using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.UIWidgets.async2; using Unity.UIWidgets.cupertino; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.service; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public enum FocusHighlightMode { touch, traditional, } enum FocusHighlightStrategy { automatic, alwaysTouch, alwaysTraditional, } public enum UnfocusDisposition { scope, previouslyFocusedChild, } public delegate bool FocusOnKeyCallback(FocusNode node, RawKeyEvent Event); public class FocusManagerUtils { public static readonly bool _kDebugFocus = false; public static bool _focusDebug(string message, List details = null) { if (_kDebugFocus) { //UnityEngine.Debug.Log(); UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"FOCUS: {message}"); if (details != null && details.Count() != 0) { foreach (string detail in details) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log($" {detail}"); } } } return true; } public static FocusNode primaryFocus { get { return WidgetsBinding.instance.focusManager.primaryFocus; } } /*string debugDescribeFocusTree() { D.assert(WidgetsBinding.instance != null); string result = null; D.assert(() => { result = FocusManager.instance.toStringDeep(); return true; }()); return result ?? ""; }*/ /*void debugDumpFocusTree() { D.assert(() => { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(debugDescribeFocusTree()); return true; }); }*/ } public class FocusAttachment { public FocusAttachment(FocusNode _node) { D.assert(_node != null); this._node = _node; } public readonly FocusNode _node; bool isAttached { get { return _node._attachment == this; } } public void detach() { D.assert(_node != null); D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug("Detaching node:", new List{_node.ToString(), $"With enclosing scope {_node.enclosingScope}"})); if (isAttached) { if (_node.hasPrimaryFocus || (_node._manager != null && _node._manager._markedForFocus == _node)) { _node.unfocus(disposition: UnfocusDisposition.previouslyFocusedChild); } _node._manager?._markDetached(_node); _node._parent?._removeChild(_node); _node._attachment = null; D.assert(!_node.hasPrimaryFocus); D.assert(_node._manager?._markedForFocus != _node); } D.assert(!isAttached); } public void reparent(FocusNode parent = null) { D.assert(_node != null); if (isAttached) { D.assert(_node.context != null); parent = parent ?? Focus.of(_node.context, nullOk: true, scopeOk: true); parent = parent ?? _node.context.owner.focusManager.rootScope; D.assert(parent != null); parent._reparent(_node); } } } public class FocusNode : ChangeNotifier { //DiagnosticableTreeMixin, public FocusNode( string debugLabel = "", FocusOnKeyCallback onKey = null, bool skipTraversal = false, bool canRequestFocus = true ) { D.assert(skipTraversal != null); D.assert(canRequestFocus != null); _skipTraversal = skipTraversal; _canRequestFocus = canRequestFocus; /*_onKey = onKey { this.debugLabel = debugLabel; ///???? }*/ } public bool skipTraversal { get { return _skipTraversal; } set { if (value != _skipTraversal) { _skipTraversal = value; _manager?._markPropertiesChanged(this); } } } bool _skipTraversal; public bool canRequestFocus { get { FocusScopeNode scope = enclosingScope; return _canRequestFocus && (scope == null || scope.canRequestFocus); } set { if (value != _canRequestFocus) { if (!value) { unfocus(disposition: UnfocusDisposition.previouslyFocusedChild); } _canRequestFocus = value; _manager?._markPropertiesChanged(this); } } } bool _canRequestFocus; public BuildContext context { get { return _context; } } BuildContext _context; FocusOnKeyCallback onKey { get { return _onKey; } } FocusOnKeyCallback _onKey; public FocusManager _manager; List _ancestors; List _descendants; bool _hasKeyboardToken = false; FocusNode parent { get { return _parent; } } public FocusNode _parent; IEnumerable children { get { return _children; } } public readonly List _children = new List(); IEnumerable traversalChildren { get { if (!canRequestFocus) { return new List(); } List nodes = new List(); foreach (FocusNode node in children) { if (!node.skipTraversal && node.canRequestFocus) nodes.Add(node); } return