using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui { public class PictureFlusher { readonly RenderTexture _renderTexture; readonly float _fringeWidth; readonly float _devicePixelRatio; readonly MeshPool _meshPool; readonly List _layers = new List(); RenderLayer _currentLayer; Rect _lastScissor; public PictureFlusher(RenderTexture renderTexture, float devicePixelRatio, MeshPool meshPool) { D.assert(renderTexture); D.assert(devicePixelRatio > 0); D.assert(meshPool != null); this._renderTexture = renderTexture; this._fringeWidth = 1.0f / devicePixelRatio; this._devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio; this._meshPool = meshPool; } public float getDevicePixelRatio() { return this._devicePixelRatio; } void _reset() { foreach (var layer in this._layers) { this._clearLayer(layer); } RenderLayer firstLayer; if (this._layers.Count == 0) { var width = this._renderTexture.width; var height = this._renderTexture.height; var bounds = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, width * this._fringeWidth, height * this._fringeWidth); firstLayer = new RenderLayer { width = width, height = height, layerBounds = bounds, }; } else { D.assert(this._layers.Count > 0); firstLayer = this._layers[0]; firstLayer = new RenderLayer { width = firstLayer.width, height = firstLayer.height, layerBounds = firstLayer.layerBounds, }; } this._layers.Clear(); this._layers.Add(firstLayer); this._currentLayer = firstLayer; } void _save() { var layer = this._currentLayer; layer.currentState = layer.currentState.copy(); layer.states.Add(layer.currentState);; } void _saveLayer(Rect bounds, Paint paint) { D.assert(bounds != null); D.assert(bounds.width > 0); D.assert(bounds.height > 0); D.assert(paint != null); var parentLayer = this._currentLayer; var state = parentLayer.currentState; var textureWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt( bounds.width * state.scale * this._devicePixelRatio); if (textureWidth < 1) { textureWidth = 1; } var textureHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt( bounds.height * state.scale * this._devicePixelRatio); if (textureHeight < 1) { textureHeight = 1; } var layer = new RenderLayer { rtID = Shader.PropertyToID("_rtID_" + this._layers.Count + "_" + parentLayer.layers.Count), width = textureWidth, height = textureHeight, layerBounds = bounds, layerPaint = paint, }; parentLayer.addLayer(layer); this._layers.Add(layer); this._currentLayer = layer; if (paint.backdrop != null) { if (paint.backdrop is _BlurImageFilter) { var filter = (_BlurImageFilter) paint.backdrop; if (!(filter.sigmaX == 0 && filter.sigmaY == 0)) { var points = new[] {bounds.topLeft, bounds.bottomLeft, bounds.bottomRight, bounds.topRight}; state.matrix.mapPoints(points); var parentBounds = parentLayer.layerBounds; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { points[i] = new Offset( (points[i].dx - parentBounds.left) / parentBounds.width, (points[i].dy - / parentBounds.height ); } var mesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageMesh( null, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], bounds); var renderDraw = CanvasShader.texRT(layer, layer.layerPaint, mesh, parentLayer); layer.draws.Add(renderDraw); var blurLayer = this._createBlurLayer(layer, filter.sigmaX, filter.sigmaY, layer); var blurMesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageMesh(null,, bounds); layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.texRT(layer, paint, blurMesh, blurLayer)); } } else if (paint.backdrop is _MatrixImageFilter) { var filter = (_MatrixImageFilter) paint.backdrop; if (!filter.transform.isIdentity()) { layer.filterMode = filter.filterMode; var points = new[] {bounds.topLeft, bounds.bottomLeft, bounds.bottomRight, bounds.topRight}; state.matrix.mapPoints(points); var parentBounds = parentLayer.layerBounds; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { points[i] = new Offset( (points[i].dx - parentBounds.left) / parentBounds.width, (points[i].dy - / parentBounds.height ); } var matrix = Matrix3.makeTrans(-bounds.left,; matrix.postConcat(filter.transform); matrix.postTranslate(bounds.left,; var mesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageMesh( matrix, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], bounds); var