using System.Diagnostics; using; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.service { public class PerformanceUtils { public static PerformanceUtils instance { get { if (_instance != null) { return _instance; } _instance = new PerformanceUtils(); _instance._setup(); return _instance; } } static PerformanceUtils _instance; const int FrameBufferSize = 200; float[] _frames; int _curFrameId; Stopwatch _stopwatch; float deltaTime = 0.0f; bool _enabled; void _setup() { this._frames = new float[FrameBufferSize]; this._curFrameId = -1; this._enabled = false; } void _ensureStopWatch() { if (this._stopwatch == null) { this._stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); } } public void updateDeltaTime(float unscaledDeltaTime) { this.deltaTime += (unscaledDeltaTime - this.deltaTime) * 0.1f; } public float getFPS() { return 1.0f / this.deltaTime; } public void startProfile() { if (!this._enabled) { return; } this._ensureStopWatch(); if (this._stopwatch.IsRunning) { D.assert(false, "Try to start the stopwatch when it is already running"); return; } this._stopwatch.Start(); } public void endProfile() { if (!this._enabled || this._stopwatch == null) { return; } if (!this._stopwatch.IsRunning) { D.assert(false, "Try to record the stopwatch when it is already stopped"); } this._stopwatch.Stop(); float frameCost = this._stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; this._stopwatch.Reset(); if (frameCost == 0) { return; } this._curFrameId = (this._curFrameId + 1) % FrameBufferSize; this._frames[this._curFrameId] = frameCost; } public float[] getFrames() { if (!this._enabled) { this._enabled = true; } return this._frames; } public int getCurFrame() { return this._curFrameId; } } }