nodes; } } public string debugLabel { get { return _debugLabel; } set { D.assert(() => { // Only set the value in debug builds. _debugLabel = value; return true; }); } } string _debugLabel; public FocusAttachment _attachment; public IEnumerable descendants { get { if (_descendants == null) { List result = new List(); foreach (FocusNode child in _children) { foreach (var childDescendant in child.descendants) { result.Add(childDescendant); } //result.addAll(child.descendants); result.Add(child); } _descendants = result; } return _descendants; } } public IEnumerable traversalDescendants { get { List nodes = new List(); foreach (FocusNode node in descendants) { if (!node.skipTraversal && node.canRequestFocus) { nodes.Add(node); } } // descendants.where((FocusNode node) => !node.skipTraversal && node.canRequestFocus); return nodes; } } public IEnumerable ancestors { get { if (_ancestors == null) { List result = new List(); FocusNode parent = _parent; while (parent != null) { result.Add(parent); parent = parent._parent; } _ancestors = result; } return _ancestors; } } public bool hasFocus { get { return hasPrimaryFocus || (_manager?.primaryFocus?.ancestors?.Contains(this) ?? false); } } public bool hasPrimaryFocus { get { return _manager?.primaryFocus == this; } } /// Returns the [FocusHighlightMode] that is currently in effect for this node. FocusHighlightMode highlightMode { get { return FocusManager.instance.highlightMode; } } public FocusScopeNode nearestScope { get { return enclosingScope; } } public FocusScopeNode enclosingScope { get { foreach (FocusNode node in ancestors) { if (node is FocusScopeNode) { return (FocusScopeNode) node; } } return null; } } Size size { get { D.assert( context != null, () => "Tried to get the size of a focus node that didn't have its context set yet.\n" + "The context needs to be set before trying to evaluate traversal policies. This " + "is typically done with the attach method." ); return context.findRenderObject().semanticBounds.size; } } Offset offset { get { D.assert( context != null, () => "Tried to get the offset of a focus node that didn't have its context set yet.\n" + "The context needs to be set before trying to evaluate traversal policies. This " + "is typically done with the attach method."); RenderObject renderObject = context.findRenderObject(); return MatrixUtils.transformPoint(renderObject.getTransformTo(null), renderObject.semanticBounds.topLeft); } } Rect rect { get { D.assert( context != null, () => "Tried to get the bounds of a focus node that didn't have its context set yet.\n" + "The context needs to be set before trying to evaluate traversal policies. This " + "is typically done with the attach method."); RenderObject renderObject = context.findRenderObject(); Offset globalOffset = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(renderObject.getTransformTo(null), renderObject.semanticBounds.topLeft); return globalOffset & renderObject.semanticBounds.size; } } public void unfocus( UnfocusDisposition disposition = UnfocusDisposition.scope ) { D.assert(disposition != null); if (!hasFocus && (_manager == null || _manager._markedForFocus != this)) { return; } FocusScopeNode scope = enclosingScope; if (scope == null) { return; } switch (disposition) { case UnfocusDisposition.scope: if (scope.canRequestFocus) { scope._focusedChildren.Clear(); } while (!scope.canRequestFocus) { scope = scope.enclosingScope ?? _manager?.rootScope; } scope?._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: false); break; case UnfocusDisposition.previouslyFocusedChild: if (scope.canRequestFocus) { scope?._focusedChildren?.Remove(this); } while (!scope.canRequestFocus) { scope.enclosingScope?._focusedChildren?.Remove(scope); scope = scope.enclosingScope ?? _manager?.rootScope; } scope?._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); break; } D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug("Unfocused node:", new List {$"primary focus was {this}", $"next focus will be {_manager?._markedForFocus}"})); } public bool consumeKeyboardToken() { if (!