using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RSG; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.physics; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public class PageController : ScrollController { public PageController( int initialPage = 0, bool keepPage = true, float viewportFraction = 1.0f ) { this.initialPage = initialPage; this.keepPage = keepPage; this.viewportFraction = viewportFraction; D.assert(viewportFraction > 0.0); } public readonly int initialPage; public readonly bool keepPage; public readonly float viewportFraction; public float page { get { D.assert(this.positions.isNotEmpty(), " cannot be accessed before a PageView is built with it." ); D.assert(this.positions.Count == 1, "The page property cannot be read when multiple PageViews are attached to " + "the same PageController." ); _PagePosition position = (_PagePosition) this.position; return; } } public IPromise animateToPage(int page, TimeSpan duration, Curve curve) { _PagePosition position = (_PagePosition) this.position; return position.animateTo( position.getPixelsFromPage(page), duration, curve ); } public void jumpToPage(int page) { _PagePosition position = (_PagePosition) this.position; position.jumpTo(position.getPixelsFromPage(page)); } public IPromise nextPage(TimeSpan duration, Curve curve) { return this.animateToPage( + 1, duration: duration, curve: curve); } public IPromise previousPage(TimeSpan duration, Curve curve) { return this.animateToPage( - 1, duration: duration, curve: curve); } public override ScrollPosition createScrollPosition(ScrollPhysics physics, ScrollContext context, ScrollPosition oldPosition) { return new _PagePosition( physics: physics, context: context, initialPage: this.initialPage, keepPage: this.keepPage, viewportFraction: this.viewportFraction, oldPosition: oldPosition ); } public override void attach(ScrollPosition position) { base.attach(position); _PagePosition pagePosition = (_PagePosition) position; pagePosition.viewportFraction = this.viewportFraction; } } public interface IPageMetrics : ScrollMetrics { float page { get; } float viewportFraction { get; } } public class PageMetrics : FixedScrollMetrics, IPageMetrics { public PageMetrics( float minScrollExtent = 0.0f, float maxScrollExtent = 0.0f, float pixels = 0.0f, float viewportDimension = 0.0f, AxisDirection axisDirection = AxisDirection.down, float viewportFraction = 0.0f ) : base( minScrollExtent: minScrollExtent, maxScrollExtent: maxScrollExtent, pixels: pixels, viewportDimension: viewportDimension, axisDirection: axisDirection ) { this._viewportFraction = viewportFraction; } public readonly float _viewportFraction; public float page { get { return (Mathf.Max(0.0f, this.pixels.clamp(this.minScrollExtent, this.maxScrollExtent)) / Mathf.Max(1.0f, this.viewportDimension * this.viewportFraction)); } } public float viewportFraction { get { return this._viewportFraction; } } } class _PagePosition : ScrollPositionWithSingleContext, IPageMetrics { internal _PagePosition( ScrollPhysics physics = null, ScrollContext context = null, int initialPage = 0, bool keepPage = true, float viewportFraction = 1.0f, ScrollPosition oldPosition = null ) : base( physics: physics, context: context, initialPixels: null, keepScrollOffset: keepPage, oldPosition: oldPosition ) { D.assert(viewportFraction > 0.0); this.initialPage = initialPage; this._viewportFraction = viewportFraction; this._pageToUseOnStartup = initialPage; } public readonly int initialPage; float _pageToUseOnStartup; public float viewportFraction { get { return this._viewportFraction; } set { if (this._viewportFraction == value) { return; } float oldPage =; this._viewportFraction = value; this.forcePixels(this.getPixelsFromPage(oldPage)); } } float _viewportFraction; public float getPageFromPixels(float pixels, float viewportDimension) { return (Mathf.Max(0.0f, pixels) / Mathf.Max(1.0f, viewportDimension * this.viewportFraction)); } public float getPixelsFromPage(float page) { return page * this.viewportDimension * this.viewportFraction; } public float page { get { return this.getPageFromPixels(this.pixels.clamp(this.minScrollExtent, this.maxScrollExtent), this.viewportDimension); } } protected override void saveScrollOffset() { PageStorage.of(this.context.storageContext)?.writeState(this.context.storageContext, this.getPageFromPixels(this.pixels, this.viewportDimension)); } protected override void restoreScrollOffset() { object value = PageStorage.of(this.context.storageContext)?.readState(this.context.storageContext); if (value != null) { this._pageToUseOnStartup = (float) value; } } public override bool applyViewportDimension(float viewportDimension) { float oldViewportDimensions = 0.0f; if (this.haveDimensions) { oldViewportDimensions = this.viewportDimension; } bool result = base.applyViewportDimension(viewportDimension); float? oldPixels = null; if (this.havePixels) { oldPixels = this.pixels; } float page = (oldPixels == null || oldViewportDimensions == 0.0f) ? this._pageToUseOnStartup : this.getPageFromPixels(oldPixels.Value, oldViewportDimensions); float newPixels = this.getPixelsFromPage(page); if (newPixels != oldPixels) { this.correctPixels(newPixels); return false; } return result; } } public class PageScrollPhysics : ScrollPhysics { public PageScrollPhysics(ScrollPhysics parent = null) : base(parent: parent) { } public override ScrollPhysics applyTo(ScrollPhysics ancestor) { return new PageScrollPhysics(parent: