using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; namespace { public enum DiagnosticLevel { hidden, fine, debug, info, warning, error, off, } public enum DiagnosticsTreeStyle { sparse, offstage, dense, transition, whitespace, singleLine, errorProperty, } public class TextTreeConfiguration { public TextTreeConfiguration( string prefixLineOne = null, string prefixOtherLines = null, string prefixLastChildLineOne = null, string prefixOtherLinesRootNode = null, string linkCharacter = null, string propertyPrefixIfChildren = null, string propertyPrefixNoChildren = null, string lineBreak = "\n", bool lineBreakProperties = true, string afterName = ":", string afterDescriptionIfBody = "", string beforeProperties = "", string afterProperties = "", string propertySeparator = "", string bodyIndent = "", string footer = "", bool showChildren = true, bool addBlankLineIfNoChildren = true, bool isNameOnOwnLine = false, bool isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren = true ) { D.assert(prefixLineOne != null); D.assert(prefixOtherLines != null); D.assert(prefixLastChildLineOne != null); D.assert(prefixOtherLinesRootNode != null); D.assert(linkCharacter != null); D.assert(propertyPrefixIfChildren != null); D.assert(propertyPrefixNoChildren != null); D.assert(lineBreak != null); D.assert(afterName != null); D.assert(afterDescriptionIfBody != null); D.assert(beforeProperties != null); D.assert(afterProperties != null); D.assert(propertySeparator != null); D.assert(bodyIndent != null); D.assert(footer != null); this.prefixLineOne = prefixLineOne; this.prefixOtherLines = prefixOtherLines; this.prefixLastChildLineOne = prefixLastChildLineOne; this.prefixOtherLinesRootNode = prefixOtherLinesRootNode; this.propertyPrefixIfChildren = propertyPrefixIfChildren; this.propertyPrefixNoChildren = propertyPrefixNoChildren; this.linkCharacter = linkCharacter; childLinkSpace = new string(' ', linkCharacter.Length); this.lineBreak = lineBreak; this.lineBreakProperties = lineBreakProperties; this.afterName = afterName; this.afterDescriptionIfBody = afterDescriptionIfBody; this.beforeProperties = beforeProperties; this.afterProperties = afterProperties; this.propertySeparator = propertySeparator; this.bodyIndent = bodyIndent; this.showChildren = showChildren; this.addBlankLineIfNoChildren = addBlankLineIfNoChildren; this.isNameOnOwnLine = isNameOnOwnLine; this.footer = footer; this.isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren = isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren; } public readonly string prefixLineOne; public readonly string prefixOtherLines; public readonly string prefixLastChildLineOne; public readonly string prefixOtherLinesRootNode; public readonly string propertyPrefixIfChildren; public readonly string propertyPrefixNoChildren; public readonly string linkCharacter; public readonly string childLinkSpace; public readonly string lineBreak; public readonly bool lineBreakProperties; public readonly string afterName; public readonly string afterDescriptionIfBody; public readonly string beforeProperties; public readonly string afterProperties; public readonly string propertySeparator; public readonly string bodyIndent; public readonly bool showChildren; public readonly bool addBlankLineIfNoChildren; public readonly bool isNameOnOwnLine; public readonly string footer; public readonly bool isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren; } public static partial class foundation_ { public static readonly TextTreeConfiguration sparseTextConfiguration = new TextTreeConfiguration( prefixLineOne: "├─", prefixOtherLines: " ", prefixLastChildLineOne: "└─", linkCharacter: "│", propertyPrefixIfChildren: "│ ", propertyPrefixNoChildren: " ", prefixOtherLinesRootNode: " " ); public static readonly TextTreeConfiguration dashedTextConfiguration = new TextTreeConfiguration( prefixLineOne: "╎╌", prefixLastChildLineOne: "└╌", prefixOtherLines: " ", linkCharacter: "╎", propertyPrefixIfChildren: "│ ", propertyPrefixNoChildren: " ", prefixOtherLinesRootNode: " " ); public static readonly TextTreeConfiguration denseTextConfiguration = new TextTreeConfiguration( propertySeparator: ", ", beforeProperties: "(", afterProperties: ")", lineBreakProperties: false, prefixLineOne: "├", prefixOtherLines: "", prefixLastChildLineOne: "└", linkCharacter: "│", propertyPrefixIfChildren: "│", propertyPrefixNoChildren: " ", prefixOtherLinesRootNode: "", addBlankLineIfNoChildren: false, isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren: false ); public static readonly TextTreeConfiguration transitionTextConfiguration = new TextTreeConfiguration( prefixLineOne: "╞═╦══ ", prefixLastChildLineOne: "╘═╦══ ", prefixOtherLines: " ║ ", footer: " ╚═══════════\n", linkCharacter: "│", propertyPrefixIfChildren: "", propertyPrefixNoChildren: "", prefixOtherLinesRootNode: "", afterName: " ═══", afterDescriptionIfBody: ":", bodyIndent: " ", isNameOnOwnLine: true, addBlankLineIfNoChildren: false, isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren: false ); public static readonly TextTreeConfiguration whitespaceTextConfiguration = new TextTreeConfiguration( prefixLineOne: "", prefixLastChildLineOne: "", prefixOtherLines: " ", prefixOtherLinesRootNode: " ", bodyIndent: "", propertyPrefixIfChildren: "", propertyPrefixNoChildren: "", linkCharacter: " ", addBlankLineIfNoChildren: false, afterDescriptionIfBody: ":", isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren: false ); public static readonly TextTreeConfiguration singleLineTextConfiguration = new TextTreeConfiguration( propertySeparator: ", ", beforeProperties: "(", afterProperties: ")", prefixLineOne: "", prefixOtherLines: "", prefixLastChildLineOne: "", lineBreak: "", lineBreakProperties: false, addBlankLineIfNoChildren: false, showChildren: false, propertyPrefixIfChildren: "", propertyPrefixNoChildren: "", linkCharacter: "", prefixOtherLinesRootNode: "" ); } class _PrefixedStringBuilder { internal _PrefixedStringBuilder(string prefixLineOne, string prefixOtherLines) { this.prefixLineOne = prefixLineOne; this.prefixOtherLines = prefixOtherLines; } public readonly string prefixLineOne; public string prefixOtherLines; readonly StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder(); bool _atLineStart = true; bool _hasMultipleLines = false; public bool hasMultipleLines { get { return _hasMultipleLines; } } public void write(string s) { if (s.isEmpty()) { return; } if (s == "\n") { if (_buffer.Length == 0) { _buffer.Append(prefixLineOne.TrimEnd()); } else if (_atLineStart) { _buffer.Append(prefixOtherLines.TrimEnd()); _hasMultipleLines = true; } _buffer.Append("\n"); _atLineStart = true; return; } if (_buffer.Length == 0) { _buffer.Append(prefixLineOne); } else if (_atLineStart) { _buffer.Append(prefixOtherLines); _hasMultipleLines = true; } bool lineTerminated = false; if (s.EndsWith("\n")) { s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1); lineTerminated = true; } var parts = s.Split('\n'); _buffer.Append(parts[0]); for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; ++i) { _buffer.Append("\n") .Append(prefixOtherLines) .Append(parts[i]); } if (lineTerminated) { _buffer.Append("\n"); } _atLineStart = lineTerminated; } public void writeRaw(string text) { if (text.isEmpty()) { return; } _buffer.Append(text); _atLineStart = text.EndsWith("\n"); } public void writeRawLine(string line) { if (line.isEmpty()) { return; } _buffer.Append(line); if (!line.EndsWith("\n")) { _buffer.Append('\n'); } _atLineStart = true; } public override string ToString() { return _buffer.ToString(); } } class _NoDefaultValue { internal _NoDefaultValue() { } } class _NullDefaultValue { internal _NullDefaultValue() { } } public static partial class foundation_ { public static readonly object kNoDefaultValue = new _NoDefaultValue(); public static readonly object kNullDefaultValue = new _NullDefaultValue(); } public abstract class DiagnosticsNode { protected DiagnosticsNode( string name = null, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style = null, bool showName = true, bool showSeparator = true ) { D.assert(name == null || !name.EndsWith(":"), () => "Names of diagnostic nodes must not end with colons."); = name; _style = style; _showName = showName; this.showSeparator = showSeparator; } public static DiagnosticsNode message( string message, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine, DiagnosticLevel level = ) { return new DiagnosticsProperty( "", null, description: message, style: style, showName: false, level: level ); } public readonly string name; public abstract string toDescription( TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null ); public readonly bool showSeparator; public bool isFiltered(DiagnosticLevel minLevel) { return level < minLevel; } public virtual DiagnosticLevel level { get { return; } } public virtual bool showName { get { return _showName; } } readonly bool _showName; public virtual string emptyBodyDescription { get { return null; } } public abstract object valueObject { get; } public virtual DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style { get { return _style; } } readonly DiagnosticsTreeStyle? _style; public abstract List getProperties(); public abstract List getChildren(); string _separator { get { return showSeparator ? ":" : ""; } } public virtual Dictionary toJsonMap() { var data = new Dictionary { {"name", name}, {"showSeparator", showSeparator}, {"description", toDescription()}, {"level", Convert.ToString(level)}, {"showName", showName}, {"emptyBodyDescription", emptyBodyDescription}, {"style", Convert.ToString(style)}, {"valueToString", Convert.ToString(valueObject)}, {"type", GetType().ToString()}, {"hasChildren", getChildren().isNotEmpty()} }; return data; } public override string ToString() { return toString(); } public virtual string toString( TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = ) { D.assert(style != null); if (style == DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine) { return toStringDeep(parentConfiguration: parentConfiguration, minLevel: minLevel); } var description = toDescription(parentConfiguration: parentConfiguration); if (name.isEmpty() || !showName) { return description; } return description.Contains("\n") ? name + _separator + "\n" + description : name + _separator + description; } protected TextTreeConfiguration textTreeConfiguration { get { D.assert(style != null); switch (style) { case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.dense: return foundation_.denseTextConfiguration; case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.sparse: return foundation_.sparseTextConfiguration; case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.offstage: return foundation_.dashedTextConfiguration; case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.whitespace: return foundation_.whitespaceTextConfiguration; case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.transition: return foundation_.transitionTextConfiguration; case DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine: return foundation_.singleLineTextConfiguration; } return null; } } TextTreeConfiguration _childTextConfiguration( DiagnosticsNode child, TextTreeConfiguration textStyle ) { return child != null && != DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine ? child.textTreeConfiguration : textStyle; } public string toStringDeep( string prefixLineOne = "", string prefixOtherLines = null, TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug ) { prefixOtherLines = prefixOtherLines ?? prefixLineOne; var children = getChildren(); var config = textTreeConfiguration; if (prefixOtherLines.isEmpty()) { prefixOtherLines += config.prefixOtherLinesRootNode; } var builder = new _PrefixedStringBuilder( prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines ); var description = toDescription(parentConfiguration: parentConfiguration); if (description.isEmpty()) { if (name.isNotEmpty() && showName) { builder.write(name); } } else { if (name.isNotEmpty() && showName) { builder.write(name); if (showSeparator) { builder.write(config.afterName); } builder.write( config.isNameOnOwnLine || description.Contains("\n") ? "\n" : ""); if (description.Contains("\n") && style == DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine) { builder.prefixOtherLines += " "; } } builder.prefixOtherLines += children.isEmpty() ? config.propertyPrefixNoChildren : config.propertyPrefixIfChildren; builder.write(description); } var properties = getProperties().Where(n => !n.isFiltered(minLevel)).ToList(); if (properties.isNotEmpty() || children.isNotEmpty() || emptyBodyDescription != null) { builder.write(config.afterDescriptionIfBody); } if (config.lineBreakProperties) { builder.write(config.lineBreak); } if (properties.isNotEmpty()) { builder.write(config.beforeProperties); } builder.prefixOtherLines += config.bodyIndent; if (emptyBodyDescription != null && properties.isEmpty() && children.isEmpty() && prefixLineOne.isNotEmpty()) { builder.write(emptyBodyDescription); if (config.lineBreakProperties) { builder.write(config.lineBreak); } } for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; ++i) { DiagnosticsNode property = properties[i]; if (i > 0) { builder.write(config.propertySeparator); } const int kWrapWidth = 65; if ( != DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine) { TextTreeConfiguration propertyStyle = property.textTreeConfiguration; builder.writeRaw(property.toStringDeep( prefixLineOne: builder.prefixOtherLines + propertyStyle.prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines: builder.prefixOtherLines + propertyStyle.linkCharacter + propertyStyle.prefixOtherLines, parentConfiguration: config, minLevel: minLevel )); continue; } D.assert( == DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine); string message = property.toString(parentConfiguration: config, minLevel: minLevel); if (!config.lineBreakProperties || message.Length < kWrapWidth) { builder.write(message); } else { var lines = message.Split('\n'); for (int j = 0; j < lines.Length; ++j) { string line = lines[j]; if (j > 0) { builder.write(config.lineBreak); } builder.write(string.Join("\n", DebugPrint.debugWordWrap(line, kWrapWidth, wrapIndent: " ").ToArray())); } } if (config.lineBreakProperties) { builder.write(config.lineBreak); } } if (properties.isNotEmpty()) { builder.write(config.afterProperties); } if (!config.lineBreakProperties) { builder.write(config.lineBreak); } var prefixChildren = prefixOtherLines + config.bodyIndent; if (children.isEmpty() && config.addBlankLineIfNoChildren && builder.hasMultipleLines) { string prefix = prefixChildren.TrimEnd(); if (prefix.isNotEmpty()) { builder.writeRaw(prefix + config.lineBreak); } } if (children.isNotEmpty() && config.showChildren) { if (config.isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren && properties.isNotEmpty() && children.First().textTreeConfiguration.isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren) { builder.write(config.lineBreak); } for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++) { DiagnosticsNode child = children[i]; D.assert(child != null); TextTreeConfiguration childConfig = _childTextConfiguration(child, config); if (i == children.Count - 1) { string lastChildPrefixLineOne = prefixChildren + childConfig.prefixLastChildLineOne; builder.writeRawLine(child.toStringDeep( prefixLineOne: lastChildPrefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines: prefixChildren + childConfig.childLinkSpace + childConfig.prefixOtherLines, parentConfiguration: config, minLevel: minLevel )); if (childConfig.footer.isNotEmpty()) { builder.writeRaw(prefixChildren + childConfig.childLinkSpace + childConfig.footer); } } else { TextTreeConfiguration nextChildStyle = _childTextConfiguration(children[i + 1], config); string childPrefixLineOne = prefixChildren + childConfig.prefixLineOne; string childPrefixOtherLines = prefixChildren + nextChildStyle.linkCharacter + childConfig.prefixOtherLines; builder.writeRawLine(child.toStringDeep( prefixLineOne: childPrefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines: childPrefixOtherLines, parentConfiguration: config, minLevel: minLevel )); if (childConfig.footer.isNotEmpty()) { builder.writeRaw(prefixChildren + nextChildStyle.linkCharacter + childConfig.footer); } } } } return builder.ToString(); } } public class MessageProperty : DiagnosticsProperty { public MessageProperty(string name, string message, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base(name, null, description: message, level: level) { D.assert(name != null); D.assert(message != null); } } public class StringProperty : DiagnosticsProperty { public StringProperty(string name, string value, string description = null, string tooltip = null, bool showName = true, object defaultValue = null, bool quoted = true, string ifEmpty = null, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base(name, value, description: description, defaultValue: defaultValue, tooltip: tooltip, showName: showName, ifEmpty: ifEmpty, level: level) { this.quoted = quoted; } public readonly bool quoted; public override Dictionary toJsonMap() { var json = base.toJsonMap(); json["quoted"] = quoted; return json; } protected override string valueToString(TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null) { string text = _description ?? value; if (parentConfiguration != null && !parentConfiguration.lineBreakProperties && text != null) { text = text.Replace("\n", "\\n"); } if (quoted && text != null) { if (ifEmpty != null && text.isEmpty()) { return ifEmpty; } return "\"" + text + "\""; } return text ?? "null"; } } public abstract class _NumProperty : DiagnosticsProperty { internal _NumProperty(string name, T value, string ifNull = null, string