/* WARNING!!!: GENERATED BY CODE, DO NOT CHANGE !!!!!! A file with the suffix .gen.cs is automatically generate from its corresponding template file with suffix .njk using nunjucks. If you want to update this file, please edit the corresponding .njk file first and execute the following cmd at the Scripts folder: "node uiwidgets-cli.js codegen" */ namespace Unity.UIWidgets.foundation { public class AbstractNode { public int depth { get { return _depth; } } int _depth = 0; protected void redepthChild(AbstractNode child) { D.assert(child.owner == owner); if (child._depth <= _depth) { child._depth = _depth + 1; child.redepthChildren(); } } public virtual void redepthChildren() { } public object owner { get { return _owner; } } object _owner; public bool attached { get { return _owner != null; } } public virtual void attach(object owner) { D.assert(owner != null); D.assert(_owner == null); _owner = owner; } public virtual void detach() { D.assert(_owner != null); _owner = null; D.assert(parent == null || attached == parent.attached); } public AbstractNode parent { get { return _parent; } } AbstractNode _parent; protected virtual void adoptChild(AbstractNode child) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child._parent == null); D.assert(() => { var node = this; while (node.parent != null) { node = node.parent; } D.assert(node != child); // indicates we are about to create a cycle return true; }); child._parent = this; if (attached) { child.attach(_owner); } redepthChild(child); } protected virtual void dropChild(AbstractNode child) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child._parent == this); D.assert(child.attached == attached); child._parent = null; if (attached) { child.detach(); } } } public class AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree : DiagnosticableTree { public int depth { get { return _depth; } } int _depth = 0; protected void redepthChild(AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree child) { D.assert(child.owner == owner); if (child._depth <= _depth) { child._depth = _depth + 1; child.redepthChildren(); } } public virtual void redepthChildren() { } public object owner { get { return _owner; } } object _owner; public bool attached { get { return _owner != null; } } public virtual void attach(object owner) { D.assert(owner != null); D.assert(_owner == null); _owner = owner; } public virtual void detach() { D.assert(_owner != null); _owner = null; D.assert(parent == null || attached == parent.attached); } public AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree parent { get { return _parent; } } AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree _parent; protected virtual void adoptChild(AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree child) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child._parent == null); D.assert(() => { var node = this; while (node.parent != null) { node = node.parent; } D.assert(node != child); // indicates we are about to create a cycle return true; }); child._parent = this; if (attached) { child.attach(_owner); } redepthChild(child); } protected virtual void dropChild(AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree child) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child._parent == this); D.assert(child.attached == attached); child._parent = null; if (attached) { child.detach(); } } } }