using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.cupertino { class CupertinoActionSheetUtils { public static readonly TextStyle _kActionSheetActionStyle = new TextStyle( fontFamily: ".SF UI Text", inherit: false, fontSize: 20.0f, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, textBaseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic ); public static readonly TextStyle _kActionSheetContentStyle = new TextStyle( fontFamily: ".SF UI Text", inherit: false, fontSize: 13.0f, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, color: _kContentTextColor, textBaseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic ); public static readonly Color _kBackgroundColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.withBrightness( color: new Color(0xC7F9F9F9), darkColor: new Color(0xC7252525) ); public static readonly Color _kPressedColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.withBrightness( color: new Color(0xFFE1E1E1), darkColor: new Color(0xFF2E2E2E) ); public static readonly Color _kCancelPressedColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.withBrightness( color: new Color(0xFFECECEC), darkColor: new Color(0xFF49494B) ); public static readonly Color _kContentTextColor = new Color(0xFF8F8F8F); public static readonly Color _kButtonDividerColor = _kContentTextColor; public const float _kBlurAmount = 20.0f; public const float _kEdgeHorizontalPadding = 8.0f; public const float _kCancelButtonPadding = 8.0f; public const float _kEdgeVerticalPadding = 10.0f; public const float _kContentHorizontalPadding = 40.0f; public const float _kContentVerticalPadding = 14.0f; public const float _kButtonHeight = 56.0f; public const float _kCornerRadius = 14.0f; public const float _kDividerThickness = 1.0f; } public class CupertinoActionSheet : StatelessWidget { public CupertinoActionSheet( Key key = null, Widget title = null, Widget message = null, List actions = null, ScrollController messageScrollController = null, ScrollController actionScrollController = null, Widget cancelButton = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(actions != null || title != null || message != null || cancelButton != null, () => "An action sheet must have a non-null value for at least one of the following arguments: actions, title, message, or cancelButton"); this.title = title; this.message = message; this.actions = actions ?? new List(); this.messageScrollController = messageScrollController; this.actionScrollController = actionScrollController; this.cancelButton = cancelButton; } public readonly Widget title; public readonly Widget message; public readonly List actions; public readonly ScrollController messageScrollController; public readonly ScrollController actionScrollController; public readonly Widget cancelButton; Widget _buildContent( BuildContext context ) { List content = new List(); if (title != null || message != null) { Widget titleSection = new _CupertinoAlertContentSection( title: title, message: message, scrollController: messageScrollController ); content.Add(new Flexible(child: titleSection)); } return new Container( color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kBackgroundColor, context), child: new Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch, children: content ) ); } Widget _buildActions() { if (actions == null || actions.isEmpty()) { return new Container(height: 0.0f); } return new Container( child: new _CupertinoAlertActionSection( children: actions, scrollController: actionScrollController, hasCancelButton: cancelButton != null ) ); } Widget _buildCancelButton() { float cancelPadding = (actions != null || message != null || title != null) ? CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kCancelButtonPadding : 0.0f; return new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: cancelPadding), child: new _CupertinoActionSheetCancelButton( child: cancelButton ) ); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { List children = new List { new Flexible(child: new ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12.0f), child: new BackdropFilter( filter: ImageFilter.blur( sigmaX: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kBlurAmount, sigmaY: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kBlurAmount), child: new _CupertinoAlertRenderWidget( contentSection: new Builder(builder: _buildContent), actionsSection: _buildActions() ) ) ) ), }; if (cancelButton != null) { children.Add(_buildCancelButton() ); } Orientation? orientation = MediaQuery.of(context).orientation; float actionSheetWidth; if (orientation == Orientation.portrait) { actionSheetWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - (CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kEdgeHorizontalPadding * 2); } else { actionSheetWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height - (CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kEdgeHorizontalPadding * 2); } return new SafeArea( child: new CupertinoUserInterfaceLevel( data: CupertinoUserInterfaceLevelData.elevatedlayer, child: new Container( width: actionSheetWidth, margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric( horizontal: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kEdgeHorizontalPadding, vertical: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kEdgeVerticalPadding ), child: new Column( children: children, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch )) ) ); } } public class CupertinoActionSheetAction : StatelessWidget { public CupertinoActionSheetAction( Key key = null, VoidCallback onPressed = null, bool isDefaultAction = false, bool isDestructiveAction = false, Widget child = null ):base(key:key) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(onPressed != null); this.child = child; this.onPressed = onPressed; this.isDefaultAction = isDefaultAction; this.isDestructiveAction = isDestructiveAction; } public readonly VoidCallback onPressed; public readonly bool isDefaultAction; public readonly bool isDestructiveAction; public readonly Widget child; public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { TextStyle style =CupertinoActionSheetUtils. _kActionSheetActionStyle.copyWith( color: isDestructiveAction ? CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoColors.systemRed, context) : CupertinoTheme.of(context).primaryColor); if (isDefaultAction) { style = style.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w600); } return new GestureDetector( onTap: () => onPressed(), behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, child: new ConstrainedBox( constraints: new BoxConstraints( minHeight: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kButtonHeight ), child: new Container( alignment:, padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric( vertical: 16.0f, horizontal: 10.0f ), child: new DefaultTextStyle( style: style, child: child, textAlign: ) ) ) ); } } class _CupertinoActionSheetCancelButton : StatefulWidget { public _CupertinoActionSheetCancelButton( Key key = null, Widget child = null ) : base(key: key) { this.child = child; } public readonly Widget child; public override State createState() { return new _CupertinoActionSheetCancelButtonState(); } } class _CupertinoActionSheetCancelButtonState : State<_CupertinoActionSheetCancelButton> { bool isBeingPressed = false; void _onTapDown(TapDownDetails evt) { setState(() => { isBeingPressed = true; }); } void _onTapUp(TapUpDetails evt) { setState(() => { isBeingPressed = false; }); } void _onTapCancel() { setState(() => { isBeingPressed = false; }); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Color backgroundColor = isBeingPressed ? CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kCancelPressedColor : CupertinoColors.secondarySystemGroupedBackground; return new GestureDetector( onTapDown: _onTapDown, onTapUp: _onTapUp, onTapCancel: _onTapCancel, child: new Container( decoration: new BoxDecoration( color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(backgroundColor, context), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kCornerRadius) ), child: widget.child ) ); } } class _CupertinoAlertRenderWidget : RenderObjectWidget { public _CupertinoAlertRenderWidget( Key key = null, Widget contentSection = null, Widget actionsSection = null ) : base(key: key) { this.contentSection = contentSection; this.actionsSection = actionsSection; } public readonly Widget contentSection; public readonly Widget actionsSection; public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) { return new _RenderCupertinoAlert( dividerThickness: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kDividerThickness / MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio, dividerColor: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kButtonDividerColor, context) ); } public override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context,RenderObject renderObject ) { renderObject = (_RenderCupertinoAlert) renderObject; base.updateRenderObject(context, renderObject); ((_RenderCupertinoAlert) renderObject).dividerColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kButtonDividerColor, context); } public override Element createElement() { return new _CupertinoAlertRenderElement(this); } } class _CupertinoAlertRenderElement : RenderObjectElement { public _CupertinoAlertRenderElement(_CupertinoAlertRenderWidget widget) : base(widget) { } Element _contentElement; Element _actionsElement; public new _CupertinoAlertRenderWidget widget { get { return