renderDraw = CanvasShader.texRT(layer, layer.layerPaint, mesh, parentLayer); layer.draws.Add(renderDraw); } } } } void _restore() { var layer = this._currentLayer; D.assert(layer.states.Count > 0); if (layer.states.Count > 1) { layer.states.RemoveAt(layer.states.Count - 1); layer.currentState = layer.states[layer.states.Count - 1]; layer.clipStack.restore(); return; } this._layers.RemoveAt(this._layers.Count - 1); var currentLayer = this._currentLayer = this._layers[this._layers.Count - 1]; var state = currentLayer.currentState; var mesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageMesh(state.matrix,, layer.layerBounds); if (!this._applyClip(mesh.bounds)) { return; } var renderDraw = CanvasShader.texRT(currentLayer, layer.layerPaint, mesh, layer); currentLayer.draws.Add(renderDraw); } void _translate(float dx, float dy) { var state = this._currentLayer.currentState; var matrix = Matrix3.makeTrans(dx, dy); matrix.postConcat(state.matrix); state.matrix = matrix; } void _scale(float sx, float? sy = null) { var state = this._currentLayer.currentState; var matrix = Matrix3.makeScale(sx, (sy ?? sx)); matrix.postConcat(state.matrix); state.matrix = matrix; } void _rotate(float radians, Offset offset = null) { var state = this._currentLayer.currentState; if (offset == null) { var matrix = Matrix3.makeRotate(radians); matrix.postConcat(state.matrix); state.matrix = matrix; } else { var matrix = Matrix3.makeRotate(radians, offset.dx, offset.dy); matrix.postConcat(state.matrix); state.matrix = matrix; } } void _skew(float sx, float sy) { var state = this._currentLayer.currentState; var matrix = Matrix3.makeSkew( sx, sy); matrix.postConcat(state.matrix); state.matrix = matrix; } void _concat(Matrix3 matrix) { var state = this._currentLayer.currentState; matrix = new Matrix3(matrix); matrix.postConcat(state.matrix); state.matrix = matrix; } void _resetMatrix() { var state = this._currentLayer.currentState; state.matrix = Matrix3.I(); } void _setMatrix(Matrix3 matrix) { var state = this._currentLayer.currentState; state.matrix = new Matrix3(matrix); } void _clipRect(Rect rect) { var path = new Path(); path.addRect(rect); this._clipPath(path); } void _clipRRect(RRect rrect) { var path = new Path(); path.addRRect(rrect); this._clipPath(path); } void _clipPath(Path path) { var layer = this._currentLayer; var state = layer.currentState; layer.clipStack.clipPath(path, state.matrix, state.scale * this._devicePixelRatio); } void _tryAddScissor(RenderLayer layer, Rect scissor) { if (scissor == this._lastScissor) { return; } layer.draws.Add(new CmdScissor { deviceScissor = scissor, }); this._lastScissor = scissor; } bool _applyClip(Rect queryBounds) { if (queryBounds == null || queryBounds.isEmpty) { return false; } var layer = this._currentLayer; var layerBounds = layer.layerBounds; ReducedClip reducedClip = new ReducedClip(layer.clipStack, layerBounds, queryBounds); if (reducedClip.isEmpty()) { return false; } var scissor = reducedClip.scissor; var physicalRect = Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, layer.width, layer.height); if (scissor == layerBounds) { this._tryAddScissor(layer, null); } else { var deviceScissor = Rect.fromLTRB( scissor.left - layerBounds.left, layerBounds.bottom - scissor.bottom, scissor.right - layerBounds.left, layerBounds.bottom - ).scale(layer.width / layerBounds.width, layer.height / layerBounds.height); deviceScissor = deviceScissor.roundOut(); deviceScissor = deviceScissor.intersect(physicalRect); if (deviceScissor.isEmpty) { return false; } this._tryAddScissor(layer, deviceScissor); } var maskGenID = reducedClip.maskGenID(); if (this._mustRenderClip(maskGenID, reducedClip.scissor)) { if (maskGenID == ClipStack.wideOpenGenID) { layer.ignoreClip = true; } else { layer.ignoreClip = false; // need to inflate a bit to make sure all area is cleared. var inflatedScissor = reducedClip.scissor.inflate(this._fringeWidth); var boundsMesh = new MeshMesh(inflatedScissor); layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.stencilClear(layer, boundsMesh)); foreach (var maskElement in