using System.Collections.Generic; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler2; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.gestures { public delegate void PointerHoverEventListener(PointerHoverEvent evt); public delegate void PointerEnterEventListener(PointerEnterEvent evt); public delegate void PointerExitEventListener(PointerExitEvent evt); public delegate void PointerDragFromEditorEnterEventListener(PointerDragFromEditorEnterEvent evt); public delegate void PointerDragFromEditorHoverEventListener(PointerDragFromEditorHoverEvent evt); public delegate void PointerDragFromEditorExitEventListener(PointerDragFromEditorExitEvent evt); public delegate void PointerDragFromEditorReleaseEventListener(PointerDragFromEditorReleaseEvent evt); /// The annotation object used to annotate layers that are interested in mouse /// movements. /// This is added to a layer and managed by the [Listener] widget. public class MouseTrackerAnnotation { public MouseTrackerAnnotation( PointerEnterEventListener onEnter = null, PointerHoverEventListener onHover = null, PointerExitEventListener onExit = null, PointerDragFromEditorEnterEventListener onDragFromEditorEnter = null, PointerDragFromEditorHoverEventListener onDragFromEditorHover = null, PointerDragFromEditorExitEventListener onDragFromEditorExit = null, PointerDragFromEditorReleaseEventListener onDragFromEditorRelease = null ) { this.onEnter = onEnter; this.onHover = onHover; this.onExit = onExit; this.onDragFromEditorEnter = onDragFromEditorEnter; this.onDragFromEditorHover = onDragFromEditorHover; this.onDragFromEditorExit = onDragFromEditorExit; this.onDragFromEditorRelease = onDragFromEditorRelease; } public readonly PointerEnterEventListener onEnter; public readonly PointerHoverEventListener onHover; public readonly PointerExitEventListener onExit; public readonly PointerDragFromEditorEnterEventListener onDragFromEditorEnter; public readonly PointerDragFromEditorHoverEventListener onDragFromEditorHover; public readonly PointerDragFromEditorExitEventListener onDragFromEditorExit; public readonly PointerDragFromEditorReleaseEventListener onDragFromEditorRelease; public override string ToString() { return $"{GetType()}#{GetHashCode()}{(onEnter == null ? "" : " onEnter")}{(onHover == null ? "" : " onHover")}{(onExit == null ? "" : " onExit")}"; } } public class _TrackedAnnotation { public _TrackedAnnotation( MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation) { this.annotation = annotation; } public readonly MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation; public HashSet activeDevices = new HashSet(); } public delegate MouseTrackerAnnotation MouseDetectorAnnotationFinder(Offset offset); public partial class MouseTracker { public MouseTracker( PointerRouter router, MouseDetectorAnnotationFinder annotationFinder, bool inEditorWindow = false ) { router.addGlobalRoute(_handleEvent); this.annotationFinder = annotationFinder; this.inEditorWindow = inEditorWindow; } readonly bool inEditorWindow; readonly Dictionary _lastMouseEvent = new Dictionary(); public bool mouseIsConnected { get { return _lastMouseEvent.isNotEmpty(); } } public readonly MouseDetectorAnnotationFinder annotationFinder; public readonly Dictionary _trackedAnnotations = new Dictionary(); public void attachAnnotation(MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation) { _trackedAnnotations[annotation] = new _TrackedAnnotation(annotation); _scheduleMousePositionCheck(); #if UNITY_EDITOR //_scheduleDragFromEditorMousePositionCheck(); #endif } public void detachAnnotation(MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation) { _TrackedAnnotation trackedAnnotation = _findAnnotation(annotation); foreach (int deviceId in trackedAnnotation.activeDevices) { if (annotation.onExit != null) { annotation.onExit( PointerExitEvent.fromMouseEvent(_lastMouseEvent[deviceId])); } #if UNITY_EDITOR //detachDragFromEditorAnnotation(annotation, deviceId); #endif } _trackedAnnotations.Remove(annotation); } void _scheduleMousePositionCheck() { SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback(_ => { collectMousePositions(); }); SchedulerBinding.instance.scheduleFrame(); } // Handler for events coming from the PointerRouter. void _handleEvent(PointerEvent evt) { if (evt.kind != PointerDeviceKind.mouse) { return; } int deviceId = evt.device; if (_trackedAnnotations.isEmpty()) { // If we are adding the device again, then we're not removing it anymore. _lastMouseEvent.Remove(deviceId); return; } if (evt is PointerRemovedEvent) { _lastMouseEvent.Remove(deviceId); // If the mouse was removed, then we need to schedule one more check to // exit any annotations that were active. _scheduleMousePositionCheck(); } else { if (evt is PointerMoveEvent || evt is PointerHoverEvent || evt is PointerDownEvent) { if (!_lastMouseEvent.ContainsKey(deviceId) || _lastMouseEvent[deviceId].position != evt.position) { _scheduleMousePositionCheck(); } _lastMouseEvent[deviceId] = evt; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR //_handleDragFromEditorEvent(evt, deviceId); #endif } _TrackedAnnotation _findAnnotation(MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation) { if (!_trackedAnnotations.TryGetValue(annotation, out var trackedAnnotation)) { D.assert(false, () => "Unable to find annotation $annotation in tracked annotations. " + "Check that attachAnnotation has been called for all annotated layers."); } return trackedAnnotation; } bool isAnnotationAttached(MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation) { return _trackedAnnotations.ContainsKey(annotation); } /// Tells interested objects that a mouse has entered, exited, or moved, given /// a callback to fetch the [MouseTrackerAnnotation] associated with a global /// offset. /// /// This is called from a post-frame callback when the layer tree has been /// updated, right after rendering the frame. /// /// This function is only public to allow for proper testing of the /// MouseTracker. Do not call in other contexts. public void collectMousePositions() { void exitAnnotation(_TrackedAnnotation trackedAnnotation, int deviceId) { if (trackedAnnotation.activeDevices.Contains(deviceId)) { if (trackedAnnotation.annotation?.onExit != null) { trackedAnnotation.annotation.onExit( PointerExitEvent.fromMouseEvent(_lastMouseEvent[deviceId])); } trackedAnnotation.activeDevices.Remove(deviceId); } } void exitAllDevices(_TrackedAnnotation trackedAnnotation) { if (trackedAnnotation.activeDevices.isNotEmpty()) { HashSet deviceIds = new HashSet(trackedAnnotation.activeDevices); foreach (int deviceId in deviceIds) { exitAnnotation(trackedAnnotation, deviceId); } } } if (!mouseIsConnected) { foreach (var annotation in _trackedAnnotations.Values) { exitAllDevices(annotation); } return; } foreach (int deviceId in _lastMouseEvent.Keys) { PointerEvent lastEvent = _lastMouseEvent[deviceId]; MouseTrackerAnnotation hit = annotationFinder(lastEvent.position); if (hit == null) { foreach (_TrackedAnnotation trackedAnnotation in _trackedAnnotations.Values) { exitAnnotation(trackedAnnotation, deviceId); } return; } _TrackedAnnotation hitAnnotation = _findAnnotation(hit); //enter if (!hitAnnotation.activeDevices.Contains(deviceId)) { hitAnnotation.activeDevices.Add(deviceId); if (hitAnnotation.annotation?.onEnter != null) { hitAnnotation.annotation.onEnter(PointerEnterEvent.fromMouseEvent(lastEvent)); } } //hover if (hitAnnotation.annotation?.onHover != null && lastEvent is PointerHoverEvent) { hitAnnotation.annotation.onHover(lastEvent as PointerHoverEvent); } //leave foreach (_TrackedAnnotation trackedAnnotation in _trackedAnnotations.Values) { if (hitAnnotation == trackedAnnotation) { continue; } if (trackedAnnotation.activeDevices.Contains(deviceId)) { if (trackedAnnotation.annotation?.onExit != null) { trackedAnnotation.annotation.onExit( PointerExitEvent.fromMouseEvent(lastEvent)); } trackedAnnotation.activeDevices.Remove(deviceId); } } } } } }