using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using UnityEngine; using Rect = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Rect; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.rendering { delegate float ___ChildSizingFunction(RenderBox child); public interface IListWheelChildManager { int? childCount { get; } bool childExistsAt(int index); void createChild(int index, RenderBox after); void removeChild(RenderBox child); } public class ListWheelParentData : ContainerBoxParentData { public int index; } public class RenderListWheelViewport : ContainerRenderObjectMixinRenderBox, RenderAbstractViewport { public RenderListWheelViewport( IListWheelChildManager childManager, ViewportOffset offset, float itemExtent, float diameterRatio = defaultDiameterRatio, float perspective = defaultPerspective, float offAxisFraction = 0.0f, bool useMagnifier = false, float magnification = 1.0f, float overAndUnderCenterOpacity = 1.0f, float squeeze = 1.0f, bool clipToSize = true, bool renderChildrenOutsideViewport = false, List children = null ) { D.assert(childManager != null); D.assert(offset != null); D.assert(diameterRatio > 0, () => diameterRatioZeroMessage); D.assert(perspective > 0); D.assert(perspective <= 0.01f, () => perspectiveTooHighMessage); D.assert(magnification > 0); D.assert(overAndUnderCenterOpacity != null); D.assert(overAndUnderCenterOpacity >= 0 && overAndUnderCenterOpacity <= 1); D.assert(itemExtent > 0); D.assert(squeeze != null); D.assert(squeeze > 0); D.assert( !renderChildrenOutsideViewport || !clipToSize, () => clipToSizeAndRenderChildrenOutsideViewportConflict ); this.childManager = childManager; _offset = offset; _diameterRatio = diameterRatio; _perspective = perspective; _offAxisFraction = offAxisFraction; _useMagnifier = useMagnifier; _magnification = magnification; _overAndUnderCenterOpacity = overAndUnderCenterOpacity; _itemExtent = itemExtent; _squeeze = squeeze; _clipToSize = clipToSize; _renderChildrenOutsideViewport = renderChildrenOutsideViewport; addAll(children); } public const float defaultDiameterRatio = 2.0f; public const float defaultPerspective = 0.003f; public const string diameterRatioZeroMessage = "You can't set a diameterRatio " + "of 0 or of a negative number. It would imply a cylinder of 0 in diameter " + "in which case nothing will be drawn."; public const string perspectiveTooHighMessage = "A perspective too high will " + "be clipped in the z-axis and therefore not renderable. Value must be " + "between 0 and 0.0f1."; public const string clipToSizeAndRenderChildrenOutsideViewportConflict = "Cannot renderChildrenOutsideViewport and clipToSize since children " + "rendered outside will be clipped anyway."; public readonly IListWheelChildManager childManager; public ViewportOffset offset { get { return _offset; } set { D.assert(value != null); if (value == _offset) { return; } if (attached) { _offset.removeListener(_hasScrolled); } _offset = value; if (attached) { _offset.addListener(_hasScrolled); } markNeedsLayout(); } } ViewportOffset _offset; public float diameterRatio { get { return _diameterRatio; } set { D.assert( value > 0, () => diameterRatioZeroMessage ); _diameterRatio = value; markNeedsPaint(); } } float _diameterRatio; public float perspective { get { return _perspective; } set { D.assert(value > 0); D.assert( value <= 0.01f, () => perspectiveTooHighMessage ); if (value == _perspective) { return; } _perspective = value; markNeedsPaint(); } } float _perspective; public float offAxisFraction { get { return _offAxisFraction; } set { if (value == _offAxisFraction) { return; } _offAxisFraction = value; markNeedsPaint(); } } float _offAxisFraction = 0.0f; public bool useMagnifier { get { return _useMagnifier; } set { if (value == _useMagnifier) { return; } _useMagnifier = value; markNeedsPaint(); } } bool _useMagnifier = false; public float magnification { get { return _magnification; } set { D.assert(value > 0); if (value == _magnification) { return; } _magnification = value; markNeedsPaint(); } } float _magnification = 1.0f; public float overAndUnderCenterOpacity { get { return _overAndUnderCenterOpacity; } set { D.assert(value != null); D.assert(value >= 0 && value <= 1); if (value == _overAndUnderCenterOpacity) return; _overAndUnderCenterOpacity = value; markNeedsPaint(); } } float _overAndUnderCenterOpacity = 1.0f; public float itemExtent { get { return _itemExtent; } set { D.assert(value > 0); if (value == _itemExtent) { return; } _itemExtent = value; markNeedsLayout(); } } float _itemExtent; public float squeeze { get { return _squeeze; } set { D.assert(value != null); D.assert(value > 0); if (value == _squeeze) return; _squeeze = value; markNeedsLayout(); } } float _squeeze; public bool clipToSize { get { return _clipToSize; } set { D.assert( !renderChildrenOutsideViewport || !clipToSize, () => clipToSizeAndRenderChildrenOutsideViewportConflict ); if (value == _clipToSize) { return; } _clipToSize = value; markNeedsPaint(); } } bool _clipToSize; public bool renderChildrenOutsideViewport { get { return _renderChildrenOutsideViewport; } set { D.assert( !renderChildrenOutsideViewport || !clipToSize, () => clipToSizeAndRenderChildrenOutsideViewportConflict ); if (value == _renderChildrenOutsideViewport) { return; } _renderChildrenOutsideViewport = value; markNeedsLayout(); } } bool _renderChildrenOutsideViewport; void _hasScrolled() { markNeedsLayout(); } public override void setupParentData(RenderObject child) { if (!(child.parentData is ListWheelParentData)) { child.parentData = new ListWheelParentData(); } } public override void attach(object owner) { base.attach(owner); _offset.addListener(_hasScrolled); } public override void detach() { _offset.removeListener(_hasScrolled); base.detach(); } public override bool isRepaintBoundary { get { return true; } } float _viewportExtent { get { D.assert(hasSize); return size.height; } } float _minEstimatedScrollExtent { get { D.assert(hasSize); if (childManager.childCount == null) { return float.NegativeInfinity; } return 0.0f; } } float _maxEstimatedScrollExtent { get { D.assert(hasSize); if (childManager.childCount == null) { return float.PositiveInfinity; } return Mathf.Max(0.0f, ((childManager.childCount ?? 0) - 1) * _itemExtent); } } float _topScrollMarginExtent { get { D.assert(hasSize); return -size.height / 2.0f + _itemExtent / 2.0f; } } float _getUntransformedPaintingCoordinateY(float layoutCoordinateY) { return layoutCoordinateY - _topScrollMarginExtent - offset.pixels; } float _maxVisibleRadian { get { if (_diameterRatio < 1.0f) { return Mathf.PI / 2.0f; } return Mathf.Asin(1.0f / _diameterRatio); } } float _getIntrinsicCrossAxis(___ChildSizingFunction childSize) { float extent = 0.0f; RenderBox child = firstChild; while (child != null) { extent = Mathf.Max(extent, childSize(child)); child = childAfter(child); } return extent; } protected internal override float computeMinIntrinsicWidth(float height) { return _getIntrinsicCrossAxis( (RenderBox child) => child.getMinIntrinsicWidth(height) ); } protected internal override float computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(float height) { return _getIntrinsicCrossAxis( (RenderBox child) => child.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(height) ); } protected internal override float computeMinIntrinsicHeight(float width) { if (childManager.childCount == null) { return 0.0f; } return (childManager.childCount ?? 0) * _itemExtent; } protected internal override float computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(float width) { if (childManager.childCount == null) { return 0.0f; } return (childManager.childCount ?? 0) * _itemExtent; } protected override bool sizedByParent { get { return true; } } protected override void performResize() { size = constraints.biggest; } public int indexOf(RenderBox child) { D.assert(child != null); ListWheelParentData childParentData = (ListWheelParentData) child.parentData; return childParentData.index; } public int scrollOffsetToIndex(float scrollOffset) { return (scrollOffset / itemExtent).floor(); } public float indexToScrollOffset(int index) { return index * itemExtent; } void _createChild(int index, RenderBox after = null ) { invokeLayoutCallback((BoxConstraints constraints) => { D.assert(this.constraints == this.constraints); childManager.createChild(index, after: after); }); } void _destroyChild(RenderBox child) { invokeLayoutCallback((BoxConstraints constraints) => { D.assert(this.constraints == this.constraints); childManager.removeChild(child); }); } void _layoutChild(RenderBox child, BoxConstraints constraints, int index) { child.layout(constraints, parentUsesSize: true); ListWheelParentData childParentData = (ListWheelParentData) child.parentData; float crossPosition = size.width / 2.0f - child.size.width / 2.0f; childParentData.offset = new Offset(crossPosition, indexToScrollOffset(index)); } protected override void performLayout() { BoxConstraints childConstraints = constraints.copyWith( minHeight: _itemExtent, maxHeight: _itemExtent, minWidth: 0.0f ); float visibleHeight = size.height * _squeeze; if (renderChildrenOutsideViewport) { visibleHeight *= 2; } float firstVisibleOffset = offset.pixels + _itemExtent / 2 - visibleHeight / 2; float lastVisibleOffset = firstVisibleOffset + visibleHeight; int targetFirstIndex = scrollOffsetToIndex(firstVisibleOffset); int targetLastIndex = scrollOffsetToIndex(lastVisibleOffset); if (targetLastIndex * _itemExtent == lastVisibleOffset) { targetLastIndex--; } while (!childManager.childExistsAt(targetFirstIndex) && targetFirstIndex <= targetLastIndex) { targetFirstIndex++; } while (!childManager.childExistsAt(targetLastIndex) && targetFirstIndex <= targetLastIndex) { targetLastIndex--; } if (targetFirstIndex > targetLastIndex) { while (firstChild != null) { _destroyChild(firstChild); } return; } if (childCount > 0 && (indexOf(firstChild) > targetLastIndex || indexOf(lastChild) < targetFirstIndex)) { while (firstChild != null) { _destroyChild(firstChild); } } if (childCount == 0) { _createChild(targetFirstIndex); _layoutChild(firstChild, childConstraints, targetFirstIndex); } int currentFirstIndex = indexOf(firstChild); int currentLastIndex = indexOf(lastChild); while (currentFirstIndex < targetFirstIndex) { _destroyChild(firstChild); currentFirstIndex++; } while (currentLastIndex > targetLastIndex) { _destroyChild(lastChild); currentLastIndex--; } RenderBox child = firstChild; while (child != null) { child.layout(childConstraints, parentUsesSize: true); child = childAfter(child); } while (currentFirstIndex > targetFirstIndex) { _createChild(currentFirstIndex - 1); _layoutChild(firstChild, childConstraints, --currentFirstIndex); } while (currentLastIndex < targetLastIndex) { _createChild(currentLastIndex + 1, after: lastChild); _layoutChild(lastChild, childConstraints, ++currentLastIndex); } offset.applyViewportDimension(_viewportExtent); float minScrollExtent = childManager.childExistsAt(targetFirstIndex - 1) ? _minEstimatedScrollExtent : indexToScrollOffset(targetFirstIndex); float maxScrollExtent = childManager.childExistsAt(targetLastIndex + 1) ? _maxEstimatedScrollExtent : indexToScrollOffset(targetLastIndex); offset.applyContentDimensions(minScrollExtent, maxScrollExtent); } bool _shouldClipAtCurrentOffset() { float highestUntransformedPaintY = _getUntransformedPaintingCoordinateY(0.0f); return highestUntransformedPaintY < 0.0f || size.height < highestUntransformedPaintY + _maxEstimatedScrollExtent + _itemExtent; } public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { if (childCount > 0) { if (_clipToSize && _shouldClipAtCurrentOffset()) { context.pushClipRect( needsCompositing, offset, & size, _paintVisibleChildren ); } else { _paintVisibleChildren(context, offset); } } } void _paintVisibleChildren(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { RenderBox childToPaint = firstChild; ListWheelParentData childParentData = (ListWheelParentData) childToPaint?.parentData; while (childParentData != null) { _paintTransformedChild(childToPaint, context, offset, childParentData.offset); childToPaint = childAfter(childToPaint); childParentData = (ListWheelParentData) childToPaint?.parentData; } } void _paintTransformedChild(RenderBox child, PaintingContext context, Offset offset, Offset layoutOffset) { Offset untransformedPaintingCoordinates = offset + new Offset( layoutOffset.dx, _getUntransformedPaintingCoordinateY(layoutOffset.dy) ); float fractionalY = (untransformedPaintingCoordinates.dy + _itemExtent / 2.0f) / size.height; float angle = -(fractionalY - 0.5f) * 2.0f * _maxVisibleRadian / squeeze; if (angle > Mathf.PI / 2.0f || angle < -Mathf.PI / 2.0f) { return; } var radius = size.height * _diameterRatio / 2.0f; var deltaY = radius * Mathf.Sin(angle); Matrix4 transform = Matrix4.identity(); // Matrix4x4 transform2 = MatrixUtils.createCylindricalProjectionTransform( // radius: this.size.height * this._diameterRatio / 2.0f, // angle: angle, // perspective: this._perspective // ); // Offset offsetToCenter = new Offset(untransformedPaintingCoordinates.dx, -this._topScrollMarginExtent); Offset offsetToCenter = new Offset(untransformedPaintingCoordinates.dx, -deltaY - _topScrollMarginExtent); bool shouldApplyOffCenterDim = overAndUnderCenterOpacity < 1; if (useMagnifier || shouldApplyOffCenterDim) { _paintChildWithMagnifier(context, offset, child, transform, offsetToCenter, untransformedPaintingCoordinates); } else { _paintChildCylindrically(context, offset, child, transform, offsetToCenter); } } void _paintChildWithMagnifier( PaintingContext context, Offset offset, RenderBox child, // Matrix4x4 cylindricalTransform, Matrix4 cylindricalTransform, Offset offsetToCenter, Offset untransformedPaintingCoordinates ) { float magnifierTopLinePosition = size.height / 2 - _itemExtent * _magnification / 2; float magnifierBottomLinePosition = size.height / 2 + _itemExtent * _magnification / 2; bool isAfterMagnifierTopLine = untransformedPaintingCoordinates.dy >= magnifierTopLinePosition - _itemExtent * _magnification; bool isBeforeMagnifierBottomLine = untransformedPaintingCoordinates.dy <= magnifierBottomLinePosition; if (isAfterMagnifierTopLine && isBeforeMagnifierBottomLine) { Rect centerRect = Rect.fromLTWH( 0.0f, magnifierTopLinePosition, size.width, _itemExtent * _magnification); Rect topHalfRect = Rect.fromLTWH( 0.0f, 0.0f, size.width, magnifierTopLinePosition); Rect bottomHalfRect = Rect.fromLTWH( 0.0f, magnifierBottomLinePosition, size.width, magnifierTopLinePosition); context.pushClipRect( needsCompositing, offset, centerRect, (PaintingContext context1, Offset offset1) => { context1.pushTransform( needsCompositing, offset1, cylindricalTransform, // this._centerOriginTransform(cylindricalTransform), (PaintingContext context2, Offset offset2) => { context2.paintChild(child, offset2 + untransformedPaintingCoordinates); }); }); context.pushClipRect( needsCompositing, offset, untransformedPaintingCoordinates.dy <= magnifierTopLinePosition ? topHalfRect : bottomHalfRect, (PaintingContext context1, Offset offset1) => { _paintChildCylindrically( context1, offset1, child, cylindricalTransform, offsetToCenter ); } ); } else { _paintChildCylindrically( context, offset, child, cylindricalTransform, offsetToCenter ); } } void _paintChildCylindrically( PaintingContext context, Offset offset, RenderBox child, // Matrix4x4 cylindricalTransform, Matrix4 cylindricalTransform, Offset offsetToCenter ) { PaintingContextCallback painter = (PaintingContext _context, Offset _offset) => { _context.paintChild( child, _offset + offsetToCenter ); }; } public override Rect describeApproximatePaintClip(RenderObject child) { if (child != null && _shouldClipAtCurrentOffset()) { return & size; } return null; } protected override bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null ) { return false; } public RevealedOffset getOffsetToReveal(RenderObject target, float alignment, Rect rect = null ) { rect = rect ?? target.paintBounds; RenderObject child = target; while (child.parent != this) { child = (RenderObject) child.parent; } ListWheelParentData parentData = (ListWheelParentData) child.parentData; float targetOffset = parentData.offset.dy; Matrix4 transform = target.getTransformTo(child); Rect bounds = MatrixUtils.transformRect(transform, rect); Rect targetRect = bounds.translate(0.0f, (size.height - itemExtent) / 2); return new RevealedOffset(offset: targetOffset, rect: targetRect); } public new RenderObject parent { get { return (RenderObject) base.parent; } } public new void showOnScreen( RenderObject descendant = null, Rect rect = null, TimeSpan? duration = null, Curve curve = null ) { duration = duration ?? TimeSpan.Zero; curve = curve ?? Curves.ease; if (descendant != null) { RevealedOffset revealedOffset = getOffsetToReveal(descendant, 0.5f, rect: rect); if (duration == TimeSpan.Zero) { offset.jumpTo(revealedOffset.offset); } else { offset.animateTo(revealedOffset.offset, duration: (TimeSpan) duration, curve: curve); } rect = revealedOffset.rect; } base.showOnScreen( rect: rect, duration: duration, curve: curve ); } } }