base.widget as _CupertinoAlertRenderWidget; } } public new _RenderCupertinoAlert renderObject { get { return base.renderObject as _RenderCupertinoAlert; } } public override void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { if (_contentElement != null) { visitor(_contentElement); } if (_actionsElement != null) { visitor(_actionsElement); } } public override void mount(Element parent, object newSlot) { base.mount(parent, newSlot); _contentElement = updateChild(_contentElement, widget.contentSection, _AlertSections.contentSection); _actionsElement = updateChild(_actionsElement, widget.actionsSection, _AlertSections.actionsSection); } protected override void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slot) { _placeChildInSlot(child, slot); } protected override void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slot) { _placeChildInSlot(child, slot); } public override void update(Widget newWidget) { base.update(newWidget); _contentElement = updateChild(_contentElement, widget.contentSection, _AlertSections.contentSection); _actionsElement = updateChild(_actionsElement, widget.actionsSection, _AlertSections.actionsSection); } internal override void forgetChild(Element child) { D.assert(child == _contentElement || child == _actionsElement); if (_contentElement == child) { _contentElement = null; } else if (_actionsElement == child) { _actionsElement = null; } base.forgetChild(child); } protected override void removeChildRenderObject(RenderObject child) { D.assert(child == renderObject.contentSection || child == renderObject.actionsSection); if (renderObject.contentSection == child) { renderObject.contentSection = null; } else if (renderObject.actionsSection == child) { renderObject.actionsSection = null; } } void _placeChildInSlot(RenderObject child, object slot) { D.assert(slot != null); switch ((_AlertSections) slot) { case _AlertSections.contentSection: renderObject.contentSection = child as RenderBox; break; case _AlertSections.actionsSection: renderObject.actionsSection = child as RenderBox; ; break; } } } class _RenderCupertinoAlert : RenderBox { public _RenderCupertinoAlert( RenderBox contentSection = null, RenderBox actionsSection = null, float dividerThickness = 0.0f, Color dividerColor = null ) { D.assert(dividerColor != null); _contentSection = contentSection; _actionsSection = actionsSection; _dividerThickness = dividerThickness; _dividerPaint = new Paint(); _dividerPaint.color = CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kButtonDividerColor; = PaintingStyle.fill; } public RenderBox contentSection { get { return _contentSection; } set { if (value != _contentSection) { if (null != _contentSection) { dropChild(_contentSection); } _contentSection = value; if (null != _contentSection) { adoptChild(_contentSection); } } } } RenderBox _contentSection; public RenderBox actionsSection { get { return _actionsSection; } set { if (value != _actionsSection) { if (null != _actionsSection) { dropChild(_actionsSection); } _actionsSection = value; if (null != _actionsSection) { adoptChild(_actionsSection); } } } } RenderBox _actionsSection; public Color dividerColor { get { return _dividerPaint.color; } set { if (value == _dividerPaint.color) { return; } _dividerPaint.color = value; markNeedsPaint(); } } public readonly float _dividerThickness; public readonly Paint _dividerPaint; public override void attach(object owner) { base.attach(owner); if (null != contentSection) { contentSection.attach(owner); } if (null != actionsSection) { actionsSection.attach(owner); } } public override void detach() { base.detach(); if (null != contentSection) { contentSection.detach(); } if (null != actionsSection) { actionsSection.detach(); } } public override void redepthChildren() { if (null != contentSection) { redepthChild(contentSection); } if (null != actionsSection) { redepthChild(actionsSection); } } public override void setupParentData(RenderObject child) { if (!(child.parentData is MultiChildLayoutParentData)) { child.parentData = new MultiChildLayoutParentData(); } } public override void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) { if (contentSection != null) { visitor(contentSection); } if (actionsSection != null) { visitor(actionsSection); } } public override List debugDescribeChildren() { List value = new List(); if (contentSection != null) { value.Add(contentSection.toDiagnosticsNode(name: "content")); } if (actionsSection != null) { value.Add(actionsSection.toDiagnosticsNode(name: "actions")); } return value; } protected internal override float computeMinIntrinsicWidth(float height) { return constraints.minWidth; } protected internal override float computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(float height) { return