unit = null, bool showName = true, object defaultValue = null, string tooltip = null, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name, value, ifNull: ifNull, showName: showName, defaultValue: defaultValue, tooltip: tooltip, level: level ) { this.unit = unit; } internal _NumProperty(string name, ComputePropertyValueCallback computeValue, string ifNull = null, string unit = null, bool showName = true, object defaultValue = null, string tooltip = null, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name, computeValue, ifNull: ifNull, showName: showName, defaultValue: defaultValue, tooltip: tooltip, level: level ) { this.unit = unit; } public override Dictionary toJsonMap() { var json = base.toJsonMap(); if (unit != null) { json["unit"] = unit; } json["numberToString"] = numberToString(); return json; } public readonly string unit; protected abstract string numberToString(); protected override string valueToString(TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null) { if (value == null) { return "null"; } return unit != null ? numberToString() + unit : numberToString(); } } public class IntProperty : _NumProperty { public IntProperty(string name, int? value, string ifNull = null, bool showName = true, string unit = null, object defaultValue = null, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name, value, ifNull: ifNull, showName: showName, unit: unit, defaultValue: defaultValue, level: level ) { } protected override string numberToString() { if (value == null) { return "null"; } return value.Value.ToString(); } } public class FloatProperty : _NumProperty { public FloatProperty(string name, float? value, string ifNull = null, string unit = null, string tooltip = null, object defaultValue = null, bool showName = true, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name, value, ifNull: ifNull, unit: unit, tooltip: tooltip, defaultValue: defaultValue, showName: showName, level: level ) { } FloatProperty( string name, ComputePropertyValueCallback computeValue, string ifNull = null, bool showName = true, string unit = null, string tooltip = null, object defaultValue = null, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name, computeValue, showName: showName, ifNull: ifNull, unit: unit, tooltip: tooltip, defaultValue: defaultValue, level: level ) { } public static FloatProperty lazy( string name, ComputePropertyValueCallback computeValue, string ifNull = null, bool showName = true, string unit = null, string tooltip = null, object defaultValue = null, DiagnosticLevel level = ) { return new FloatProperty( name, computeValue, showName: showName, ifNull: ifNull, unit: unit, tooltip: tooltip, defaultValue: defaultValue, level: level ); } protected override string numberToString() { if (value != null) { return value.Value.ToString("F1"); } return "null"; } } public class PercentProperty : FloatProperty { public PercentProperty(string name, float fraction, string ifNull = null, bool showName = true, string tooltip = null, string unit = null, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name, fraction, ifNull: ifNull, showName: showName, tooltip: tooltip, unit: unit, level: level ) { } protected override string valueToString(TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null) { if (value == null) { return "null"; } return unit != null ? numberToString() + " " + unit : numberToString(); } protected override string numberToString() { if (value == null) { return "null"; } return (value.Value.clamp(0.0f, 1.0f) * 100).ToString("F1") + "%"; } } public class FlagProperty : DiagnosticsProperty { public FlagProperty(string name, bool? value, string ifTrue = null, string ifFalse = null, bool showName = false, object defaultValue = null, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base(name, value, showName: showName, defaultValue: defaultValue, level: level ) { D.assert(ifTrue != null || ifFalse != null); } public override Dictionary toJsonMap() { var json = base.toJsonMap(); if (ifTrue != null) { json["ifTrue"] = ifTrue; } if (ifFalse != null) { json["ifFalse"] = ifFalse; } return json; } public readonly string ifTrue; public readonly string ifFalse; protected override string valueToString(TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null) { if (value == true) { if (ifTrue != null) { return ifTrue; } } else if (value == false) { if (ifFalse != null) { return ifFalse; } } return base.valueToString(parentConfiguration: parentConfiguration); } public override bool showName { get { if (value == null || value == true && ifTrue == null || value == false && ifFalse == null) { return true; } return base.showName; } } public override DiagnosticLevel level { get { if (value == true) { if (ifTrue == null) { return DiagnosticLevel.hidden; } } if (value == false) { if (ifFalse == null) { return DiagnosticLevel.hidden; } } return base.level; } } } public class EnumerableProperty : DiagnosticsProperty> { public EnumerableProperty( string name, IEnumerable value, object defaultValue = null, string ifNull = null, string ifEmpty = "[]", DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine, bool showName = true, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name, value, defaultValue: defaultValue, ifNull: ifNull, ifEmpty: ifEmpty, style: style, showName: showName, level: level ) { } protected override string valueToString(TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null) { if (value == null) { return "null"; } if (!value.Any()) { return ifEmpty ?? "[]"; } if (parentConfiguration != null && !parentConfiguration.lineBreakProperties) { return string.Join(", ", value.Select(v => v.ToString()).ToArray()); } return string.Join(style == DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine ? ", " : "\n", value.Select(v => v.ToString()).ToArray()); } public override DiagnosticLevel level { get { if (ifEmpty == null && value != null && !value.Any() && base.level != DiagnosticLevel.hidden) { return DiagnosticLevel.fine; } return base.level; } } public override Dictionary toJsonMap() { var json = base.toJsonMap(); if (value != null) { json["values"] = value.Select(v => v.ToString()).ToList(); } return json; } } public class EnumProperty : DiagnosticsProperty { public EnumProperty(string name, T value, object defaultValue = null, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name, value, defaultValue: defaultValue, level: level ) { } protected override string valueToString(TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null) { if (value == null) { return "null"; } return value.ToString(); } } public class ObjectFlagProperty : DiagnosticsProperty { public ObjectFlagProperty(string name, T value, string ifPresent = null, string ifNull = null, bool showName = false, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name, value, showName: showName, ifNull: ifNull, level: level ) { D.assert(ifPresent != null || ifNull != null); } ObjectFlagProperty( string name, T value, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name, value, showName: false, level: level ) { D.assert(name != null); ifPresent = "has " + name; } public static ObjectFlagProperty has( string name, T value, DiagnosticLevel level = ) { return new ObjectFlagProperty(name, value, level); } public readonly string ifPresent; protected override string valueToString( TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null) { if (value != null) { if (ifPresent != null) { return ifPresent; } } else { if (ifNull != null) { return ifNull; } } return base.valueToString(parentConfiguration: parentConfiguration); } public override bool showName { get { if ((value != null && ifPresent == null) || (value == null && ifNull == null)) { return true; } return base.showName; } } public override DiagnosticLevel level { get { if (value != null) { if (ifPresent == null) { return DiagnosticLevel.hidden; } } else { if (ifNull == null) { return DiagnosticLevel.hidden; } } return base.level; } } public override Dictionary toJsonMap() { var json = base.toJsonMap(); if (ifPresent != null) { json["ifPresent"] = ifPresent; } return json; } } public delegate T ComputePropertyValueCallback(); public class DiagnosticsProperty : DiagnosticsNode { public DiagnosticsProperty( string name, T value, string description = null, string ifNull = null, string ifEmpty = null, bool showName = true, bool showSeparator = true, object defaultValue = null, string tooltip = null, bool missingIfNull = false, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name: name, showName: showName, showSeparator: showSeparator, style: style ) { defaultValue = defaultValue ?? foundation_.kNoDefaultValue; if (defaultValue == foundation_.kNullDefaultValue) { defaultValue = null; } D.assert(defaultValue == null || defaultValue == foundation_.kNoDefaultValue || defaultValue is T); _description = description; _valueComputed = true; _value = value; _computeValue = null; this.ifNull = ifNull ?? (missingIfNull ? "MISSING" : null); _defaultLevel = level; this.ifEmpty = ifEmpty; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.tooltip = tooltip; this.missingIfNull = missingIfNull; } internal DiagnosticsProperty( string name, ComputePropertyValueCallback computeValue, string description = null, string ifNull = null, string ifEmpty = null, bool showName = true, bool showSeparator = true, object defaultValue = null, string tooltip = null, bool missingIfNull = false, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine, DiagnosticLevel level = ) : base( name: name, showName: showName, showSeparator: showSeparator, style: style ) { defaultValue = defaultValue ?? foundation_.kNoDefaultValue; if (defaultValue == foundation_.kNullDefaultValue) { defaultValue = null; } D.assert(defaultValue == null || defaultValue == foundation_.kNoDefaultValue || defaultValue is T); _description = description; _valueComputed = false; _value = default(T); _computeValue = computeValue; _defaultLevel = level; this.ifNull = ifNull ?? (missingIfNull ? "MISSING" : null); this.ifEmpty = ifEmpty; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.tooltip = tooltip; this.missingIfNull = missingIfNull; } public static DiagnosticsProperty lazy( string name, ComputePropertyValueCallback computeValue, string description = null, string ifNull = null, string ifEmpty = null, bool showName = true, bool showSeparator = true, object defaultValue = null, string tooltip = null, bool missingIfNull = false, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine, DiagnosticLevel level = ) { return new DiagnosticsProperty( name, computeValue, description, ifNull, ifEmpty, showName, showSeparator, defaultValue, tooltip, missingIfNull, style, level); } internal readonly string _description; public override Dictionary toJsonMap() { var json = base.toJsonMap(); if (defaultValue != foundation_.kNoDefaultValue) { json["defaultValue"] = Convert.ToString(defaultValue); } if (ifEmpty != null) { json["ifEmpty"] = ifEmpty; } if (ifNull != null) { json["ifNull"] = ifNull; } if (tooltip != null) { json["tooltip"] = tooltip; } json["missingIfNull"] = missingIfNull; if (exception != null) { json["exception"] = exception.ToString(); } json["propertyType"] = propertyType.ToString(); json["valueToString"] = valueToString(); json["defaultLevel"] = Convert.ToString(_defaultLevel); if (typeof(Diagnosticable).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T))) { json["isDiagnosticableValue"] = true; } return json; } protected virtual string valueToString( TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null ) { var v = value; var tree = v as DiagnosticableTree; return tree != null ? tree.toStringShort() : v != null ? v.ToString() : "null"; } public override string toDescription( TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null ) { if (_description != null) { return _addTooltip(_description); } if (exception != null) { return "EXCEPTION (" + exception.GetType() + ")"; } if (ifNull != null && value == null) { return _addTooltip(ifNull); } string result = valueToString(parentConfiguration: parentConfiguration); if (result.isEmpty() && ifEmpty != null) { result = ifEmpty; } return _addTooltip(result); } string _addTooltip(string text) { D.assert(text != null); return tooltip == null ? text : text + "(" + tooltip + ")"; } public readonly string ifNull; public readonly string ifEmpty; public readonly string tooltip; public readonly bool missingIfNull; public Type propertyType { get { return typeof(T); } } public override object valueObject { get { return value; } } public T value { get { _maybeCacheValue(); return _value; } } T _value; bool _valueComputed; Exception _exception; public Exception exception { get { _maybeCacheValue(); return _exception; } } void _maybeCacheValue() { if (_valueComputed) { return; } _valueComputed = true; try { _value = _computeValue(); } catch (Exception ex) { _exception = ex; _value = default(T); } } public readonly object defaultValue; DiagnosticLevel _defaultLevel; public override DiagnosticLevel level { get { if (_defaultLevel == DiagnosticLevel.hidden) { return _defaultLevel; } if (exception != null) { return DiagnosticLevel.error; } if (value == null && missingIfNull) { return DiagnosticLevel.warning; } if (defaultValue != foundation_.kNoDefaultValue && Equals(value, defaultValue)) { return DiagnosticLevel.fine; } return _defaultLevel; } } readonly