using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui { public class GifCodec : Codec { public static bool isGif(byte[] bytes) { return bytes != null && bytes.Length >= 3 && bytes[0] == 'G' && bytes[1] == 'I' && bytes[2] == 'F'; } public class FrameData { public FrameInfo frameInfo; public GifDecoder.GifFrame gifFrame; } volatile byte[] _bytes; volatile int _width; volatile int _height; volatile int _frameCount; volatile int _repetitionCount; volatile bool _isDone; volatile int _frameIndex; volatile Texture2D _texture; volatile FrameData _frameData; volatile Image _image; volatile GifDecoder _decoder; volatile MemoryStream _stream; IEnumerator _coroutine; public GifCodec(byte[] bytes) { D.assert(bytes != null); D.assert(isGif(bytes)); this._frameCount = 0; this._repetitionCount = 0; this._isDone = false; this._frameIndex = 0; this._bytes = bytes; this._coroutine = this._startDecoding(); this._decoder = new GifDecoder(); this._stream = new MemoryStream(this._bytes); this._frameData = new FrameData() { frameInfo = new FrameInfo() }; } IEnumerator _startDecoding() { this._stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); if ( != GifDecoder.STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("Failed to decode gif."); } this._width = this._decoder.frameWidth; this._height = this._decoder.frameHeight; if (this._texture == null) { this._texture = new Texture2D(this._width, this._height, TextureFormat.BGRA32, false); this._texture.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; this._image = new Image(this._texture, isDynamic: true); this._frameData.frameInfo.image = this._image; } this._frameData.gifFrame = this._decoder.currentFrame; D.assert(this._frameData.gifFrame != null); int i = 0; while (true) { if (this._decoder.nextFrame() != GifDecoder.STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("Failed to decode gif."); } if (this._decoder.done) { break; } i++; yield return null; } D.assert(this._decoder.frameCount == i); this._frameCount = this._decoder.frameCount; this._repetitionCount = this._decoder.loopCount; this._isDone = true; } public int frameCount { get { return this._frameCount; } } public int repetitionCount { get { return this._repetitionCount - 1; } } void _nextFrame() { this._frameIndex++; this._coroutine.MoveNext(); if (this._isDone && this._frameIndex >= this._frameCount) { this._frameIndex = 0; this._isDone = false; this._coroutine = this._startDecoding(); this._coroutine.MoveNext(); } } public FrameInfo getNextFrame() { this._nextFrame(); this._texture.LoadRawTextureData(this._frameData.gifFrame.bytes); this._texture.Apply(); this._frameData.frameInfo.duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(this._frameData.gifFrame.delay); return this._frameData.frameInfo; } public void Dispose() { this._decoder.Dispose(); } } }