using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.async { public struct FutureOr { public object v; public Future f; public bool isFuture => f != null; public static FutureOr value(object value) { return new FutureOr {v = value}; } public static FutureOr future(Future future) { return new FutureOr {f = future}; } public static readonly FutureOr nil = value(null); public static implicit operator FutureOr(Future f) => future(f); public static implicit operator FutureOr(bool v) => value(v); public static implicit operator FutureOr(int v) => value(v); public static implicit operator FutureOr(long v) => value(v); public static implicit operator FutureOr(float v) => value(v); public static implicit operator FutureOr(double v) => value(v); public static implicit operator FutureOr(string v) => value(v); public static implicit operator FutureOr(byte[] v) => value(v); public static implicit operator FutureOr(RoutePopDisposition v) => value(v); public static implicit operator FutureOr(Dictionary v) => value(v); } public abstract class Future { internal static readonly _Future _nullFuture = _Future.zoneValue(null, Zone.root); internal static readonly _Future _falseFuture = _Future.zoneValue(false, Zone.root); public static Future create(Func computation) { _Future result = new _Future(); => { try { result._complete(computation()); } catch (Exception e) { async_._completeWithErrorCallback(result, e); } return null; }); return result; } public static Future microtask(Func computation) { _Future result = new _Future(); async_.scheduleMicrotask(() => { try { result._complete(computation()); } catch (Exception e) { async_._completeWithErrorCallback(result, e); } return null; }); return result; } public static Future sync(Func computation) { try { var result = computation(); if (result.isFuture) { return result.f; } else { return _Future.value(result); } } catch (Exception error) { var future = new _Future(); AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error); if (replacement != null) { future._asyncCompleteError(async_._nonNullError(replacement.InnerException)); } else { future._asyncCompleteError(error); } return future; } } public static Future value(FutureOr value = default) { return _Future.immediate(value); } public static Future error(Exception error) { if (error == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(error)); if (!ReferenceEquals(Zone.current, async_._rootZone)) { AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error); if (replacement != null) { error = async_._nonNullError(replacement.InnerException); } } return _Future.immediateError(error); } public static Future delayed(TimeSpan duration, Func computation = null) { _Future result = new _Future(); Timer.create(duration, () => { if (computation == null) { result._complete(); } else { try { result._complete(computation()); } catch (Exception e) { async_._completeWithErrorCallback(result, e); } } return null; }); return result; } public static Future wait(IEnumerable futures, bool eagerError = false, Action cleanUp = null) { _Future result = new _Future(); List values = null; // Collects the values. Set to null on error. int remaining = 0; // How many futures are we waiting for. Exception error = null; // The first error from a future. Func handleError = (Exception theError) => { remaining--; if (values != null) { if (cleanUp != null) { foreach (var value in values) { if (value != null) { // Ensure errors from cleanUp are uncaught. sync(() => { cleanUp(value); return FutureOr.nil; }); } } } values = null; if (remaining == 0 || eagerError) { result._completeError(theError); } else { error = theError; } } else if (remaining == 0 && !eagerError) { result._completeError(error); } return FutureOr.nil; }; try { // As each future completes, put its value into the corresponding // position in the list of values. foreach (var future in futures) { int pos = remaining; future.then((object value) => { remaining--; if (values != null) { values.Insert(pos, (T)value); if (remaining == 0) { result._completeWithValue(values); } } else { if (cleanUp != null && value != null) { // Ensure errors from cleanUp are uncaught. sync(() => { cleanUp((T) value); return FutureOr.nil; }); } if (remaining == 0 && !eagerError) { result._completeError(error); } } return FutureOr.nil; }, onError: handleError); // Increment the 'remaining' after the call to 'then'. // If that call throws, we don't expect any future callback from // the future, and we also don't increment remaining. remaining++; } if (remaining == 0) { return value(FutureOr.value(new List())); } values = new List(remaining); } catch (Exception e) { // The error must have been thrown while iterating over the futures // list, or while installing a callback handler on the future. if (remaining == 0 || eagerError) { // Throw a new Future.error. // Don't just call `result._completeError` since that would propagate // the error too eagerly, not giving the callers time to install // error handlers. // Also, don't use `_asyncCompleteError` since that one doesn't give // zones the