ComputePropertyValueCallback _computeValue; public override List getProperties() { return new List(); } public override List getChildren() { return new List(); } } public class DiagnosticableNode : DiagnosticsNode where T : Diagnosticable { public DiagnosticableNode( string name = null, T value = null, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style = null ) : base(name: name, style: style) { D.assert(value != null); _value = value; } public override object valueObject { get { return value; } } public T value { get { return _value; } } readonly T _value; DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder _cachedBuilder; DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder _builder { get { if (_cachedBuilder == null) { _cachedBuilder = new DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder(); if (_value != null) { _value.debugFillProperties(_cachedBuilder); } } return _cachedBuilder; } } public override DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style { get { return ?? _builder.defaultDiagnosticsTreeStyle; } } public override string emptyBodyDescription { get { return _builder.emptyBodyDescription; } } public override List getProperties() { return; } public override List getChildren() { return new List(); } public override string toDescription( TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null ) { return _value.toStringShort(); } } class _DiagnosticableTreeNode : DiagnosticableNode { internal _DiagnosticableTreeNode( string name, DiagnosticableTree value, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style ) : base( name: name, value: value, style: style ) { } public override List getChildren() { if (value != null) { return value.debugDescribeChildren(); } return new List(); } } public static partial class foundation_ { public static string shortHash(object o) { return (o.GetHashCode() & 0xFFFFF).ToString("X").PadLeft(5, '0'); } public static string describeIdentity(object o) { return $"{o.GetType()}#{shortHash(o)}"; } } public class DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder { public void add(DiagnosticsNode property) { properties.Add(property); } public readonly List properties = new List(); public DiagnosticsTreeStyle defaultDiagnosticsTreeStyle = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.sparse; public string emptyBodyDescription; } public abstract class Diagnosticable { protected Diagnosticable() { } public virtual string toStringShort() { return foundation_.describeIdentity(this); } public override string ToString() { return toString(); } public virtual string toString(DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug) { string fullString = null; D.assert(() => { fullString = toDiagnosticsNode(style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine) .toString(minLevel: minLevel); return true; }); return fullString ?? toStringShort(); } public virtual DiagnosticsNode toDiagnosticsNode( string name = null, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.sparse) { return new DiagnosticableNode( name: name, value: this, style: style ); } public virtual void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { } } public abstract class DiagnosticableTree : Diagnosticable { protected DiagnosticableTree() { } public virtual string toStringShallow( string joiner = ", ", DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug ) { var result = new StringBuilder(); result.Append(ToString()); result.Append(joiner); DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder builder = new DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder(); debugFillProperties(builder); result.Append(string.Join(joiner, => !n.isFiltered(minLevel)).Select(n => n.ToString()).ToArray()) ); return result.ToString(); } public virtual string toStringDeep( string prefixLineOne = "", string prefixOtherLines = null, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug ) { return toDiagnosticsNode().toStringDeep( prefixLineOne: prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines: prefixOtherLines, minLevel: minLevel); } public override string toStringShort() { return foundation_.describeIdentity(this); } public override DiagnosticsNode toDiagnosticsNode( string name = null, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.sparse) { return new _DiagnosticableTreeNode( name: name, value: this, style: style ); } public virtual List debugDescribeChildren() { return new List(); } } }