using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using RSG; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public class ScrollController : ChangeNotifier { public ScrollController( float initialScrollOffset = 0.0f, bool keepScrollOffset = true, string debugLabel = null ) { _initialScrollOffset = initialScrollOffset; this.keepScrollOffset = keepScrollOffset; this.debugLabel = debugLabel; } public virtual float initialScrollOffset { get { return _initialScrollOffset; } } readonly float _initialScrollOffset; public readonly bool keepScrollOffset; public readonly string debugLabel; public ICollection positions { get { return _positions; } } readonly List _positions = new List(); public bool hasClients { get { return _positions.isNotEmpty(); } } public ScrollPosition position { get { D.assert(_positions.isNotEmpty(), () => "ScrollController not attached to any scroll views."); D.assert(_positions.Count == 1, () => "ScrollController attached to multiple scroll views."); return _positions.Single(); } } public float offset { get { return position.pixels; } } public IPromise animateTo(float to, TimeSpan duration, Curve curve ) { D.assert(_positions.isNotEmpty(), () => "ScrollController not attached to any scroll views."); List animations = CollectionUtils.CreateRepeatedList(null, _positions.Count); for (int i = 0; i < _positions.Count; i += 1) { animations[i] = _positions[i].animateTo(to, duration: duration, curve: curve); } return Promise.All(animations); } public void jumpTo(float value) { D.assert(_positions.isNotEmpty(), () => "ScrollController not attached to any scroll views."); foreach (ScrollPosition position in new List(_positions)) { position.jumpTo(value); } } public virtual void attach(ScrollPosition position) { D.assert(!_positions.Contains(position)); _positions.Add(position); position.addListener(notifyListeners); } public virtual void detach(ScrollPosition position) { D.assert(_positions.Contains(position)); position.removeListener(notifyListeners); _positions.Remove(position); } public override void dispose() { foreach (ScrollPosition position in _positions) { position.removeListener(notifyListeners); } base.dispose(); } public virtual ScrollPosition createScrollPosition( ScrollPhysics physics, ScrollContext context, ScrollPosition oldPosition ) { return new ScrollPositionWithSingleContext( physics: physics, context: context, initialPixels: initialScrollOffset, keepScrollOffset: keepScrollOffset, oldPosition: oldPosition, debugLabel: debugLabel ); } public override string ToString() { List description = new List(); debugFillDescription(description); return $"{foundation_.describeIdentity(this)}({string.Join(", ", description.ToArray())})"; } protected virtual void debugFillDescription(List description) { if (debugLabel != null) { description.Add(debugLabel); } if (initialScrollOffset != 0.0) { description.Add($"initialScrollOffset: {initialScrollOffset:F1}, "); } if (_positions.isEmpty()) { description.Add("no clients"); } else if (_positions.Count == 1) { description.Add($"one client, offset {offset:F1}"); } else { description.Add(_positions.Count + " clients"); } } } public class TrackingScrollController : ScrollController { public TrackingScrollController( float initialScrollOffset = 0.0f, bool keepScrollOffset = true, string debugLabel = null ) : base(initialScrollOffset: initialScrollOffset, keepScrollOffset: keepScrollOffset, debugLabel: debugLabel) { } readonly Dictionary _positionToListener = new Dictionary(); ScrollPosition _lastUpdated; float? _lastUpdatedOffset; public ScrollPosition mostRecentlyUpdatedPosition { get { return _lastUpdated; } } public override float initialScrollOffset { get { return _lastUpdatedOffset ?? base.initialScrollOffset; } } public override void attach(ScrollPosition position) { base.attach(position); D.assert(!_positionToListener.ContainsKey(position)); _positionToListener[position] = () => { _lastUpdated = position; _lastUpdatedOffset = position.pixels; }; position.addListener(_positionToListener[position]); } public override void detach(ScrollPosition position) { base.detach(position); D.assert(_positionToListener.ContainsKey(position)); position.removeListener(_positionToListener[position]); _positionToListener.Remove(position); if (_lastUpdated == position) { _lastUpdated = null; } if (_positionToListener.isEmpty()) { _lastUpdatedOffset = null; } } public override void dispose() { foreach (ScrollPosition position in positions) { D.assert(_positionToListener.ContainsKey(position)); position.removeListener(_positionToListener[position]); } base.dispose(); } } }