using System.Collections.Generic; using RSG; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public delegate Locale LocaleListResolutionCallback(List locales, List supportedLocales); public delegate Locale LocaleResolutionCallback(Locale locale, List supportedLocales); public delegate PageRoute PageRouteFactory(RouteSettings settings, WidgetBuilder builder); public class WidgetsApp : StatefulWidget { public readonly TransitionBuilder builder; public readonly Widget home; public readonly string initialRoute; public readonly GlobalKey navigatorKey; public readonly List navigatorObservers; public readonly RouteFactory onGenerateRoute; public readonly RouteFactory onUnknownRoute; public readonly PageRouteFactory pageRouteBuilder; public readonly Dictionary routes; public readonly TextStyle textStyle; public readonly Window window; public readonly bool showPerformanceOverlay; public readonly Locale locale; public readonly List localizationsDelegates; public readonly LocaleListResolutionCallback localeListResolutionCallback; public readonly LocaleResolutionCallback localeResolutionCallback; public readonly List supportedLocales; public WidgetsApp( Key key = null, GlobalKey navigatorKey = null, RouteFactory onGenerateRoute = null, RouteFactory onUnknownRoute = null, PageRouteFactory pageRouteBuilder = null, List navigatorObservers = null, string initialRoute = null, Dictionary routes = null, TransitionBuilder builder = null, TextStyle textStyle = null, Widget home = null, Locale locale = null, List localizationsDelegates = null, LocaleListResolutionCallback localeListResolutionCallback = null, LocaleResolutionCallback localeResolutionCallback = null, List supportedLocales = null, bool showPerformanceOverlay = false ) : base(key) { routes = routes ?? new Dictionary(); supportedLocales = supportedLocales ?? new List {new Locale("en", "US")}; this.window = Window.instance; this.home = home; this.navigatorKey = navigatorKey; this.onGenerateRoute = onGenerateRoute; this.onUnknownRoute = onUnknownRoute; this.pageRouteBuilder = pageRouteBuilder; this.routes = routes; this.navigatorObservers = navigatorObservers ?? new List(); this.initialRoute = initialRoute; this.builder = builder; this.textStyle = textStyle; this.locale = locale; this.localizationsDelegates = localizationsDelegates; this.localeListResolutionCallback = localeListResolutionCallback; this.localeResolutionCallback = localeResolutionCallback; this.supportedLocales = supportedLocales; this.showPerformanceOverlay = showPerformanceOverlay; D.assert( home == null || !this.routes.ContainsKey(Navigator.defaultRouteName), "If the home property is specified, the routes table " + "cannot include an entry for \" / \", since it would be redundant." ); D.assert( builder != null || home != null || this.routes.ContainsKey(Navigator.defaultRouteName) || onGenerateRoute != null || onUnknownRoute != null, "Either the home property must be specified, " + "or the routes table must include an entry for \"/\", " + "or there must be on onGenerateRoute callback specified, " + "or there must be an onUnknownRoute callback specified, " + "or the builder property must be specified, " + "because otherwise there is nothing to fall back on if the " + "app is started with an intent that specifies an unknown route." ); D.assert( builder != null || onGenerateRoute != null || pageRouteBuilder != null, "If neither builder nor onGenerateRoute are provided, the " + "pageRouteBuilder must be specified so that the default handler " + "will know what kind of PageRoute transition to build." ); } public override State createState() { return new _WidgetsAppState(); } } public class WindowProvider : InheritedWidget { public readonly Window window; public WindowProvider(Key key = null, Window window = null, Widget child = null) : base(key, child) { D.assert(window != null); this.window = window; } public static Window of(BuildContext context) { var provider = (WindowProvider) context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(typeof(WindowProvider)); if (provider == null) { throw new UIWidgetsError("WindowProvider is missing"); } return provider.window; } public override bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget oldWidget) { D.assert(this.window == ((WindowProvider) oldWidget).window); return false; } } class _WidgetsAppState : State, WidgetsBindingObserver { GlobalKey _navigator; public IPromise didPopRoute() { D.assert(this.mounted); var navigator = this._navigator?.currentState; if (navigator == null) { return Promise.Resolved(false); } return navigator.maybePop(); } public IPromise didPushRoute(string route) { D.assert(this.mounted); var navigator = this._navigator?.currentState; if (navigator == null) { return Promise.Resolved(false); } navigator.pushNamed(route); return Promise.Resolved(true); } public void didChangeMetrics() { this.setState(); } public void didChangeTextScaleFactor() { this.setState(); } public void didChangeLocales(List locale) { Locale newLocale = this._resolveLocales(locale, this.widget.supportedLocales); if (newLocale != this._locale) { this.setState(() => { this._locale = newLocale; }); } } List _localizationsDelegates { get { List _delegates = new List(); if (this.widget.localizationsDelegates != null) { _delegates.AddRange(this.widget.localizationsDelegates); } _delegates.Add(DefaultWidgetsLocalizations.del); return _delegates; } } public override void initState() { base.initState(); this._updateNavigator(); //todo: xingwei.zhu: change the default locale to ui.Window.locale this._locale = this._resolveLocales(new List {new Locale("en", "US")}, this.widget.supportedLocales); D.assert(() => { WidgetInspectorService.instance.inspectorShowCallback += this.inspectorShowChanged; return true; }); WidgetsBinding.instance.addObserver(this); } public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) { base.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (this.widget.navigatorKey != ((WidgetsApp) oldWidget).navigatorKey) { this._updateNavigator(); } } public override void dispose() { WidgetsBinding.instance.removeObserver(this); D.assert(() => { WidgetInspectorService.instance.inspectorShowCallback -= this.inspectorShowChanged; return true; }); base.dispose(); } void _updateNavigator() { this._navigator = this.widget.navigatorKey ?? new GlobalObjectKey(this); } Route _onGenerateRoute(RouteSettings settings) { var name =; var pageContentBuilder = name == Navigator.defaultRouteName && this.widget.home != null ? context => this.widget.home : this.widget.routes.getOrDefault(name); if (pageContentBuilder != null) { D.assert(this.widget.pageRouteBuilder != null, "The default onGenerateRoute handler for WidgetsApp must have a " + "pageRouteBuilder set if the home or routes properties are set."); var route = this.widget.pageRouteBuilder( settings, pageContentBuilder ); D.assert(route != null, "The pageRouteBuilder for WidgetsApp must return a valid non-null Route."); return route; } if (this.widget.onGenerateRoute != null) { return this.widget.onGenerateRoute(settings); } return null; } Route _onUnknownRoute(RouteSettings settings) { D.assert(() => { if (this.widget.onUnknownRoute == null) { throw new UIWidgetsError( $"Could not find a generator for route {settings} in the {this.GetType()}.\n" + $"Generators for routes are searched for in the following order:\n" + " 1. For the \"/\" route, the \"home\" property, if non-null, is used.\n" + " 2. Otherwise, the \"routes\" table is used, if it has an entry for " + "the route.\n" + " 3. Otherwise, onGenerateRoute is called. It should return a " + "non-null value for any valid route not handled by \"home\" and \"routes\".\n" + " 4. Finally if all else fails onUnknownRoute is called.\n" + "Unfortunately, onUnknownRoute was not set." ); } return true; }); var result = this.widget.onUnknownRoute(settings); D.assert(() => { if (result == null) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "The onUnknownRoute callback returned null.