using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui { public class Isolate { static Dictionary _isolates = new Dictionary(); Isolate(IntPtr ptr) { _ptr = ptr; } IntPtr _ptr; readonly Dictionary> _nativeWrappers = new Dictionary>(); bool _inShutdown = false; internal void addNativeWrapper(NativeWrapper wrapper) { lock (_nativeWrappers) { _nativeWrappers.Add(wrapper._ptr, new WeakReference(wrapper)); } } internal void removeNativeWrapper(IntPtr ptr) { lock (_nativeWrappers) { if (_inShutdown) { return; } _nativeWrappers.Remove(ptr); } } public bool isValid => _ptr != IntPtr.Zero; public static Isolate current { get { IntPtr ptr = ensureExists(); if (_isolates.TryGetValue(ptr, out Isolate value)) { D.assert(value.isValid); return value; } var isolate = new Isolate(ptr); _isolates.Add(ptr, isolate); return isolate; } } public static IntPtr ensureExists() { IntPtr ptr = Isolate_current(); if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception("Isolate.current is null. " + "This usually happens when there is a callback from outside of UIWidgets. " + "Try to use \"using (Isolate.getScope(...)) { ... }\" to wrap your code."); } return ptr; } public static bool checkExists() { IntPtr ptr = Isolate_current(); return ptr != IntPtr.Zero; } internal static void shutdown(IntPtr ptr) { var isolate = _isolates[ptr]; D.assert(isolate._ptr == ptr); lock (isolate._nativeWrappers) { isolate._inShutdown = true; foreach (var entry in isolate._nativeWrappers) { if (entry.Value.TryGetTarget(out NativeWrapper target)) { target._dispose(); } } isolate._nativeWrappers.Clear(); isolate._inShutdown = false; } _isolates.Remove(ptr); isolate._ptr = IntPtr.Zero; } public static IDisposable getScope(Isolate isolate) { D.assert(isolate != null && isolate.isValid); return new _IsolateDisposable(isolate._ptr); } class _IsolateDisposable : IDisposable { IntPtr _isolate; IntPtr _previous; public _IsolateDisposable(IntPtr isolate) { _isolate = isolate; _previous = Isolate_current(); if (_previous == _isolate) { return; } if (_previous != IntPtr.Zero) { Isolate_exit(); } Isolate_enter(_isolate); } public void Dispose() { var current = Isolate_current(); D.assert(current == IntPtr.Zero || current == _isolate); if (_previous == _isolate) { return; } if (current != IntPtr.Zero) { Isolate_exit(); } if (_previous != IntPtr.Zero) { Isolate_enter(_previous); } } } [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern IntPtr Isolate_current(); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Isolate_enter(IntPtr isolate); [DllImport(NativeBindings.dllName)] static extern void Isolate_exit(); } }