null, ImageProvider image = null, ImageFrameBuilder frameBuilder = null, ImageLoadingBuilder loadingBuilder = null, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder errorBuilder = null, float? width = null, float? height = null, Color color = null, BlendMode colorBlendMode = BlendMode.srcIn, BoxFit? fit = null, AlignmentGeometry alignment = null, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, Rect centerSlice = null, bool matchTextDirection = false, bool gaplessPlayback = false, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(image != null); this.image = image; this.frameBuilder = frameBuilder; this.loadingBuilder = loadingBuilder; this.errorBuilder = errorBuilder; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.color = color; this.colorBlendMode = colorBlendMode; = fit; this.alignment = alignment ??; this.repeat = repeat; this.centerSlice = centerSlice; this.gaplessPlayback = gaplessPlayback; this.filterQuality = filterQuality; this.matchTextDirection = matchTextDirection; } public static Image network( string src, Key key = null, float scale = 1.0f, ImageFrameBuilder frameBuilder = null, ImageLoadingBuilder loadingBuilder = null, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder errorBuilder = null, float? width = null, float? height = null, Color color = null, BlendMode colorBlendMode = BlendMode.srcIn, BoxFit? fit = null, AlignmentGeometry alignment = null, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, Rect centerSlice = null, bool gaplessPlayback = false, bool matchTextDirection = false, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low, IDictionary headers = null, int? cacheWidth = null, int? cacheHeight = null ) { var image = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth: cacheWidth, cacheHeight: cacheHeight, new NetworkImage(url: src, scale: scale, headers: headers)); return new Image( key: key, image: image, frameBuilder: frameBuilder, loadingBuilder: loadingBuilder, errorBuilder: errorBuilder, width: width, height: height, color: color, colorBlendMode: colorBlendMode, fit: fit, alignment: alignment, repeat: repeat, centerSlice: centerSlice, matchTextDirection: matchTextDirection, gaplessPlayback: gaplessPlayback, filterQuality: filterQuality ); } public static Image file( string file, Key key = null, float scale = 1.0f, ImageFrameBuilder frameBuilder = null, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder errorBuilder = null, float? width = null, float? height = null, Color color = null, BlendMode colorBlendMode = BlendMode.srcIn, BoxFit? fit = null, AlignmentGeometry alignment = null, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, bool matchTextDirection = false, Rect centerSlice = null, bool gaplessPlayback = false, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low, int? cacheWidth = null, int? cacheHeight = null ) { var fileImage = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth: cacheWidth, cacheHeight: cacheHeight, new FileImage(file: file, scale: scale)); return new Image( key: key, image: fileImage, frameBuilder: frameBuilder, null, errorBuilder: errorBuilder, width: width, height: height, color: color, colorBlendMode: colorBlendMode, fit: fit, alignment: alignment, repeat: repeat, centerSlice: centerSlice, matchTextDirection: matchTextDirection, gaplessPlayback: gaplessPlayback, filterQuality: filterQuality ); } public static Image asset( string name, Key key = null, AssetBundle bundle = null, ImageFrameBuilder frameBuilder = null, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder errorBuilder = null, float? scale = null, float? width = null, float? height = null, Color color = null, BlendMode colorBlendMode = BlendMode.srcIn, BoxFit? fit = null, Alignment alignment = null, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, Rect centerSlice = null, bool matchTextDirection = false, bool gaplessPlayback = false, string package = null, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low, int? cacheWidth = default, int? cacheHeight = null ) { var _scale = scale ?? 