constraints.maxWidth; } protected internal override float computeMinIntrinsicHeight(float width) { float contentHeight = contentSection.getMinIntrinsicHeight(width); float actionsHeight = actionsSection.getMinIntrinsicHeight(width); bool hasDivider = contentHeight > 0.0f && actionsHeight > 0.0f; float height = contentHeight + (hasDivider ? _dividerThickness : 0.0f) + actionsHeight; if (actionsHeight > 0 || contentHeight > 0) { height -= 2 * CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kEdgeVerticalPadding; } if (height.isFinite()) { return height; } return 0.0f; } protected internal override float computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(float width) { float contentHeight = contentSection.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(width); float actionsHeight = actionsSection.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(width); bool hasDivider = contentHeight > 0.0f && actionsHeight > 0.0f; float height = contentHeight + (hasDivider ? _dividerThickness : 0.0f) + actionsHeight; if (actionsHeight > 0 || contentHeight > 0) { height -= 2 * CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kEdgeVerticalPadding; } if (height.isFinite()) { return height; } return 0.0f; } protected override void performLayout() { BoxConstraints constraints = this.constraints; bool hasDivider = contentSection.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(constraints.maxWidth) > 0.0f && actionsSection.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(constraints.maxWidth) > 0.0f; float dividerThickness = hasDivider ? _dividerThickness : 0.0f; float minActionsHeight = actionsSection.getMinIntrinsicHeight(constraints.maxWidth); contentSection.layout( constraints.deflate(EdgeInsets.only(bottom: minActionsHeight + dividerThickness)), parentUsesSize: true ); Size contentSize = contentSection.size; actionsSection.layout( constraints.deflate(EdgeInsets.only(top: contentSize.height + dividerThickness)), parentUsesSize: true ); Size actionsSize = actionsSection.size; float actionSheetHeight = contentSize.height + dividerThickness + actionsSize.height; size = new Size(constraints.maxWidth, actionSheetHeight); D.assert(actionsSection.parentData is MultiChildLayoutParentData); MultiChildLayoutParentData actionParentData = actionsSection.parentData as MultiChildLayoutParentData; actionParentData.offset = new Offset(0.0f, contentSize.height + dividerThickness); } public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { MultiChildLayoutParentData contentParentData = contentSection.parentData as MultiChildLayoutParentData; contentSection.paint(context, offset + contentParentData.offset); bool hasDivider = contentSection.size.height > 0.0f && actionsSection.size.height > 0.0f; if (hasDivider) { _paintDividerBetweenContentAndActions(context.canvas, offset); } MultiChildLayoutParentData actionsParentData = actionsSection.parentData as MultiChildLayoutParentData; actionsSection.paint(context, offset + actionsParentData.offset); } public void _paintDividerBetweenContentAndActions(Canvas canvas, Offset offset) { canvas.drawRect( Rect.fromLTWH( offset.dx, offset.dy + contentSection.size.height, size.width, _dividerThickness ), _dividerPaint ); } protected override bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) { MultiChildLayoutParentData contentSectionParentData = contentSection.parentData as MultiChildLayoutParentData; MultiChildLayoutParentData actionsSectionParentData = actionsSection.parentData as MultiChildLayoutParentData; return result.addWithPaintOffset( offset: contentSectionParentData.offset, position: position, hitTest: (BoxHitTestResult resultIn, Offset transformed) => { D.assert(transformed == position - contentSectionParentData.offset); return contentSection.hitTest(resultIn, position: transformed); }) || result.addWithPaintOffset( offset: actionsSectionParentData.offset, position: position, hitTest: (BoxHitTestResult resultIn, Offset transformed) => { D.assert(transformed == position - actionsSectionParentData.offset); return actionsSection.hitTest(resultIn, position: transformed); } ); } } enum _AlertSections { contentSection, actionsSection, } class _CupertinoAlertContentSection : StatelessWidget { public _CupertinoAlertContentSection( Key key = null, Widget title = null, Widget message = null, ScrollController scrollController = null ) : base(key: key) { this.title = title; this.message = message; this.scrollController = scrollController; } public readonly Widget title; public readonly Widget message; public readonly ScrollController scrollController; public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { List titleContentGroup = new List(); if (title != null) { titleContentGroup.Add(new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only( left: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kContentHorizontalPadding, right: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kContentHorizontalPadding, bottom: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kContentVerticalPadding, top: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kContentVerticalPadding ), child: new DefaultTextStyle( style: message == null ? CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kActionSheetContentStyle : CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kActionSheetContentStyle.