_hasKeyboardToken) { return false; } _hasKeyboardToken = false; return true; } public void _markNextFocus(FocusNode newFocus) { if (_manager != null) { // If we have a manager, then let it handle the focus change. _manager._markNextFocus(this); return; } newFocus?._setAsFocusedChildForScope(); newFocus?._notify(); if (newFocus != this) { _notify(); } } public void _removeChild(FocusNode node, bool removeScopeFocus = true) { D.assert(node != null); D.assert(_children.Contains(node), () => "Tried to remove a node that wasn't a child."); D.assert(node._parent == this); D.assert(node._manager == _manager); if (removeScopeFocus) { node.enclosingScope?._focusedChildren?.Remove(node); } node._parent = null; _children.Remove(node); foreach (FocusNode ancestor in ancestors) { ancestor._descendants = null; } _descendants = null; D.assert(_manager == null || !_manager.rootScope.descendants.Contains(node)); } void _updateManager(FocusManager manager) { _manager = manager; foreach (FocusNode descendant in descendants) { descendant._manager = manager; descendant._ancestors = null; } } public void _reparent(FocusNode child) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child != this, () => "Tried to make a child into a parent of itself."); if (child._parent == this) { D.assert(_children.Contains(child), () => "Found a node that says it's a child, but doesn't appear in the child list."); // The child is already a child of this parent. return; } D.assert(_manager == null || child != _manager.rootScope, () => "Reparenting the root node isn't allowed."); D.assert(!ancestors.Contains(child), () => "The supplied child is already an ancestor of this node. Loops are not allowed."); FocusScopeNode oldScope = child.enclosingScope; bool hadFocus = child.hasFocus; child._parent?._removeChild(child, removeScopeFocus: oldScope != nearestScope); _children.Add(child); child._parent = this; child._ancestors = null; child._updateManager(_manager); foreach (FocusNode ancestor in child.ancestors) { ancestor._descendants = null; } if (hadFocus) { _manager?.primaryFocus?._setAsFocusedChildForScope(); } if (oldScope != null && child.context != null && child.enclosingScope != oldScope) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log( "FocusTraversalGroup.of(child.context, nullOk: true)?.changedScope(node: child, oldScope: oldScope);"); //FocusTraversalGroup.of(child.context, nullOk: true)?.changedScope(node: child, oldScope: oldScope); } if (child._requestFocusWhenReparented) { child._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); child._requestFocusWhenReparented = false; } } public FocusAttachment attach(BuildContext context, FocusOnKeyCallback onKey = null) { _context = context; _onKey = onKey ?? _onKey; _attachment = new FocusAttachment(this); return _attachment; } public override void dispose() { _attachment?.detach(); base.dispose(); } public void _notify() { if (_parent == null) { return; } if (hasPrimaryFocus) { _setAsFocusedChildForScope(); } notifyListeners(); } public void requestFocus(FocusNode node = null) { if (node != null) { if (node._parent == null) { _reparent(node); } D.assert(node.ancestors.Contains(this), () => "Focus was requested for a node that is not a descendant of the scope from which it was requested."); node._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); return; } _doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); } // Note that this is overridden in FocusScopeNode. public virtual void _doRequestFocus(bool findFirstFocus = false) { D.assert(findFirstFocus != null); if (!canRequestFocus) { D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug( "Node NOT requesting focus because canRequestFocus is false: $this")); return; } if (_parent == null) { _requestFocusWhenReparented = true; return; } _setAsFocusedChildForScope(); if (hasPrimaryFocus && (_manager._markedForFocus == null || _manager._markedForFocus == this)) { return; } _hasKeyboardToken = true; D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug($"Node requesting focus: {this}")); _markNextFocus(this); } bool _requestFocusWhenReparented = false; public void _setAsFocusedChildForScope() { FocusNode scopeFocus = this; foreach (FocusScopeNode ancestor