using System.Collections.Generic; using RSG; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.material { static class TabsUtils { public const float _kTabHeight = 46.0f; public const float _kTextAndIconTabHeight = 72.0f; public static float _indexChangeProgress(TabController controller) { float controllerValue = controller.animation.value; float previousIndex = controller.previousIndex; float currentIndex = controller.index; if (!controller.indexIsChanging) { return (currentIndex - controllerValue).abs().clamp(0.0f, 1.0f); } return (controllerValue - currentIndex).abs() / (currentIndex - previousIndex).abs(); } public static readonly PageScrollPhysics _kTabBarViewPhysics = (PageScrollPhysics) new PageScrollPhysics().applyTo(new ClampingScrollPhysics()); } public enum TabBarIndicatorSize { tab, label } public class Tab : StatelessWidget { public Tab( Key key = null, string text = null, Widget icon = null, Widget child = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(text != null || child != null || icon != null); D.assert(!(text != null && child != null)); this.text = text; this.icon = icon; this.child = child; } public readonly string text; public readonly Widget child; public readonly Widget icon; Widget _buildLabelText() { return this.child ?? new Text(this.text, softWrap: false, overflow: TextOverflow.fade); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { D.assert(MaterialD.debugCheckHasMaterial(context)); float height = 0f; Widget label = null; if (this.icon == null) { height = TabsUtils._kTabHeight; label = this._buildLabelText(); } else if (this.text == null) { height = TabsUtils._kTabHeight; label = this.icon; } else { height = TabsUtils._kTextAndIconTabHeight; label = new Column( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment:, children: new List { new Container( child: this.icon, margin: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 10.0f) ), this._buildLabelText() } ); } return new SizedBox( height: height, child: new Center( child: label, widthFactor: 1.0f) ); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new StringProperty("text", this.text, defaultValue: Diagnostics.kNullDefaultValue)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("icon", this.icon, defaultValue: Diagnostics.kNullDefaultValue)); } } class _TabStyle : AnimatedWidget { public _TabStyle( Key key = null, Animation animation = null, bool? selected = null, Color labelColor = null, Color unselectedLabelColor = null, TextStyle labelStyle = null, TextStyle unselectedLabelStyle = null, Widget child = null ) : base(key: key, listenable: animation) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(selected != null); this.selected = selected.Value; this.labelColor = labelColor; this.unselectedLabelColor = unselectedLabelColor; this.labelStyle = labelStyle; this.unselectedLabelStyle = unselectedLabelStyle; this.child = child; } public readonly TextStyle labelStyle; public readonly TextStyle unselectedLabelStyle; public readonly bool selected; public readonly Color labelColor; public readonly Color unselectedLabelColor; public readonly Widget child; protected internal override Widget build(BuildContext context) { ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(context); TabBarTheme tabBarTheme = TabBarTheme.of(context); TextStyle defaultStyle = this.labelStyle ?? themeData.primaryTextTheme.body2; TextStyle defaultUnselectedStyle = this.unselectedLabelStyle ?? this.labelStyle ?? themeData.primaryTextTheme.body2; Animation animation = (Animation) this.listenable; TextStyle textStyle = this.selected ? TextStyle.lerp(defaultStyle, defaultUnselectedStyle, animation.value) : TextStyle.lerp(defaultUnselectedStyle, defaultStyle, animation.value); Color selectedColor = this.labelColor ?? tabBarTheme.labelColor ?? themeData.primaryTextTheme.body2.color; Color unselectedColor = this.unselectedLabelColor ?? tabBarTheme.unselectedLabelColor ?? selectedColor.withAlpha(0xB2); Color color = this.selected ? Color.lerp(selectedColor, unselectedColor, animation.value) : Color.lerp(unselectedColor, selectedColor, animation.value); return new DefaultTextStyle( style: textStyle.copyWith(color: color), child: IconTheme.merge( data: new IconThemeData( size: 24.0f, color: color), child: this.child ) ); } } delegate void _LayoutCallback(List xOffsets, float width); class _TabLabelBarRenderer : RenderFlex { public _TabLabelBarRenderer( List children = null, Axis? direction = null, MainAxisSize? mainAxisSize = null, MainAxisAlignment? mainAxisAlignment = null, CrossAxisAlignment? crossAxisAlignment = null, VerticalDirection? verticalDirection = null, _LayoutCallback onPerformLayout = null ) : base( children: children, direction: direction.Value, mainAxisSize: mainAxisSize.Value, mainAxisAlignment: mainAxisAlignment.Value, crossAxisAlignment: crossAxisAlignment.Value, verticalDirection: verticalDirection.Value ) { D.assert(direction != null); D.assert(mainAxisSize != null); D.assert(mainAxisAlignment != null); D.assert(crossAxisAlignment != null); D.assert(verticalDirection != null); D.assert(onPerformLayout != null); this.onPerformLayout = onPerformLayout; } public _LayoutCallback onPerformLayout; protected override void performLayout() { base.performLayout(); RenderBox child = this.firstChild; List xOffsets = new List(); while (child != null) { FlexParentData childParentData = (FlexParentData) child.parentData; xOffsets.Add(childParentData.offset.dx); D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData); child = childParentData.nextSibling; } xOffsets.Add(this.size.width); this.onPerformLayout(xOffsets, this.size.width); } } class _TabLabelBar : Flex { public _TabLabelBar( Key key = null, List children = null, _LayoutCallback onPerformLayout = null ) : base( key: key, children: children ?? new List(), direction: Axis.horizontal, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment:, verticalDirection: VerticalDirection.down ) { this.onPerformLayout = onPerformLayout; } public readonly _LayoutCallback onPerformLayout; public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) { return new _TabLabelBarRenderer( direction: this.direction, mainAxisAlignment: this.mainAxisAlignment, mainAxisSize: this.mainAxisSize, crossAxisAlignment: this.crossAxisAlignment, verticalDirection: this.verticalDirection, onPerformLayout: this.onPerformLayout ); } public override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderObject renderObject) { base.updateRenderObject(context, renderObject); _TabLabelBarRenderer _renderObject = (_TabLabelBarRenderer) renderObject; _renderObject.onPerformLayout = this.onPerformLayout; } } class _IndicatorPainter : AbstractCustomPainter { public _IndicatorPainter( TabController controller = null, Decoration indicator = null, TabBarIndicatorSize? indicatorSize = null, List tabKeys = null, _IndicatorPainter old = null ) : base(repaint: controller.animation) { D.assert(controller != null); D.assert(indicator != null); this.controller = controller; this.indicator = indicator; this.indicatorSize = indicatorSize; this.tabKeys = tabKeys; if (old != null) { this.saveTabOffsets(old._currentTabOffsets); } } public readonly TabController controller; public readonly Decoration indicator; public readonly TabBarIndicatorSize? indicatorSize; public readonly List tabKeys; List _currentTabOffsets; Rect _currentRect; BoxPainter _painter; bool _needsPaint = false; void markNeedsPaint() { this._needsPaint = true; } public void dispose() { this._painter?.Dispose(); } public void saveTabOffsets(List tabOffsets) { this._currentTabOffsets = tabOffsets; } public int maxTabIndex { get { return this._currentTabOffsets.Count - 2; } } public float centerOf(int tabIndex) { D.assert(this._currentTabOffsets != null); D.assert(this._currentTabOffsets.isNotEmpty()); D.assert(tabIndex >= 0); D.assert(tabIndex <= this.maxTabIndex); return (this._currentTabOffsets[tabIndex] + this._currentTabOffsets[tabIndex + 1]) / 2.0f; } public Rect indicatorRect(Size tabBarSize, int tabIndex) { D.assert(this._currentTabOffsets != null); D.assert(this._currentTabOffsets.isNotEmpty()); D.assert(tabIndex >= 0); D.assert(tabIndex <= this.maxTabIndex); float tabLeft = this._currentTabOffsets[tabIndex]; float tabRight = this._currentTabOffsets[tabIndex + 1]; if (this.indicatorSize == TabBarIndicatorSize.label) { float tabWidth = this.tabKeys[tabIndex].currentContext.size.width; float delta = ((tabRight - tabLeft) - tabWidth) / 2.0f; tabLeft += delta; tabRight -= delta; } return Rect.fromLTWH(tabLeft, 0.0f, tabRight - tabLeft, tabBarSize.height); } public override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { this._needsPaint = false; this._painter = this._painter ?? this.indicator.createBoxPainter(this.markNeedsPaint); if (this.controller.indexIsChanging) { Rect targetRect = this.indicatorRect(size, this.controller.index); this._currentRect = Rect.lerp(targetRect, this._currentRect ?? targetRect, TabsUtils._indexChangeProgress(this.controller)); } else { int currentIndex = this.controller.index; Rect previous = currentIndex > 0 ? this.indicatorRect(size, currentIndex - 1) : null; Rect middle = this.indicatorRect(size, currentIndex); Rect next = currentIndex < this.maxTabIndex ? this.indicatorRect(size, currentIndex + 1) : null; float index = this.controller.index; float