1.0f; var _image = scale != null ? (AssetBundleImageProvider) new ExactAssetImage(assetName: name, bundle: bundle, scale: _scale) : new AssetImage(assetName: name, bundle: bundle); var _Image = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth: cacheWidth, cacheHeight: cacheHeight, provider: _image); return new Image( key: key, image: _Image, frameBuilder: frameBuilder, null, errorBuilder: errorBuilder, width: width, height: height, color: color, colorBlendMode: colorBlendMode, fit: fit, alignment: alignment, repeat: repeat, centerSlice: centerSlice, matchTextDirection: matchTextDirection, gaplessPlayback: gaplessPlayback, filterQuality: filterQuality ); } public static Image memory( byte[] bytes, Key key = null, float scale = 1.0f, ImageFrameBuilder frameBuilder = null, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder errorBuilder = null, float? width = null, float? height = null, Color color = null, BlendMode colorBlendMode = BlendMode.srcIn, BoxFit? fit = null, Alignment alignment = null, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, Rect centerSlice = null, bool matchTextDirection = false, bool gaplessPlayback = false, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low, int? cacheWidth = default, int? cacheHeight = null ) { // ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth, cacheHeight, MemoryImage(bytes, scale: scale)); var memoryImage = new MemoryImage(bytes: bytes, scale: scale); return new Image( key: key, ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth: cacheWidth, cacheHeight: cacheHeight, new MemoryImage(bytes: bytes, scale: scale)), frameBuilder: frameBuilder, null, errorBuilder: errorBuilder, width: width, height: height, color: color, colorBlendMode: colorBlendMode, fit: fit, alignment: alignment, repeat: repeat, centerSlice: centerSlice, matchTextDirection: matchTextDirection, gaplessPlayback: gaplessPlayback, filterQuality: filterQuality ); } public override State createState() { return new _ImageState(); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties: properties); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("image", value: image)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("frameBuilder", value: frameBuilder)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("loadingBuilder", value: loadingBuilder)); properties.add(new FloatProperty("width", value: width, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue)); properties.add(new FloatProperty("height", value: height, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue)); properties.add(new ColorProperty("color", value: color, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue)); properties.add(new EnumProperty("colorBlendMode", value: colorBlendMode, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue)); properties.add(new EnumProperty("fit", value: fit, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("alignment", value: alignment, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue)); properties.add(new EnumProperty("repeat", value: repeat, defaultValue: ImageRepeat.noRepeat)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("centerSlice", value: centerSlice, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue)); properties.add(new EnumProperty("filterQuality", value: filterQuality, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue)); properties.add(new FlagProperty("matchTextDirection", value: matchTextDirection, "match text direction")); } } public class _ImageState : State, WidgetsBindingObserver { int _frameNumber; ImageInfo _imageInfo; ImageStream _imageStream; bool _invertColors; bool _isListeningToStream; object _lastException; StackTrace _lastStack; ImageChunkEvent _loadingProgress; DisposableBuildContext> _scrollAwareContext; bool _wasSynchronouslyLoaded; public void didChangeAccessibilityFeatures() { setState(() => { _updateInvertColors(); }); } public void didChangeMetrics() { setState(); } public void didChangeTextScaleFactor() { setState(); } public void didChangePlatformBrightness() { setState(); } public void didChangeLocales(List locale) { setState(); } public Future didPopRoute() { return Future.value(false).to(); } public Future didPushRoute(string route) { return Future.value(false).to(); } public override void initState() { base.initState(); WidgetsBinding.instance.addObserver(this); _scrollAwareContext = new DisposableBuildContext>(this); } public override void dispose() { D.assert(_imageStream != null); WidgetsBinding.instance.removeObserver(this); _stopListeningToStream(); _scrollAwareContext.dispose(); base.dispose(); } public override void didChangeDependencies() { _updateInvertColors(); _resolveImage(); if (TickerMode.of(context: context)) { _listenToStream(); } else { _stopListeningToStream(); } base.didChangeDependencies(); } public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) { base.