reducedClip.maskElements) { layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.stencil0(layer, maskElement.mesh)); layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.stencil1(layer, boundsMesh)); } } this._setLastClipGenId(maskGenID, reducedClip.scissor); } return true; } void _setLastClipGenId(uint clipGenId, Rect clipBounds) { var layer = this._currentLayer; layer.lastClipGenId = clipGenId; layer.lastClipBounds = clipBounds; } bool _mustRenderClip(uint clipGenId, Rect clipBounds) { var layer = this._currentLayer; return layer.lastClipGenId != clipGenId || layer.lastClipBounds != clipBounds; } RenderLayer _createMaskLayer(RenderLayer parentLayer, Rect maskBounds, Action drawCallback, Paint paint) { var textureWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt(maskBounds.width * this._devicePixelRatio); if (textureWidth < 1) { textureWidth = 1; } var textureHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt(maskBounds.height * this._devicePixelRatio); if (textureHeight < 1) { textureHeight = 1; } var maskLayer = new RenderLayer { rtID = Shader.PropertyToID("_rtID_" + this._layers.Count + "_" + parentLayer.layers.Count), width = textureWidth, height = textureHeight, layerBounds = maskBounds, filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear, }; parentLayer.addLayer(maskLayer); this._layers.Add(maskLayer); this._currentLayer = maskLayer; var parentState = parentLayer.states[parentLayer.states.Count - 1]; var maskState = maskLayer.states[maskLayer.states.Count - 1]; maskState.matrix = parentState.matrix; drawCallback(Paint.shapeOnly(paint)); var removed = this._layers.removeLast(); D.assert(removed == maskLayer); this._currentLayer = this._layers[this._layers.Count - 1]; return maskLayer; } RenderLayer _createBlurLayer(RenderLayer maskLayer, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, RenderLayer parentLayer) { sigmaX = BlurUtils.adjustSigma(sigmaX, out var scaleFactorX, out var radiusX); sigmaY = BlurUtils.adjustSigma(sigmaY, out var scaleFactorY, out var radiusY); var textureWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt((float) maskLayer.width / scaleFactorX); if (textureWidth < 1) { textureWidth = 1; } var textureHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt((float) maskLayer.height / scaleFactorY); if (textureHeight < 1) { textureHeight = 1; } var blurXLayer = new RenderLayer { rtID = Shader.PropertyToID("_rtID_" + this._layers.Count + "_" + parentLayer.layers.Count), width = textureWidth, height = textureHeight, layerBounds = maskLayer.layerBounds, filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear, }; parentLayer.addLayer(blurXLayer); var blurYLayer = new RenderLayer { rtID = Shader.PropertyToID("_rtID_" + this._layers.Count + "_" + parentLayer.layers.Count), width = textureWidth, height = textureHeight, layerBounds = maskLayer.layerBounds, filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear, }; parentLayer.addLayer(blurYLayer); var blurMesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageMesh(null,, maskLayer.layerBounds); var kernelX = BlurUtils.get1DGaussianKernel(sigmaX, radiusX); var kernelY = BlurUtils.get1DGaussianKernel(sigmaY, radiusY); blurXLayer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.maskFilter( blurXLayer, blurMesh, maskLayer, radiusX, new Vector2(1f / textureWidth, 0), kernelX)); blurYLayer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.maskFilter( blurYLayer, blurMesh, blurXLayer, radiusY, new Vector2(0, -1f / textureHeight), kernelY)); return blurYLayer; } void _drawWithMaskFilter(Rect meshBounds, Action drawAction, Paint paint, MaskFilter maskFilter) { var layer = this._currentLayer; var clipBounds = layer.layerBounds; Rect stackBounds; bool iior; layer.clipStack.getBounds(out stackBounds, out iior); if (stackBounds != null) { clipBounds = clipBounds.intersect(stackBounds); } if (clipBounds.isEmpty) { return; } var state = layer.currentState; float sigma = state.scale * maskFilter.sigma; if (sigma <= 0) { return; } float sigma3 = 3 * sigma; var maskBounds = meshBounds.inflate(sigma3); maskBounds = maskBounds.intersect(clipBounds.inflate(sigma3)); if (maskBounds.isEmpty) { return; } var maskLayer = this._createMaskLayer(layer, maskBounds, drawAction, paint); var