using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using uiwidgets; using Unity.UIWidgets.async2; using Unity.UIWidgets.DevTools.inspector; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using UnityEngine; using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color; using Rect = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Rect; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.DevTools.inspector { public class InspectorTreeUtils { public static readonly Regex treeNodePrimaryDescriptionPattern = new Regex(@"^([\w ]+)(.*)$"); // TODO(jacobr): temporary workaround for missing structure from assertion thrown building // widget errors. public static readonly Regex assertionThrownBuildingError = new Regex( @"^(The following assertion was thrown building [a-zA-Z]+)(\(.*\))(:)$"); public delegate void TreeEventCallback(InspectorTreeNode node); public static readonly float iconPadding = 5.0f; public static readonly float chartLineStrokeWidth = 1.0f; public static readonly float columnWidth = 16.0f; public static readonly float verticalPadding = 10.0f; public static readonly float rowHeight = 24.0f; // TODO(jacobr): merge this scheme with other color schemes in DevTools. public static Color selectedRowBackgroundColor { get { return CommonThemeUtils.isLight ? Color.fromARGB(255, 202, 191, 69) : Color.fromARGB(255, 99, 101, 103); } } public static Color hoverColor { get { return CommonThemeUtils.isLight ? Colors.yellowAccent : Color.fromARGB(255, 70, 73, 76); } } } // TODO(kenz): extend TreeNode class to share tree logic. public class InspectorTreeNode { public InspectorTreeNode( InspectorTreeNode parent = null, bool expandChildren = true ) { _children = new List(); _parent = parent; _isExpanded = expandChildren; } bool showLinesToChildren { get { return _children.Count > 1 && !_children.Last().isProperty; } } public bool isDirty { get { return _isDirty; } set { if (value) { _isDirty = true; _shouldShow = null; if (_childrenCount == null) { // Already dirty. return; } _childrenCount = null; if (parent != null) { parent.isDirty = true; } } else { _isDirty = false; } } } bool _isDirty = true; /// Returns whether the node is currently visible in the tree. void updateShouldShow(bool value) { if (value != _shouldShow) { _shouldShow = value; foreach (var child in children) { child.updateShouldShow(value); } } } bool? shouldShow { get { _shouldShow = _shouldShow ?? parent == null || parent.isExpanded && parent.shouldShow.Value; return _shouldShow; } } bool? _shouldShow; public bool selected = false; RemoteDiagnosticsNode _diagnostic; public readonly List _children; public IEnumerable children { get { return _children; } } bool isCreatedByLocalProject { get { return _diagnostic.isCreatedByLocalProject; } } bool isProperty { get { return diagnostic == null || diagnostic.isProperty; } } public bool isExpanded { get { return _isExpanded; } set { if (value != _isExpanded) { _isExpanded = value; isDirty = true; if (_shouldShow ?? false) { foreach (var child in children) { child.updateShouldShow(value); } } } } } bool _isExpanded; bool allowExpandCollapse = true; bool showExpandCollapse { get { return (diagnostic?.hasChildren == true || children.Any()) && allowExpandCollapse; } } public InspectorTreeNode parent { get { return _parent; } set { _parent = value; _parent.isDirty = true; } } InspectorTreeNode _parent; public RemoteDiagnosticsNode diagnostic { get { return _diagnostic; } set { _diagnostic = value; _isExpanded = value.childrenReady; //isDirty = true; } } public int? childrenCount { get { if (!isExpanded) { _childrenCount = 0; } if (_childrenCount != null) { return _childrenCount; } int count = 0; foreach (InspectorTreeNode child in _children) { count += (child.subtreeSize?? 