using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.UIWidgets.DevTools.inspector.layout_explorer.ui; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.material; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using UnityEngine; using ThemeUtils = Unity.UIWidgets.DevTools.inspector.layout_explorer.ui.ThemeUtils; namespace{ public class BoxUtils { public static string describeBoxName(LayoutProperties properties) { var title = properties.node.description; var renderDescription = properties.node?.renderObject?.description; // TODO(jacobr): consider de-emphasizing the render object name by putting it // in more transparent text or just calling the widget Parent instead of // surfacing a widget name. if(renderDescription != null) { title += " - $renderDescription"; } return title; } } public class BoxLayoutExplorerWidget : LayoutExplorerWidget { public BoxLayoutExplorerWidget( InspectorController inspectorController = null, Key key = null ) : base(inspectorController, key: key) { } public static bool shouldDisplay(RemoteDiagnosticsNode node) { // TODO(jacobr) pass a RemoteDiagnosticsNode to this method that contains // the layout explorer related supplemental properties so that we can // accurately determine whether the widget uses box layout. return node != null; } public override State createState() { return new _BoxLayoutExplorerWidgetState(); } } public class _BoxLayoutExplorerWidgetState : LayoutExplorerWidgetState { public override RemoteDiagnosticsNode getRoot(RemoteDiagnosticsNode node) { if (!shouldDisplay(node)) return null; return node; } public override bool shouldDisplay(RemoteDiagnosticsNode node) { return BoxLayoutExplorerWidget.shouldDisplay(selectedNode); } public override AnimatedLayoutProperties computeAnimatedProperties( LayoutProperties nextProperties ) { return new AnimatedLayoutProperties( animatedProperties?.copyWith() ?? properties, nextProperties, changeAnimation ); } public override LayoutProperties computeLayoutProperties(RemoteDiagnosticsNode node) { return new LayoutProperties(node); } public override void updateHighlighted(LayoutProperties newProperties) { setState(() =>{ // This implementation will need to change if we support showing more than // a single widget in the box visualization for the layout explorer. if (newProperties != null && selectedNode == newProperties.node) { highlighted = newProperties; } else { highlighted = null; } }); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (properties == null) return new SizedBox(); return new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.all(ThemeUtils.margin), padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: ThemeUtils.margin, right: ThemeUtils.margin), child: new AnimatedBuilder( animation: changeController, builder: (context2, _) => { return new LayoutBuilder(builder: _buildLayout); } ) ); } /// TODO(jacobr): see if we can unify with the stylized version of the overall /// layout used for Flex. Our constraints are quite different as we can /// guarantee that the entire layout fits without scrolling while in the Flex /// case that would be difficult. static List minFractionLayout( float? availableSize, List sizes, List minFractions ) { D.assert(sizes.Count == minFractions.Count); var length = sizes.Count; float total = 1.0f; var fractions = minFractions.ToList(); foreach (var size in sizes) { if (size != null) { total += Mathf.Max(0, size.Value); } } float totalFraction = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { var size = sizes[i]; if (size != null) { fractions[i] = Mathf.Max(size.Value / total, minFractions[i]?? 0.0f); totalFraction += fractions[i].Value; } else { fractions[i] = 0.0f; } } if (Mathf.Abs(totalFraction - 1.0f) > 1E-10) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { fractions[i] = fractions[i] / totalFraction; } } var output = new List(); foreach (var fraction in fractions) { output.Add(fraction * availableSize); } return output; } public Widget _buildChild(BuildContext context) { var theme = Theme.of(context); var colorScheme = theme.colorScheme; var parentProperties = this.parentProperties ?? properties; var parentSize = parentProperties.size; var boxParentData = new BoxParentData(); boxParentData.offset = new Offset(0, 0); var offset = properties.node?.parentData ?? boxParentData; if (properties.size == null) { return new Center( child: new Text( "Visualizing layouts for ${properties.description} widgets is not yet supported." ) ); } return new LayoutBuilder( builder: (BuildContext context2, BoxConstraints constraints) => { // Subtract out one pixel border on each side. var availableHeight = constraints.maxHeight - 2; var availableWidth = constraints.maxWidth - 2; var minFractions = new List {0.2f, 0.5f, 0.2f}; float? nullOutZero(float value) { return value != 0.0f ? value : (float?) null; } var widths = new List { nullOutZero(offset.offset.dx), properties.size.width, nullOutZero(parentSize != null ? parentSize.width - (properties.size.width + offset.offset.dx) : 0.0f) }; var heights = new List { nullOutZero(offset.offset.dy), properties.size.height, nullOutZero(parentSize != null ? parentSize.height - (properties.size.height + offset.offset.dy) : 0.0f) }; // 3 element array with [left padding, widget width, right padding]. var displayWidths = minFractionLayout( availableSize: availableWidth, sizes: widths, minFractions: minFractions ); // 3 element array with [top padding, widget height, bottom padding]. var displayHeights = minFractionLayout( availableSize: availableHeight, sizes: heights, minFractions: minFractions ); var widgetWidth = displayWidths[1]; var widgetHeight = displayHeights[1]; var safeParentSize = parentSize ?? properties.size; List widgets = new