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w600), textAlign:, child: title ) )); } if (message != null) { titleContentGroup.Add( new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only( left: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kContentHorizontalPadding, right: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kContentHorizontalPadding, bottom: title == null ? CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kContentVerticalPadding : 22.0f, top: title == null ? CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kContentVerticalPadding : 0.0f ), child: new DefaultTextStyle( style: title == null ? CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kActionSheetContentStyle.copyWith( fontWeight: FontWeight.w600) : CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kActionSheetContentStyle, textAlign:, child: message ) ) ); } if (titleContentGroup.isEmpty()) { return new SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: new Container( width: 0.0f, height: 0.0f ) ); } if (titleContentGroup.Count > 1) { titleContentGroup.Insert(1, new Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 8.0f))); } return new CupertinoScrollbar( child: new SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: new Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch, children: titleContentGroup ) ) ); } } class _CupertinoAlertActionSection : StatefulWidget { public _CupertinoAlertActionSection( Key key = null, List children = null, ScrollController scrollController = null, bool hasCancelButton = false ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(children != null); this.children = children; this.scrollController = scrollController; this.hasCancelButton = hasCancelButton; } public readonly List children; public readonly ScrollController scrollController; public readonly bool hasCancelButton; public override State createState() { return new _CupertinoAlertActionSectionState(); } } class _CupertinoAlertActionSectionState : State<_CupertinoAlertActionSection> { public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { float devicePixelRatio = MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio; List interactiveButtons = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < widget.children.Count; i += 1) { interactiveButtons.Add(new _PressableActionSheetActionButton( child: widget.children[i] ) ); } return new CupertinoScrollbar( child: new SingleChildScrollView( controller: widget.scrollController, child: new _CupertinoAlertActionsRenderWidget( actionButtons: interactiveButtons, dividerThickness: CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kDividerThickness / devicePixelRatio, hasCancelButton: widget.hasCancelButton ) ) ); } } class _PressableActionSheetActionButton : StatefulWidget { public _PressableActionSheetActionButton( Widget child ) { this.child = child; } public readonly Widget child; public override State createState() { return new _PressableActionSheetActionButtonState(); } } class _PressableActionSheetActionButtonState : State<_PressableActionSheetActionButton> { bool _isPressed = false; public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new _ActionButtonParentDataWidget( isPressed: _isPressed, child: new GestureDetector( behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, onTapDown: (TapDownDetails details) => setState(() => { _isPressed = true; }), onTapUp: (TapUpDetails details) => setState(() => { _isPressed = false; }), onTapCancel: () => setState(() => _isPressed = false), child: widget.child ) ); } } class _ActionButtonParentDataWidget : ParentDataWidget<_ActionButtonParentData> { public _ActionButtonParentDataWidget( Key key = null, bool isPressed = false, Widget child = null ) : base(key: key, child: child) { this.isPressed = isPressed; } public readonly bool isPressed; public override void applyParentData(RenderObject renderObject) { D.assert(renderObject.parentData is _ActionButtonParentData); _ActionButtonParentData parentData = renderObject.parentData as _ActionButtonParentData; if (parentData.isPressed != isPressed) { parentData.isPressed = isPressed; AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree targetParent = renderObject.parent; if (targetParent is RenderObject) { ((RenderObject) targetParent).markNeedsPaint(); } } } public override Type debugTypicalAncestorWidgetClass { get { return typeof(_CupertinoAlertActionsRenderWidget); } } } public class _ActionButtonParentData : MultiChildLayoutParentData { public _ActionButtonParentData( bool isPressed = false ) { this.isPressed = isPressed; } public bool isPressed; } class _CupertinoAlertActionsRenderWidget : MultiChildRenderObjectWidget { public _CupertinoAlertActionsRenderWidget( Key key = null, List actionButtons = null, float dividerThickness = 0.0f, bool hasCancelButton = false ) : base(key: key, children: actionButtons) { _dividerThickness = dividerThickness; _hasCancelButton = hasCancelButton; } readonly float _dividerThickness; readonly bool _hasCancelButton; public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) { return new _RenderCupertinoAlertActions( dividerThickness: _dividerThickness, dividerColor: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kButtonDividerColor, context), hasCancelButton: _hasCancelButton, backgroundColor: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kBackgroundColor, context), pressedColor: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kPressedColor, context) ); } public override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderObject renderObject) { ((_RenderCupertinoAlertActions) renderObject).dividerThickness = _dividerThickness; ((_RenderCupertinoAlertActions) renderObject).dividerColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kButtonDividerColor, context); ((_RenderCupertinoAlertActions) renderObject).hasCancelButton = _hasCancelButton; ((_RenderCupertinoAlertActions) renderObject).backgroundColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kBackgroundColor, context); ((_RenderCupertinoAlertActions) renderObject).pressedColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kPressedColor, context); } } class _RenderCupertinoAlertActions : RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixinContainerRenderObjectMixinRenderBox { public _RenderCupertinoAlertActions( List children = null, float dividerThickness = 0.0f, Color dividerColor = null, bool hasCancelButton = false, Color backgroundColor = null, Color pressedColor = null ) { _dividerThickness = dividerThickness; _hasCancelButton = hasCancelButton; _buttonBackgroundPaint = new Paint() { color = CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kBackgroundColor, style = PaintingStyle.fill }; _pressedButtonBackgroundPaint = new Paint() { color = CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kPressedColor, style = PaintingStyle.fill }; _dividerPaint = new Paint() { color = CupertinoActionSheetUtils._kButtonDividerColor, style = PaintingStyle.fill }; addAll(children); } float _dividerThickness; public float dividerThickness { get { return _dividerThickness; } set { if (value == _dividerThickness) { return; } _dividerThickness = value; markNeedsLayout(); } } public Color backgroundColor { get { return _buttonBackgroundPaint.color; } set { if (value == _buttonBackgroundPaint.color) { return; } _buttonBackgroundPaint.color = value; markNeedsPaint(); } } public Color dividerColor { get { return _dividerPaint.color; } set { if (value == _dividerPaint.color) { return; } _dividerPaint.color = value; markNeedsPaint(); } } public Color pressedColor { get { return _pressedButtonBackgroundPaint.color; } set { if (value == _pressedButtonBackgroundPaint.color) { return; } _pressedButtonBackgroundPaint.color = value; markNeedsPaint(); } } bool _hasCancelButton; public bool hasCancelButton { get { return _hasCancelButton; } set { if (value == _hasCancelButton) { return; } _hasCancelButton = value; markNeedsLayout(); } } public readonly Paint _buttonBackgroundPaint; public readonly Paint _pressedButtonBackgroundPaint; public readonly Paint _dividerPaint; public override void setupParentData(RenderObject child) { if (!(child.parentData is _ActionButtonParentData)) { child.parentData = new _ActionButtonParentData(); } } protected internal override float computeMinIntrinsicWidth(float height) { return constraints.minWidth; } protected internal override float computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(float height) { return constraints.maxWidth; } protected internal override float computeMinIntrinsicHeight(float width) { if (childCount == 0) { return 0.0f; } if (childCount == 1) { return firstChild.computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(width) + dividerThickness; } if (hasCancelButton && childCount < 4) { return _computeMinIntrinsicHeightWithCancel(width); } return _computeMinIntrinsicHeightWithoutCancel(width); } float _computeMinIntrinsicHeightWithCancel(float width) { D.assert(childCount == 2 || childCount == 3); if (childCount == 2) { return firstChild.getMinIntrinsicHeight(width) + childAfter(firstChild).getMinIntrinsicHeight(width) + dividerThickness; } return firstChild.getMinIntrinsicHeight(width) + childAfter(firstChild).getMinIntrinsicHeight(width) + childAfter(childAfter(firstChild)).getMinIntrinsicHeight(width) + (dividerThickness * 2); } float _computeMinIntrinsicHeightWithoutCancel(float width) { D.assert(childCount >= 2); return firstChild.getMinIntrinsicHeight(width) + dividerThickness + (0.5f * childAfter(firstChild).getMinIntrinsicHeight(width)); } protected internal override float computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(float width) { if (childCount == 0) { return 0.0f; } if (childCount == 1) { return firstChild.computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(width) + dividerThickness; } return _computeMaxIntrinsicHeightStacked(width); } float _computeMaxIntrinsicHeightStacked(float width) { D.assert(childCount >= 2); float allDividersHeight = (childCount - 1) * dividerThickness; float heightAccumulation = allDividersHeight; RenderBox button = firstChild; while (button != null) { heightAccumulation += button.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(width); button = childAfter(button); } return heightAccumulation; } protected override void performLayout() { BoxConstraints perButtonConstraints = constraints.copyWith( minHeight: 0.0f, maxHeight: float.PositiveInfinity ); RenderBox child = firstChild; int index = 0; float verticalOffset = 0.0f; while (child != null) { child.layout( perButtonConstraints, parentUsesSize: true ); D.assert(child.parentData is MultiChildLayoutParentData); MultiChildLayoutParentData parentData = child.parentData as MultiChildLayoutParentData; parentData.offset = new Offset(0.0f, verticalOffset); verticalOffset += child.size.height; if (index < childCount - 1) { verticalOffset += dividerThickness; } index += 1; child = childAfter(child); } size = constraints.constrain( new Size(constraints.maxWidth, verticalOffset) ); } public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { Canvas canvas = context.canvas; _drawButtonBackgroundsAndDividersStacked(canvas, offset); _drawButtons(context, offset); } void _drawButtonBackgroundsAndDividersStacked(Canvas canvas, Offset offset) { Offset dividerOffset = new Offset(0.0f, dividerThickness); Path backgroundFillPath = new Path(); backgroundFillPath.fillType = PathFillType.evenOdd; backgroundFillPath.addRect(Rect.fromLTWH(0.0f, 0.0f, size.width, size.height)); Path pressedBackgroundFillPath = new Path(); Path dividersPath = new Path(); Offset accumulatingOffset = offset; RenderBox child = firstChild; RenderBox prevChild = null; while (child != null) { D.assert(child.parentData is _ActionButtonParentData); _ActionButtonParentData currentButtonParentData = child.parentData as _ActionButtonParentData; bool isButtonPressed = currentButtonParentData.isPressed; bool isPrevButtonPressed = false; if (prevChild != null) { D.assert(prevChild.parentData is _ActionButtonParentData); _ActionButtonParentData previousButtonParentData = prevChild.parentData as _ActionButtonParentData; isPrevButtonPressed = previousButtonParentData.isPressed; } bool isDividerPresent = child != firstChild; bool isDividerPainted = isDividerPresent && !(isButtonPressed || isPrevButtonPressed); Rect dividerRect = Rect.fromLTWH( accumulatingOffset.dx, accumulatingOffset.dy, size.width, _dividerThickness ); Rect buttonBackgroundRect = Rect.fromLTWH( accumulatingOffset.dx, accumulatingOffset.dy + (isDividerPresent ? dividerThickness : 0.0f), size.width, child.size.height ); if (isButtonPressed) { backgroundFillPath.addRect(buttonBackgroundRect); pressedBackgroundFillPath.addRect(buttonBackgroundRect); } if (isDividerPainted) { backgroundFillPath.addRect(dividerRect); dividersPath.addRect(dividerRect); } accumulatingOffset += (isDividerPresent ? dividerOffset : + new Offset(0.0f, child.size.height); prevChild = child; child = childAfter(child); } canvas.drawPath(backgroundFillPath, _buttonBackgroundPaint); canvas.drawPath(pressedBackgroundFillPath, _pressedButtonBackgroundPaint); canvas.drawPath(dividersPath, _dividerPaint); } void _drawButtons(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { RenderBox child = firstChild; while (child != null) { MultiChildLayoutParentData childParentData = child.parentData as MultiChildLayoutParentData; context.paintChild(child, childParentData.offset + offset); child = childAfter(child); } } protected override bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) { return defaultHitTestChildren(result, position: position); } } }