blurLayer = this._createBlurLayer(maskLayer, sigma, sigma, layer); var blurMesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageMesh(null,, maskBounds); if (!this._applyClip(blurMesh.bounds)) { return; } layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.texRT(layer, paint, blurMesh, blurLayer)); } void _drawPath(Path path, Paint paint) { D.assert(path != null); D.assert(paint != null); if ( == PaintingStyle.fill) { var state = this._currentLayer.currentState; var cache = path.flatten(state.scale * this._devicePixelRatio); bool convex; var mesh = cache.getFillMesh(out convex).transform(state.matrix); Action drawMesh = p => { if (!this._applyClip(mesh.bounds)) { return; } var layer = this._currentLayer; if (convex) { layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.convexFill(layer, p, mesh)); } else { layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.fill0(layer, mesh)); layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.fill1(layer, p, mesh.boundsMesh)); } }; if (paint.maskFilter != null && paint.maskFilter.sigma != 0) { this._drawWithMaskFilter(mesh.bounds, drawMesh, paint, paint.maskFilter); return; } drawMesh(paint); } else { var state = this._currentLayer.currentState; float strokeWidth = (paint.strokeWidth * state.scale).clamp(0, 200.0f); float alpha = 1.0f; if (strokeWidth == 0) { strokeWidth = this._fringeWidth; } else if (strokeWidth < this._fringeWidth) { // If the stroke width is less than pixel size, use alpha to emulate coverage. // Since coverage is area, scale by alpha*alpha. alpha = (strokeWidth / this._fringeWidth).clamp(0.0f, 1.0f); alpha *= alpha; strokeWidth = this._fringeWidth; } var cache = path.flatten(state.scale * this._devicePixelRatio); var mesh = cache.getStrokeMesh( strokeWidth / state.scale * 0.5f, paint.strokeCap, paint.strokeJoin, paint.strokeMiterLimit).transform(state.matrix); Action drawMesh = p => { if (!this._applyClip(mesh.bounds)) { return; } var layer = this._currentLayer; layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.stroke0(layer, p, alpha, mesh)); layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.stroke1(layer, mesh)); }; if (paint.maskFilter != null && paint.maskFilter.sigma != 0) { this._drawWithMaskFilter(mesh.bounds, drawMesh, paint, paint.maskFilter); return; } drawMesh(paint); } } void _drawImage(Image image, Offset offset, Paint paint) { D.assert(image != null); D.assert(offset != null); D.assert(paint != null); this._drawImageRect(image, null, Rect.fromLTWH( offset.dx, offset.dy, image.width / this._devicePixelRatio, image.height / this._devicePixelRatio), paint); } void _drawImageRect(Image image, Rect src, Rect dst, Paint paint) { D.assert(image != null); D.assert(dst != null); D.assert(paint != null); if (src == null) { src =; } else { src = src.scale(1f / image.width, 1f / image.height); } var layer = this._currentLayer; var state = layer.currentState; var mesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageMesh(state.matrix, src, dst); if (!this._applyClip(mesh.bounds)) { return; } layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.tex(layer, paint, mesh, image)); } void _drawImageNine(Image image, Rect src, Rect center, Rect dst, Paint paint) { D.assert(image != null); D.assert(center != null); D.assert(dst != null); D.assert(paint != null); var scaleX = 1f / image.width; var scaleY = 1f / image.height; if (src == null) { src =; } else { src = src.scale(scaleX, scaleY); } center = center.scale(scaleX, scaleY); var layer = this._currentLayer; var state = layer.currentState; var mesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageNineMesh(state.matrix, src, center, image.width, image.height, dst); if (!this._applyClip(mesh.bounds)) { return; } layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.tex(layer, paint, mesh, image)); } void _drawPicture(Picture picture, bool needsSave = true) { if (needsSave) { this._save(); } int saveCount = 0; var drawCmds = picture.drawCmds; foreach (var drawCmd in drawCmds) { switch (drawCmd) { case DrawSave _: saveCount++; this._save(); break; case DrawSaveLayer cmd: { saveCount++; this._saveLayer(cmd.rect, cmd.paint); break; } case DrawRestore _: { saveCount--; if (saveCount < 0) { throw new Exception("unmatched save/restore in picture"); } this._restore(); break; } case DrawTranslate cmd: { this._translate(cmd.dx, cmd.dy); break; } case DrawScale cmd: { this._scale(,; break; } case DrawRotate cmd: { this._rotate(cmd.radians, cmd.offset); break; } case DrawSkew cmd: { this._skew(,; break; } case DrawConcat cmd: { this._concat(cmd.matrix); break; } case DrawResetMatrix _: this._resetMatrix(); break; case DrawSetMatrix cmd: { this._setMatrix(cmd.matrix); break; } case DrawClipRect cmd: { this._clipRect(cmd.rect); break; } case DrawClipRRect cmd: { this._clipRRect(cmd.rrect); break; } case DrawClipPath cmd: { this._clipPath(cmd.path); break; } case DrawPath cmd: { this._drawPath(cmd.path, cmd.paint); break; } case DrawImage cmd: { this._drawImage(cmd.image, cmd.offset, cmd.paint); break; } case DrawImageRect cmd: { this._drawImageRect(cmd.image, cmd.src, cmd.dst, cmd.paint); break; } case DrawImageNine cmd: { this._drawImageNine(cmd.image, cmd.src,, cmd.dst, cmd.paint); break; } case DrawPicture cmd: { this._drawPicture(cmd.picture); break; } case DrawTextBlob cmd: { this._drawTextBlob(cmd.textBlob, cmd.offset, cmd.paint); break; } default: throw new Exception("unknown drawCmd: " + drawCmd); } } if (saveCount != 0) { throw new Exception("unmatched save/restore in picture"); } if (needsSave) { this._restore(); } } void _drawTextBlob(TextBlob textBlob, Offset offset, Paint paint) { D.assert(textBlob != null); D.assert(offset != null); D.assert(paint != null); var state = this._currentLayer.currentState; var scale = state.scale * this._devicePixelRatio; var matrix = new Matrix3(state.matrix); matrix.preTranslate(offset.dx, offset.dy); var mesh = new TextBlobMesh(textBlob, scale, matrix); // request font texture so text mesh could be generated correctly var style =; var font = FontManager.instance.getOrCreate(, style.fontWeight, style.fontStyle).font; var fontSizeToLoad = Mathf.CeilToInt(style.UnityFontSize * scale); var subText = textBlob.text.Substring(textBlob.textOffset, textBlob.textSize); font.RequestCharactersInTexture(subText, fontSizeToLoad, style.UnityFontStyle); var tex = font.material.mainTexture; Action drawMesh = (Paint p) => { if (!this._applyClip(matrix.mapRect(textBlob.bounds))) { return; } var layer = this._currentLayer; layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.texAlpha(layer, p, mesh, tex)); }; if (paint.maskFilter != null && paint.maskFilter.sigma != 0) { this._drawWithMaskFilter(textBlob.bounds, drawMesh, paint, paint.maskFilter); return; } drawMesh(paint); } public void flush(Picture picture) { this._reset(); this._drawPicture(picture, false); D.assert(this._layers.Count == 1); D.assert(this._layers[0].states.Count == 1); var layer = this._currentLayer; if (layer.draws.Count == 0) { D.assert(layer.layers.Count == 0); return; } using (var cmdBuf = new CommandBuffer()) { = "CommandBufferCanvas"; this._drawLayer(layer, cmdBuf); Graphics.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmdBuf); } this._clearLayer(layer); } void _drawLayer(RenderLayer layer, CommandBuffer cmdBuf) { if (layer.rtID == 0) { cmdBuf.SetRenderTarget(this._renderTexture); cmdBuf.ClearRenderTarget(true, true, UnityEngine.Color.clear); } else { cmdBuf.SetRenderTarget(layer.rtID); cmdBuf.ClearRenderTarget(true, true, UnityEngine.Color.clear); } foreach (var cmdObj in layer.draws) { switch (cmdObj) { case CmdLayer cmd: var subLayer = cmd.layer; var desc = new RenderTextureDescriptor( subLayer.width, subLayer.height, RenderTextureFormat.Default, 24) { useMipMap = false, autoGenerateMips = false, }; if (QualitySettings.antiAliasing != 0) { desc.msaaSamples = QualitySettings.antiAliasing; } cmdBuf.GetTemporaryRT(subLayer.rtID, desc, subLayer.filterMode); this._drawLayer(subLayer, cmdBuf); if (layer.rtID == 0) { cmdBuf.SetRenderTarget(this._renderTexture); } else { cmdBuf.SetRenderTarget(layer.rtID); } break; case CmdDraw cmd: if (cmd.layer != null) { if (cmd.layer.rtID == 0) { cmdBuf.SetGlobalTexture(CmdDraw.texId, this._renderTexture); } else { cmdBuf.SetGlobalTexture(CmdDraw.texId, cmd.layer.rtID); } } D.assert(cmd.meshObj == null); cmd.meshObj = this._meshPool.getMesh(); cmd.meshObjCreated = true; // clear triangles first in order to bypass validation in SetVertices. cmd.meshObj.SetTriangles((int[]) null, 0, false); MeshMesh mesh = cmd.mesh; if (cmd.textMesh != null) { mesh = cmd.textMesh.resovleMesh(); } if (mesh == null) { continue; } D.assert(mesh.vertices.Count > 0); cmd.meshObj.SetVertices(mesh.vertices); cmd.meshObj.SetTriangles(mesh.triangles, 0, false); cmd.meshObj.SetUVs(0, mesh.uv); if (mesh.matrix == null) {, CmdDraw.idMat3.fMat); } else {, mesh.matrix.fMat); } cmdBuf.DrawMesh(cmd.meshObj, CmdDraw.idMat, cmd.material, 0, cmd.pass,; if (cmd.layer != null) { cmdBuf.SetGlobalTexture(CmdDraw.texId, BuiltinRenderTextureType.None); } break; case CmdScissor cmd: if (cmd.deviceScissor == null) { cmdBuf.DisableScissorRect(); } else { cmdBuf.EnableScissorRect(cmd.deviceScissor.toRect()); } break; } } foreach (var subLayer in layer.layers) { cmdBuf.ReleaseTemporaryRT(subLayer.rtID); } } void _clearLayer(RenderLayer layer) { foreach (var cmdObj in layer.draws) { switch (cmdObj) { case CmdDraw cmd: if (cmd.meshObjCreated) { this._meshPool.returnMesh(cmd.meshObj); cmd.meshObj = null; cmd.meshObjCreated = false; } break; } } layer.draws.Clear(); foreach (var subLayer in layer.layers) { this._clearLayer(subLayer); } layer.layers.Clear(); } internal class RenderLayer { public int rtID; public int width; public int height; public FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode.Point; public Rect layerBounds; public Paint layerPaint; public readonly List draws = new List(); public readonly List layers = new List(); public readonly List states = new List(); public State currentState; public readonly ClipStack clipStack = new ClipStack(); public uint lastClipGenId; public Rect lastClipBounds; public bool ignoreClip = true; Vector4? _viewport; public Vector4 viewport { get { if (!this._viewport.HasValue) { this._viewport = new Vector4( this.layerBounds.left,, this.layerBounds.width, this.layerBounds.height); } return this._viewport.Value; } } public RenderLayer() { this.currentState = new State(); this.states.Add(this.currentState); } public void addLayer(RenderLayer layer) { this.layers.Add(layer); this.draws.Add(new CmdLayer {layer = layer}); } } internal class State { static readonly Matrix3 _id = Matrix3.I(); Matrix3 _matrix; float? _scale; Matrix3 _invMatrix; public State(Matrix3 matrix = null, float? scale = null, Matrix3 invMatrix = null) { this._matrix = matrix ?? _id; this._scale = scale; this._invMatrix = invMatrix; } public Matrix3 matrix { get { return this._matrix; } set { this._matrix = value ?? _id; this._scale = null; this._invMatrix = null; } } public float scale { get { if (this._scale == null) { this._scale = XformUtils.getScale(this._matrix); } return this._scale.Value; } } public Matrix3 invMatrix { get { if (this._invMatrix == null) { this._invMatrix = Matrix3.I(); this._matrix.invert(this._invMatrix); } return this._invMatrix; } } public State copy() { return new State(this._matrix, this._scale, this._invMatrix); } } internal class CmdLayer { public RenderLayer layer; } internal class CmdDraw { public MeshMesh mesh; public TextBlobMesh textMesh; public int pass; public MaterialPropertyBlock properties; public RenderLayer layer; public Material material; public Image image; // just to keep a reference to avoid GC. public Mesh meshObj; public bool meshObjCreated; public static readonly Matrix4x4 idMat = Matrix4x4.identity; public static readonly Matrix3 idMat3 = Matrix3.I(); public static readonly int texId = Shader.PropertyToID("_tex"); public static readonly int matId = Shader.PropertyToID("_mat"); } internal class CmdScissor { public Rect deviceScissor; } } public class CommandBufferCanvas : RecorderCanvas { readonly PictureFlusher _flusher; public CommandBufferCanvas(RenderTexture renderTexture, float devicePixelRatio, MeshPool meshPool) : base(new PictureRecorder()) { this._flusher = new PictureFlusher(renderTexture, devicePixelRatio, meshPool); } public override float getDevicePixelRatio() { return this._flusher.getDevicePixelRatio(); } public override void flush() { var picture = this._recorder.endRecording(); this._recorder.reset(); this._flusher.flush(picture); } } static