using RSG.Promises;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using RSG.Exceptions;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
namespace RSG
/// Implements a C# promise.
public interface IPromise
/// Gets the id of the promise, useful for referencing the promise during runtime.
int Id { get; }
/// Set the name of the promise, useful for debugging.
IPromise WithName(string name);
/// Completes the promise.
/// onResolved is called on successful completion.
/// onRejected is called on error.
void Done(Action onResolved, Action onRejected);
/// Completes the promise.
/// onResolved is called on successful completion.
/// Adds a default error handler.
void Done(Action onResolved);
/// Complete the promise. Adds a default error handler.
void Done();
/// Handle errors for the promise.
IPromise Catch(Action onRejected);
/// Handle errors for the promise.
IPromise Catch(Func onRejected);
/// Add a resolved callback that chains a value promise (optionally converting to a different value type).
IPromise Then(Func> onResolved);
/// Add a resolved callback that chains a non-value promise.
IPromise Then(Func onResolved);
/// Add a resolved callback.
IPromise Then(Action onResolved);
/// Add a resolved callback and a rejected callback.
/// The resolved callback chains a value promise (optionally converting to a different value type).
IPromise Then(
Func> onResolved,
Func> onRejected
/// Add a resolved callback and a rejected callback.
/// The resolved callback chains a non-value promise.
IPromise Then(Func onResolved, Action onRejected);
/// Add a resolved callback and a rejected callback.
IPromise Then(Action onResolved, Action onRejected);
/// Add a resolved callback, a rejected callback and a progress callback.
/// The resolved callback chains a value promise (optionally converting to a different value type).
IPromise Then(
Func> onResolved,
Func> onRejected,
Action onProgress
/// Add a resolved callback, a rejected callback and a progress callback.
/// The resolved callback chains a non-value promise.
IPromise Then(Func onResolved, Action onRejected, Action onProgress);
/// Add a resolved callback, a rejected callback and a progress callback.
IPromise Then(Action onResolved, Action onRejected, Action onProgress);
/// Return a new promise with a different value.
/// May also change the type of the value.
IPromise Then(Func transform);
/// Chain an enumerable of promises, all of which must resolve.
/// Returns a promise for a collection of the resolved results.
/// The resulting promise is resolved when all of the promises have resolved.
/// It is rejected as soon as any of the promises have been rejected.
IPromise> ThenAll(Func>> chain);
/// Chain an enumerable of promises, all of which must resolve.
/// Converts to a non-value promise.
/// The resulting promise is resolved when all of the promises have resolved.
/// It is rejected as soon as any of the promises have been rejected.
IPromise ThenAll(Func> chain);
/// Takes a function that yields an enumerable of promises.
/// Returns a promise that resolves when the first of the promises has resolved.
/// Yields the value from the first promise that has resolved.
IPromise ThenRace(Func>> chain);
/// Takes a function that yields an enumerable of promises.
/// Converts to a non-value promise.
/// Returns a promise that resolves when the first of the promises has resolved.
/// Yields the value from the first promise that has resolved.
IPromise ThenRace(Func> chain);
/// Add a finally callback.
/// Finally callbacks will always be called, even if any preceding promise is rejected, or encounters an error.
/// The returned promise will be resolved or rejected, as per the preceding promise.
IPromise Finally(Action onComplete);
/// Add a callback that chains a non-value promise.
/// ContinueWith callbacks will always be called, even if any preceding promise is rejected, or encounters an error.
/// The state of the returning promise will be based on the new non-value promise, not the preceding (rejected or resolved) promise.
IPromise ContinueWith(Func onResolved);
/// Add a callback that chains a value promise (optionally converting to a different value type).
/// ContinueWith callbacks will always be called, even if any preceding promise is rejected, or encounters an error.
/// The state of the returning promise will be based on the new value promise, not the preceding (rejected or resolved) promise.
