using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using RSG; using RSG.Promises; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public delegate Route RouteFactory(RouteSettings settings); public delegate bool RoutePredicate(Route route); public delegate IPromise WillPopCallback(); public enum RoutePopDisposition { pop, doNotPop, bubble } public abstract class Route { public readonly RouteSettings settings; internal NavigatorState _navigator; public Route(RouteSettings settings = null) { this.settings = settings ?? new RouteSettings(); } public NavigatorState navigator => this._navigator; public virtual List overlayEntries => new List(); public virtual bool willHandlePopInternally => false; public object currentResult => default; public Promise popped { get; } = new Promise(); public bool isCurrent => this._navigator != null && this._navigator._history.last() == this; public bool isFirst => this._navigator != null && this._navigator._history.first() == this; public bool isActive => this._navigator != null && this._navigator._history.Contains(this); protected internal virtual void install(OverlayEntry insertionPoint) { } protected internal virtual TickerFuture didPush() { return TickerFutureImpl.complete(); } protected internal virtual void didReplace(Route oldRoute) { } public virtual IPromise willPop() { return Promise.Resolved(this.isFirst ? RoutePopDisposition.bubble : RoutePopDisposition.pop); } protected internal virtual bool didPop(object result) { this.didComplete(result); return true; } protected internal virtual void didComplete(object result) { this.popped.Resolve(result); } protected internal virtual void didPopNext(Route nextRoute) { } protected internal virtual void didChangeNext(Route nextRoute) { } protected internal virtual void didChangePrevious(Route previousRoute) { } protected internal virtual void changedInternalState() { } protected internal virtual void changedExternalState() { } protected internal virtual void dispose() { this._navigator = null; } } public class RouteSettings { public readonly bool isInitialRoute; public readonly string name; public RouteSettings(string name = null, bool isInitialRoute = false) { = name; this.isInitialRoute = isInitialRoute; } RouteSettings copyWith(string name = null, bool? isInitialRoute = null) { return new RouteSettings( name ??, isInitialRoute ?? this.isInitialRoute ); } public override string ToString() { return $"\"{}\""; } } public class NavigatorObserver { internal NavigatorState _navigator; public NavigatorState navigator => this._navigator; public virtual void didPush(Route route, Route previousRoute) { } public virtual void didPop(Route route, Route previousRoute) { } public virtual void didRemove(Route route, Route previousRoute) { } public virtual void didReplace(Route newRoute = null, Route oldRoute = null) { } public virtual void didStartUserGesture(Route route, Route previousRoute) { } public virtual void didStopUserGesture() { } } public class Navigator : StatefulWidget { /// The default name for the [initialRoute]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [dart:ui.Window.defaultRouteName], which reflects the route that the /// application was started with. public static string defaultRouteName = "/"; public readonly string initialRoute; public readonly List observers; public readonly RouteFactory onGenerateRoute; public readonly RouteFactory onUnknownRoute; public Navigator(Key key = null, string initialRoute = null, RouteFactory onGenerateRoute = null, RouteFactory onUnknownRoute = null, List observers = null) : base(key) { D.assert(onGenerateRoute != null); this.initialRoute = initialRoute; this.onUnknownRoute = onUnknownRoute; this.onGenerateRoute = onGenerateRoute; this.observers = observers ?? new List(); } public static IPromise pushName(BuildContext context, string routeName) { return of(context).pushNamed(routeName); } public static IPromise pushReplacementNamed(BuildContext context, string routeName, object result = null) { return of(context).pushReplacementNamed(routeName, result); } public static IPromise popAndPushNamed(BuildContext context, string routeName, object result = null) { return of(context).popAndPushNamed(routeName, result); } public static IPromise pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(BuildContext context, string newRouteName, RoutePredicate predicate) { return