class XformUtils { public static float getAverageScale(Matrix3 matrix) { return (getScaleX(matrix) + getScaleY(matrix)) * 0.5f; } public static float getMaxScale(Matrix3 matrix) { return Mathf.Max(getScaleX(matrix), getScaleY(matrix)); } public static float getScaleX(Matrix3 matrix) { // ignore perspective parameters for now. if (matrix.isIdentity()) { return 1.0f; } if (matrix.getSkewY() == 0) { return matrix.getScaleX(); } var x = matrix.getScaleX(); var y = matrix.getSkewY(); return Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); } public static float getScaleY(Matrix3 matrix) { // ignore perspective parameters for now. if (matrix.isIdentity()) { return 1.0f; } if (matrix.getSkewX() == 0) { return matrix.getScaleY(); } var x = matrix.getSkewX(); var y = matrix.getScaleY(); return Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); } public static float getScale(Matrix3 matrix) { var scaleX = getScaleX(matrix); var scaleY = getScaleY(matrix); if (scaleX == 1.0) { return scaleY; } if (scaleY == 1.0) { return scaleX; } // geometric mean of len0 and len1. return Mathf.Sqrt(scaleX * scaleY); } public static float mapRadius(Matrix3 matrix, float radius) { return getScale(matrix) * radius; } } static class BlurUtils { static readonly Dictionary<_GaussianKernelKey, float[]> _gaussianKernels = new Dictionary<_GaussianKernelKey, float[]>(); public static float[] get1DGaussianKernel(float gaussianSigma, int radius) { var width = 2 * radius + 1; D.assert(width <= 25); var key = new _GaussianKernelKey(gaussianSigma, radius); return _gaussianKernels.putIfAbsent(key, () => { var kernel = new float[25]; float twoSigmaSqrd = 2.0f * gaussianSigma * gaussianSigma; if (ScalarUtils.ScalarNearlyZero(twoSigmaSqrd)) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { kernel[i] = 0.0f; } return kernel; } float denom = 1.0f / twoSigmaSqrd; float sum = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { float x = i - radius; // Note that the constant term (1/(sqrt(2*pi*sigma^2)) of the Gaussian // is dropped here, since we renormalize the kernel below. kernel[i] = Mathf.Exp(-x * x * denom); sum += kernel[i]; } // Normalize the kernel float scale = 1.0f / sum; for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { kernel[i] *= scale; } return kernel; }); } public static float adjustSigma(float sigma, out int scaleFactor, out int radius) { scaleFactor = 1; const int maxTextureSize = 16384; const float MAX_BLUR_SIGMA = 4.0f; while (sigma > MAX_BLUR_SIGMA) { scaleFactor *= 2; sigma *= 0.5f; if (scaleFactor > maxTextureSize) { scaleFactor = maxTextureSize; sigma = MAX_BLUR_SIGMA; } } radius = Mathf.CeilToInt(sigma * 3.0f); D.assert(radius <= 3 * MAX_BLUR_SIGMA); return sigma; } class _GaussianKernelKey : IEquatable<_GaussianKernelKey> { public readonly float gaussianSigma; public readonly int radius; public _GaussianKernelKey(float gaussianSigma, int radius) { this.gaussianSigma = gaussianSigma; this.radius = radius; } public bool Equals(_GaussianKernelKey other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return true; } return this.gaussianSigma.Equals(other.gaussianSigma) && this.radius == other.radius; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return true; } if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) { return false; } return this.Equals((_GaussianKernelKey) obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = this.gaussianSigma.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.radius; return hashCode; } } public static bool operator ==(_GaussianKernelKey left, _GaussianKernelKey right) { return Equals(left, right); } public static bool operator !