var path = require('path'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var glob = require("glob"); var fs = require('fs'); var nunjucks = require('nunjucks'); var chokidar = require('chokidar'); exports.command = 'codegen [dir] [file]'; exports.desc = "generate mixin code"; exports.builder = function (yargs) { return yargs.positional('dir', { describe: 'the working directory', type: 'string', default: '.' }).positional('file', { describe: 'the target file if specified', type: 'string', default: '' }).option('watch', { alias: 'w', describe: 'Watch for file changes', boolean: true }); }; exports.handler = function (argv) { var cwd = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..', argv.dir); var file = '' if (argv.file != '') { file = argv.file; } var data = {}; var env = nunjucks.configure(cwd, { trimBlocks: true, lstripBlocks: true, noCache: true }); glob('**/*.njk', { strict: true, cwd: cwd, ignore: '**/_*.*' }, function (err, files) { if (err) { return console.error(; } if (files.indexOf(file) >=0) { render(env, cwd, file, data); } else { renderAll(env, cwd, files, data); } }); if ( { var watcher ='**/*.njk', { persistent: true, cwd: cwd, awaitWriteFinish: { stabilityThreshold: 300, pollInterval: 50 } }); var layouts = []; var templates = []; watcher.on('ready', function () { console.log(chalk.gray('Watching templates...')); }); watcher.on('add', function (file) { if (path.basename(file).indexOf('_') === 0) { layouts.push(file); } else { templates.push(file); } }); watcher.on('change', function (file) { if (layouts.indexOf(file) >= 0) { renderAll(env, cwd, templates, data); } else { render(env, cwd, file, data); } }); } }; function render(env, cwd, file, data) { warning_prefix = "/*\n" + " WARNING!!!: GENERATED BY CODE, DO NOT CHANGE !!!!!!\n" + " A file with the suffix .gen.cs is automatically generate from its corresponding template file with suffix .njk using nunjucks.\n" + " If you want to update this file, please edit the corresponding .njk file first and execute the following cmd at the Scripts folder:\n" + " \"node uiwidgets-cli.js codegen\"\n" + "*/\n\n\n"; env.render(file, data, function (err, res) { if (err) { return console.error(; } var outputFile = file.replace(/\.\w+$/, '') + '.gen.cs'; console.log('Rendering: ' + file)); fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(cwd, outputFile), warning_prefix + res); }); } function renderAll(env, cwd, files, data) { for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { render(env, cwd, files[i], data); } }