using System.Collections.Generic; using; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public class FocusScope : Focus { public FocusScope( Key key = null, FocusScopeNode node = null, Widget child = null, bool autofocus = false, ValueChanged onFocusChange = null, bool? canRequestFocus = null, bool? skipTraversal = null, FocusOnKeyCallback onKey = null, string debugLabel = null ) : base( key: key, child: child, focusNode: node, autofocus: autofocus, onFocusChange: onFocusChange, canRequestFocus: canRequestFocus, skipTraversal: skipTraversal, onKey: onKey, debugLabel: debugLabel) { D.assert(child != null); } public static FocusScopeNode of(BuildContext context) { D.assert(context != null); _FocusMarker marker = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_FocusMarker>(); return marker?.notifier?.nearestScope ?? context.owner.focusManager.rootScope; } public override State createState() { return new _FocusScopeState(); } } class _FocusScopeState : _FocusState { public FocusScopeNode _createNode() { return new FocusScopeNode( debugLabel: widget.debugLabel, canRequestFocus: widget.canRequestFocus ?? true, skipTraversal: widget.skipTraversal ?? false ); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { _focusAttachment.reparent(); return new _FocusMarker( node: focusNode, child: widget.child); } } class _FocusMarker : InheritedNotifier { public _FocusMarker( Key key = null, FocusNode node = null, Widget child = null ) : base(key: key, notifier: node, child: child) { D.assert(node != null); D.assert(child != null); } } public class Focus : StatefulWidget { public Focus( Key key = null, Widget child = null, FocusNode focusNode = null, bool autofocus = false, ValueChanged onFocusChange = null, FocusOnKeyCallback onKey = null, string debugLabel = null, bool? canRequestFocus= null, bool? skipTraversal = null, bool includeSemantics = true ) :base(key:key) { D.assert(child != null); this.child = child; this.focusNode = focusNode; this.autofocus = autofocus; this.onFocusChange = onFocusChange; this.onKey = onKey; this.debugLabel = debugLabel; this.canRequestFocus = canRequestFocus; this.skipTraversal = skipTraversal; this.includeSemantics = includeSemantics; } public readonly string debugLabel; public readonly Widget child; public readonly FocusOnKeyCallback onKey; public readonly ValueChanged onFocusChange; public readonly bool autofocus; public readonly FocusNode focusNode; public readonly bool? skipTraversal; public readonly bool includeSemantics; public readonly bool? canRequestFocus; public static FocusNode of(BuildContext context, bool nullOk = false, bool scopeOk = false ) { D.assert(context != null); _FocusMarker marker = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_FocusMarker>(); FocusNode node = marker?.notifier; if (node == null) { if (!nullOk) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Focus.of() was called with a context that does not contain a Focus widget.\n"+ "No Focus widget ancestor could be found starting from the context that was passed to "+ "Focus.of(). This can happen because you are using a widget that looks for a Focus "+ "ancestor, and do not have a Focus widget descendant in the nearest FocusScope.\n"+ "The context used was:\n"+ $" {context}" ); } return null; } if (!scopeOk && node is FocusScopeNode) { if (!nullOk) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Focus.of() was called with a context that does not contain a Focus between the given "+ "context and the nearest FocusScope widget.\n"+ "No Focus ancestor could be found starting from the context that was passed to "+ "Focus.of() to the point where it found the nearest FocusScope widget. This can happen "+ "because you are using a widget that looks for a Focus ancestor, and do not have a "+ "Focus widget ancestor in the current FocusScope.\n"+ "The context used was:\n"+ $" {context}" ); } return null; } return node; } public static bool isAt(BuildContext context) => Focus.of(context, nullOk: true)?.hasFocus ?? false; public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new StringProperty("debugLabel", debugLabel, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(new FlagProperty("autofocus", value: autofocus, ifTrue: "AUTOFOCUS", defaultValue: false)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("node", focusNode, defaultValue: null)); } public override State createState() { return new _FocusState(); } } public class _FocusState : State { FocusNode _internalNode; public FocusNode focusNode { get { return widget.focusNode ?? _internalNode; } } bool _hasPrimaryFocus; bool _canRequestFocus; bool _didAutofocus = false; public FocusAttachment _focusAttachment; public override void initState() { base.initState(); _initNode(); } public void _initNode() { if (widget.focusNode == null) { _internalNode = _internalNode ?? _createNode(); } if (widget.skipTraversal != null) { focusNode.skipTraversal = widget.skipTraversal.Value; } if (widget.canRequestFocus != null) { focusNode.canRequestFocus = widget.canRequestFocus.Value; } _canRequestFocus = focusNode.canRequestFocus; _hasPrimaryFocus = focusNode.hasPrimaryFocus; _focusAttachment = focusNode.attach(context, onKey: widget.onKey); focusNode.addListener(_handleFocusChanged); } public FocusNode _createNode() { return new FocusNode( debugLabel: widget.debugLabel, canRequestFocus: widget.canRequestFocus ?? true, skipTraversal: widget.skipTraversal ?? false ); } public override void dispose() { focusNode.removeListener(_handleFocusChanged); _focusAttachment.detach(); _internalNode?.dispose(); base.dispose(); } public override void didChangeDependencies() { base.didChangeDependencies(); _focusAttachment?.reparent(); _handleAutofocus(); } void _handleAutofocus() { if (!_didAutofocus && widget.autofocus) { FocusScope.of(context).autofocus(focusNode); _didAutofocus = true; } } public override void deactivate() { base.deactivate(); _focusAttachment?.reparent(); _didAutofocus = false; } public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) { oldWidget = (Focus) oldWidget; base.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); D.assert(()=> { if (((Focus)oldWidget).debugLabel != widget.debugLabel && _internalNode != null) { _internalNode.debugLabel = widget.debugLabel; } return true; }); if (((Focus)oldWidget).focusNode == widget.focusNode) { if (widget.skipTraversal != null) { focusNode.skipTraversal = widget.skipTraversal.Value; } if (widget.canRequestFocus != null) { focusNode.canRequestFocus = widget.canRequestFocus.Value; } } else { _focusAttachment.detach(); focusNode.removeListener(_handleFocusChanged); _initNode(); } if (((Focus)oldWidget).autofocus != widget.autofocus) { _handleAutofocus(); } } void _handleFocusChanged() { bool hasPrimaryFocus = focusNode.hasPrimaryFocus; bool canRequestFocus = focusNode.canRequestFocus; if (widget.onFocusChange != null) { widget.onFocusChange(focusNode.hasFocus); } if (_hasPrimaryFocus != hasPrimaryFocus) { setState(() =>{ _hasPrimaryFocus = hasPrimaryFocus; }); } if (_canRequestFocus != canRequestFocus) { setState(() =>{ _canRequestFocus = canRequestFocus; }); } } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { _focusAttachment.reparent(); Widget child = widget.child; return new _FocusMarker( node: focusNode, child: child ); } } }