IPromise ContinueWith(Func> onComplete);
/// Add a progress callback.
/// Progress callbacks will be called whenever the promise owner reports progress towards the resolution
/// of the promise.
IPromise Progress(Action onProgress);
/// Interface for a promise that can be rejected.
public interface IRejectable
/// Reject the promise with an exception.
void Reject(Exception ex);
/// Interface for a promise that can be rejected or resolved.
public interface IPendingPromise : IRejectable
/// ID of the promise, useful for debugging.
int Id { get; }
/// Resolve the promise with a particular value.
void Resolve(PromisedT value);
/// Report progress in a promise.
void ReportProgress(float progress);
/// Specifies the state of a promise.
public enum PromiseState
Pending, // The promise is in-flight.
Rejected, // The promise has been rejected.
Resolved // The promise has been resolved.
/// Implements a C# promise.
public class Promise : IPromise, IPendingPromise, IPromiseInfo
/// The exception when the promise is rejected.
private Exception rejectionException;
/// The value when the promises is resolved.
private PromisedT resolveValue;
/// Error handler.
private List rejectHandlers;
/// Progress handlers.
private List progressHandlers;
/// Completed handlers that accept a value.
private List> resolveCallbacks;
private List resolveRejectables;
/// ID of the promise, useful for debugging.
public int Id { get { return id; } }
private readonly int id;
/// Name of the promise, when set, useful for debugging.
public string Name { get; private set; }
/// Tracks the current state of the promise.
public PromiseState CurState { get; private set; }
public bool IsSync { get; }
public Promise(bool isSync = false) {
this.IsSync = isSync;
this.CurState = PromiseState.Pending; = Promise.NextId();
if (Promise.EnablePromiseTracking)
public Promise(Action, Action> resolver, bool isSync = false) {
this.IsSync = isSync;
this.CurState = PromiseState.Pending; = Promise.NextId();
if (Promise.EnablePromiseTracking)
resolver(Resolve, Reject);
catch (Exception ex)
/// Add a rejection handler for this promise.
private void AddRejectHandler(Action onRejected, IRejectable rejectable)
if (rejectHandlers == null)
rejectHandlers = new List();
rejectHandlers.Add(new RejectHandler { callback = onRejected, rejectable = rejectable });
/// Add a resolve handler for this promise.
private void AddResolveHandler(Action onResolved, IRejectable rejectable)
if (resolveCallbacks == null)
resolveCallbacks = new List>();
if (resolveRejectables == null)
resolveRejectables = new List();
/// Add a progress handler for this promise.
private void AddProgressHandler(Action onProgress, IRejectable rejectable)
if (progressHandlers == null)
progressHandlers = new List();
progressHandlers.Add(new ProgressHandler { callback = onProgress, rejectable = rejectable });
/// Invoke a single handler.
private void InvokeHandler(Action callback, IRejectable rejectable, T value)
// Argument.NotNull(() => callback);
// Argument.NotNull(() => rejectable);
catch (Exception ex)
/// Helper function clear out all handlers after resolution or rejection.
private void ClearHandlers()
rejectHandlers = null;
resolveCallbacks = null;
resolveRejectables = null;
progressHandlers = null;
/// Invoke all reject handlers.
private void InvokeRejectHandlers(Exception ex)
// Argument.NotNull(() => ex);
if (rejectHandlers != null)
rejectHandlers.Each(handler => InvokeHandler(handler.callback, handler.rejectable, ex));
} else {
Promise.PropagateUnhandledException(this, ex);
/// Invoke all resolve handlers.
private void InvokeResolveHandlers(PromisedT value)
if (resolveCallbacks != null)
for (int i = 0, maxI = resolveCallbacks.Count; i < maxI; i++) {
InvokeHandler(resolveCallbacks[i], resolveRejectables[i], value);
/// Invoke all progress handlers.