value = this.controller.animation.value; if (value == index - 1.0f) { this._currentRect = previous ?? middle; } else if (value == index + 1.0f) { this._currentRect = next ?? middle; } else if (value == index) { this._currentRect = middle; } else if (value < index) { this._currentRect = previous == null ? middle : Rect.lerp(middle, previous, index - value); } else { this._currentRect = next == null ? middle : Rect.lerp(middle, next, value - index); } } D.assert(this._currentRect != null); ImageConfiguration configuration = new ImageConfiguration( size: this._currentRect.size ); this._painter.paint(canvas, this._currentRect.topLeft, configuration); } static bool _tabOffsetsEqual(List a, List b) { if (a?.Count != b?.Count) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++) { if (a[i] != b[i]) { return false; } } return true; } public override bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter old) { _IndicatorPainter _old = (_IndicatorPainter) old; return this._needsPaint || this.controller != _old.controller || this.indicator != _old.indicator || this.tabKeys.Count != _old.tabKeys.Count || !_tabOffsetsEqual(this._currentTabOffsets, _old._currentTabOffsets); } } class _ChangeAnimation : AnimationWithParentMixin { public _ChangeAnimation( TabController controller) { this.controller = controller; } public readonly TabController controller; public override Animation parent { get { return this.controller.animation; } } public override float value { get { return TabsUtils._indexChangeProgress(this.controller); } } } class _DragAnimation : AnimationWithParentMixin { public _DragAnimation( TabController controller, int index) { this.controller = controller; this.index = index; } public readonly TabController controller; public readonly int index; public override Animation parent { get { return this.controller.animation; } } public override float value { get { D.assert(!this.controller.indexIsChanging); return (this.controller.animation.value - this.index).abs().clamp(0.0f, 1.0f); } } } class _TabBarScrollPosition : ScrollPositionWithSingleContext { public _TabBarScrollPosition( ScrollPhysics physics = null, ScrollContext context = null, ScrollPosition oldPosition = null, _TabBarState tabBar = null ) : base( physics: physics, context: context, initialPixels: null, oldPosition: oldPosition) { this.tabBar = tabBar; } public readonly _TabBarState tabBar; } class _TabBarScrollController : ScrollController { public _TabBarScrollController(_TabBarState tabBar) { this.tabBar = tabBar; } public readonly _TabBarState tabBar; public override ScrollPosition createScrollPosition(ScrollPhysics physics, ScrollContext context, ScrollPosition oldPosition) { return new _TabBarScrollPosition( physics: physics, context: context, oldPosition: oldPosition, tabBar: this.tabBar ); } } public class TabBar : PreferredSizeWidget { public TabBar( Key key = null, List tabs = null, TabController controller = null, bool isScrollable = false, Color indicatorColor = null, float indicatorWeight = 2.0f, EdgeInsets indicatorPadding = null, Decoration indicator = null, TabBarIndicatorSize? indicatorSize = null, Color labelColor = null, TextStyle labelStyle = null, EdgeInsets labelPadding = null, Color unselectedLabelColor = null, TextStyle unselectedLabelStyle = null ) : base(key: key) { indicatorPadding = indicatorPadding ??; D.assert(tabs != null); D.assert(indicator != null || indicatorWeight > 0.0f); D.assert(indicator != null || indicatorPadding != null); this.tabs = tabs; this.controller = controller; this.isScrollable = isScrollable; this.indicatorColor = indicatorColor; this.indicatorWeight = indicatorWeight; this.indicatorPadding = indicatorPadding; this.indicator = indicator; this.indicatorSize = indicatorSize; this.labelColor = labelColor; this.labelStyle = labelStyle; this.labelPadding = labelPadding; this.unselectedLabelColor = unselectedLabelColor; this.unselectedLabelStyle = unselectedLabelStyle; } public readonly List tabs; public readonly TabController controller; public readonly bool isScrollable; public readonly Color indicatorColor; public readonly float indicatorWeight; public readonly EdgeInsets indicatorPadding; public readonly Decoration indicator; public readonly TabBarIndicatorSize? indicatorSize; public readonly Color labelColor; public readonly Color unselectedLabelColor; public readonly TextStyle labelStyle; public readonly EdgeInsets labelPadding; public readonly TextStyle unselectedLabelStyle; public override Size preferredSize { get { foreach (Widget item in this.tabs) { if (item is Tab) { Tab tab = (Tab) item; if (tab.text != null && tab.icon != null) { return