using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using Unity.UIWidgets.async2; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using UnityEngine; using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.material { class RefreshIndicatorUtils { public const float _kDragContainerExtentPercentage = 0.25f; public const float _kDragSizeFactorLimit = 1.5f; public static readonly TimeSpan _kIndicatorSnapDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 150); public static readonly TimeSpan _kIndicatorScaleDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200); } public delegate Future RefreshCallback(); enum _RefreshIndicatorMode { drag, // Pointer is down. armed, // Dragged far enough that an up event will run the onRefresh callback. snap, // Animating to the indicator"s final "displacement". refresh, // Running the refresh callback. done, // Animating the indicator"s fade-out after refreshing. canceled, // Animating the indicator"s fade-out after not arming. } public class RefreshIndicator : StatefulWidget { public RefreshIndicator( Key key = null, Widget child = null, float displacement = 40.0f, RefreshCallback onRefresh = null, Color color = null, Color backgroundColor = null, ScrollNotificationPredicate notificationPredicate = null, float strokenWidth = 2.0f ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(onRefresh != null); this.child = child; this.displacement = displacement; this.onRefresh = onRefresh; this.color = color; this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; this.notificationPredicate = notificationPredicate ?? ScrollNotification.defaultScrollNotificationPredicate; } public readonly Widget child; public readonly float displacement; public readonly RefreshCallback onRefresh; public readonly Color color; public readonly Color backgroundColor; public readonly ScrollNotificationPredicate notificationPredicate; public readonly float strokeWidth; public override State createState() { return new RefreshIndicatorState(); } } public class RefreshIndicatorState : TickerProviderStateMixin { AnimationController _positionController; AnimationController _scaleController; Animation _positionFactor; Animation _scaleFactor; Animation _value; Animation _valueColor; _RefreshIndicatorMode? _mode; Future _pendingRefreshFuture; bool? _isIndicatorAtTop; float? _dragOffset; static readonly Animatable _threeQuarterTween = new FloatTween(begin: 0.0f, end: 0.75f); static readonly Animatable _kDragSizeFactorLimitTween = new FloatTween(begin: 0.0f, end: RefreshIndicatorUtils._kDragSizeFactorLimit); static readonly Animatable _oneToZeroTween = new FloatTween(begin: 1.0f, end: 0.0f); public RefreshIndicatorState() { } public override void initState() { base.initState(); _positionController = new AnimationController(vsync: this); _positionFactor =; _value = _positionController .drive(_threeQuarterTween); // The "value" of the circular progress indicator during a drag. _scaleController = new AnimationController(vsync: this); _scaleFactor =; } public override void didChangeDependencies() { ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context); _valueColor = new ColorTween( begin: (widget.color ?? theme.accentColor).withOpacity(0.0f), end: (widget.color ?? theme.accentColor).withOpacity(1.0f) ).chain(new CurveTween( curve: new Interval(0.0f, 1.0f / RefreshIndicatorUtils._kDragSizeFactorLimit) )) ); base.didChangeDependencies(); } public override void dispose() { _positionController.dispose(); _scaleController.dispose(); base.dispose(); } bool _handleScrollNotification(ScrollNotification notification) { if (!widget.notificationPredicate(notification)) { return false; } if (notification is ScrollStartNotification && notification.metrics.extentBefore() == 0.0f && _mode == null && _start(notification.metrics.axisDirection)) { setState(() => { _mode = _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag; }); return false; } bool? indicatorAtTopNow = null; switch (notification.metrics.axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.down: indicatorAtTopNow = true; break; case AxisDirection.up: indicatorAtTopNow = false; break; case AxisDirection.left: case AxisDirection.right: indicatorAtTopNow = null; break; } if (indicatorAtTopNow != _isIndicatorAtTop) { if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag || _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed) { _dismiss(_RefreshIndicatorMode.canceled); } } else if (notification is ScrollUpdateNotification) { if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag || _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed) { if (notification.metrics.extentBefore() > 0.0f) { _dismiss(_RefreshIndicatorMode.canceled); } else { _dragOffset -= (notification as ScrollUpdateNotification).scrollDelta; _checkDragOffset(notification.metrics.viewportDimension); } } if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed && (notification as ScrollUpdateNotification).dragDetails == null) { _show(); } } else if (notification is OverscrollNotification) { if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag || _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed) { _dragOffset -= (notification as OverscrollNotification).overscroll / 2.0f; _checkDragOffset(notification.metrics.viewportDimension); } } else if (notification is ScrollEndNotification) { switch (_mode) { case _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed: _show(); break; case _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag: _dismiss(_RefreshIndicatorMode.canceled); break; default: break; } } return false; } bool _handleGlowNotification(OverscrollIndicatorNotification notification) { if (notification.depth != 0 || !notification.leading) { return false; } if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag) { notification.disallowGlow(); return true; } return false; } bool _start(AxisDirection direction) { D.assert(_mode == null); D.assert(_isIndicatorAtTop == null); D.assert(_dragOffset == null); switch (direction) { case AxisDirection.down: _isIndicatorAtTop = true; break; case AxisDirection.up: _isIndicatorAtTop = false; break; case AxisDirection.left: case AxisDirection.right: _isIndicatorAtTop = null; return false; } _dragOffset = 0.0f; _scaleController.setValue(0.0f); _positionController.setValue(0.0f); return true; } void _checkDragOffset(float containerExtent) { D.assert(_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag || _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed); float? newValue = _dragOffset / (containerExtent * RefreshIndicatorUtils._kDragContainerExtentPercentage); if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed) { newValue = Mathf.Max(newValue ?? 0.0f, 1.0f / RefreshIndicatorUtils._kDragSizeFactorLimit); } _positionController.setValue(newValue?.clamp(0.0f, 1.0f) ?? 0.0f); // this triggers various rebuilds if (_mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.drag && _valueColor.value.alpha == 0xFF) { _mode = _RefreshIndicatorMode.armed; } } Future _dismiss(_RefreshIndicatorMode newMode) { D.assert(newMode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.canceled || newMode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.done); setState(() => { _mode = newMode; }); switch (_mode) { case _RefreshIndicatorMode.done: return _scaleController .animateTo(1.0f, duration: RefreshIndicatorUtils._kIndicatorScaleDuration).then((value) => { if (mounted && _mode == newMode) { _dragOffset = null; _isIndicatorAtTop = null; setState(() => { _mode = null; }); } }); case _RefreshIndicatorMode.canceled: return _positionController .animateTo(0.0f, duration: RefreshIndicatorUtils._kIndicatorScaleDuration).then((value) => { if (mounted && _mode == newMode) { _dragOffset = null; _isIndicatorAtTop = null; setState(() => { _mode = null; }); } }); default: throw new Exception("Unknown refresh indicator mode: " + _mode); } } void _show() { D.assert(_mode != _RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh); D.assert(_mode != _RefreshIndicatorMode.snap); Completer completer = Completer.create(); _pendingRefreshFuture = completer.future; _mode = _RefreshIndicatorMode.snap; _positionController .animateTo(1.0f / RefreshIndicatorUtils._kDragSizeFactorLimit, duration: RefreshIndicatorUtils._kIndicatorSnapDuration) .then((value) => { if (mounted && _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.snap) { D.assert(widget.onRefresh != null); setState(() => { _mode = _RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh; }); Future refreshResult = widget.onRefresh(); D.assert(() => { if (refreshResult == null) { UIWidgetsError.reportError(new UIWidgetsErrorDetails( exception: new UIWidgetsError( "The onRefresh callback returned null.\n" + "The RefreshIndicator onRefresh callback must return a Promise." ), context: new ErrorDescription("when calling onRefresh"), library: "material library" )); } return true; }); if (refreshResult == null) { return; } refreshResult.whenComplete(() => { if (mounted && _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh) { completer.complete(); _dismiss(_RefreshIndicatorMode.done); } }); } }); } Future show(bool atTop = true) { if (_mode != _RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh && _mode != _RefreshIndicatorMode.snap) { if (_mode == null) { _start(atTop ? AxisDirection.down : AxisDirection.up); } _show(); } return _pendingRefreshFuture; } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { D.assert(material_.debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(context)); Widget child = new NotificationListener( onNotification: _handleScrollNotification, child: new NotificationListener( onNotification: _handleGlowNotification, child: widget.child ) ); D.assert(() => { if (_mode == null) { D.assert(_dragOffset == null); D.assert(_isIndicatorAtTop == null); } else { D.assert(_dragOffset != null); D.assert(_isIndicatorAtTop != null); } return true; }); bool showIndeterminateIndicator = _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh || _mode == _RefreshIndicatorMode.done; List children = new List {child}; if (_mode != null) { children.Add(new Positioned( top: _isIndicatorAtTop == true ? 0.0f : (float?) null, bottom: _isIndicatorAtTop != true ? 0.0f : (float?) null, left: 0.0f, right: 0.0f, child: new SizeTransition( axisAlignment: _isIndicatorAtTop == true ? 1.0f : -1.0f, sizeFactor: _positionFactor, // this is what brings it down child: new Container( padding: _isIndicatorAtTop == true ? EdgeInsets.only(top: widget.displacement) : EdgeInsets.only(bottom: widget.displacement), alignment: _isIndicatorAtTop == true ? Alignment.topCenter : Alignment.bottomCenter, child: new ScaleTransition( scale: _scaleFactor, child: new AnimatedBuilder( animation: _positionController, builder: (BuildContext _context, Widget _child) => { return new RefreshProgressIndicator( value: showIndeterminateIndicator ? (float?) null : _value.value, valueColor: _valueColor, backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor, strokeWidth: widget.strokeWidth ); } ) ) ) ) )); } return new Stack( children: children ); } } }