private void InvokeProgressHandlers(float progress)
if (progressHandlers != null)
progressHandlers.Each(handler => InvokeHandler(handler.callback, handler.rejectable, progress));
/// Reject the promise with an exception.
public void Reject(Exception ex) {
if (IsSync) {
} else { => RejectSync(ex));
public void RejectSync(Exception ex) {
// Argument.NotNull(() => ex);
if (CurState != PromiseState.Pending) {
throw new PromiseStateException(
"Attempt to reject a promise that is already in state: "
+ CurState
+ ", a promise can only be rejected when it is still in state: "
+ PromiseState.Pending
rejectionException = ex;
CurState = PromiseState.Rejected;
if (Promise.EnablePromiseTracking) {
/// Resolve the promise with a particular value.
public void Resolve(PromisedT value) {
if (IsSync) {
} else { => ResolveSync(value));
public void ResolveSync(PromisedT value) {
if (CurState != PromiseState.Pending) {
throw new PromiseStateException(
"Attempt to resolve a promise that is already in state: "
+ CurState
+ ", a promise can only be resolved when it is still in state: "
+ PromiseState.Pending
resolveValue = value;
CurState = PromiseState.Resolved;
if (Promise.EnablePromiseTracking) {
/// Report progress on the promise.
public void ReportProgress(float progress)
if (CurState != PromiseState.Pending)
throw new PromiseStateException(
"Attempt to report progress on a promise that is already in state: "
+ CurState + ", a promise can only report progress when it is still in state: "
+ PromiseState.Pending
/// Completes the promise.
/// onResolved is called on successful completion.
/// onRejected is called on error.
public void Done(Action onResolved, Action onRejected)
Then(onResolved, onRejected)
.Catch(ex =>
Promise.PropagateUnhandledException(this, ex)
/// Completes the promise.
/// onResolved is called on successful completion.
/// Adds a default error handler.
public void Done(Action onResolved)
.Catch(ex =>
Promise.PropagateUnhandledException(this, ex)
/// Complete the promise. Adds a default error handler.
public void Done()
Catch(ex =>
Promise.PropagateUnhandledException(this, ex)
/// Set the name of the promise, useful for debugging.
public IPromise WithName(string name)
this.Name = name;
return this;
/// Handle errors for the promise.
public IPromise Catch(Action onRejected)
var resultPromise = new Promise(isSync: true);
Action resolveHandler = _ => resultPromise.Resolve();
Action rejectHandler = ex =>
catch(Exception cbEx)
ActionHandlers(resultPromise, resolveHandler, rejectHandler);
ProgressHandlers(resultPromise, v => resultPromise.ReportProgress(v));
return resultPromise;
/// Handle errors for the promise.
public IPromise Catch(Func onRejected)
var resultPromise = new Promise();
Action resolveHandler = v => resultPromise.Resolve(v);
Action rejectHandler = ex =>
catch (Exception cbEx)
ActionHandlers(resultPromise, resolveHandler, rejectHandler);
ProgressHandlers(resultPromise, v => resultPromise.ReportProgress(v));
return resultPromise;
/// Add a resolved callback that chains a value promise (optionally converting to a different value type).
public IPromise Then(Func> onResolved)
return Then(onResolved, null, null);
/// Add a resolved callback that chains a non-value promise.
public IPromise Then(Func onResolved)
return Then(onResolved, null, null);
/// Add a resolved callback.
public IPromise Then(Action onResolved)
return Then(onResolved, null, null);
/// Add a resolved callback and a rejected callback.
/// The resolved callback chains a value promise (optionally converting to a different value type).
public IPromise Then(
Func> onResolved,
Func> onRejected
return Then(onResolved, onRejected, null);
/// Add a resolved callback and a rejected callback.
/// The resolved callback chains a non-value promise.
public IPromise Then(Func onResolved, Action onRejected)
return Then(onResolved, onRejected, null);
/// Add a resolved callback and a rejected callback.
public IPromise Then(Action onResolved, Action onRejected)
return Then(onResolved, onRejected, null);
/// Add a resolved callback, a rejected callback and a progress callback.
