using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using uiwidgets; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.material { public delegate void ReorderCallback(int oldIndex, int newIndex); public class ReorderableListView : StatefulWidget { public ReorderableListView( Widget header = null, List children = null, ReorderCallback onReorder = null, Axis scrollDirection = Axis.vertical, EdgeInsets padding = null, bool reverse = false ) { D.assert(onReorder != null); D.assert(children != null); D.assert( children.All((Widget w) => w.key != null), () => "All children of this widget must have a key." ); this.header = header; this.children = children; this.scrollDirection = scrollDirection; this.padding = padding; this.onReorder = onReorder; this.reverse = reverse; } public readonly Widget header; public readonly List children; public readonly Axis scrollDirection; public readonly EdgeInsets padding; public readonly ReorderCallback onReorder; public readonly bool reverse; public override State createState() { return new _ReorderableListViewState(); } } class _ReorderableListViewState : State { GlobalKey _overlayKey = GlobalKey.key(debugLabel: "$ReorderableListView overlay key"); OverlayEntry _listOverlayEntry; public override void initState() { base.initState(); _listOverlayEntry = new OverlayEntry( opaque: true, builder: (BuildContext context) => { return new _ReorderableListContent( header: widget.header, children: widget.children, scrollDirection: widget.scrollDirection, onReorder: widget.onReorder, padding: widget.padding, reverse: widget.reverse ); } ); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new Overlay( key: _overlayKey, initialEntries: new List { _listOverlayEntry }); } } class _ReorderableListContent : StatefulWidget { public _ReorderableListContent( Widget header, List children, Axis scrollDirection, EdgeInsets padding, ReorderCallback onReorder, bool? reverse = null ) { this.header = header; this.children = children; this.scrollDirection = scrollDirection; this.padding = padding; this.onReorder = onReorder; this.reverse = reverse; } public readonly Widget header; public readonly List children; public readonly Axis scrollDirection; public readonly EdgeInsets padding; public readonly ReorderCallback onReorder; public readonly bool? reverse; public override State createState() { return new _ReorderableListContentState(); } } class _ReorderableListContentState : TickerProviderStateMixin<_ReorderableListContent> { const float _defaultDropAreaExtent = 100.0f; const float _dropAreaMargin = 8.0f; readonly TimeSpan _reorderAnimationDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200); readonly TimeSpan _scrollAnimationDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200); ScrollController _scrollController; AnimationController _entranceController; AnimationController _ghostController; Key _dragging; Size _draggingFeedbackSize; int _dragStartIndex = 0; int _ghostIndex = 0; int _currentIndex = 0; int _nextIndex = 0; bool _scrolling = false; float _dropAreaExtent { get { if (_draggingFeedbackSize == null) { return _defaultDropAreaExtent; } float dropAreaWithoutMargin; switch (widget.scrollDirection) { case Axis.horizontal: dropAreaWithoutMargin = _draggingFeedbackSize.width; break; case Axis.vertical: default: dropAreaWithoutMargin = _draggingFeedbackSize.height; break; } return dropAreaWithoutMargin + _dropAreaMargin; } } public override void initState() { base.initState(); _entranceController = new AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: _reorderAnimationDuration); _ghostController = new AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: _reorderAnimationDuration); _entranceController.addStatusListener(_onEntranceStatusChanged); } public override void didChangeDependencies() { _scrollController = PrimaryScrollController.of(context) ?? new ScrollController(); base.didChangeDependencies(); } public override void dispose() { _entranceController.dispose(); _ghostController.dispose(); base.dispose(); } void _requestAnimationToNextIndex() { if (_entranceController.isCompleted) { _ghostIndex = _currentIndex; if (_nextIndex == _currentIndex) { return; } _currentIndex = _nextIndex; _ghostController.reverse(from: 1.0f); _entranceController.forward(from: 0.0f); } } void _onEntranceStatusChanged(AnimationStatus status) { if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) { setState(() => { _requestAnimationToNextIndex(); }); } } void _scrollTo(BuildContext context) { if (_scrolling) { return; } RenderObject contextObject = context.findRenderObject(); RenderAbstractViewport viewport = RenderViewportUtils.of(contextObject); D.assert(viewport != null); float margin = _dropAreaExtent; float scrollOffset = _scrollController.offset; float topOffset = Mathf.Max(_scrollController.position.minScrollExtent, viewport.getOffsetToReveal(contextObject, 0.0f).offset - margin ); float bottomOffset = Mathf.Min(_scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent, viewport.getOffsetToReveal(contextObject, 1.0f).offset + margin ); bool onScreen = scrollOffset <= topOffset && scrollOffset >= bottomOffset; if (!onScreen) { _scrolling = true; _scrollController.position.animateTo( scrollOffset < bottomOffset ? bottomOffset : topOffset, duration: _scrollAnimationDuration, curve: Curves.easeInOut ).then((value) => { setState(() => { _scrolling = false; }); }); } } Widget _buildContainerForScrollDirection(List children = null) { switch (widget.scrollDirection) { case Axis.horizontal: return new Row(children: children); case Axis.vertical: default: return new Column(children: children); } } Widget _wrap(Widget toWrap, int index, BoxConstraints constraints) { D.assert(toWrap.key != null); GlobalObjectKey> keyIndexGlobalKey = new GlobalObjectKey>(toWrap.key); void onDragStarted() { setState(() => { _dragging = toWrap.key; _dragStartIndex = index; _ghostIndex = index; _currentIndex = index; _entranceController.setValue(1.0f); _draggingFeedbackSize = keyIndexGlobalKey.currentContext.size; }); } void reorder(int startIndex, int endIndex) { setState(() => { if (startIndex != endIndex) { widget.onReorder(startIndex, endIndex); } _ghostController.reverse(from: 0.1f); _entranceController.reverse(from: 0.1f); _dragging = null; }); } void onDragEnded() { reorder(_dragStartIndex, _currentIndex); } Widget wrapWithKeyedSubtree() { return new KeyedSubtree( key: keyIndexGlobalKey, child: toWrap ); } Widget buildDragTarget(BuildContext context, List acceptedCandidates, List rejectedCandidates) { Widget toWrapWithKeyedSubtree = wrapWithKeyedSubtree(); Widget child = new LongPressDraggable( maxSimultaneousDrags: 1, axis: widget.scrollDirection, data: toWrap.key, feedback: new Container( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, // These constraints will limit the cross axis of the drawn widget. constraints: constraints, child: new Material( elevation: 6.0f, child: toWrapWithKeyedSubtree ) ), child: _dragging == toWrap.key ? new SizedBox() : toWrapWithKeyedSubtree, childWhenDragging: new SizedBox(), dragAnchor: DragAnchor.child, onDragStarted: onDragStarted, onDragCompleted: onDragEnded, onDraggableCanceled: (Velocity velocity, Offset offset) => { onDragEnded(); } ); if (index >= widget.children.Count) { child = toWrap; } Widget spacing; switch (widget.scrollDirection) { case Axis.horizontal: spacing = new SizedBox(width: _dropAreaExtent); break; case Axis.vertical: default: spacing = new SizedBox(height: _dropAreaExtent); break; } if (_currentIndex == index) { return _buildContainerForScrollDirection(children: new List { new SizeTransition( sizeFactor: _entranceController, axis: widget.scrollDirection, child: spacing ), child }); } if (_ghostIndex == index) { return _buildContainerForScrollDirection(children: new List { new SizeTransition( sizeFactor: _ghostController, axis: widget.scrollDirection, child: spacing ), child }); } return child; } return new Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) => { return new DragTarget( builder: buildDragTarget, onWillAccept: (Key toAccept) => { setState(() => { _nextIndex = index; _requestAnimationToNextIndex(); }); _scrollTo(context); return _dragging == toAccept && toAccept != toWrap.key; }, onAccept: (Key accepted) => { }, onLeave: (Key leaving) => { } ); }); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { D.assert(material_.debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(context)); return new LayoutBuilder(builder: (BuildContext _, BoxConstraints constraints) => { List wrappedChildren = new List { }; if (widget.header != null) { wrappedChildren.Add(widget.header); } for (int i = 0; i < widget.children.Count; i += 1) { wrappedChildren.Add(_wrap(widget.children[i], i, constraints)); } Key endWidgetKey = Key.key("DraggableList - End Widget"); Widget finalDropArea; switch (widget.scrollDirection) { case Axis.horizontal: finalDropArea = new SizedBox( key: endWidgetKey, width: _defaultDropAreaExtent, height: constraints.maxHeight ); break; case Axis.vertical: default: finalDropArea = new SizedBox( key: endWidgetKey, height: _defaultDropAreaExtent, width: constraints.maxWidth ); break; } if (widget.reverse == true) { wrappedChildren.Insert(0, _wrap( finalDropArea, widget.children.Count, constraints) ); } else { wrappedChildren.Add(_wrap( finalDropArea, widget.children.Count, constraints) ); } return new SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: widget.scrollDirection, child: _buildContainerForScrollDirection(children: wrappedChildren), padding: widget.padding, controller: _scrollController, reverse: widget.reverse == true ); }); } } }