List(); widgets.Add(new LayoutExplorerBackground(colorScheme: colorScheme)); if (widths[0] != null) { widgets.Add(new PaddingVisualizerWidget( new RenderProperties( axis: Axis.horizontal, size: new Size(displayWidths[0].Value, widgetHeight.Value), offset: new Offset(0, displayHeights[0].Value), realSize: new Size(widths[0].Value, safeParentSize.height), layoutProperties: properties, isFreeSpace: true ), horizontal: true )); } if (heights[0] != null) { widgets.Add(new PaddingVisualizerWidget( new RenderProperties( axis: Axis.horizontal, size: new Size(widgetWidth.Value, displayHeights[0].Value), offset: new Offset(displayWidths[0].Value, 0), realSize: new Size(safeParentSize.width, heights[0].Value), layoutProperties: properties, isFreeSpace: true ), horizontal: false )); } if (widths[2] != null) { widgets.Add(new PaddingVisualizerWidget( new RenderProperties( axis: Axis.horizontal, size: new Size(displayWidths[2].Value, widgetHeight.Value), offset: new Offset( displayWidths[0].Value + displayWidths[1].Value, displayHeights[0].Value), realSize: new Size(widths[2].Value, safeParentSize.height), layoutProperties: properties, isFreeSpace: true ), horizontal: true )); } if (heights[2] != null) { widgets.Add(new PaddingVisualizerWidget( new RenderProperties( axis: Axis.horizontal, size: new Size(widgetWidth.Value, displayHeights[2].Value), offset: new Offset(displayWidths[0].Value, displayHeights[0].Value + displayHeights[1].Value), realSize: new Size(safeParentSize.width, heights[2].Value), layoutProperties: properties, isFreeSpace: true ), horizontal: false )); } widgets.Add(new BoxChildVisualizer( isSelected: true, state: this, layoutProperties: properties, renderProperties: new RenderProperties( axis: Axis.horizontal, size: new Size(widgetWidth.Value, widgetHeight.Value), offset: new Offset(displayWidths[0].Value, displayHeights[0].Value), realSize: properties.size, layoutProperties: properties ) )); return new Container( width: constraints.maxWidth, height: constraints.maxHeight, decoration: new BoxDecoration( border: Border.all( color: ThemeUtils.regularWidgetColor ) ), child: new Stack( children: widgets ) ); } ); } LayoutProperties parentProperties { get { var parentElement = properties?.node?.parentRenderElement; if (parentElement == null) return null; var parentProperties = computeLayoutProperties(parentElement); if (parentProperties.size == null) return null; return parentProperties; } } Widget _buildLayout(BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) { var maxHeight = constraints.maxHeight; var maxWidth = constraints.maxWidth; Widget widget = _buildChild(context); var parentProperties = this.parentProperties; if (parentProperties != null) { widget = new WidgetVisualizer( // TODO(jacobr): this node's name can be misleading more often than // in the flex case the widget doesn't have its own RenderObject. // Consider showing the true ancestor for the summary tree that first // has a different render object. title: BoxUtils.describeBoxName(parentProperties), largeTitle: true, layoutProperties: parentProperties, isSelected: false, child: new VisualizeWidthAndHeightWithConstraints( properties: parentProperties, warnIfUnconstrained: false, child: new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(CommonThemeUtils.denseSpacing), child: widget ) ) ); } return new Container( constraints: new BoxConstraints(maxWidth: maxWidth, maxHeight: maxHeight), child: widget ); } } public class BoxChildVisualizer : StatelessWidget { public BoxChildVisualizer( Key key = null, _BoxLayoutExplorerWidgetState state = null, LayoutProperties layoutProperties = null, RenderProperties renderProperties = null, bool isSelected = false ) : base(key: key) { this.state = state; this.layoutProperties = layoutProperties; this.renderProperties = renderProperties; this.isSelected = isSelected; } public readonly _BoxLayoutExplorerWidgetState state; public readonly bool isSelected; public readonly LayoutProperties layoutProperties; public readonly RenderProperties renderProperties; public LayoutProperties root { get { return; } } public LayoutProperties properties { get { return renderProperties.layoutProperties; } } public override Widget build(BuildContext context2) { var renderSize = renderProperties.size; var renderOffset = renderProperties.offset; Widget buildEntranceAnimation(BuildContext context3, Widget child) { var size = renderSize; // TODO(jacobr): does this entrance animation really add value. return new Opacity( opacity: Mathf.Min(state.entranceCurve.value * 5, 1.0f), child: new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric( horizontal: Mathf.Max(0.0f, (renderSize.width - size.width) / 2), vertical: Mathf.Max(0.0f, (renderSize.height - size.height) / 2) ), child: child ) ); } return new Positioned( top: renderOffset.dy, left: renderOffset.dx, child: new InkWell( onTap: () => state.onTap(properties), onDoubleTap: () => state.onDoubleTap(properties), onLongPress: () => state.onDoubleTap(properties), child: new SizedBox( width: utils.safePositiveFloat(renderSize.width), height: utils.safePositiveFloat(renderSize.height), child: new AnimatedBuilder( animation: state.entranceController, builder: buildEntranceAnimation, child: new WidgetVisualizer( isSelected: isSelected, layoutProperties: layoutProperties, title: BoxUtils.describeBoxName(properties), // TODO(jacobr): consider surfacing the overflow size information // if we determine // overflowSide: properties.overflowSide, // We only show one child at a time so a large title is safe. largeTitle: true, child: new VisualizeWidthAndHeightWithConstraints( arrowHeadSize: ThemeUtils.arrowHeadSize, properties: properties, warnIfUnconstrained: false, child: null ) ) ) ) ) ); } } }