using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using RSG; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.async { public class UIWidgetsCoroutine { _WaitForSecondsProcessor _waitProcessor; _WaitForCoroutineProcessor _waitForCoroutine; _WaitForAsyncOPProcessor _waitForAsyncOPProcessor; readonly IEnumerator _routine; readonly Window _window; readonly IDisposable _unhook; readonly bool _isBackground; internal volatile object lastResult; internal volatile Exception lastError; internal bool isDone; readonly Promise _promise = new Promise(isSync: true); public IPromise promise { get { return this._promise; } } internal UIWidgetsCoroutine(IEnumerator routine, Window window, bool isBackground = false) { D.assert(routine != null); D.assert(window != null); this._routine = routine; this._window = window; this._isBackground = isBackground; if (isBackground && BackgroundCallbacks.getInstance() != null) { this._unhook = BackgroundCallbacks.getInstance().addCallback(this._moveNext); } else { this._unhook =, this._moveNext, periodic: true); this._moveNext(true); // try to run the first enumeration in the current loop. } } void _moveNext() { this._moveNext(false); } void _moveNext(bool firstTime) { D.assert(!this.isDone); var lastError = this.lastError; if (lastError != null) { this._unhook.Dispose(); this.isDone = true; this.lastResult = null; if (this._isBackground) { this._window.runInMain(() => { this._promise.Reject(lastError); }); } else { this._promise.Reject(lastError); } return; } bool hasNext = true; try { if (firstTime) { hasNext = this._routine.MoveNext(); } if (hasNext) { hasNext = this._processIEnumeratorRecursive(this._routine); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.stop(ex); return; } if (!hasNext && !this.isDone) { this._unhook.Dispose(); this.isDone = true; D.assert(this.lastError == null); if (this._isBackground) { this._window.runInMain(() => { this._promise.Resolve(this.lastResult); }); } else { this._promise.Resolve(this.lastResult); } } } bool _processIEnumeratorRecursive(IEnumerator child) { D.assert(child != null); if (child.Current is IEnumerator nestedEnumerator) { return this._processIEnumeratorRecursive(nestedEnumerator) || child.MoveNext(); } if (child.Current is UIWidgetsCoroutine nestedCoroutine) { if (this._isBackground) { throw new Exception("nestedCoroutine is not supported in Background Coroutine"); } this._waitForCoroutine.set(nestedCoroutine); return this._waitForCoroutine.moveNext(child, this); } if (child.Current is UIWidgetsWaitForSeconds waitForSeconds) { if (this._isBackground) { throw new Exception("waitForSeconds is not supported in Background Coroutine"); } this._waitProcessor.set(waitForSeconds); return this._waitProcessor.moveNext(child); } if (child.Current is AsyncOperation waitForAsyncOP) { if (this._isBackground) { throw new Exception("asyncOperation is not supported in Background Coroutine"); } this._waitForAsyncOPProcessor.set(waitForAsyncOP); return this._waitForAsyncOPProcessor.moveNext(child); } this.lastResult = child.Current; return child.MoveNext(); } public void stop() { this.stop(null); } internal void stop(Exception ex) { if (this.lastError == null) { this.lastError = ex ?? new CoroutineCanceledException(); } } } struct _WaitForSecondsProcessor { UIWidgetsWaitForSeconds _current; float _targetTime; public void set(UIWidgetsWaitForSeconds yieldStatement) { if (this._current != yieldStatement) { this._current = yieldStatement; this._targetTime = Timer.timeSinceStartup + yieldStatement.waitTime; } } public bool moveNext(IEnumerator enumerator) { if (this._targetTime <= Timer.timeSinceStartup) { this._current = null; this._targetTime = 0; return enumerator.MoveNext(); } return true; } } struct _WaitForCoroutineProcessor { UIWidgetsCoroutine _current; public void set(UIWidgetsCoroutine routine) { if (this._current != routine) { this._current = routine; } } public bool moveNext(IEnumerator enumerator, UIWidgetsCoroutine parent) { if (this._current.isDone) { var current = this._current; this._current = null; if (current.lastError != null) { parent.stop(current.lastError); return false; } parent.lastResult = current.lastResult; return enumerator.MoveNext(); } return true; } } struct _WaitForAsyncOPProcessor { AsyncOperation _current; public void set(AsyncOperation operation) { if (this._current != operation) { this._current = operation; } } public bool moveNext(IEnumerator enumerator) { if (this._current.isDone) { this._current = null; return enumerator.MoveNext(); } return true; } } public static class Coroutine { public static UIWidgetsCoroutine startCoroutine(this Window owner, IEnumerator routine) { return new UIWidgetsCoroutine(routine, owner); } public static UIWidgetsCoroutine startBackgroundCoroutine(this Window owner, IEnumerator routine) { return new UIWidgetsCoroutine(routine, owner, isBackground: true); } } public class CoroutineCanceledException : Exception { } public class UIWidgetsWaitForSeconds { public float waitTime { get; } public UIWidgetsWaitForSeconds(float time) { this.waitTime = time; } } class BackgroundCallbacks : IDisposable { static BackgroundCallbacks _instance; public static BackgroundCallbacks getInstance() { #if UNITY_WEBGL return null; #endif if (_instance == null) { _instance = new BackgroundCallbacks(2); } return _instance; } readonly LinkedList<_CallbackNode> _callbackList; readonly ManualResetEvent _event; readonly Thread[] _threads; volatile bool _aborted = false; public BackgroundCallbacks(int threadCount = 1) { this._callbackList = new LinkedList<_CallbackNode>(); this._event = new ManualResetEvent(false); this._threads = new Thread[threadCount]; for (var i = 0; i < this._threads.Length; i++) { this._threads[i] = new Thread(this._threadLoop); this._threads[i].Start(); } } public void Dispose() { foreach (var t in this._threads) { this._aborted = true; this._event.Set(); t.Join(); } this._callbackList.Clear(); } void _threadLoop() { while (true) { if (this._aborted) { break; } LinkedListNode<_CallbackNode> node; lock (this._callbackList) { node = this._callbackList.First; if (node != null) { this._callbackList.Remove(node); } } if (node == null) { this._event.WaitOne(); this._event.Reset(); continue; } var callbackNode = node.Value; D.assert(!callbackNode.isDone); try { callbackNode.callback(); } catch (Exception ex) { D.logError("Failed to execute callback in BackgroundCallbacks: ", ex); } if (!callbackNode.isDone) { lock (this._callbackList) { this._callbackList.AddLast(node); } } } } public IDisposable addCallback(VoidCallback callback) { var node = new _CallbackNode {callback = callback}; lock (this._callbackList) { this._callbackList.AddLast(node); } this._event.Set(); return new _CallbackDisposable(node); } class _CallbackDisposable : IDisposable { readonly _CallbackNode _node; public _CallbackDisposable(_CallbackNode node) { this._node = node; } public void Dispose() { this._node.isDone = true; } } class _CallbackNode { public VoidCallback callback; public volatile bool isDone; } } }