=(_GaussianKernelKey left, _GaussianKernelKey right) { return !Equals(left, right); } public override string ToString() { return $"_GaussianKernelKey(gaussianSigma: {this.gaussianSigma:F1}, radius: {this.radius})"; } } } static class ImageMeshGenerator { static readonly List _imageTriangles = new List(12) { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, }; static readonly List _imageNineTriangles = new List(12 * 9) { 0, 4, 1, 1, 4, 5, 0, 1, 4, 1, 5, 4, 1, 5, 2, 2, 5, 6, 1, 2, 5, 2, 6, 5, 2, 6, 3, 3, 6, 7, 2, 3, 6, 3, 7, 6, 4, 8, 5, 5, 8, 9, 4, 5, 8, 5, 9, 8, 5, 9, 6, 6, 9, 10, 5, 6, 9, 6, 10, 9, 6, 10, 7, 7, 10, 11, 6, 7, 10, 7, 11, 10, 8, 12, 9, 9, 12, 13, 8, 9, 12, 9, 13, 12, 9, 13, 10, 10, 13, 14, 9, 10, 13, 10, 14, 13, 10, 14, 11, 11, 14, 15, 10, 11, 14, 11, 15, 14, }; public static MeshMesh imageMesh(Matrix3 matrix, Offset srcTL, Offset srcBL, Offset srcBR, Offset srcTR, Rect dst) { var vertices = new List(4); var uv = new List(4); vertices.Add(new Vector2(dst.left,; uv.Add(new Vector2(srcTL.dx, 1.0f - srcTL.dy)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(dst.left, dst.bottom)); uv.Add(new Vector2(srcBL.dx, 1.0f - srcBL.dy)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(dst.right, dst.bottom)); uv.Add(new Vector2(srcBR.dx, 1.0f - srcBR.dy)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(dst.right,; uv.Add(new Vector2(srcTR.dx, 1.0f - srcTR.dy)); return new MeshMesh(matrix, vertices, _imageTriangles, uv); } public static MeshMesh imageMesh(Matrix3 matrix, Rect src, Rect dst) { var vertices = new List(4); var uv = new List(4); float uvx0 = src.left; float uvx1 = src.right; float uvy0 = 1.0f -; float uvy1 = 1.0f - src.bottom; vertices.Add(new Vector2(dst.left,; uv.Add(new Vector2(uvx0, uvy0)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(dst.left, dst.bottom)); uv.Add(new Vector2(uvx0, uvy1)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(dst.right, dst.bottom)); uv.Add(new Vector2(uvx1, uvy1)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(dst.right,; uv.Add(new Vector2(uvx1, uvy0)); return new MeshMesh(matrix, vertices, _imageTriangles, uv); } public static MeshMesh imageNineMesh(Matrix3 matrix, Rect src, Rect center, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, Rect dst) { float x0 = dst.left; float x3 = dst.right; float x1 = x0 + ((center.left - src.left) * srcWidth); float x2 = x3 - ((src.right - center.right) * srcWidth); float y0 =; float y3 = dst.bottom; float y1 = y0 + (( - * srcHeight); float y2 = y3 - ((src.bottom - center.bottom) * srcHeight); float tx0 = src.left; float tx1 = center.left; float tx2 = center.right; float tx3 = src.right; float ty0 = 1 -; float ty1 = 1 -; float ty2 = 1 - center.bottom; float ty3 = 1 - src.bottom; var vertices = new List(16); var uv = new List(16); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x0, y0)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx0, ty0)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x1, y0)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx1, ty0)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x2, y0)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx2, ty0)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x3, y0)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx3, ty0)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x0, y1)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx0, ty1)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x1, y1)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx1, ty1)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x2, y1)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx2, ty1)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x3, y1)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx3, ty1)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x0, y2)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx0, ty2)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x1, y2)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx1, ty2)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x2, y2)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx2, ty2)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x3, y2)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx3, ty2)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x0, y3)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx0, ty3)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x1, y3)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx1, ty3)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x2, y3)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx2, ty3)); vertices.Add(new Vector2(x3, y3)); uv.Add(new Vector2(tx3, ty3)); return new MeshMesh(matrix, vertices, _imageNineTriangles, uv); } } }