of(context).pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(newRouteName, predicate); } public static IPromise push(BuildContext context, Route route) { return of(context).push(route); } public static IPromise pushReplacement(BuildContext context, Route newRoute, object result = null) { return of(context).pushReplacement(newRoute, result); } public static IPromise pushAndRemoveUntil(BuildContext context, Route newRoute, RoutePredicate predicate) { return of(context).pushAndRemoveUntil(newRoute, predicate); } public static void replace(BuildContext context, Route oldRoute, Route newRoute) { of(context).replace(oldRoute, newRoute); } public static void replaceRouteBelow(BuildContext context, Route anchorRoute = null, Route newRoute = null) { of(context).replaceRouteBelow(anchorRoute, newRoute); } public static IPromise maybePop(BuildContext context, object result = null) { return of(context).maybePop(result); } public static bool pop(BuildContext context, object result = null) { return of(context).pop(result); } public static void popUntil(BuildContext context, RoutePredicate predicate) { of(context).popUntil(predicate); } public static void removeRoute(BuildContext context, Route route) { of(context).removeRoute(route); } static void removeRouteBelow(BuildContext context, Route anchorRoute) { of(context).removeRouteBelow(anchorRoute); } public static NavigatorState of( BuildContext context, bool rootNavigator = false, bool nullOk = false ) { var navigator = rootNavigator ? (NavigatorState) context.rootAncestorStateOfType(new TypeMatcher()) : (NavigatorState) context.ancestorStateOfType(new TypeMatcher()); D.assert(() => { if (navigator == null && !nullOk) throw new UIWidgetsError( "Navigator operation requested with a context that does not include a Navigator.\n" + "The context used to push or pop routes from the Navigator must be that of a " + "widget that is a descendant of a Navigator widget." ); return true; }); return navigator; } public override State createState() { return new NavigatorState(); } } public class NavigatorState : TickerProviderStateMixin { internal readonly List _history = new List(); readonly GlobalKey _overlayKey = new LabeledGlobalKey(); readonly HashSet _poppedRoutes = new HashSet(); public readonly FocusScopeNode focusScopeNode = new FocusScopeNode(); readonly HashSet _activePointers = new HashSet(); bool _debugLocked; readonly List _initialOverlayEntries = new List(); int _userGesturesInProgress; public OverlayState overlay => this._overlayKey.currentState; OverlayEntry _currentOverlayEntry { get { var route = this._history.FindLast(r => r.overlayEntries.isNotEmpty()); return route?.overlayEntries.last(); } } public bool userGestureInProgress => this._userGesturesInProgress > 0; public override void initState() { base.initState(); foreach (var observer in this.widget.observers) { D.assert(observer.navigator == null); observer._navigator = this; } var initialRouteName = this.widget.initialRoute ?? Navigator.defaultRouteName; if (initialRouteName.StartsWith("/") && initialRouteName.Length > 1) { initialRouteName = initialRouteName.Substring(1); D.assert(Navigator.defaultRouteName == "/"); var plannedInitialRouteNames = new List { Navigator.defaultRouteName }; var plannedInitialRoutes = new List { this._routeNamed(Navigator.defaultRouteName, true) }; var routeParts = initialRouteName.Split('/'); if (initialRouteName.isNotEmpty()) { var routeName = ""; foreach (var part in routeParts) { routeName += $"/{part}"; plannedInitialRouteNames.Add(routeName); plannedInitialRoutes.Add(this._routeNamed(routeName, true)); } } if (plannedInitialRoutes.Contains(null)) { D.assert(() => { UIWidgetsError.reportError(new UIWidgetsErrorDetails( new Exception( "Could not navigate to initial route.\n" + $"The requested route name was: \"{initialRouteName}\n" + "The following routes were therefore attempted:\n" + $" * {string.Join("\n * ", plannedInitialRouteNames)}\n" + "This resulted in the following objects:\n" + $" * {string.Join("\n * ", plannedInitialRoutes)}\n" + "One or more of those objects was null, and therefore the initial route specified will be " + $"ignored and \"{Navigator.defaultRouteName}\" will be used instead."))); return true; }); this.push(this._routeNamed(Navigator.defaultRouteName)); } else { plannedInitialRoutes.Each(route => { this.push(route); }); } } else { Route route = null; if (initialRouteName != Navigator.defaultRouteName) route = this._routeNamed(initialRouteName, true); route = route ?? this._routeNamed(Navigator.defaultRouteName); this.push(route); } foreach (var route in this._history) this._initialOverlayEntries.AddRange(route.overlayEntries); } public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) { base.