using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler2; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using UnityEngine; using AsyncCallback =; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.rendering { public class OverScrollHeaderStretchConfiguration { /// Creates an object that specifies how a stretched header may activate an /// [AsyncCallback]. OverScrollHeaderStretchConfiguration( float stretchTriggerOffset = 100.0f, AsyncCallback onStretchTrigger = null ) { this.stretchTriggerOffset = stretchTriggerOffset; this.onStretchTrigger = onStretchTrigger; } public readonly float stretchTriggerOffset; public readonly AsyncCallback onStretchTrigger; } public abstract class RenderSliverPersistentHeader : RenderObjectWithChildMixinRenderSliver { public RenderSliverPersistentHeader( RenderBox child = null, OverScrollHeaderStretchConfiguration stretchConfiguration = null ) { this.child = child; this.stretchConfiguration = stretchConfiguration; } float _lastStretchOffset; public virtual float? maxExtent { get; } public virtual float? minExtent { get; } public float childExtent { get { if (child == null) { return 0.0f; } D.assert(child.hasSize); switch (constraints.axis) { case Axis.vertical: return child.size.height; case Axis.horizontal: return child.size.width; default: throw new Exception("Unknown axis: " + constraints.axis); } } } bool _needsUpdateChild = true; float _lastShrinkOffset = 0.0f; bool _lastOverlapsContent = false; public OverScrollHeaderStretchConfiguration stretchConfiguration; protected void updateChild(float shrinkOffset, bool overlapsContent) { } public override void markNeedsLayout() { _needsUpdateChild = true; base.markNeedsLayout(); } protected void layoutChild(float scrollOffset, float maxExtent, bool overlapsContent = false) { float shrinkOffset = Mathf.Min(scrollOffset, maxExtent); if (_needsUpdateChild || _lastShrinkOffset != shrinkOffset || _lastOverlapsContent != overlapsContent) { invokeLayoutCallback((SliverConstraints constraints) => { D.assert(constraints == this.constraints); updateChild(shrinkOffset, overlapsContent); }); _lastShrinkOffset = shrinkOffset; _lastOverlapsContent = overlapsContent; _needsUpdateChild = false; } D.assert(minExtent != null); D.assert(() => { if (minExtent <= maxExtent) { return true; } throw new UIWidgetsError(new List{ new ErrorSummary($"The maxExtent for this {GetType()} is less than its minExtent."), new FloatProperty("The specified maxExtent was", maxExtent), new FloatProperty("The specified minExtent was", minExtent), }); }); float stretchOffset = 0.0f; if (stretchConfiguration != null && childMainAxisPosition(child) == 0.0) stretchOffset += constraints.overlap.abs(); child?.layout( constraints.asBoxConstraints( maxExtent: Mathf.Max(minExtent?? 0.0f, maxExtent - shrinkOffset) + stretchOffset ), parentUsesSize: true ); if (stretchConfiguration != null && stretchConfiguration.onStretchTrigger != null && stretchOffset >= stretchConfiguration.stretchTriggerOffset && _lastStretchOffset <= stretchConfiguration.stretchTriggerOffset) { stretchConfiguration.onStretchTrigger(); } _lastStretchOffset = stretchOffset; } public override float? childMainAxisPosition(RenderObject child) { return base.childMainAxisPosition(this.child); } protected override bool hitTestChildren(SliverHitTestResult result, float mainAxisPosition = 0.0f, float crossAxisPosition = 0.0f) { D.assert(geometry.hitTestExtent > 0.0f); if (child != null) { return RenderSliverHelpers.hitTestBoxChild(this, new BoxHitTestResult(result), child, mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition, crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition); } return false; } public override void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child == this.child); RenderSliverHelpers.applyPaintTransformForBoxChild(this, this.child, transform); } public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { if (child != null && geometry.visible) { switch (GrowthDirectionUtils.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(constraints.axisDirection, constraints.growthDirection)) { case AxisDirection.up: offset += new Offset(0.0f, geometry.paintExtent - childMainAxisPosition(child)?? 0.0f - childExtent); break; case AxisDirection.down: offset += new Offset(0.0f, childMainAxisPosition(child) ?? 0.0f); break; case AxisDirection.left: offset += new Offset( geometry.paintExtent - childMainAxisPosition(child) ?? 0.0f - childExtent, 0.0f); break; case AxisDirection.right: offset += new Offset(childMainAxisPosition(child) ?? 