in ancestors) { if (ancestor is FocusScopeNode) { D.assert(scopeFocus != ancestor, () => "Somehow made a loop by setting focusedChild to its scope."); D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug($"Setting {scopeFocus} as focused child for scope:", new List {ancestor.ToString()})); ancestor._focusedChildren.Remove(scopeFocus); ancestor._focusedChildren.Add(scopeFocus); scopeFocus = ancestor; } } } /*bool nextFocus() { return FocusTraversalGroup.of(context).next(this); }* bool previousFocus() { return FocusTraversalGroup.of(context).previous(this); } bool focusInDirection(TraversalDirection direction) { return FocusTraversalGroup.of(context).inDirection(this, direction); }*/ /*public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("context", context, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new FlagProperty("canRequestFocus", value: canRequestFocus, ifFalse: "NOT FOCUSABLE", defaultValue: true)); properties.add(new FlagProperty("hasFocus", value: hasFocus && !hasPrimaryFocus, ifTrue: "IN FOCUS PATH", defaultValue: false)); properties.add(new FlagProperty("hasPrimaryFocus", value: hasPrimaryFocus, ifTrue: "PRIMARY FOCUS", defaultValue: false)); }*/ /*public override List debugDescribeChildren() { int count = 1; return child) { return child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: "Child ${count++}"); }).toList(); }*/ /*public string toStringShort() {//override bool hasDebugLabel = debugLabel != null && debugLabel.isNotEmpty(); string nullStr = ""; string extraData = $"{(hasDebugLabel ? debugLabel : nullStr)} " + $"{(hasFocus && hasDebugLabel ? nullStr : nullStr)}" + $"{(hasFocus && !hasPrimaryFocus ? "[IN FOCUS PATH]" : nullStr)}"+ $"{(hasPrimaryFocus ? "[PRIMARY FOCUS]" : nullStr)}"; return $"{describeIdentity(this)}" + $"{(extraData.isNotEmpty() ? extraData : nullStr)}"; } }*/ } public class FocusScopeNode : FocusNode { public FocusScopeNode( string debugLabel = null, FocusOnKeyCallback onKey = null, bool skipTraversal = false, bool canRequestFocus = true ) : base( debugLabel: debugLabel, onKey: onKey, canRequestFocus: canRequestFocus, skipTraversal: skipTraversal ) { D.assert(skipTraversal != null); D.assert(canRequestFocus != null); } public FocusScopeNode nearestScope { get { return enclosingScope; } } public bool isFirstFocus { get { return enclosingScope.focusedChild == this; } } public FocusNode focusedChild { get { D.assert(_focusedChildren.isEmpty() || _focusedChildren.Last().enclosingScope == this,()=> "Focused child does not have the same idea of its enclosing scope as the scope does."); return _focusedChildren.isNotEmpty() ? _focusedChildren.Last() : null; } } public readonly List _focusedChildren = new List(); public void setFirstFocus(FocusScopeNode scope) { D.assert(scope != null); D.assert(scope != this, ()=>"Unexpected self-reference in setFirstFocus."); D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug("Setting scope as first focus in $this to node:", new List{scope.ToString()})); if (scope._parent == null) { _reparent(scope); } D.assert(scope.ancestors.Contains(this), ()=>$"{typeof(FocusScopeNode)}" + $"{scope} must be a child of"+ $" {this} to set it as first focus."); if (hasFocus) { scope._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); } else { scope._setAsFocusedChildForScope(); } } public void autofocus(FocusNode node) { D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug("Node autofocusing: $node")); if (focusedChild == null) { if (node._parent == null) { _reparent(node); } D.assert(node.ancestors.Contains(this), ()=>"Autofocus was requested for a node that is not a descendant of the scope from which it was requested."); node._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); } } public override void _doRequestFocus( bool findFirstFocus = false) { D.assert(findFirstFocus != null); // It is possible that a previously focused child is no longer focusable. while (focusedChild != null && !focusedChild.canRequestFocus) _focusedChildren.removeLast(); if (!findFirstFocus) { if (canRequestFocus) { _setAsFocusedChildForScope(); _markNextFocus(this); } return; } FocusNode primaryFocus = focusedChild ?? this; while (primaryFocus is FocusScopeNode && (( FocusScopeNode)primaryFocus).focusedChild != null) { FocusScopeNode scope = primaryFocus as FocusScopeNode; primaryFocus = scope.focusedChild; } if (primaryFocus == this) { if (primaryFocus.canRequestFocus) { _setAsFocusedChildForScope(); _markNextFocus(this); } } else { primaryFocus._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: findFirstFocus); } } /*public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); if (_focusedChildren.isEmpty()) { return; } List childList = child) { return child.toStringShort(); }).toList(); properties.add(new IEnumerableProperty("focusedChildren", childList, defaultValue: new List())); }*/ } public class FocusManager : ChangeNotifier {//DiagnosticableTreeMixin, public FocusManager() { rootScope._manager = this; //RawKeyboard.instance.addListener(_handleRawKeyEvent); GestureBinding.instance.pointerRouter.addGlobalRoute(_handlePointerEvent); } public static FocusManager instance { get { return WidgetsBinding.instance.focusManager; } } bool _lastInteractionWasTouch = true; FocusHighlightStrategy highlightStrategy { get { return _highlightStrategy; } set { _highlightStrategy = highlightStrategy; _updateHighlightMode(); } } FocusHighlightStrategy _highlightStrategy = FocusHighlightStrategy.automatic; public FocusHighlightMode highlightMode { get { return _highlightMode; } } FocusHighlightMode _highlightMode = FocusHighlightMode.touch; void _updateHighlightMode() { _lastInteractionWasTouch = false;//(Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isIOS || !WidgetsBinding.instance.mouseTracker.mouseIsConnected); FocusHighlightMode newMode = FocusHighlightMode.touch; switch (highlightStrategy) { case FocusHighlightStrategy.automatic: if (_lastInteractionWasTouch) { newMode = FocusHighlightMode.touch; } else { newMode = FocusHighlightMode.traditional; } break; case FocusHighlightStrategy.alwaysTouch: newMode = FocusHighlightMode.touch; break; case FocusHighlightStrategy.alwaysTraditional: newMode = FocusHighlightMode.traditional; break; } if (newMode != _highlightMode) { _highlightMode = newMode; //_notifyHighlightModeListeners(); } } // The list of listeners for [highlightMode] state changes. public readonly List> _listeners = new List>(); public void addHighlightModeListener(ValueChanged listener) => _listeners.Add(listener); public void removeHighlightModeListener(ValueChanged listener) => _listeners?.Remove(listener); /*void _notifyHighlightModeListeners() { if (_listeners.isEmpty()) { return; } List> localListeners = List>.from(_listeners); foreach( ValueChanged listener in localListeners) { try { if (_listeners.Contains(listener)) { listener(_highlightMode); } } catch (exception, stack) { InformationCollector collector; D.assert(() =>{ collector = () sync* { yield DiagnosticsProperty( "The $runtimeType sending notification was", this, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ); }; return true; }()); FlutterError.reportError(FlutterErrorDetails( exception: exception, stack: stack, library: "widgets library", context: ErrorDescription("while dispatching notifications for $runtimeType"), informationCollector: collector, )); } } }*/ public readonly FocusScopeNode rootScope = new FocusScopeNode(debugLabel: "Root Focus Scope"); void _handlePointerEvent(PointerEvent Event) { bool currentInteractionIsTouch = false; switch (Event.kind) { case PointerDeviceKind.touch: case PointerDeviceKind.stylus: case PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus: currentInteractionIsTouch = true; break; case PointerDeviceKind.mouse: case PointerDeviceKind.unknown: currentInteractionIsTouch = false; break; } if (_lastInteractionWasTouch != currentInteractionIsTouch) { _lastInteractionWasTouch = currentInteractionIsTouch; _updateHighlightMode(); } } /*void _handleRawKeyEvent(RawKeyEvent Event) { if (_lastInteractionWasTouch) { _lastInteractionWasTouch = false; _updateHighlightMode(); } D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug($"Received key event {Event.logicalKey}")); if (_primaryFocus == null) { D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug($"No