using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Unity.UIWidgets.async; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui { readonly struct _StoredMessage { internal _StoredMessage(byte[] data, PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback) { _data = data; _callback = callback; } readonly byte[] _data; public byte[] data => _data; readonly PlatformMessageResponseCallback _callback; public PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback => _callback; } class _RingBuffer where T : struct { readonly Queue _queue; internal _RingBuffer(int capacity) { _capacity = capacity; _queue = new Queue(_capacity); } public int length => _queue.Count; int _capacity; public int capacity => _capacity; public bool isEmpty => _queue.Count == 0; Action _dropItemCallback; public Action dropItemCallback { set { _dropItemCallback = value; } } public bool push(in T val) { if (_capacity <= 0) return true; int overflowCount = _dropOverflowItems(_capacity - 1); _queue.Enqueue(val); return overflowCount > 0; } public T? pop() { return _queue.Count == 0 ? (T?) null : _queue.Dequeue(); } int _dropOverflowItems(int lengthLimit) { int result = 0; while (_queue.Count > lengthLimit) { T item = _queue.Dequeue(); _dropItemCallback?.Invoke(item); result += 1; } return result; } public int resize(int newSize) { _capacity = newSize; return _dropOverflowItems(newSize); } } public delegate Future DrainChannelCallback(byte[] data, PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback); public class ChannelBuffers { public const int kDefaultBufferSize = 1; public const string kControlChannelName = "dev.uiwidgets/channel-buffers"; readonly Dictionary> _messages = new Dictionary>(); _RingBuffer<_StoredMessage> _makeRingBuffer(int size) => new _RingBuffer<_StoredMessage>(size) {dropItemCallback = _onDropItem}; void _onDropItem(_StoredMessage message) { message.callback(null); } public bool push(string channel, byte[] data, PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback) { _RingBuffer<_StoredMessage> queue = _messages[channel]; if (queue == null) { queue = _makeRingBuffer(kDefaultBufferSize); _messages[channel] = queue; } bool didOverflow = queue.push(new _StoredMessage(data, callback)); if (didOverflow) { Debug.LogWarning($"Overflow on channel: {channel}. " + "Messages on this channel are being discarded in FIFO fashion. " + "The engine may not be running or you need to adjust " + "the buffer size of the channel."); } return didOverflow; } _StoredMessage? _pop(string channel) { _RingBuffer<_StoredMessage> queue = _messages[channel]; _StoredMessage? result = queue?.pop(); return result; } void _resize(string channel, int newSize) { _RingBuffer<_StoredMessage> queue = _messages[channel]; if (queue == null) { queue = _makeRingBuffer(newSize); _messages[channel] = queue; } else { int numberOfDroppedMessages = queue.resize(newSize); if (numberOfDroppedMessages > 0) { Debug.LogWarning( $"Dropping messages on channel \"{channel}\" as a result of shrinking the buffer size."); } } } public Future drain(string channel, DrainChannelCallback callback) { return Future.doWhile(() => { _StoredMessage? message = _pop(channel); if (!message.HasValue) { return false; } return callback(, message.Value.callback); }); } string _getString(byte[] data) { return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); } public void handleMessage(byte[] data) { var command = _getString(data).Split('\r'); if (command.Length == /*arity=*/2 + 1 && command[0] == "resize") { _resize(command[1], int.Parse(command[2])); } else { throw new Exception($"Unrecognized command {command} sent to {kControlChannelName}."); } } } public static partial class ui_ { public static readonly ChannelBuffers channelBuffers = new ChannelBuffers(); } }