\n" + "When the $runtimeType requested the route $settings from its " + "onUnknownRoute callback, the callback returned null. Such callbacks " + "must never return null." ); } return true; }); return result; } Locale _locale; Locale _resolveLocales(List preferredLocales, List supportedLocales) { if (this.widget.localeListResolutionCallback != null) { Locale locale = this.widget.localeListResolutionCallback(preferredLocales, this.widget.supportedLocales); if (locale != null) { return locale; } } if (this.widget.localeResolutionCallback != null) { Locale locale = this.widget.localeResolutionCallback( preferredLocales != null && preferredLocales.isNotEmpty() ? preferredLocales.first() : null, this.widget.supportedLocales ); if (locale != null) { return locale; } } return basicLocaleListResolution(preferredLocales, supportedLocales); } static Locale basicLocaleListResolution(List preferredLocales, List supportedLocales) { if (preferredLocales == null || preferredLocales.isEmpty()) { return supportedLocales.first(); } Dictionary allSupportedLocales = new Dictionary(); Dictionary languageLocales = new Dictionary(); Dictionary countryLocales = new Dictionary(); foreach (Locale locale in supportedLocales) { allSupportedLocales.putIfAbsent(locale.languageCode + "_" + locale.countryCode, () => locale); languageLocales.putIfAbsent(locale.languageCode, () => locale); countryLocales.putIfAbsent(locale.countryCode, () => locale); } Locale matchesLanguageCode = null; Locale matchesCountryCode = null; for (int localeIndex = 0; localeIndex < preferredLocales.Count; localeIndex++) { Locale userLocale = preferredLocales[localeIndex]; if (allSupportedLocales.ContainsKey(userLocale.languageCode + "_" + userLocale.countryCode)) { return userLocale; } if (matchesLanguageCode != null) { return matchesLanguageCode; } if (languageLocales.ContainsKey(userLocale.languageCode)) { matchesLanguageCode = languageLocales[userLocale.languageCode]; if (localeIndex == 0 && !(localeIndex + 1 < preferredLocales.Count && preferredLocales[localeIndex + 1].languageCode == userLocale.languageCode)) { return matchesLanguageCode; } } if (matchesCountryCode == null && userLocale.countryCode != null) { if (countryLocales.ContainsKey(userLocale.countryCode)) { matchesCountryCode = countryLocales[userLocale.countryCode]; } } } Locale resolvedLocale = matchesLanguageCode ?? matchesCountryCode ?? supportedLocales.first(); return resolvedLocale; } void inspectorShowChanged() { this.setState(); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget navigator = null; if (this._navigator != null) { navigator = new Navigator( key: this._navigator, initialRoute: this.widget.initialRoute ?? Navigator.defaultRouteName, onGenerateRoute: this._onGenerateRoute, onUnknownRoute: this._onUnknownRoute, observers: this.widget.navigatorObservers ); } Widget result; if (this.widget.builder != null) { result = new Builder( builder: _context => { return this.widget.builder(_context, navigator); } ); } else { D.assert(navigator != null); result = navigator; } if (this.widget.textStyle != null) { result = new DefaultTextStyle( style: this.widget.textStyle, child: result ); } PerformanceOverlay performanceOverlay = null; if (this.widget.showPerformanceOverlay) { performanceOverlay = PerformanceOverlay.allEnabled(); } if (performanceOverlay != null) { result = new Stack( children: new List { result, new Positioned(top: 0.0f, left: 0.0f, right: 0.0f, child: performanceOverlay) }); } D.assert(() => { if (WidgetInspectorService.instance.debugShowInspector) { result = new WidgetInspector(null, result, this._InspectorSelectButtonBuilder); } return true; }); result = new Directionality(child: result, TextDirection.ltr); result = new WindowProvider( window: this.widget.window, child: result ); Locale appLocale = this.widget.locale != null ? this._resolveLocales(new List {this.widget.locale}, this.widget.supportedLocales) : this._locale; result = new MediaQuery( data: MediaQueryData.fromWindow(this.widget.window), child: new Localizations( locale: appLocale, delegates: this._localizationsDelegates, child: result) ); return result; } Widget _InspectorSelectButtonBuilder(BuildContext context, VoidCallback onPressed) { return new _InspectorSelectButton(onPressed); } } class _InspectorSelectButton : StatelessWidget { public readonly GestureTapCallback onPressed; public _InspectorSelectButton( VoidCallback onPressed, Key key = null ) : base(key) { this.onPressed = () => onPressed(); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new GestureDetector( onTap: this.onPressed, child: new Container( color: Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 255), padding: EdgeInsets.all(10), child: new Text("Select", style: new TextStyle(color: Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 255, 255))) ) ); } } }