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (((Navigator) oldWidget).observers != this.widget.observers) { foreach (var observer in ((Navigator) oldWidget).observers) observer._navigator = null; foreach (var observer in this.widget.observers) { D.assert(observer.navigator == null); observer._navigator = this; } } foreach (var route in this._history) route.changedExternalState(); } public override void dispose() { D.assert(!this._debugLocked); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = true; return true; }); foreach (var observer in this.widget.observers) observer._navigator = null; var doomed = this._poppedRoutes.ToList(); doomed.AddRange(this._history); foreach (var route in doomed) route.dispose(); this._poppedRoutes.Clear(); this._history.Clear(); this.focusScopeNode.detach(); base.dispose(); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = false; return true; }); } Route _routeNamed(string name, bool allowNull = false) { D.assert(!this._debugLocked); D.assert(name != null); var settings = new RouteSettings(name, this._history.isEmpty()); var route = this.widget.onGenerateRoute(settings); if (route == null && !allowNull) { D.assert(() => { if (this.widget.onUnknownRoute == null) throw new UIWidgetsError( "If a Navigator has no onUnknownRoute, then its onGenerateRoute must never return null.\n" + $"When trying to build the route \"{name}\", onGenerateRoute returned null, but there was no " + "onUnknownRoute callback specified.\n" + "The Navigator was:\n" + $" {this}"); return true; }); route = this.widget.onUnknownRoute(settings); D.assert(() => { if (route == null) throw new UIWidgetsError( "A Navigator\'s onUnknownRoute returned null.\n" + $"When trying to build the route \"{name}\", both onGenerateRoute and onUnknownRoute returned " + "null. The onUnknownRoute callback should never return null.\n" + "The Navigator was:\n" + $" {this}" ); return true; }); } return route; } public Promise pushNamed(string routeName) { return this.push(this._routeNamed(routeName)); } public Promise pushReplacementNamed(string routeName, object result = null) { return this.pushReplacement(this._routeNamed(routeName), result); } public Promise popAndPushNamed(string routeName, object result = null) { this.pop(result); return this.pushNamed(routeName); } public Promise pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(string newRouteName, RoutePredicate predicate) { return this.pushAndRemoveUntil(this._routeNamed(newRouteName), predicate); } public Promise push(Route route) { D.assert(!this._debugLocked); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = true; return true; }); D.assert(route != null); D.assert(route._navigator == null); var oldRoute = this._history.isNotEmpty() ? this._history.last() : null; route._navigator = this; route.install(this._currentOverlayEntry); this._history.Add(route); route.didPush(); route.didChangeNext(null); if (oldRoute != null) { oldRoute.didChangeNext(route); route.didChangePrevious(oldRoute); } foreach (var observer in this.widget.observers) observer.didPush(route, oldRoute); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = false; return true; }); this._afterNavigation(); return route.popped; } void _afterNavigation() { } public Promise pushReplacement(Route newRoute, object result = null) { D.assert(!this._debugLocked); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = true; return true; }); var oldRoute = this._history.last(); D.assert(oldRoute != null && oldRoute._navigator == this); D.assert(oldRoute.overlayEntries.isNotEmpty()); D.assert(newRoute._navigator == null); D.assert(newRoute.overlayEntries.isEmpty()); var index = this._history.Count - 1; D.assert(index >= 0); D.assert(this._history.IndexOf(oldRoute) == index); newRoute._navigator = this; newRoute.install(this._currentOverlayEntry); this._history[index] = newRoute; newRoute.didPush().whenCompleteOrCancel(() => { // The old route's exit is not animated. We're assuming that the // new route completely obscures the old one. if (this.mounted) { oldRoute.didComplete(result ?? oldRoute.currentResult); oldRoute.dispose(); } }); newRoute.didChangeNext(null); if (index > 0) { this._history[index - 1].didChangeNext(newRoute); newRoute.didChangePrevious(this._history[index - 1]); } foreach (var observer in this.widget.observers) observer.didReplace(newRoute, oldRoute); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = false; return true; }); this._afterNavigation(); return newRoute.popped; } public Promise pushAndRemoveUntil(Route newRoute, RoutePredicate predicate) { D.assert(!this._debugLocked); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = true; return true; }); var removedRoutes = new List(); while (this._history.isNotEmpty() && !predicate(this._history.last())) { var removedRoute = this._history.last(); this._history.RemoveAt(this._history.Count - 1); D.assert(removedRoute != null && removedRoute._navigator == this); D.assert(removedRoute.overlayEntries.isNotEmpty()); removedRoutes.Add(removedRoute); } D.assert(newRoute._navigator == null); D.assert(newRoute.overlayEntries.isEmpty()); var oldRoute = this._history.isNotEmpty() ? this._history.last() : null; newRoute._navigator = this; newRoute.install(this._currentOverlayEntry); this._history.Add(newRoute); newRoute.didPush().whenCompleteOrCancel(() => { if (this.mounted) foreach (var route in removedRoutes) route.dispose(); }); newRoute.didChangeNext(null); if (oldRoute != null) oldRoute.didChangeNext(newRoute); foreach (var observer in this.widget.observers) { observer.didPush(newRoute, oldRoute); foreach (var removedRoute in removedRoutes) observer.didRemove(removedRoute, oldRoute); } D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = false; return true; }); this._afterNavigation(); return newRoute.popped; } public void replace(Route oldRoute = null, Route newRoute = null) { D.assert(!this._debugLocked); D.assert(oldRoute != null); D.assert(newRoute != null); if (oldRoute == newRoute ) // ignore: unrelated_type_equality_checks, return; D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = true; return true; }); D.assert(oldRoute._navigator == this); D.assert(newRoute._navigator == null); D.assert(oldRoute.overlayEntries.isNotEmpty()); D.assert(newRoute.overlayEntries.isEmpty()); D.assert(!this.overlay.debugIsVisible(oldRoute.overlayEntries.last())); var index = this._history.IndexOf(oldRoute); D.assert(index >= 0); newRoute._navigator = this; newRoute.install(oldRoute.overlayEntries.last()); this._history[index] = newRoute; newRoute.didReplace(oldRoute); if (index + 1 < this._history.Capacity) { newRoute.didChangeNext(this._history[index + 1]); this._history[index + 1].didChangePrevious(newRoute); } else { newRoute.didChangeNext(null); } if (index > 0) { this._history[index - 1].didChangeNext(newRoute); newRoute.didChangePrevious(this._history[index - 1]); } foreach (var observer in this.widget.observers) observer.didReplace(newRoute, oldRoute); oldRoute.dispose(); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = false; return true; }); } public void replaceRouteBelow(Route anchorRoute = null, Route newRoute = null) { D.assert(anchorRoute != null); D.assert(anchorRoute._navigator == this); D.assert(this._history.IndexOf(anchorRoute) > 0); this.replace(this._history[this._history.IndexOf(anchorRoute) - 1], newRoute); } public bool canPop() { D.assert(this._history.isNotEmpty); return this._history.Count > 1 || this._history[0].willHandlePopInternally; } public IPromise maybePop(object result = null) { var route = this._history.last(); D.assert(route._navigator == this); return route.willPop().Then(disposition => { if (disposition != RoutePopDisposition.bubble && this.mounted) { if (disposition == RoutePopDisposition.pop) this.pop(result); return Promise.Resolved(true); } return Promise.Resolved(false); }); } public bool pop(object result = null) { D.assert(!this._debugLocked); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = true; return true; }); var route = this._history.last(); D.assert(route._navigator == this); var debugPredictedWouldPop = false; D.assert(() => { debugPredictedWouldPop = !route.willHandlePopInternally; return true; }); if (route.didPop(result ?? route.currentResult)) { D.assert(debugPredictedWouldPop); if (this._history.Count > 1) { this._history.removeLast(); // If route._navigator is null, the route called finalizeRoute from // didPop, which means the route has already been disposed