this.buildParent(ancestor)); } float _getPage(ScrollPosition position) { if (position is _PagePosition) { return ((_PagePosition) position).page; } return position.pixels / position.viewportDimension; } float _getPixels(ScrollPosition position, float page) { if (position is _PagePosition) { return ((_PagePosition) position).getPixelsFromPage(page); } return page * position.viewportDimension; } float _getTargetPixels(ScrollPosition position, Tolerance tolerance, float velocity) { float page = this._getPage(position); if (velocity < -tolerance.velocity) { page -= 0.5f; } else if (velocity > tolerance.velocity) { page += 0.5f; } return this._getPixels(position, page.round()); } public override Simulation createBallisticSimulation(ScrollMetrics position, float velocity) { if ((velocity <= 0.0 && position.pixels <= position.minScrollExtent) || (velocity >= 0.0 && position.pixels >= position.maxScrollExtent)) { return base.createBallisticSimulation(position, velocity); } Tolerance tolerance = this.tolerance; float target = this._getTargetPixels((ScrollPosition) position, tolerance, velocity); if (target != position.pixels) { return new ScrollSpringSimulation(this.spring, position.pixels, target, velocity, tolerance: tolerance); } return null; } public override bool allowImplicitScrolling { get { return false; } } } public static class PageViewUtils { internal static PageController _defaultPageController = new PageController(); internal static PageScrollPhysics _kPagePhysics = new PageScrollPhysics(); } public class PageView : StatefulWidget { public PageView( Key key = null, Axis scrollDirection = Axis.horizontal, bool reverse = false, PageController controller = null, ScrollPhysics physics = null, bool pageSnapping = true, ValueChanged onPageChanged = null, List children = null, DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.down, IndexedWidgetBuilder itemBuilder = null, SliverChildDelegate childDelegate = null, int itemCount = 0 ) : base(key: key) { this.scrollDirection = scrollDirection; this.reverse = reverse; this.physics = physics; this.pageSnapping = pageSnapping; this.onPageChanged = onPageChanged; this.dragStartBehavior = dragStartBehavior; this.controller = controller ?? PageViewUtils._defaultPageController; if (itemBuilder != null) { this.childrenDelegate = new SliverChildBuilderDelegate(itemBuilder, childCount: itemCount); } else if (childDelegate != null) { this.childrenDelegate = childDelegate; } else { this.childrenDelegate = new SliverChildListDelegate(children ?? new List()); } } public readonly Axis scrollDirection; public readonly bool reverse; public readonly PageController controller; public readonly ScrollPhysics physics; public readonly bool pageSnapping; public readonly ValueChanged onPageChanged; public readonly SliverChildDelegate childrenDelegate; public readonly DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior; public override State createState() { return new _PageViewState(); } } class _PageViewState : State { int _lastReportedPage = 0; public override void initState() { base.initState(); this._lastReportedPage = this.widget.controller.initialPage; } AxisDirection _getDirection(BuildContext context) { switch (this.widget.scrollDirection) { case Axis.horizontal: D.assert(WidgetsD.debugCheckHasDirectionality(context)); TextDirection textDirection = Directionality.of(context); AxisDirection axisDirection = AxisUtils.textDirectionToAxisDirection(textDirection); return this.widget.reverse ? AxisUtils.flipAxisDirection(axisDirection) : axisDirection; case Axis.vertical: return this.widget.reverse ? AxisDirection.up : AxisDirection.down; } throw new UIWidgetsError("fail to get axis direction"); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { AxisDirection axisDirection = this._getDirection(context); ScrollPhysics physics = this.widget.pageSnapping ? PageViewUtils._kPagePhysics.applyTo(this.widget.physics) : this.widget.physics; return new NotificationListener( onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) => { if (notification.depth == 0 && this.widget.onPageChanged != null && notification is ScrollUpdateNotification) { IPageMetrics metrics = (IPageMetrics) notification.metrics; int currentPage =; if (currentPage != this._lastReportedPage) { this._lastReportedPage = currentPage; this.widget.onPageChanged(currentPage); } } return false; }, child: new Scrollable( dragStartBehavior: this.widget.dragStartBehavior, axisDirection: axisDirection, controller: this.widget.controller, physics: physics, viewportBuilder: (BuildContext _context, ViewportOffset position) => { return new Viewport( cacheExtent: 0.0f, axisDirection: axisDirection, offset: position, slivers: new List { new SliverFillViewport( viewportFraction: this.widget.controller.viewportFraction, del: this.widget.childrenDelegate ) } ); } ) ); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder description) { base.debugFillProperties(description); description.add(new EnumProperty("scrollDirection", this.widget.scrollDirection)); description.add(new FlagProperty("reverse", value: this.widget.reverse, ifTrue: "reversed")); description.add( new DiagnosticsProperty("controller", this.widget.controller, showName: false)); description.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("physics", this.widget.physics, showName: false)); description.add(new FlagProperty("pageSnapping", value: this.widget.pageSnapping, ifFalse: "snapping disabled")); } } }