0.0f, 0.0f); break; } context.paintChild(child, offset); } } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(FloatProperty.lazy("maxExtent", () => maxExtent)); properties.add(FloatProperty.lazy("child position", () => childMainAxisPosition(child))); } } public abstract class RenderSliverScrollingPersistentHeader : RenderSliverPersistentHeader { public RenderSliverScrollingPersistentHeader( RenderBox child = null, OverScrollHeaderStretchConfiguration stretchConfiguration = null ) : base(child: child, stretchConfiguration: stretchConfiguration) { } float _childPosition; protected float updateGeometry() { float? stretchOffset = 0.0f; if (stretchConfiguration != null && _childPosition == 0.0) { stretchOffset += constraints.overlap.abs(); } float? maxExtent = this.maxExtent; float? paintExtent = maxExtent - constraints.scrollOffset; geometry = new SliverGeometry( scrollExtent: maxExtent ?? 0.0f, paintOrigin: Mathf.Min(constraints.overlap, 0.0f), paintExtent: paintExtent?.clamp(0.0f, constraints.remainingPaintExtent) ?? 0.0f, maxPaintExtent: maxExtent + stretchOffset ?? 0.0f, hasVisualOverflow: true// Conservatively say we do have overflow to avoid complexity. ); return stretchOffset > 0 ? 0.0f :Mathf.Min(0.0f, paintExtent?? 0.0f - childExtent ); } protected override void performLayout() { float? maxExtent = this.maxExtent; layoutChild(constraints.scrollOffset, maxExtent ?? 0.0f); float? paintExtent = maxExtent - constraints.scrollOffset; geometry = new SliverGeometry( scrollExtent: maxExtent ?? 0.0f, paintOrigin: Mathf.Min(constraints.overlap, 0.0f), paintExtent: paintExtent?.clamp(0.0f, constraints.remainingPaintExtent) ?? 0.0f, maxPaintExtent: maxExtent ?? 0.0f, hasVisualOverflow: true ); _childPosition = updateGeometry(); } public override float? childMainAxisPosition(RenderObject child) { D.assert(child == this.child); return _childPosition; } } public abstract class RenderSliverPinnedPersistentHeader : RenderSliverPersistentHeader { public RenderSliverPinnedPersistentHeader( RenderBox child = null, OverScrollHeaderStretchConfiguration stretchConfiguration = null ) : base(child: child, stretchConfiguration: stretchConfiguration) { } protected override void performLayout() { SliverConstraints constraints = this.constraints; float? maxExtent = this.maxExtent; bool overlapsContent = constraints.overlap > 0.0f; layoutChild(constraints.scrollOffset, maxExtent ?? 0.0f, overlapsContent: overlapsContent); float effectiveRemainingPaintExtent = Mathf.Max(0, constraints.remainingPaintExtent - constraints.overlap); float? layoutExtent = (maxExtent - constraints.scrollOffset)?.clamp(0.0f, effectiveRemainingPaintExtent); float stretchOffset = stretchConfiguration != null ? constraints.overlap.abs() : 0.0f; geometry = new SliverGeometry( scrollExtent: maxExtent ?? 0.0f, paintOrigin: constraints.overlap, paintExtent: Mathf.Min(childExtent, effectiveRemainingPaintExtent), layoutExtent: layoutExtent, maxPaintExtent: (maxExtent ?? 0.0f) + stretchOffset, maxScrollObstructionExtent: minExtent ?? 0.0f, cacheExtent: layoutExtent > 0.0f ? -constraints.cacheOrigin + layoutExtent : layoutExtent, hasVisualOverflow: true ); } public override float? childMainAxisPosition(RenderObject child) { return 0.0f; } } public class FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration { public FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration( TickerProvider vsync, Curve curve = null, TimeSpan? duration = null ) { D.assert(vsync != null); D.assert(curve != null); D.assert(duration != null); this.vsync = vsync; this.curve = curve ?? Curves.ease; this.duration = duration ?? new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 300); } public readonly TickerProvider vsync; public readonly Curve curve; public readonly TimeSpan duration; } public abstract class RenderSliverFloatingPersistentHeader : RenderSliverPersistentHeader { public RenderSliverFloatingPersistentHeader( RenderBox child = null, FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration snapConfiguration = null, OverScrollHeaderStretchConfiguration stretchConfiguration = null ) : base( child: child, stretchConfiguration: stretchConfiguration) { _snapConfiguration = snapConfiguration; } AnimationController _controller; Animation _animation; protected float _lastActualScrollOffset; protected float _effectiveScrollOffset; float _childPosition; public override void detach() { _controller?.dispose(); _controller = null; base.detach(); } public FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration snapConfiguration { get { return _snapConfiguration; } set { if (value == _snapConfiguration) { return; } if (value == null) { _controller?.dispose(); _controller = null; } else { if (_snapConfiguration != null && value.vsync != _snapConfiguration.vsync) { _controller?.resync(value.vsync); } } _snapConfiguration = value; } } FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration _snapConfiguration; protected virtual float updateGeometry() { float stretchOffset = 0.0f; if (stretchConfiguration != null && _childPosition == 0.0) { stretchOffset += constraints.overlap.abs(); } float? maxExtent = this.maxExtent; float? paintExtent = maxExtent - _effectiveScrollOffset; float? layoutExtent = maxExtent - constraints.scrollOffset; geometry = new SliverGeometry( scrollExtent: maxExtent ?? 0.0f, paintOrigin: Mathf.Min(constraints.overlap, 0.0f), paintExtent: paintExtent?.clamp(0.0f, constraints.remainingPaintExtent) ?? 0.0f, layoutExtent: layoutExtent?.clamp(0.0f, constraints.remainingPaintExtent), maxPaintExtent: (maxExtent ?? 0.0f) + stretchOffset, hasVisualOverflow: true ); return stretchOffset > 0 ? 0.0f : Mathf.Min(0.0f, paintExtent??0.0f - childExtent); } public void maybeStartSnapAnimation(ScrollDirection direction) { if (snapConfiguration == null) { return; } if (direction == ScrollDirection.forward && _effectiveScrollOffset <= 0.0f) { return; } if (direction == ScrollDirection.reverse && _effectiveScrollOffset >= maxExtent) { return; } TickerProvider vsync = snapConfiguration.vsync; TimeSpan duration = snapConfiguration.duration; _controller = _controller ?? new AnimationController(vsync: vsync, duration: duration); _controller.addListener(() => { if (_effectiveScrollOffset == _animation.value) { return; } _effectiveScrollOffset = _animation.value; markNeedsLayout(); }); _animation = new FloatTween( begin: _effectiveScrollOffset, end: direction == ScrollDirection.forward ? 0.0f : maxExtent ?? 0.0f ).chain(new CurveTween( curve: snapConfiguration.curve )) ); _controller.forward(from: 0.0f); } public void maybeStopSnapAnimation(ScrollDirection direction) { _controller?.stop(); } protected override void performLayout() { SliverConstraints constraints = this.constraints; float? maxExtent = this.maxExtent; if (((constraints.scrollOffset < _lastActualScrollOffset) || (_effectiveScrollOffset < maxExtent))) { float delta = _lastActualScrollOffset - constraints.scrollOffset; bool allowFloatingExpansion = constraints.userScrollDirection == ScrollDirection.forward; if (allowFloatingExpansion) { if (_effectiveScrollOffset > maxExtent) { _effectiveScrollOffset = maxExtent ?? 0.0f; } } else { if (delta > 0.0f) { delta = 0.0f; } } _effectiveScrollOffset = (_effectiveScrollOffset - delta).clamp(0.0f, constraints.scrollOffset); } else { _effectiveScrollOffset = constraints.scrollOffset; } bool overlapsContent = _effectiveScrollOffset < constraints.scrollOffset; layoutChild( _effectiveScrollOffset, maxExtent ?? 0.0f, overlapsContent: overlapsContent ); _childPosition = updateGeometry(); _lastActualScrollOffset = constraints.scrollOffset; } public override float? childMainAxisPosition(RenderObject child) { D.assert(child == this.child); return _childPosition; } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new FloatProperty("effective scroll offset", _effectiveScrollOffset)); } } public abstract class RenderSliverFloatingPinnedPersistentHeader : RenderSliverFloatingPersistentHeader { public RenderSliverFloatingPinnedPersistentHeader( RenderBox child = null, FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration snapConfiguration = null, OverScrollHeaderStretchConfiguration stretchConfiguration = null ) : base(child: child, snapConfiguration: snapConfiguration, stretchConfiguration: stretchConfiguration) { } protected override float updateGeometry() { float? minExtent = this.minExtent; float? minAllowedExtent = constraints.remainingPaintExtent > minExtent ? minExtent : constraints.remainingPaintExtent; float? maxExtent = this.maxExtent; float? paintExtent = maxExtent - _effectiveScrollOffset; float? clampedPaintExtent = paintExtent?.clamp(minAllowedExtent ?? 0.0f, constraints.remainingPaintExtent); float? layoutExtent = maxExtent - constraints.scrollOffset; float? stretchOffset = stretchConfiguration != null ? constraints.overlap.abs() : 0.0f; geometry = new SliverGeometry( scrollExtent: maxExtent ?? 0.0f, paintExtent: clampedPaintExtent ?? 0.0f, layoutExtent: layoutExtent?.clamp(0.0f, clampedPaintExtent ?? 0.0f), maxPaintExtent: (maxExtent ?? 0.0f) + (stretchOffset ?? 0.0f), maxScrollObstructionExtent: maxExtent ?? 0.0f, hasVisualOverflow: true ); return 0.0f; } } }