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget: oldWidget); var image = (Image) oldWidget; if (_isListeningToStream && widget.loadingBuilder == null != (image.loadingBuilder == null)) { _imageStream.removeListener(_getListener(loadingBuilder: image.loadingBuilder)); _imageStream.addListener(_getListener()); } if (widget.image != ((Image) oldWidget).image) { _resolveImage(); } } public override void reassemble() { _resolveImage(); // in case the image cache was flushed base.reassemble(); } void _updateInvertColors() { _invertColors = MediaQuery.of(context: context, true)?.invertColors ?? false; } void _resolveImage() { //TODO: why refactoring this code? we need a PR to fix it! /*ScrollAwareImageProvider provider = new ScrollAwareImageProvider( context: _scrollAwareContext, imageProvider: widget.image);*/ var newStream = widget.image.resolve(ImageUtils.createLocalImageConfiguration( context: context, widget.width != null && widget.height != null ? new Size(width: widget.width.Value, height: widget.height.Value) : null )); D.assert(newStream != null); _updateSourceStream(newStream: newStream); } void _onError(Exception error) { setState(() => { _lastException = error; // _lastStack = stackTrace; }); } ImageStreamListener _getListener(ImageLoadingBuilder loadingBuilder = null) { loadingBuilder = loadingBuilder ?? widget.loadingBuilder; _lastException = null; _lastStack = null; ImageChunkListener onChunk = null; if (loadingBuilder == null) { onChunk = _handleImageChunk; } ImageErrorListener onError = null; if (widget.errorBuilder != null) { onError = error => { setState(() => { _lastException = error; // _lastStack = stackTrace; }); }; } return new ImageStreamListener( onImage: _handleImageFrame, onChunk: onChunk, onError: onError ); } void _handleImageFrame(ImageInfo imageInfo, bool synchronousCall) { setState(() => { _imageInfo = imageInfo; _loadingProgress = null; _frameNumber = _frameNumber == null ? 0 : _frameNumber + 1; _wasSynchronouslyLoaded |= synchronousCall; }); } void _handleImageChunk(ImageChunkEvent _event) { D.assert(widget.loadingBuilder != null); setState(() => { _loadingProgress = _event; }); } void _handleImageChanged(ImageInfo imageInfo, bool synchronousCall) { setState(() => { _imageInfo = imageInfo; }); } void _updateSourceStream(ImageStream newStream) { if (_imageStream?.key == newStream?.key) { return; } if (_isListeningToStream) { _imageStream.removeListener(_getListener()); } if (!widget.gaplessPlayback) { setState(() => { _imageInfo = null; }); } setState(() => { _loadingProgress = null; _frameNumber = 0; _wasSynchronouslyLoaded = false; }); _imageStream = newStream; if (_isListeningToStream) { _imageStream.addListener(_getListener()); } } void _listenToStream() { if (_isListeningToStream) { return; } _imageStream.addListener(_getListener()); _isListeningToStream = true; } void _stopListeningToStream() { if (!_isListeningToStream) { return; } _imageStream.removeListener(_getListener()); _isListeningToStream = false; } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (_lastException != null) { D.assert(widget.errorBuilder != null); return widget.errorBuilder(context: context, error: _lastException, stackTrace: _lastStack); } Widget image = new RawImage( image: _imageInfo?.image, width: widget.width, height: widget.height, scale: _imageInfo?.scale ?? 1.0f, color: widget.color, colorBlendMode: widget.colorBlendMode, fit:, alignment: widget.alignment, repeat: widget.repeat, centerSlice: widget.centerSlice, matchTextDirection: widget.matchTextDirection, invertColors: _invertColors, filterQuality: widget.filterQuality ); if (widget.frameBuilder != null) { image = widget.frameBuilder(context: context, child: image, frame: _frameNumber, wasSynchronouslyLoaded: _wasSynchronouslyLoaded); } if (widget.loadingBuilder != null) { image = widget.loadingBuilder(context: context, child: image, loadingProgress: _loadingProgress); } return image; } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder description) { base.debugFillProperties(properties: description); description.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("stream", value: _imageStream)); description.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("pixels", value: _imageInfo)); description.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("loadingProgress", value: _loadingProgress)); description.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("frameNumber", value: _frameNumber)); description.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("wasSynchronouslyLoaded", value: _wasSynchronouslyLoaded)); } } }