/// The resolved callback chains a value promise (optionally converting to a different value type).
public IPromise Then(
Func> onResolved,
Func> onRejected,
Action onProgress
// This version of the function must supply an onResolved.
// Otherwise there is now way to get the converted value to pass to the resulting promise.
// Argument.NotNull(() => onResolved);
var resultPromise = new Promise();
Action resolveHandler = v =>
.Progress(progress => resultPromise.ReportProgress(progress))
// Should not be necessary to specify the arg type on the next line, but Unity (mono) has an internal compiler error otherwise.
chainedValue => resultPromise.Resolve(chainedValue),
ex => resultPromise.Reject(ex)
Action rejectHandler = ex =>
if (onRejected == null)
chainedValue => resultPromise.Resolve(chainedValue),
callbackEx => resultPromise.Reject(callbackEx)
catch (Exception callbackEx)
ActionHandlers(resultPromise, resolveHandler, rejectHandler);
if (onProgress != null)
ProgressHandlers(this, onProgress);
return resultPromise;
/// Add a resolved callback, a rejected callback and a progress callback.
/// The resolved callback chains a non-value promise.
public IPromise Then(Func onResolved, Action onRejected, Action onProgress)
var resultPromise = new Promise(isSync: true);
Action resolveHandler = v =>
if (onResolved != null)
.Progress(progress => resultPromise.ReportProgress(progress))
() => resultPromise.Resolve(),
ex => resultPromise.Reject(ex)
Action rejectHandler = ex =>
if (onRejected != null)
ActionHandlers(resultPromise, resolveHandler, rejectHandler);
if (onProgress != null)
ProgressHandlers(this, onProgress);
return resultPromise;
/// Add a resolved callback, a rejected callback and a progress callback.
public IPromise Then(Action onResolved, Action onRejected, Action onProgress)
var resultPromise = new Promise(isSync: true);
Action resolveHandler = v =>
if (onResolved != null)
Action rejectHandler = ex =>
if (onRejected != null)
ActionHandlers(resultPromise, resolveHandler, rejectHandler);
if (onProgress != null)
ProgressHandlers(this, onProgress);
return resultPromise;
/// Return a new promise with a different value.
/// May also change the type of the value.
public IPromise Then(Func transform)
// Argument.NotNull(() => transform);
return Then(value => Promise.Resolved(transform(value)));
/// Helper function to invoke or register resolve/reject handlers.
private void ActionHandlers(IRejectable resultPromise, Action resolveHandler, Action rejectHandler)
if (CurState == PromiseState.Resolved) {
InvokeHandler(resolveHandler, resultPromise, resolveValue);
else if (CurState == PromiseState.Rejected) {
InvokeHandler(rejectHandler, resultPromise, rejectionException);
else {
AddResolveHandler(resolveHandler, resultPromise);
AddRejectHandler(rejectHandler, resultPromise);
/// Helper function to invoke or register progress handlers.
private void ProgressHandlers(IRejectable resultPromise, Action progressHandler)
if (CurState == PromiseState.Pending)
AddProgressHandler(progressHandler, resultPromise);
/// Chain an enumerable of promises, all of which must resolve.
/// Returns a promise for a collection of the resolved results.
/// The resulting promise is resolved when all of the promises have resolved.
/// It is rejected as soon as any of the promises have been rejected.
public IPromise> ThenAll(Func>> chain)
return Then(value => Promise.All(chain(value)));
/// Chain an enumerable of promises, all of which must resolve.
/// Converts to a non-value promise.
/// The resulting promise is resolved when all of the promises have resolved.
/// It is rejected as soon as any of the promises have been rejected.
public IPromise ThenAll(Func> chain)
return Then(value => Promise.All(chain(value)));
/// Returns a promise that resolves when all of the promises in the enumerable argument have resolved.