primary focus for key event, ignored: {Event}")); return; } bool handled = false; foreach (FocusNode node in List < FocusNode >{ _primaryFocus, ..._primaryFocus.ancestors }) { if (node.onKey != null && node.onKey(node, Event)) { D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug($"Node {node} handled key event {Event}.")); handled = true; break; } } if (!handled) { D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug($"Key event not handled by anyone: {Event}.")); } }*/ public FocusNode primaryFocus { get{return _primaryFocus;} } FocusNode _primaryFocus; public readonly HashSet _dirtyNodes = new HashSet(); public FocusNode _markedForFocus; public void _markDetached(FocusNode node) { D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug($"Node was detached: {node}")); if (_primaryFocus == node) { _primaryFocus = null; } _dirtyNodes?.Remove(node); } public void _markPropertiesChanged(FocusNode node) { _markNeedsUpdate(); D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug($"Properties changed for node {node}.")); _dirtyNodes?.Add(node); } public void _markNextFocus(FocusNode node) { if (_primaryFocus == node) { _markedForFocus = null; } else { _markedForFocus = node; _markNeedsUpdate(); } } // True indicates that there is an update pending. bool _haveScheduledUpdate = false; void _markNeedsUpdate() { D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug($"Scheduling update, current focus is {_primaryFocus}, next focus will be {_markedForFocus}")); if (_haveScheduledUpdate) { return; } _haveScheduledUpdate = true; //scheduleMicrotask(_applyFocusChange); } /*public void reparentIfNeeded(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); if (node._parent == null || node._parent == this) { return; } node.unfocus(); D.assert(node._parent == null); if (_focus == null) { _setFocus(node); } }*/ /*void _applyFocusChange() { _haveScheduledUpdate = false; FocusNode previousFocus = _primaryFocus; if (_primaryFocus == null && _markedForFocus == null) { _markedForFocus = rootScope; } D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug($"Refreshing focus state. Next focus will be {_markedForFocus}")); if (_markedForFocus != null && _markedForFocus != _primaryFocus) { HashSet previousPath = previousFocus?.ancestors?.toSet() ?? new HashSet(); HashSet nextPath = _markedForFocus.ancestors.toSet(); // Notify nodes that are newly focused. _dirtyNodes.addAll(nextPath.difference(previousPath)); // Notify nodes that are no longer focused _dirtyNodes.addAll(previousPath.difference(nextPath)); _primaryFocus = _markedForFocus; _markedForFocus = null; } if (previousFocus != _primaryFocus) { D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug("Updating focus from $previousFocus to $_primaryFocus")); if (previousFocus != null) { _dirtyNodes.Add(previousFocus); } if (_primaryFocus != null) { _dirtyNodes.Add(_primaryFocus); } } D.assert(FocusManagerUtils._focusDebug("Notifying ${_dirtyNodes.length} dirty nodes:", _dirtyNodes.toList().map((FocusNode node) => node.toString()))); foreach ( FocusNode node in _dirtyNodes) { node._notify(); } _dirtyNodes.Clear(); if (previousFocus != _primaryFocus) { notifyListeners(); } D.assert(()=> { if (_kDebugFocus) { debugDumpFocusTree(); } return true; }); }*/ /*public override List debugDescribeChildren() { return new List{ rootScope.toDiagnosticsNode(name: "rootScope") }; }*/ /*public void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { properties.add(new FlagProperty("haveScheduledUpdate", value: _haveScheduledUpdate, ifTrue: "UPDATE SCHEDULED")); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("primaryFocus", primaryFocus, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("nextFocus", _markedForFocus, defaultValue: null)); Element element = primaryFocus?.context as Element; if (element != null) { properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("primaryFocusCreator", element.debugGetCreatorChain(20))); } }*/ } } /* public class FocusNode : ChangeNotifier { internal FocusScopeNode _parent; internal FocusManager _manager; internal bool _hasKeyboardToken = false; public bool hasFocus { get { FocusNode node = null; if (_manager != null) { node = _manager._currentFocus; } return node == this; } } public bool consumeKeyboardToken() { if (!_hasKeyboardToken) { return false; } _hasKeyboardToken = false; return true; } public void unfocus() { if (_parent != null) { _parent._resignFocus(this); } D.assert(_parent == null); D.assert(_manager == null); } public override void dispose() { if (_manager != null) { _manager._willDisposeFocusNode(this); } if (_parent != null) { _parent._resignFocus(this); } D.assert(_parent == null); D.assert(_manager == null); base.dispose(); } internal void _notify() { notifyListeners(); } public override string ToString() { return $"{foundation_.describeIdentity(this)} hasFocus: {hasFocus}"; } } public class FocusScopeNode : DiagnosticableTree { internal FocusManager _manager; internal FocusScopeNode _parent; internal FocusScopeNode _nextSibling; internal FocusScopeNode _previousSibling; internal FocusScopeNode _firstChild; internal FocusScopeNode _lastChild; internal FocusNode _focus; internal List _focusPath; public bool isFirstFocus { get { return _parent == null || _parent._firstChild == this; } } internal List _getFocusPath() { List nodes = new List {this}; FocusScopeNode node = _parent; while (node != null && node != _manager?.rootScope) { nodes.Add(node); node = node._parent; } return nodes; } internal void _prepend(FocusScopeNode child) { D.assert(child != this); D.assert(child != _firstChild); D.assert(child != _lastChild); D.assert(child._parent == null); D.assert(child._manager == null); D.assert(child._nextSibling == null); D.assert(child._previousSibling == null); D.assert(() => { var node = this; while (node._parent != null) { node = node._parent; } D.assert(node != child); return true; }); child._parent = this; child._nextSibling = _firstChild; if (_firstChild != null) { _firstChild._previousSibling = child; } _firstChild = child; _lastChild = _lastChild ?? child; child._updateManager(_manager); } void _updateManager(FocusManager manager) { Action update = null; update = (child) => { if (child._manager == manager) { return; } child._manager = manager; // We don"t proactively null out the manager for FocusNodes because the // manager holds the currently active focus node until the end of the // microtask, even if that node is detached from the focus tree. if (manager != null && child._focus != null) { child._focus._manager = manager; } child._visitChildren(update); }; update(this); } void _visitChildren(Action vistor) { FocusScopeNode child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { vistor.Invoke(child); child = child._nextSibling; } } bool _debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(FocusScopeNode child, FocusScopeNode equals) { while (child._previousSibling != null) { D.assert(child._previousSibling != child); child = child._previousSibling; } return child == equals; } bool _debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(FocusScopeNode child, FocusScopeNode equals) { while (child._nextSibling != null) { D.assert(child._nextSibling != child); child = child._nextSibling; } return child == equals; } internal void _remove(FocusScopeNode child) { D.assert(child._parent == this); D.assert(child._manager == _manager); D.assert(_debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(child, equals: _firstChild)); D.assert(_debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(child, equals: _lastChild)); if (child._previousSibling == null) { D.assert(_firstChild == child); _firstChild = child._nextSibling; } else { child._previousSibling._nextSibling = child._nextSibling; } if (child._nextSibling == null) { D.assert(_lastChild == child); _lastChild = child._previousSibling; } else { child._nextSibling._previousSibling = child._previousSibling; } child._previousSibling = null; child._nextSibling = null; child._parent = null; child._updateManager(null); } internal void _didChangeFocusChain() { if (isFirstFocus && _manager != null) { _manager._markNeedsUpdate(); } } // TODO: need update public void requestFocus(FocusNode node = null) { // D.assert(node != null); var focusPath = _manager?._getCurrentFocusPath(); if (_focus == node && (_focusPath == focusPath || (focusPath != null && _focusPath != null && _focusPath.SequenceEqual(focusPath)))) { return; } if (_focus != null) { _focus.unfocus(); } node._hasKeyboardToken = true; _setFocus(node); } public void autofocus(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); if (_focus == null) { node._hasKeyboardToken = true; _setFocus(node); } } public void reparentIfNeeded(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); if (node._parent == null || node._parent == this) { return; } node.unfocus(); D.assert(node._parent == null); if (_focus == null) { _setFocus(node); } } internal void _setFocus(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); D.assert(node._parent == null); D.assert(_focus == null); _focus = node; _focus._parent = this; _focus._manager = _manager; _focus._hasKeyboardToken = true; _didChangeFocusChain(); _focusPath = _getFocusPath(); } internal void _resignFocus(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); if (_focus != node) { return; } _focus._parent = null; _focus._manager = null; _focus = null; _didChangeFocusChain(); } public void setFirstFocus(FocusScopeNode child) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child._parent == null || child._parent == this); if (_firstChild == child) { return; } child.detach(); _prepend(child); D.assert(child._parent == this); _didChangeFocusChain(); } public void reparentScopeIfNeeded(FocusScopeNode child) { D.assert(child != null); if (child._parent == null || child._parent == this) { return; } if (child.isFirstFocus) { setFirstFocus(child); } else { child.detach(); } } public void detach() { _didChangeFocusChain(); if (_parent != null) { _parent._remove(this); } D.assert(_parent == null); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); if (_focus != null) { properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("focus", _focus)); } } public override List debugDescribeChildren() { var children = new List(); if (_firstChild != null) { FocusScopeNode child = _firstChild; int count = 1; while (true) { children.Add(child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: $"child {count}")); if (child == _lastChild) { break; } child = child._nextSibling; count += 1; } } return children; } } public class FocusManager { public FocusManager() { rootScope._manager = this; D.assert(rootScope._firstChild == null); D.assert(rootScope._lastChild == null); } public readonly FocusScopeNode rootScope = new FocusScopeNode(); internal readonly FocusScopeNode _noneScope = new FocusScopeNode(); public FocusNode currentFocus { get { return _currentFocus; } } internal FocusNode _currentFocus; internal void _willDisposeFocusNode(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); if (_currentFocus == node) { _currentFocus = null; } } bool _haveScheduledUpdate = false; internal void _markNeedsUpdate() { if (_haveScheduledUpdate) { return; } _haveScheduledUpdate = true; async_.scheduleMicrotask(() => { _update(); return null; }); } internal FocusNode _findNextFocus() { FocusScopeNode scope = rootScope; while (scope._firstChild != null) { scope = scope._firstChild; } return scope._focus; } internal void _update() { _haveScheduledUpdate = false; var nextFocus = _findNextFocus(); if (_currentFocus == nextFocus) { return; } var previousFocus = _currentFocus; _currentFocus = nextFocus; if (previousFocus != null) { previousFocus._notify(); } if (_currentFocus != null) { _currentFocus._notify(); } } internal List _getCurrentFocusPath() { return _currentFocus?._parent?._getFocusPath(); } public void focusNone(bool focus) { if (focus) { if (_noneScope._parent != null && _noneScope.isFirstFocus) { return; } rootScope.setFirstFocus(_noneScope); } else { if (_noneScope._parent == null) { return; } _noneScope.detach(); } } public override string ToString() { var status = _haveScheduledUpdate ? " UPDATE SCHEDULED" : ""; var indent = " "; return string.Format("{1}{2}\n{0}currentFocus: {3}\n{4}", indent, foundation_.describeIdentity(this), status, _currentFocus, rootScope.toStringDeep(prefixLineOne: indent, prefixOtherLines: indent)); } }*/