and doesn't // need to be added to _poppedRoutes for later disposal. if (route._navigator != null) this._poppedRoutes.Add(route); this._history.last().didPopNext(route); foreach (var observer in this.widget.observers) observer.didPop(route, this._history.last()); } else { D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = false; return true; }); return false; } } else { D.assert(!debugPredictedWouldPop); } D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = false; return true; }); this._afterNavigation(); return true; } public void popUntil(RoutePredicate predicate) { while (!predicate(this._history.last())) this.pop(); } public void removeRoute(Route route) { D.assert(route != null); D.assert(!this._debugLocked); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = true; return true; }); D.assert(route._navigator == this); var index = this._history.IndexOf(route); D.assert(index != -1); var previousRoute = index > 0 ? this._history[index - 1] : null; var nextRoute = index + 1 < this._history.Count ? this._history[index + 1] : null; this._history.RemoveAt(index); previousRoute?.didChangeNext(nextRoute); nextRoute?.didChangePrevious(previousRoute); foreach (var observer in this.widget.observers) observer.didRemove(route, previousRoute); route.dispose(); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = false; return true; }); this._afterNavigation(); } public void removeRouteBelow(Route anchorRoute) { D.assert(!this._debugLocked); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = true; return true; }); D.assert(anchorRoute._navigator == this); var index = this._history.IndexOf(anchorRoute) - 1; D.assert(index >= 0); var targetRoute = this._history[index]; D.assert(targetRoute._navigator == this); D.assert(targetRoute.overlayEntries.isEmpty() || !this.overlay.debugIsVisible(targetRoute.overlayEntries.last())); this._history.RemoveAt(index); var nextRoute = index < this._history.Count ? this._history[index] : null; var previousRoute = index > 0 ? this._history[index - 1] : null; if (previousRoute != null) previousRoute.didChangeNext(nextRoute); if (nextRoute != null) nextRoute.didChangePrevious(previousRoute); targetRoute.dispose(); D.assert(() => { this._debugLocked = false; return true; }); } public void finalizeRoute(Route route) { this._poppedRoutes.Remove(route); route.dispose(); } public void didStartUserGesture() { this._userGesturesInProgress += 1; if (this._userGesturesInProgress == 1) { var route = this._history.last(); var previousRoute = !route.willHandlePopInternally && this._history.Count > 1 ? this._history[this._history.Count - 2] : null; // Don't operate the _history list since the gesture may be cancelled. // In case of a back swipe, the gesture controller will call .pop() itself. foreach (var observer in this.widget.observers) observer.didStartUserGesture(route, previousRoute); } } public void didStopUserGesture() { D.assert(this._userGesturesInProgress > 0); this._userGesturesInProgress -= 1; if (this._userGesturesInProgress == 0) foreach (var observer in this.widget.observers) observer.didStopUserGesture(); } void _handlePointerDown(PointerDownEvent evt) { this._activePointers.Add(evt.pointer); } void _handlePointerUpOrCancel(PointerEvent evt) { this._activePointers.Remove(evt.pointer); } void _cancelActivePointers() { // TODO flutter issue if (SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.idle) { // If we're between frames (SchedulerPhase.idle) then absorb any // subsequent pointers from this frame. The absorbing flag will be // reset in the next frame, see build(). var absorber = (RenderAbsorbPointer) this._overlayKey.currentContext? .ancestorRenderObjectOfType(new TypeMatcher()); this.setState(() => { if (absorber != null) absorber.absorbing = true; }); } foreach (var activePointer in this._activePointers) WidgetsBinding.instance.cancelPointer(activePointer); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { D.assert(!this._debugLocked); D.assert(this._history.isNotEmpty()); return new Listener( onPointerDown: this._handlePointerDown, onPointerUp: this._handlePointerUpOrCancel, onPointerCancel: this._handlePointerUpOrCancel, child: new AbsorbPointer( absorbing: false, // it's mutated directly by _cancelActivePointers above child: new FocusScope( this.focusScopeNode, autofocus: true, child: new Overlay( this._overlayKey, this._initialOverlayEntries ) ) ) ); } } }