/// Returns a promise of a collection of the resolved results.
public static IPromise> All(params IPromise[] promises)
return All((IEnumerable>)promises); // Cast is required to force use of the other All function.
/// Returns a promise that resolves when all of the promises in the enumerable argument have resolved.
/// Returns a promise of a collection of the resolved results.
public static IPromise> All(IEnumerable> promises)
var promisesArray = promises.ToArray();
if (promisesArray.Length == 0)
return Promise>.Resolved(Enumerable.Empty());
var remainingCount = promisesArray.Length;
var results = new PromisedT[remainingCount];
var progress = new float[remainingCount];
var resultPromise = new Promise>();
promisesArray.Each((promise, index) =>
.Progress(v =>
progress[index] = v;
if (resultPromise.CurState == PromiseState.Pending)
.Then(result =>
progress[index] = 1f;
results[index] = result;
if (remainingCount <= 0 && resultPromise.CurState == PromiseState.Pending)
// This will never happen if any of the promises errorred.
.Catch(ex =>
if (resultPromise.CurState == PromiseState.Pending)
// If a promise errorred and the result promise is still pending, reject it.
return resultPromise;
/// Takes a function that yields an enumerable of promises.
/// Returns a promise that resolves when the first of the promises has resolved.
/// Yields the value from the first promise that has resolved.
public IPromise ThenRace(Func>> chain)
return Then(value => Promise.Race(chain(value)));
/// Takes a function that yields an enumerable of promises.
/// Converts to a non-value promise.
/// Returns a promise that resolves when the first of the promises has resolved.
/// Yields the value from the first promise that has resolved.
public IPromise ThenRace(Func> chain)
return Then(value => Promise.Race(chain(value)));
/// Returns a promise that resolves when the first of the promises in the enumerable argument have resolved.
/// Returns the value from the first promise that has resolved.
public static IPromise Race(params IPromise[] promises)
return Race((IEnumerable>)promises); // Cast is required to force use of the other function.
/// Returns a promise that resolves when the first of the promises in the enumerable argument have resolved.
/// Returns the value from the first promise that has resolved.
public static IPromise Race(IEnumerable> promises)
var promisesArray = promises.ToArray();
if (promisesArray.Length == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"At least 1 input promise must be provided for Race"
var resultPromise = new Promise();
var progress = new float[promisesArray.Length];
promisesArray.Each((promise, index) =>
.Progress(v =>
if (resultPromise.CurState == PromiseState.Pending)
progress[index] = v;
.Then(result =>
if (resultPromise.CurState == PromiseState.Pending)
.Catch(ex =>
if (resultPromise.CurState == PromiseState.Pending)
// If a promise errorred and the result promise is still pending, reject it.
return resultPromise;
/// Convert a simple value directly into a resolved promise.
public static IPromise Resolved(PromisedT promisedValue)
var promise = new Promise(isSync: true);
return promise;
/// Convert an exception directly into a rejected promise.
public static IPromise Rejected(Exception ex)
// Argument.NotNull(() => ex);
var promise = new Promise();
return promise;
public IPromise Finally(Action onComplete)
var promise = new Promise();
this.Then(x => promise.Resolve(x));
this.Catch(e => {
try {
} catch (Exception ne) {
return promise.Then(v =>
return v;
public IPromise ContinueWith(Func onComplete)
var promise = new Promise(isSync: true);
this.Then(x => promise.Resolve());
this.Catch(e => promise.Resolve());
return promise.Then(onComplete);
public IPromise ContinueWith(Func> onComplete)
var promise = new Promise(isSync: true);
this.Then(x => promise.Resolve());
this.Catch(e => promise.Resolve());
return promise.Then(onComplete);
public IPromise Progress(Action onProgress)
if (onProgress != null)
ProgressHandlers(this, onProgress);
return this;