Size.fromHeight(TabsUtils._kTextAndIconTabHeight + this.indicatorWeight); } } } return Size.fromHeight(TabsUtils._kTabHeight + this.indicatorWeight); } } public override State createState() { return new _TabBarState(); } } class _TabBarState : State { ScrollController _scrollController; TabController _controller; _IndicatorPainter _indicatorPainter; int _currentIndex; List _tabKeys; public override void initState() { base.initState(); this._tabKeys = new List(); foreach (Widget tab in this.widget.tabs) { this._tabKeys.Add(GlobalKey.key()); } } Decoration _indicator { get { if (this.widget.indicator != null) { return this.widget.indicator; } TabBarTheme tabBarTheme = TabBarTheme.of(this.context); if (tabBarTheme.indicator != null) { return tabBarTheme.indicator; } Color color = this.widget.indicatorColor ?? Theme.of(this.context).indicatorColor; if (color.value == Material.of(this.context).color.value) { color = Colors.white; } return new UnderlineTabIndicator( insets: this.widget.indicatorPadding, borderSide: new BorderSide( width: this.widget.indicatorWeight, color: color)); } } void _updateTabController() { TabController newController = this.widget.controller ?? DefaultTabController.of(this.context); D.assert(() => { if (newController == null) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "No TabController for " + this.widget.GetType() + ".\n" + "When creating a " + this.widget.GetType() + ", you must either provide an explicit " + "TabController using the \"controller\" property, or you must ensure that there " + "is a DefaultTabController above the " + this.widget.GetType() + ".\n" + "In this case, there was neither an explicit controller nor a default controller." ); } return true; }); if (newController == this._controller) { return; } if (this._controller != null) { this._controller.animation.removeListener(this._handleTabControllerAnimationTick); this._controller.removeListener(this._handleTabControllerTick); } this._controller = newController; if (this._controller != null) { this._controller.animation.addListener(this._handleTabControllerAnimationTick); this._controller.addListener(this._handleTabControllerTick); this._currentIndex = this._controller.index; } } void _initIndicatorPainter() { this._indicatorPainter = this._controller == null ? null : new _IndicatorPainter( controller: this._controller, indicator: this._indicator, indicatorSize: this.widget.indicatorSize ?? TabBarTheme.of(this.context).indicatorSize, tabKeys: this._tabKeys, old: this._indicatorPainter ); } public override void didChangeDependencies() { base.didChangeDependencies(); D.assert(MaterialD.debugCheckHasMaterial(this.context)); this._updateTabController(); this._initIndicatorPainter(); } public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) { base.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); TabBar _oldWidget = (TabBar) oldWidget; if (this.widget.controller != _oldWidget.controller) { this._updateTabController(); this._initIndicatorPainter(); } else if (this.widget.indicatorColor != _oldWidget.indicatorColor || this.widget.indicatorWeight != _oldWidget.indicatorWeight || this.widget.indicatorSize != _oldWidget.indicatorSize || this.widget.indicator != _oldWidget.indicator) { this._initIndicatorPainter(); } if (this.widget.tabs.Count > _oldWidget.tabs.Count) { int delta = this.widget.tabs.Count - _oldWidget.tabs.Count; for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) { this._tabKeys.Add(GlobalKey.key()); } } else if (this.widget.tabs.Count < _oldWidget.tabs.Count) { int delta = _oldWidget.tabs.Count - this.widget.tabs.Count; this._tabKeys.RemoveRange(this.widget.tabs.Count, delta); } } public override void dispose() { this._indicatorPainter.dispose(); if (this._controller != null) { this._controller.animation.removeListener(this._handleTabControllerAnimationTick); this._controller.removeListener(this._handleTabControllerTick); } base.dispose(); } public int maxTabIndex { get { return this._indicatorPainter.maxTabIndex; } } float _tabScrollOffset(int index, float viewportWidth, float minExtent, float maxExtent) { if (!this.widget.isScrollable) { return 0.0f; } float tabCenter = this._indicatorPainter.centerOf(index); return (tabCenter - viewportWidth / 2.0f).clamp(minExtent, maxExtent); } float _tabCenteredScrollOffset(int index) { ScrollPosition position = this._scrollController.position; return this._tabScrollOffset(index, position.viewportDimension, position.minScrollExtent, position.maxScrollExtent); } float _initialScrollOffset(float viewportWidth, float minExtent, float maxExtent) { return this._tabScrollOffset(this._currentIndex, viewportWidth, minExtent, maxExtent); } void _scrollToCurrentIndex() { float offset = this._tabCenteredScrollOffset(this._currentIndex); this._scrollController.animateTo(offset, duration: Constants.kTabScrollDuration, curve: Curves.ease); } void _scrollToControllerValue() { float? leadingPosition = this._currentIndex > 0 ? (float?) this._tabCenteredScrollOffset(this._currentIndex - 1) : null; float middlePosition = this._tabCenteredScrollOffset(this._currentIndex); float? trailingPosition = this._currentIndex < this.maxTabIndex ? (float?) this._tabCenteredScrollOffset(this._currentIndex + 1) : null; float index = this._controller.index; float value = this._controller.animation.value; float offset = 0.0f; if (value == index - 1.0f) { offset = leadingPosition ?? middlePosition; } else if (value == index + 1.0f) { offset = trailingPosition ?? middlePosition; } else if (value == index) { offset = middlePosition; } else if (value < index) { offset = leadingPosition == null ? middlePosition : MathUtils.lerpNullableFloat(middlePosition, leadingPosition, index - value).Value; } else { offset = trailingPosition == null ? middlePosition : MathUtils.lerpNullableFloat(middlePosition, trailingPosition, value - index).Value; } this._scrollController.jumpTo(offset); } void _handleTabControllerAnimationTick() { D.assert(this.mounted); if (!this._controller.indexIsChanging && this.widget.isScrollable) { this._currentIndex = this._controller.index; this._scrollToControllerValue(); } } void _handleTabControllerTick() { if (this._controller.index != this._currentIndex) { this._currentIndex = this._controller.index; if (this.widget.isScrollable) { this._scrollToCurrentIndex(); } } this.setState(() => { }); } void _saveTabOffsets(List tabOffsets, float width) { this._indicatorPainter?.saveTabOffsets(tabOffsets); } void _handleTap(int index) { D.assert(index >= 0 && index < this.widget.tabs.Count); this._controller.animateTo(index); } Widget _buildStyledTab(Widget child, bool selected, Animation animation) { return new _TabStyle( animation: animation, selected: selected, labelColor: this.widget.labelColor, unselectedLabelColor: this.widget.unselectedLabelColor, labelStyle: this.widget.labelStyle, unselectedLabelStyle: this.widget.unselectedLabelStyle, child: child ); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { D.assert(MaterialD.debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(context)); if (this._controller.length == 0) { return new Container( height: TabsUtils._kTabHeight + this.widget.indicatorWeight ); } List wrappedTabs = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < this.widget.tabs.Count; i++) { wrappedTabs.Add(new Center( heightFactor: 1.0f, child: new Padding( padding: this.widget.labelPadding ?? Constants.kTabLabelPadding, child: new KeyedSubtree( key: this._tabKeys[i], child: this.widget.tabs[i] ) ) ) ); } if (this._controller != null) { int previousIndex = this._controller.previousIndex; if (this._controller.indexIsChanging) { D.assert(this._currentIndex != previousIndex); Animation animation = new _ChangeAnimation(this._controller); wrappedTabs[this._currentIndex] = this._buildStyledTab(wrappedTabs[this._currentIndex], true, animation); wrappedTabs[previousIndex] = this._buildStyledTab(wrappedTabs[previousIndex], false, animation); } else { int tabIndex = this._currentIndex; Animation centerAnimation = new _DragAnimation(this._controller, tabIndex); wrappedTabs[tabIndex] = this._buildStyledTab(wrappedTabs[tabIndex], true, centerAnimation); if (this._currentIndex > 0) { int previousTabIndex = this._currentIndex - 1; Animation previousAnimation = new ReverseAnimation(new _DragAnimation(this._controller, previousTabIndex)); wrappedTabs[previousTabIndex] = this._buildStyledTab(wrappedTabs[previousTabIndex], false, previousAnimation); } if (this._currentIndex < this.widget.tabs.Count - 1) { int nextTabIndex = this._currentIndex + 1; Animation nextAnimation = new ReverseAnimation(new _DragAnimation(this._controller, nextTabIndex)); wrappedTabs[nextTabIndex] = this._buildStyledTab(wrappedTabs[nextTabIndex], false, nextAnimation); } } } int tabCount = this.widget.tabs.Count; for (int index = 0; index < tabCount; index++) { int tabIndex = index; wrappedTabs[index] = new InkWell( onTap: () => { this._handleTap(tabIndex); }, child: new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: this.widget.indicatorWeight), child: wrappedTabs[index] ) ); if (!this.widget.isScrollable) { wrappedTabs[index] = new Expanded( child: wrappedTabs[index]); } } Widget tabBar = new CustomPaint( painter: this._indicatorPainter, child: new _TabStyle( animation: Animations.kAlwaysDismissedAnimation, selected: false, labelColor: this.widget.labelColor, unselectedLabelColor: this.widget.unselectedLabelColor, labelStyle: this.widget.labelStyle, unselectedLabelStyle: this.widget.unselectedLabelStyle, child: new _TabLabelBar( onPerformLayout: this._saveTabOffsets, children: wrappedTabs ) ) ); if (this.widget.isScrollable) { this._scrollController = this._scrollController ?? new _TabBarScrollController(this); tabBar = new SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, controller: this._scrollController, child: tabBar); } return tabBar; } } public class TabBarView : StatefulWidget { public TabBarView( Key key = null, List children = null, TabController controller = null, ScrollPhysics physics = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(children != null); this.children = children; this.controller = controller; this.physics = physics; } public readonly TabController controller; public readonly List children; public readonly ScrollPhysics physics; public override State createState() { return new _TabBarViewState(); } } class _TabBarViewState : State { TabController _controller; PageController _pageController; List _children; int? _currentIndex = null; int _warpUnderwayCount = 0; void _updateTabController() { TabController newController = this.widget.controller ?? DefaultTabController.of(this.context); D.assert(() => { if (newController == null) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "No TabController for " + this.widget.GetType() + "\n" + "When creating a " + this.widget.GetType() + ", you must either provide an explicit " + "TabController using the \"controller\" property, or you must ensure that there " + "is a DefaultTabController above the " + this.widget.GetType() + ".\n" + "In this case, there was neither an explicit controller nor a default controller." ); } return true; }); if (newController == this._controller) { return; } if (this._controller != null) { this._controller.animation.removeListener(this._handleTabControllerAnimationTick); } this._controller = newController; if (this._controller != null) { this._controller.animation.addListener(this._handleTabControllerAnimationTick); } } public override void initState() { base.initState(); this._children = this.widget.children; } public override void didChangeDependencies() { base.didChangeDependencies(); this._updateTabController(); this._currentIndex = this._controller?.index; this._pageController = new PageController(initialPage: this._currentIndex ?? 0); } public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) { base.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); TabBarView _oldWidget = (TabBarView) oldWidget; if (this.widget.controller != _oldWidget.controller) { this._updateTabController(); } if (this.widget.children != _oldWidget.children && this._warpUnderwayCount == 0) { this._children = this.widget.children; } } public override void dispose() { if (this._controller != null) { this._controller.animation.removeListener(this._handleTabControllerAnimationTick); } base.dispose(); } void _handleTabControllerAnimationTick() { if (this._warpUnderwayCount > 0 || !this._controller.indexIsChanging) { return; } if (this._controller.index != this._currentIndex) { this._currentIndex = this._controller.index; this._warpToCurrentIndex(); } } void _warpToCurrentIndex() { if (!this.mounted) { return; } if ( == this._currentIndex) { return; } int previousIndex = this._controller.previousIndex; if ((this._currentIndex.Value - previousIndex).abs() == 1) { this._pageController.animateToPage(this._currentIndex.Value, duration: Constants.kTabScrollDuration, curve: Curves.ease); return; } D.assert((this._currentIndex.Value - previousIndex).abs() > 1); int initialPage = 0; this.setState(() => { this._warpUnderwayCount += 1; this._children = new List(this.widget.children); if (this._currentIndex > previousIndex) { this._children[this._currentIndex.Value - 1] = this._children[previousIndex]; initialPage = this._currentIndex.Value - 1; } else { this._children[this._currentIndex.Value + 1] = this._children[previousIndex]; initialPage = this._currentIndex.Value + 1; } }); this._pageController.jumpToPage(initialPage); this._pageController.animateToPage(this._currentIndex.Value, duration: Constants.kTabScrollDuration, curve: Curves.ease).Then(() => { if (!this.mounted) { return new Promise(); } this.setState(() => { this._warpUnderwayCount -= 1; this._children = this.widget.children; }); return new Promise(); }); } bool _handleScrollNotification(ScrollNotification notification) { if (this._warpUnderwayCount > 0) { return false; } if (notification.depth != 0) { return false; } this._warpUnderwayCount += 1; if (notification is ScrollUpdateNotification && !this._controller.indexIsChanging) { if (( - this._controller.index).abs() > 1.0) { this._controller.index =; this._currentIndex = this._controller.index; } this._controller.offset = ( - this._controller.index).clamp(-1.0f, 1.0f); } else if (notification is ScrollEndNotification) { this._controller.index =; this._currentIndex = this._controller.index; } this._warpUnderwayCount -= 1; return false; } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new NotificationListener( onNotification: this._handleScrollNotification, child: new PageView( controller: this._pageController, physics: this.widget.physics == null ? TabsUtils._kTabBarViewPhysics : TabsUtils._kTabBarViewPhysics.applyTo(this.widget.physics), children: this._children ) ); } } public class TabPageSelectorIndicator : StatelessWidget { public TabPageSelectorIndicator( Key key = null, Color backgroundColor = null, Color borderColor = null, float? size = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(backgroundColor != null); D.assert(borderColor != null); D.assert(size != null); this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; this.borderColor = borderColor; this.size = size.Value; } public readonly Color backgroundColor; public readonly Color borderColor; public readonly float size; public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new Container( width: this.size, height: this.size, margin: EdgeInsets.all(4.0f), decoration: new BoxDecoration( color: this.backgroundColor, border: Border.all(color: this.borderColor), shape: ) ); } } public class TabPageSelector : StatelessWidget { public TabPageSelector( Key key = null, TabController controller = null, float indicatorSize = 12.0f, Color color = null, Color selectedColor = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(indicatorSize > 0.0f); this.controller = controller; this.indicatorSize = indicatorSize; this.color = color; this.selectedColor = selectedColor; } public readonly TabController controller; public readonly float indicatorSize; public readonly Color color; public readonly Color selectedColor; Widget _buildTabIndicator( int tabIndex, TabController tabController, ColorTween selectedColorTween, ColorTween previousColorTween) { Color background = null; if (tabController.indexIsChanging) { float t = 1.0f - TabsUtils._indexChangeProgress(tabController); if (tabController.index == tabIndex) { background = selectedColorTween.lerp(t); } else if (tabController.previousIndex == tabIndex) { background = previousColorTween.lerp(t); } else { background = selectedColorTween.begin; } } else { float offset = tabController.offset; if (tabController.index == tabIndex) { background = selectedColorTween.lerp(1.0f - offset.abs()); } else if (tabController.index == tabIndex - 1 && offset > 0.0) { background = selectedColorTween.lerp(offset); } else if (tabController.index == tabIndex + 1 && offset < 0.0) { background = selectedColorTween.lerp(-offset); } else { background = selectedColorTween.begin; } } return new TabPageSelectorIndicator( backgroundColor: background, borderColor: selectedColorTween.end, size: this.indicatorSize ); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Color fixColor = this.color ?? Colors.transparent; Color fixSelectedColor = this.selectedColor ?? Theme.of(context).accentColor; ColorTween selectedColorTween = new ColorTween(begin: fixColor, end: fixSelectedColor); ColorTween previousColorTween = new ColorTween(begin: fixSelectedColor, end: fixColor); TabController tabController = this.controller ?? DefaultTabController.of(context); D.assert(() => { if (tabController == null) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "No TabController for " + this.GetType() + ".\n" + "When creating a " + this.GetType() + ", you must either provide an explicit TabController " + "using the \"controller\" property, or you must ensure that there is a " + "DefaultTabController above the " + this.GetType() + ".\n" + "In this case, there was neither an explicit controller nor a default controller." ); } return true; }); Animation animation = new CurvedAnimation( parent: tabController.animation, curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn ); return new AnimatedBuilder( animation: animation, builder: (BuildContext subContext, Widget child) => { List children = new List(); for (int tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < tabController.length; tabIndex++) { children.Add(this._buildTabIndicator( tabIndex, tabController, selectedColorTween, previousColorTween) ); } return new Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: children ); } ); } } }