using System; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler2; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.rendering { public enum RenderAnimatedSizeState { start, stable, changed, unstable } public class RenderAnimatedSize : RenderAligningShiftedBox { public RenderAnimatedSize( TickerProvider vsync = null, TimeSpan? duration = null, TimeSpan? reverseDuration = null, Curve curve = null, AlignmentGeometry alignment = null, TextDirection? textDirection = null, RenderBox child = null ) : base(child: child, alignment: alignment ??, textDirection: textDirection) { curve = curve ?? Curves.linear; D.assert(vsync != null); D.assert(duration != null); _vsync = vsync; _controller = new AnimationController( vsync: this.vsync, duration: duration, reverseDuration: reverseDuration); _controller.addListener(() => { if (_controller.value != _lastValue) { markNeedsLayout(); } }); _animation = new CurvedAnimation( parent: _controller, curve: curve); } AnimationController _controller; CurvedAnimation _animation; readonly SizeTween _sizeTween = new SizeTween(); bool _hasVisualOverflow; float _lastValue; public RenderAnimatedSizeState state { get { return _state; } } RenderAnimatedSizeState _state = RenderAnimatedSizeState.start; public TimeSpan? duration { get { return _controller.duration; } set { D.assert(value != null); if (value == _controller.duration) { return; } _controller.duration = value; } } /// The duration of the animation when running in reverse. public TimeSpan? reverseDuration { get { return _controller.reverseDuration; } set { if (value == _controller.reverseDuration) { return; } _controller.reverseDuration = value; } } public Curve curve { get { return _animation.curve; } set { D.assert(value != null); if (value == _animation.curve) { return; } _animation.curve = value; } } public bool isAnimating { get { return _controller.isAnimating; } } public TickerProvider vsync { get { return _vsync; } set { D.assert(value != null); if (value == _vsync) { return; } _vsync = value; _controller.resync(vsync); } } TickerProvider _vsync; public override void detach() { _controller.stop(); base.detach(); } Size _animatedSize { get { return _sizeTween.evaluate(_animation); } } protected override void performLayout() { _lastValue = _controller.value; _hasVisualOverflow = false; BoxConstraints constraints = this.constraints; if (child == null || constraints.isTight) { _controller.stop(); size = _sizeTween.begin = _sizeTween.end = constraints.smallest; _state = RenderAnimatedSizeState.start; child?.layout(constraints); return; } child.layout(constraints, parentUsesSize: true); switch (_state) { case RenderAnimatedSizeState.start: _layoutStart(); break; case RenderAnimatedSizeState.stable: _layoutStable(); break; case RenderAnimatedSizeState.changed: _layoutChanged(); break; case RenderAnimatedSizeState.unstable: _layoutUnstable(); break; } size = constraints.constrain(_animatedSize); alignChild(); if (size.width < _sizeTween.end.width || size.height < _sizeTween.end.height) { _hasVisualOverflow = true; } } void _restartAnimation() { _lastValue = 0.0f; _controller.forward(from: 0.0f); } void _layoutStart() { _sizeTween.begin = _sizeTween.end = debugAdoptSize(child.size); _state = RenderAnimatedSizeState.stable; } void _layoutStable() { if (_sizeTween.end != child.size) { _sizeTween.begin = size; _sizeTween.end = debugAdoptSize(child.size); _restartAnimation(); _state = RenderAnimatedSizeState.changed; } else if (_controller.value == _controller.upperBound) { _sizeTween.begin = _sizeTween.end = debugAdoptSize(child.size); } else if (!_controller.isAnimating) { _controller.forward(); } } void _layoutChanged() { if (_sizeTween.end != child.size) { _sizeTween.begin = _sizeTween.end = debugAdoptSize(child.size); _restartAnimation(); _state = RenderAnimatedSizeState.unstable; } else { _state = RenderAnimatedSizeState.stable; if (!_controller.isAnimating) { _controller.forward(); } } } void _layoutUnstable() { if (_sizeTween.end != child.size) { _sizeTween.begin = _sizeTween.end = debugAdoptSize(child.size); _restartAnimation(); } else { _controller.stop(); _state = RenderAnimatedSizeState.stable; } } public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { if (child != null && _hasVisualOverflow) { Rect rect = & size; context.pushClipRect(needsCompositing, offset, rect, base.paint); } else { base.paint(context, offset); } } } }