using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler; using Unity.UIWidgets.service; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using UnityEngine; using Canvas = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Canvas; using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color; using Rect = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Rect; using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle; using Transform = Unity.UIWidgets.widgets.Transform; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.material { public enum BottomNavigationBarType { fix, shifting } public class BottomNavigationBar : StatefulWidget { public BottomNavigationBar( Key key = null, List items = null, ValueChanged onTap = null, int currentIndex = 0, float elevation = 8.0f, BottomNavigationBarType? type = null, Color fixedColor = null, Color backgroundColor = null, float iconSize = 24.0f, Color selectedItemColor = null, Color unselectedItemColor = null, float selectedFontSize = 14.0f, float unselectedFontSize = 12.0f, bool showSelectedLabels = true, bool? showUnselectedLabels = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(items != null); D.assert(items.Count >= 2); D.assert(items.All((BottomNavigationBarItem item) => item.title != null) == true, () => "Every item must have a non-null title" ); D.assert(0 <= currentIndex && currentIndex < items.Count); D.assert(elevation >= 0.0f); D.assert(iconSize >= 0.0f); D.assert(selectedItemColor == null || fixedColor == null, () => "Either selectedItemColor or fixedColor can be specified, but not both!"); D.assert(selectedFontSize >= 0.0f); D.assert(unselectedFontSize >= 0.0f); type = _type(type, items); this.items = items; this.onTap = onTap; this.currentIndex = currentIndex; this.elevation = elevation; this.type = type ?? (items.Count <= 3 ? BottomNavigationBarType.fix : BottomNavigationBarType.shifting); this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; this.iconSize = iconSize; this.selectedItemColor = selectedItemColor ?? fixedColor; this.unselectedItemColor = unselectedItemColor; this.selectedFontSize = selectedFontSize; this.unselectedFontSize = unselectedFontSize; this.showSelectedLabels = showSelectedLabels; this.showUnselectedLabels = showUnselectedLabels ?? _defaultShowUnselected(_type(type, items)); } public readonly List items; public readonly ValueChanged onTap; public readonly int currentIndex; public readonly float elevation; public readonly BottomNavigationBarType? type; public Color fixedColor { get { return this.selectedItemColor; } } public readonly Color backgroundColor; public readonly float iconSize; public readonly Color selectedItemColor; public readonly Color unselectedItemColor; public readonly float selectedFontSize; public readonly float unselectedFontSize; public readonly bool showUnselectedLabels; public readonly bool showSelectedLabels; static BottomNavigationBarType _type( BottomNavigationBarType? type, List items ) { if (type != null) { return type.Value; } return items.Count <= 3 ? BottomNavigationBarType.fix : BottomNavigationBarType.shifting; } static bool _defaultShowUnselected(BottomNavigationBarType type) { switch (type) { case BottomNavigationBarType.shifting: return false; case BottomNavigationBarType.fix: return true; } D.assert(false); return false; } public override State createState() { return new _BottomNavigationBarState(); } } class _BottomNavigationTile : StatelessWidget { public _BottomNavigationTile( BottomNavigationBarType? type, BottomNavigationBarItem item, Animation animation, float? iconSize = null, VoidCallback onTap = null, ColorTween colorTween = null, float? flex = null, bool selected = false, float? selectedFontSize = null, float? unselectedFontSize = null, bool? showSelectedLabels = null, bool? showUnselectedLabels = null, string indexLabel = null ) { D.assert(type != null); D.assert(item != null); D.assert(animation != null); D.assert(selectedFontSize != null && selectedFontSize >= 0); D.assert(unselectedFontSize != null && unselectedFontSize >= 0); this.type = type; this.item = item; this.animation = animation; this.iconSize = iconSize; this.onTap = onTap; this.colorTween = colorTween; this.flex = flex; this.selected = selected; this.selectedFontSize = selectedFontSize.Value; this.unselectedFontSize = unselectedFontSize.Value; this.showSelectedLabels = showSelectedLabels ?? false; this.showUnselectedLabels = showUnselectedLabels ?? false; this.indexLabel = indexLabel; } public readonly BottomNavigationBarType? type; public readonly BottomNavigationBarItem item; public readonly Animation animation; public readonly float? iconSize; public readonly VoidCallback onTap; public readonly ColorTween colorTween; public readonly float? flex; public readonly bool selected; public readonly float selectedFontSize; public readonly float unselectedFontSize; public readonly string indexLabel; public readonly bool showSelectedLabels; public readonly bool showUnselectedLabels; public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { int size; float bottomPadding = this.selectedFontSize / 2.0f; float topPadding = this.selectedFontSize / 2.0f; if (this.showSelectedLabels && !this.showUnselectedLabels) { bottomPadding = new FloatTween( begin: 0.0f, end: this.selectedFontSize / 2.0f ).evaluate(this.animation); topPadding = new FloatTween( begin: this.selectedFontSize, end: this.selectedFontSize / 2.0f ).evaluate(this.animation); } if (!this.showSelectedLabels && !this.showUnselectedLabels) { bottomPadding = 0.0f; topPadding = this.selectedFontSize; } switch (this.type) { case BottomNavigationBarType.fix: size = 1; break; case BottomNavigationBarType.shifting: size = ((this.flex * 1000.0f) ?? 0.0f).round(); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown BottomNavigationBarType: " + this.type); } return new Expanded( flex: size, child: new Stack( children: new List { new InkResponse( onTap: this.onTap == null ? (GestureTapCallback) null : () => { this.onTap(); }, child: new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: topPadding, bottom: bottomPadding), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment:, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: new List { new _TileIcon( colorTween: this.colorTween, animation: this.animation, iconSize: this.iconSize, selected: this.selected, item: this.item ), new _Label( colorTween: this.colorTween, animation: this.animation, item: this.item, selectedFontSize: this.selectedFontSize, unselectedFontSize: this.unselectedFontSize, showSelectedLabels: this.showSelectedLabels, showUnselectedLabels: this.showUnselectedLabels ) } ) ) ) } ) ); } } class _TileIcon : StatelessWidget { public _TileIcon( Key key = null, ColorTween colorTween = null, Animation animation = null, float? iconSize = null, bool? selected = null, BottomNavigationBarItem item = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(selected != null); D.assert(item != null); this.colorTween = colorTween; this.animation = animation; this.iconSize = iconSize; this.selected = selected; this.item = item; } ColorTween colorTween; Animation animation; float? iconSize; bool? selected; BottomNavigationBarItem item; public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Color iconColor = this.colorTween.evaluate(this.animation); return new Align( alignment: Alignment.topCenter, heightFactor: 1.0f, child: new Container( child: new IconTheme( data: new IconThemeData( color: iconColor, size: this.iconSize ), child: this.selected == true ? this.item.activeIcon : this.item.icon ) ) ); } } class _Label : StatelessWidget { public _Label( Key key = null, ColorTween colorTween = null, Animation animation = null, BottomNavigationBarItem item = null, float? selectedFontSize = null, float? unselectedFontSize = null, bool? showSelectedLabels = null, bool? showUnselectedLabels = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(colorTween != null); D.assert(animation != null); D.assert(item != null); D.assert(selectedFontSize != null); D.assert(unselectedFontSize != null); D.assert(showSelectedLabels != null); D.assert(showUnselectedLabels != null); this.colorTween = colorTween; this.animation = animation; this.item = item; this.selectedFontSize = selectedFontSize.Value; this.unselectedFontSize = unselectedFontSize.Value; this.showSelectedLabels = showSelectedLabels.Value; this.showUnselectedLabels = showUnselectedLabels.Value; } public readonly ColorTween colorTween; public readonly Animation animation; public readonly BottomNavigationBarItem item; public readonly float selectedFontSize; public readonly float unselectedFontSize; public readonly bool showSelectedLabels; public readonly bool showUnselectedLabels; public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { float t = new FloatTween(begin: this.unselectedFontSize / this.selectedFontSize, end: 1.0f) .evaluate(this.animation); Widget text = DefaultTextStyle.merge( style: new TextStyle( fontSize: this.selectedFontSize, color: this.colorTween.evaluate(this.animation) ), child: new Transform( transform: Matrix3.makeAll(t, 0, 0, 0, t, 0, 0, 0, 1), alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: this.item.title ) ); if (!this.showUnselectedLabels && !this.showSelectedLabels) { text = new Opacity( opacity: 0.0f, child: text ); } else if (!this.showUnselectedLabels) { text = new FadeTransition( opacity: this.animation, child: text ); } else if (!this.showSelectedLabels) { text = new FadeTransition( opacity: new FloatTween(begin: 1.0f, end: 0.0f).animate(this.animation), child: text ); } return new Align( alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, heightFactor: 1.0f, child: new Container(child: text) ); } } class _BottomNavigationBarState : TickerProviderStateMixin { public List _controllers = new List { }; public List _animations; Queue<_Circle> _circles = new Queue<_Circle>(); Color _backgroundColor; static readonly Animatable _flexTween = new FloatTween(begin: 1.0f, end: 1.5f); public _BottomNavigationBarState() { } void _resetState() { foreach (AnimationController controller in this._controllers) { controller.dispose(); } foreach (_Circle circle in this._circles) { circle.dispose(); } this._circles.Clear(); this._controllers = new List(capacity: this.widget.items.Count); for (int index = 0; index < this.widget.items.Count; index++) { AnimationController controller = new AnimationController( duration: ThemeUtils.kThemeAnimationDuration, vsync: this ); controller.addListener(this._rebuild); this._controllers.Add(controller); } this._animations = new List(capacity: this.widget.items.Count); for (int index = 0; index < this.widget.items.Count; index++) { this._animations.Add(new CurvedAnimation( parent: this._controllers[index], curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn, reverseCurve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn.flipped )); } this._controllers[this.widget.currentIndex].setValue(1.0f); this._backgroundColor = this.widget.items[this.widget.currentIndex].backgroundColor; } public override void initState() { base.initState(); this._resetState(); } void _rebuild() { this.setState(() => { }); } public override void dispose() { foreach (AnimationController controller in this._controllers) { controller.dispose(); } foreach (_Circle circle in this._circles) { circle.dispose(); } base.dispose(); } public float _evaluateFlex(Animation animation) { return _flexTween.evaluate(animation); } void _pushCircle(int index) { if (this.widget.items[index].backgroundColor != null) { _Circle circle = new _Circle( state: this, index: index, color: this.widget.items[index].backgroundColor, vsync: this ); circle.controller.addStatusListener( (AnimationStatus status) => { switch (status) { case AnimationStatus.completed: this.setState(() => { _Circle cir = this._circles.Dequeue(); this._backgroundColor = cir.color; cir.dispose(); }); break; case AnimationStatus.dismissed: case AnimationStatus.forward: case AnimationStatus.reverse: break; } } ); this._circles.Enqueue(circle); } } public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget _oldWidget) { base.didUpdateWidget(_oldWidget); BottomNavigationBar oldWidget = _oldWidget as BottomNavigationBar; if (this.widget.items.Count != oldWidget.items.Count) { this._resetState(); return; } if (this.widget.currentIndex != oldWidget.currentIndex) { switch (this.widget.type) { case BottomNavigationBarType.fix: break; case BottomNavigationBarType.shifting: this._pushCircle(this.widget.currentIndex); break; } this._controllers[oldWidget.currentIndex].reverse(); this._controllers[this.widget.currentIndex].forward(); } else { if (this._backgroundColor != this.widget.items[this.widget.currentIndex].backgroundColor) { this._backgroundColor = this.widget.items[this.widget.currentIndex].backgroundColor; } } } List _createTiles() { MaterialLocalizations localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(this.context); D.assert(localizations != null); ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(this.context); Color themeColor; switch (themeData.brightness) { case Brightness.light: themeColor = themeData.primaryColor; break; case Brightness.dark: themeColor = themeData.accentColor; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown brightness: " + themeData.brightness); } ColorTween colorTween; switch (this.widget.type) { case BottomNavigationBarType.fix: colorTween = new ColorTween( begin: this.widget.unselectedItemColor ?? themeData.textTheme.caption.color, end: this.widget.selectedItemColor ?? this.widget.fixedColor ?? themeColor ); break; case BottomNavigationBarType.shifting: colorTween = new ColorTween( begin: this.widget.unselectedItemColor ?? Colors.white, end: this.widget.selectedItemColor ?? Colors.white ); break; default: throw new UIWidgetsError($"Unknown bottom navigation bar type: {this.widget.type}"); } List tiles = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < this.widget.items.Count; i++) { int index = i; tiles.Add(new _BottomNavigationTile( this.widget.type, this.widget.items[i], this._animations[i], this.widget.iconSize, selectedFontSize: this.widget.selectedFontSize, unselectedFontSize: this.widget.unselectedFontSize, onTap: () => { if (this.widget.onTap != null) { this.widget.onTap(index); } }, colorTween: colorTween, flex: this._evaluateFlex(this._animations[i]), selected: i == this.widget.currentIndex, showSelectedLabels: this.widget.showSelectedLabels, showUnselectedLabels: this.widget.showUnselectedLabels, indexLabel: localizations.tabLabel(tabIndex: i+1, tabCount: this.widget.items.Count) )); } return tiles; } Widget _createContainer(List tiles) { return DefaultTextStyle.merge( overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: tiles ) ); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { D.assert(WidgetsD.debugCheckHasDirectionality(context)); D.assert(MaterialD.debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(context)); float additionalBottomPadding = Mathf.Max(MediaQuery.of(context).padding.bottom - this.widget.selectedFontSize / 2.0f, 0.0f); Color backgroundColor = null; switch (this.widget.type) { case BottomNavigationBarType.fix: backgroundColor = this.widget.backgroundColor; break; case BottomNavigationBarType.shifting: backgroundColor = this._backgroundColor; break; } return new Material( elevation: this.widget.elevation, color: backgroundColor, child: new ConstrainedBox( constraints: new BoxConstraints( minHeight: Constants.kBottomNavigationBarHeight + additionalBottomPadding), child: new CustomPaint( painter: new _RadialPainter( circles: this._circles.ToList() ), child: new Material( // Splashes. type: MaterialType.transparency, child: new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: additionalBottomPadding), child: MediaQuery.removePadding( context: context, removeBottom: true, child: this._createContainer(this._createTiles()) ) ) ) ) ) ); } } class _Circle { public _Circle( _BottomNavigationBarState state = null, int? index = null, Color color = null, TickerProvider vsync = null ) { D.assert(state != null); D.assert(index != null); D.assert(color != null); this.state = state; this.index = index; this.color = color; this.controller = new AnimationController( duration: ThemeUtils.kThemeAnimationDuration, vsync: vsync ); this.animation = new CurvedAnimation( parent: this.controller, curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn ); this.controller.forward(); } public readonly _BottomNavigationBarState state; public readonly int? index; public readonly Color color; public readonly AnimationController controller; public readonly CurvedAnimation animation; public float horizontalLeadingOffset { get { float weightSum(IEnumerable> animations) { return animations.Select(this.state._evaluateFlex).Sum(); } float allWeights = weightSum(this.state._animations); float leadingWeights = weightSum(this.state._animations.GetRange(0, this.index ?? 0)); return (leadingWeights + this.state._evaluateFlex(this.state._animations[this.index ?? 0]) / 2.0f) / allWeights; } } public void dispose() { this.controller.dispose(); } } class _RadialPainter : AbstractCustomPainter { public _RadialPainter( List<_Circle> circles ) { D.assert(circles != null); this.circles = circles; } public readonly List<_Circle> circles; static float _maxRadius(Offset center, Size size) { float maxX = Mathf.Max(center.dx, size.width - center.dx); float maxY = Mathf.Max(center.dy, size.height - center.dy); return Mathf.Sqrt(maxX * maxX + maxY * maxY); } public override bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter _oldPainter) { _RadialPainter oldPainter = _oldPainter as _RadialPainter; if (this.circles == oldPainter.circles) { return false; } if (this.circles.Count != oldPainter.circles.Count) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < this.circles.Count; i += 1) { if (this.circles[i] != oldPainter.circles[i]) { return true; } } return false; } public override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { foreach (_Circle circle in this.circles) { Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.color = circle.color; Rect rect = Rect.fromLTWH(0.0f, 0.0f, size.width, size.height); canvas.clipRect(rect); float leftFraction = circle.horizontalLeadingOffset; Offset center = new Offset(leftFraction * size.width, size.height / 2.0f); FloatTween radiusTween = new FloatTween( begin: 0.0f, end: _maxRadius(center, size) ); canvas.drawCircle( center, radiusTween.evaluate(circle.animation), paint ); } } } }