0); } _childrenCount = count; return _childrenCount; } } public bool hasPlaceholderChildren { get { return children.Count() == 1 && children.First().diagnostic == null; } } int? _childrenCount; public int? subtreeSize { get { return childrenCount + 1; } } bool isLeaf { get { return _children.isEmpty(); } } // TODO(jacobr): move getRowIndex to the InspectorTree class. public int getRowIndex(InspectorTreeNode node) { int index = 0; while (true) { InspectorTreeNode parent = node.parent; if (parent == null) { break; } foreach (InspectorTreeNode sibling in parent._children) { if (sibling == node) { break; } index += (sibling.subtreeSize?? 0); } index += 1; node = parent; } return index; } // TODO(jacobr): move this method to the InspectorTree class. // TODO: optimize this method. /// Use [getCachedRow] wherever possible, as [getRow] is slow and can cause /// performance problems. public InspectorTreeRow getRow(int index) { List ticks = new List(); InspectorTreeNode node = this; if (subtreeSize <= index) { return null; } int current = 0; int depth = 0; while (node != null) { var style = node.diagnostic?.style; bool indented = style != DiagnosticsTreeStyle.flat && style != DiagnosticsTreeStyle.error; if (current == index) { return new InspectorTreeRow( node: node, index: index, ticks: ticks, depth: depth, lineToParent: !node.isProperty && index != 0 && node.parent.showLinesToChildren ); } D.assert(index > current); current++; List children = node._children; int i; for (i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i) { var child = children[i]; var subtreeSize = child.subtreeSize; if (current + subtreeSize > index) { node = child; if (children.Count > 1 && i + 1 != children.Count && !children.Last().isProperty) { if (indented) { ticks.Add(depth); } } break; } current += (subtreeSize?? 0); } D.assert(i < children.Count); if (indented) { depth++; } } D.assert(false); // internal error. return null; } public void removeChild(InspectorTreeNode child) { child.parent = null; var removed = _children.Remove(child); D.assert(removed != null); isDirty = true; } public void appendChild(InspectorTreeNode child) { _children.Add(child); child.parent = this; isDirty = true; } public void clearChildren() { _children.Clear(); isDirty = true; } } /// A row in the tree with all information required to render it. public class InspectorTreeRow { public InspectorTreeRow( InspectorTreeNode node, int? index = null, List ticks = null, int? depth = null, bool? lineToParent = null ) { this.node = node; this.index = index; this.ticks = ticks; this.depth = depth; this.lineToParent = lineToParent; } public readonly InspectorTreeNode node; /// Column indexes of ticks to draw lines from parents to children. public readonly List ticks; public readonly int? depth; public readonly int? index; public readonly bool? lineToParent; bool isSelected { get { return node.selected; } } } public delegate void NodeAddedCallback(InspectorTreeNode node, RemoteDiagnosticsNode diagnosticsNode); public class InspectorTreeConfig { public delegate void OnClientActiveChange(bool added); public InspectorTreeConfig( bool? summaryTree = null, FlutterTreeType? treeType = null, NodeAddedCallback onNodeAdded = null, OnClientActiveChange onClientActiveChange = null, VoidCallback onSelectionChange = null, InspectorTreeUtils.TreeEventCallback onExpand = null, InspectorTreeUtils.TreeEventCallback onHover = null ) { this.summaryTree = summaryTree; this.treeType = treeType; this.onNodeAdded = onNodeAdded; this.onSelectionChange = onSelectionChange; this.onExpand = onExpand; this.onHover = onHover; } public readonly bool? summaryTree; public readonly FlutterTreeType? treeType; public readonly NodeAddedCallback onNodeAdded; public readonly VoidCallback onSelectionChange; public readonly OnClientActiveChange ONClientActiveChange; public readonly InspectorTreeUtils.TreeEventCallback onExpand; public readonly InspectorTreeUtils.TreeEventCallback onHover; } public abstract class InspectorTreeController { protected abstract void setState(VoidCallback fn); public InspectorTreeNode root { get { return _root; } set { setState(() => { _root = value; }); } } InspectorTreeNode _root; RemoteDiagnosticsNode subtreeRoot; // Optional. public InspectorTreeNode selection { get { return _selection; } set { if (value == _selection) return; setState(() => { _selection.selected = false; _selection = value; _selection.selected = true; if (config.onSelectionChange != null) { config.onSelectionChange(); } }); } } InspectorTreeNode _selection; InspectorTreeConfig config { get { return _config; } set { // Only allow setting config once. D.assert(_config == null); _config = value; } } InspectorTreeConfig _config; InspectorTreeNode hover { get { return _hover; } set { if (value == _hover) { return; } setState(() => { _hover = value; // TODO(jacobr): we could choose to repaint only a portion of the UI }); } } InspectorTreeNode _hover; float? lastContentWidth; public abstract InspectorTreeNode createNode(); public readonly List cachedRows = new List(); // TODO: we should add a listener instead that clears the cache when the // root is marked as dirty. void _maybeClearCache() { if (root.isDirty) { cachedRows.Clear(); root.isDirty = false; lastContentWidth = null; } } public InspectorTreeRow getCachedRow(int index) { _maybeClearCache(); while (cachedRows.Count <= index) { cachedRows.Add(null); } cachedRows[index] = cachedRows[index] ??root.getRow(index); return cachedRows[index]; } double getRowOffset(int index) { return (getCachedRow(index)?.depth ?? 0) * InspectorTreeUtils.columnWidth; } RemoteDiagnosticsNode currentHoverDiagnostic; void navigateUp() { _navigateHelper(-1); } void navigateDown() { _navigateHelper(1); } void navigateLeft() { // This logic is consistent with how IntelliJ handles tree navigation on // on left arrow key press. if (selection == null) { _navigateHelper(-1); return; } if (selection.isExpanded) { setState(() => { selection.isExpanded = false; }); return; } if (selection.parent != null) { selection = selection.parent; } } void navigateRight() { // This logic is consistent with how IntelliJ handles tree navigation on // on right arrow key press. if (selection == null || selection.isExpanded) { _navigateHelper(1); return; } setState(() => { selection.isExpanded = true; }); } void _navigateHelper(int indexOffset) { if (numRows == 0) return; if (selection == null) { selection = root; return; } selection = root .getRow( (root.getRowIndex(selection) + indexOffset).clamp(0, numRows.Value - 1)) ?.node; } float horizontalPadding { get { return 10.0f; } } double getDepthIndent(int depth) { return (depth + 1) * InspectorTreeUtils.columnWidth + horizontalPadding; } double getRowY(int index) { return InspectorTreeUtils.rowHeight * index + InspectorTreeUtils.verticalPadding; } void nodeChanged(InspectorTreeNode node) { if (node == null) return; setState(() => { node.isDirty = true; }); } void removeNodeFromParent(InspectorTreeNode node) { setState(() => { node.parent?.removeChild(node); }); } void appendChild(InspectorTreeNode node, InspectorTreeNode child) { setState(() => { node.appendChild(child); }); } void expandPath(InspectorTreeNode node) { setState(() => { _expandPath(node); }); } void _expandPath(InspectorTreeNode node) { while (node != null) { if (!node.isExpanded) { node.isExpanded = true; } node = node.parent; } } public void collapseToSelected() { setState(() => { _collapseAllNodes(root); if (selection == null) return; _expandPath(selection); }); } void _collapseAllNodes(InspectorTreeNode root) { root.isExpanded = false; foreach (var child in root.children) { _collapseAllNodes(child); } } int? numRows { get { return root != null ? root.subtreeSize : 0; } } int getRowIndex(float y) => (int)((y - InspectorTreeUtils.verticalPadding) / InspectorTreeUtils.rowHeight); public InspectorTreeRow getRowForNode(InspectorTreeNode node) { return getCachedRow(root.getRowIndex(node)); } InspectorTreeRow getRow(Offset offset) { if (root == null) return null; int row = getRowIndex(offset.dy); return row < root.subtreeSize ? getCachedRow(row) : null; } public abstract void animateToTargets(List targets); void onExpandRow(InspectorTreeRow row) { setState(() => { row.node.isExpanded = true; if (config.onExpand != null) { config.onExpand(row.node); } }); } void onCollapseRow(InspectorTreeRow row) { setState(() => { row.node.isExpanded = false; }); } void onSelectRow(InspectorTreeRow row) { selection = row.node; expandPath(row.node); } bool expandPropertiesByDefault(DiagnosticsTreeStyle style) { // This code matches the text style defaults for which styles are // by default and which aren't. switch (style) { case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.none: case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine: case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty: return false; case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.sparse: case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.offstage: case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.dense: case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.transition: case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.error: case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.whitespace: case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.flat: case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.shallow: case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.truncateChildren: return true; } return true; } InspectorTreeNode setupInspectorTreeNode( InspectorTreeNode node, RemoteDiagnosticsNode diagnosticsNode, bool expandChildren = true, bool expandProperties = true ) { D.assert(expandChildren != null); D.assert(expandProperties != null); node.diagnostic = diagnosticsNode; if (config.onNodeAdded != null) { config.onNodeAdded(node, diagnosticsNode); } if (diagnosticsNode.hasChildren || diagnosticsNode.inlineProperties.isNotEmpty()) { if (diagnosticsNode.childrenReady || !diagnosticsNode.hasChildren) { bool styleIsMultiline = expandPropertiesByDefault(; setupChildren( diagnosticsNode, node, node.diagnostic.childrenNow, expandChildren: expandChildren && styleIsMultiline, expandProperties: expandProperties && styleIsMultiline ); } else { node.clearChildren(); node.appendChild(createNode()); } } return node; } void setupChildren( RemoteDiagnosticsNode parent, InspectorTreeNode treeNode, List children, bool expandChildren = true, bool expandProperties = true ) { D.assert(expandChildren != null); D.assert(expandProperties != null); treeNode.isExpanded = expandChildren; if (treeNode.children.Any()) { // Only case supported is this is the loading node. D.assert(treeNode.children.Count() == 1); removeNodeFromParent(treeNode.children.First()); } var inlineProperties = parent.inlineProperties; if (inlineProperties != null) { foreach (RemoteDiagnosticsNode property in inlineProperties) { appendChild( treeNode, setupInspectorTreeNode( createNode(), property, expandChildren: expandProperties, expandProperties: expandProperties ) ); } } if (children != null) { foreach (RemoteDiagnosticsNode child in children) { appendChild( treeNode, setupInspectorTreeNode( createNode(), child, expandChildren: expandChildren, expandProperties: expandProperties ) ); } } } public Future maybePopulateChildren(InspectorTreeNode treeNode) { RemoteDiagnosticsNode diagnostic = treeNode.diagnostic; if (diagnostic != null && diagnostic.hasChildren && (treeNode.hasPlaceholderChildren || !treeNode.children.Any())) { try { diagnostic.children.then((children) => { if (treeNode.hasPlaceholderChildren || !treeNode.children.Any()) { setupChildren( diagnostic, treeNode, children as List, expandChildren: true, expandProperties: false ); nodeChanged(treeNode); if (treeNode == selection) { expandPath(treeNode); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e.ToString()); } } return null; } } mixin InspectorTreeFixedRowHeightController on InspectorTreeController { Rect getBoundingBox(InspectorTreeRow row); void scrollToRect(Rect targetRect); public override void animateToTargets(List targets) { Rect targetRect; foreach (InspectorTreeNode target in targets) { var row = InspectorTreeController.getRowForNode(target); if (row != null) { var rowRect = getBoundingBox(row); targetRect = targetRect == null ? rowRect : targetRect.expandToInclude(rowRect); } } if (targetRect == null || targetRect.isEmpty) return; targetRect = targetRect.inflate(20.0f); scrollToRect(targetRect); } } }