chance to intercept the error. return Future.error(e); } else { // Don't allocate a list for values, thus indicating that there was an // error. // Set error to the caught exception. error = e; } } return result; } public static Future any(IEnumerable futures) { var completer = Completer.sync(); Func onValue = (object value) => { if (!completer.isCompleted) completer.complete(FutureOr.value(value)); return FutureOr.nil; }; Func onError = (Exception error) => { if (!completer.isCompleted) completer.completeError(error); return FutureOr.nil; }; foreach (var future in futures) { future.then(onValue, onError: onError); } return completer.future; } public static Future forEach(IEnumerable elements, Func action) { var iterator = elements.GetEnumerator(); return doWhile(() => { if (!iterator.MoveNext()) return false; var result = action(iterator.Current); if (result.isFuture) return FutureOr.future(result.f.then(_kTrue)); return true; }); } static readonly Func _kTrue = (_) => true; public static Future doWhile(Func action) { _Future doneSignal = new _Future(); ZoneUnaryCallback nextIteration = null; // Bind this callback explicitly so that each iteration isn't bound in the // context of all the previous iterations' callbacks. // This avoids, e.g., deeply nested stack traces from the stack trace // package. nextIteration = Zone.current.bindUnaryCallbackGuarded((object keepGoingObj) => { bool keepGoing = (bool) keepGoingObj; while (keepGoing) { FutureOr result; try { result = action(); } catch (Exception error) { // Cannot use _completeWithErrorCallback because it completes // the future synchronously. async_._asyncCompleteWithErrorCallback(doneSignal, error); return null; } if (result.isFuture) { result.f.then((value) => { nextIteration((bool) value); return FutureOr.nil; }, onError: error => { doneSignal._completeError(error); return FutureOr.nil; }); return null; } keepGoing = (bool) result.v; } doneSignal._complete(); return null; }); nextIteration(true); return doneSignal; } public abstract Future then(Func onValue, Func onError = null); public Future then(Action onValue, Func onError = null) { return then(v => { onValue(v); return FutureOr.nil; }, onError); } public abstract Future catchError(Func onError, Func test = null); public Future catchError(Action onError, Func test = null) { return catchError(e => { onError(e); return FutureOr.nil; }, test); } public abstract Future whenComplete(Func action); public Future whenComplete(Action action) { return whenComplete(() => { action(); return FutureOr.nil; }); } // public abstract Stream asStream(); public abstract Future timeout(TimeSpan timeLimit, Func onTimeout = null); public Future to() { if (this is Future) { return (Future) this; } return new Future(this); } } public class Future : Future { readonly Future _future; public Future(Future future) { _future = future; } public override Future then(Func onValue, Func onError = null) { return _future.then(onValue, onError); } public Future then_(Func onValue, Func onError = null) { return _future.then(obj => onValue((T) obj), onError); } public Future then_(Func onValue, Func onError = null) { return _future.then(obj => onValue((T) obj), onError).to(); } public Future then_(Action onValue, Func onError = null) { return _future.then(obj => onValue((T) obj), onError); } public override Future catchError(Func onError, Func test = null) { return _future.catchError(onError, test); } public override Future whenComplete(Func action) { return _future.whenComplete(action); } public override Future timeout(TimeSpan timeLimit, Func onTimeout = null) { return _future.timeout(timeLimit, onTimeout); } } public class TimeoutException : Exception { public readonly TimeSpan? duration; public TimeoutException(string message, TimeSpan? duration = null) : base(message) { this.duration = duration; } public override string ToString() { string result = "TimeoutException"; if (duration != null) result = $"TimeoutException after {duration}"; if (Message != null) result = $"result: {Message}"; return result; } } public abstract class Completer { public static Completer create() => new _AsyncCompleter(); public static Completer sync() => new _SyncCompleter(); public abstract Future future { get; } public abstract void complete(FutureOr value = default); public abstract void completeError(Exception error); public abstract bool isCompleted { get; } } public static partial class async_ { internal static void _completeWithErrorCallback(_Future result, Exception error) { AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error); if (replacement != null) { error = _nonNullError(replacement.InnerException); } result._completeError(error); } internal static void _asyncCompleteWithErrorCallback(_Future result, Exception error) { AsyncError replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error); if (replacement != null) { error = _nonNullError(replacement.InnerException); } result._asyncCompleteError(error); } internal static Exception _nonNullError(Exception error) => error ?? new Exception("Throw of null."); } }