using System.Collections.Generic; using uiwidgets; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using UnityEngine; using Canvas = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Canvas; using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.DevTools.inspector.layout_explorer.ui { public class ArrowUtils{ public static Color defaultArrowColor = Colors.white; public static float defaultArrowStrokeWidth = 2.0f; public static float defaultDistanceToArrow = 4.0f; public static Axis axis(ArrowType? type) { return (type == ArrowType.up || type == ArrowType.down) ? Axis.vertical : Axis.horizontal; } } public enum ArrowType { up, left, right, down, } public class ArrowWrapper : StatelessWidget { public ArrowWrapper( Key key = null, Widget child = null, ArrowType? type = null, Color arrowColor = null, float? arrowHeadSize = null, float? arrowStrokeWidth = null, float? childMarginFromArrow = null ) { D.assert(type != null); D.assert(arrowHeadSize != null && arrowHeadSize > 0.0); D.assert(arrowStrokeWidth != null && arrowHeadSize > 0.0); D.assert(childMarginFromArrow != null && childMarginFromArrow > 0.0); direction = ArrowUtils.axis(type); isBidirectional = false; startArrowType = type; endArrowType = type; this.child = child; this.arrowColor = arrowColor?? ArrowUtils.defaultArrowColor; this.arrowHeadSize = arrowHeadSize?? CommonThemeUtils.defaultIconSize; this.arrowStrokeWidth = arrowStrokeWidth ?? ArrowUtils.defaultArrowStrokeWidth; this.childMarginFromArrow = childMarginFromArrow ?? ArrowUtils.defaultDistanceToArrow; } public ArrowWrapper( Key key = null, Widget child = null, Axis? direction = null, Color arrowColor = null, float? arrowHeadSize = null, float? arrowStrokeWidth = null, float? childMarginFromArrow = null ) { D.assert(direction != null); D.assert(arrowColor != null); D.assert(arrowHeadSize != null && arrowHeadSize >= 0.0); D.assert(arrowStrokeWidth != null && arrowHeadSize >= 0.0); D.assert(childMarginFromArrow != null && childMarginFromArrow >= 0.0); isBidirectional = true; startArrowType = direction == Axis.horizontal ? ArrowType.left : ArrowType.up; endArrowType = direction == Axis.horizontal ? ArrowType.right : ArrowType.down; this.child = child; this.direction = direction; this.arrowColor = arrowColor?? ArrowUtils.defaultArrowColor; this.arrowHeadSize = arrowHeadSize?? CommonThemeUtils.defaultIconSize; this.arrowStrokeWidth = arrowStrokeWidth ?? ArrowUtils.defaultArrowStrokeWidth; this.childMarginFromArrow = childMarginFromArrow ?? ArrowUtils.defaultDistanceToArrow; } public readonly Color arrowColor; public readonly float? arrowHeadSize; public readonly float? arrowStrokeWidth; public readonly Widget child; public readonly float childMarginFromArrow; public readonly Axis? direction; public readonly bool isBidirectional; public readonly ArrowType? startArrowType; public readonly ArrowType? endArrowType; public float verticalMarginFromArrow { get { if (child == null || direction == Axis.horizontal) return 0.0f; return childMarginFromArrow; } } public float horizontalMarginFromArrow { get { if (child == null || direction == Axis.vertical) return 0.0f; return childMarginFromArrow; } } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { List widgets = new List(); widgets.Add(new Expanded( child: new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only( bottom: verticalMarginFromArrow, right: horizontalMarginFromArrow ), child: new ArrowWidget( color: arrowColor, headSize: arrowHeadSize, strokeWidth: arrowStrokeWidth, type: startArrowType, shouldDrawHead: isBidirectional ? true : (startArrowType == ArrowType.left || startArrowType == ArrowType.up) ) ) )); if(child!= null)widgets.Add(child); widgets.Add(new Expanded( child: new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only( top: verticalMarginFromArrow, left: horizontalMarginFromArrow ), child: new ArrowWidget( color: arrowColor, headSize: arrowHeadSize, strokeWidth: arrowStrokeWidth, type: endArrowType, shouldDrawHead: isBidirectional ? true : (endArrowType == ArrowType.right || endArrowType == ArrowType.down) ) ) )); return new Flex( direction: direction.Value, children: widgets ); } } public class ArrowWidget : StatelessWidget { public ArrowWidget( Color color = null, float? headSize = null, Key key = null, bool shouldDrawHead = true, float? strokeWidth = null, ArrowType? type = null ) : base(key: key) { this.headSize = headSize ?? CommonThemeUtils.defaultIconSize; this.strokeWidth = strokeWidth ?? ArrowUtils.defaultArrowStrokeWidth; D.assert(headSize != null && headSize > 0.0); D.assert(strokeWidth != null && strokeWidth > 0.0); D.assert(type != null); this.color = color ?? ArrowUtils.defaultArrowColor; this.shouldDrawHead = shouldDrawHead; this.type = type; _painter = new _ArrowPainter( headSize: headSize, color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, type: type, shouldDrawHead: shouldDrawHead ); } public readonly Color color; /// The arrow head is a Equilateral triangle public readonly float? headSize; public readonly float? strokeWidth; public readonly ArrowType? type; public readonly CustomPainter _painter; public readonly bool shouldDrawHead; public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new CustomPaint( painter: _painter, child: new Container() ); } } public class _ArrowPainter : CustomPainter { public _ArrowPainter( float? headSize = null, float? strokeWidth = null, Color color = null, bool shouldDrawHead = true, ArrowType? type = null ) { D.assert(headSize != null); D.assert(color != null); D.assert(strokeWidth != null); D.assert(type != null); D.assert(shouldDrawHead != null); // the height of an equilateral triangle headHeight = 0.5f * Mathf.Sqrt(3) * headSize.Value; this.headSize = headSize?? CommonThemeUtils.defaultIconSize; this.strokeWidth = strokeWidth?? ArrowUtils.defaultArrowStrokeWidth; this.color = color?? ArrowUtils.defaultArrowColor; this.shouldDrawHead = shouldDrawHead; this.type = type; } public readonly Color color; public readonly float headSize; public readonly bool shouldDrawHead; public readonly float strokeWidth; public readonly ArrowType? type; public readonly float headHeight; bool headIsGreaterThanConstraint(Size size) { if (type == ArrowType.left || type == ArrowType.right) { return headHeight >= (size.width); } return headHeight >= (size.height); } public bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) { return !(oldDelegate is _ArrowPainter && headSize == ((_ArrowPainter)oldDelegate).headSize && strokeWidth == ((_ArrowPainter)oldDelegate).strokeWidth && color == ((_ArrowPainter)oldDelegate).color && type == ((_ArrowPainter)oldDelegate).type); } public void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.color = color; paint.strokeWidth = strokeWidth; var originX = size.width / 2; var originY = size.height / 2; Offset lineStartingPoint =; Offset lineEndingPoint =; if (!headIsGreaterThanConstraint(size) && shouldDrawHead) { Offset p1 = null, p2 = null, p3 = null; var headSizeDividedBy2 = headSize / 2; switch (type) { case ArrowType.up: p1 = new Offset(originX, 0); p2 = new Offset(originX - headSizeDividedBy2, headHeight); p3 = new Offset(originX + headSizeDividedBy2, headHeight); break; case ArrowType.left: p1 = new Offset(0, originY); p2 = new Offset(headHeight, originY - headSizeDividedBy2); p3 = new Offset(headHeight, originY + headSizeDividedBy2); break; case ArrowType.right: var startingX = size.width - headHeight; p1 = new Offset(size.width, originY); p2 = new Offset(startingX, originY - headSizeDividedBy2); p3 = new Offset(startingX, originY + headSizeDividedBy2); break; case ArrowType.down: var startingY = size.height - headHeight; p1 = new Offset(originX, size.height); p2 = new Offset(originX - headSizeDividedBy2, startingY); p3 = new Offset(originX + headSizeDividedBy2, startingY); break; } Path path = new Path(); path.moveTo(p1.dx, p1.dy); path.lineTo(p2.dx, p2.dy); path.lineTo(p3.dx, p3.dy); path.close(); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); switch (type) { case ArrowType.up: lineStartingPoint = new Offset(originX, headHeight); lineEndingPoint = new Offset(originX, size.height); break; case ArrowType.left: lineStartingPoint = new Offset(headHeight, originY); lineEndingPoint = new Offset(size.width, originY); break; case ArrowType.right: var arrowHeadStartingX = size.width - headHeight; lineStartingPoint = new Offset(0, originY); lineEndingPoint = new Offset(arrowHeadStartingX, originY); break; case ArrowType.down: var headStartingY = size.height - headHeight; lineStartingPoint = new Offset(originX, 0); lineEndingPoint = new Offset(originX, headStartingY); break; } } else { // draw full line switch (type) { case ArrowType.up: case ArrowType.down: lineStartingPoint = new Offset(originX, 0); lineEndingPoint = new Offset(originX, size.height); break; case ArrowType.left: case ArrowType.right: lineStartingPoint = new Offset(0, originY); lineEndingPoint = new Offset(size.width, originY); break; } } canvas.drawLine( lineStartingPoint, lineEndingPoint, paint ); } public bool? hitTest(Offset position) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } public void addListener(VoidCallback listener) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } public void removeListener(VoidCallback listener) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } } }