using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using Unity.UIWidgets.async2; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler2; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; using UnityEngine; using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.cupertino { class _CupertinoSliverRefresh : SingleChildRenderObjectWidget { public _CupertinoSliverRefresh( Key key = null, float refreshIndicatorLayoutExtent = 0.0f, bool hasLayoutExtent = false, Widget child = null ) : base(key: key, child: child) { D.assert(refreshIndicatorLayoutExtent != null); D.assert(refreshIndicatorLayoutExtent >= 0.0); D.assert(hasLayoutExtent != null); this.refreshIndicatorLayoutExtent = refreshIndicatorLayoutExtent; this.hasLayoutExtent = hasLayoutExtent; } public readonly float refreshIndicatorLayoutExtent; public readonly bool hasLayoutExtent; public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) { return new _RenderCupertinoSliverRefresh( refreshIndicatorExtent: refreshIndicatorLayoutExtent, hasLayoutExtent: hasLayoutExtent ); } public override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderObject renderObject) { renderObject = (_RenderCupertinoSliverRefresh)renderObject; ((_RenderCupertinoSliverRefresh) renderObject).refreshIndicatorLayoutExtent = refreshIndicatorLayoutExtent; ((_RenderCupertinoSliverRefresh) renderObject).hasLayoutExtent = hasLayoutExtent; } } class _RenderCupertinoSliverRefresh : RenderObjectWithChildMixinRenderSliver { public _RenderCupertinoSliverRefresh( float refreshIndicatorExtent, bool hasLayoutExtent = false, RenderBox child = null) { D.assert(refreshIndicatorExtent >= 0.0f); _refreshIndicatorExtent = refreshIndicatorExtent; _hasLayoutExtent = hasLayoutExtent; this.child = child; } public float refreshIndicatorLayoutExtent { get { return _refreshIndicatorExtent; } set { D.assert(value != null); D.assert(value >= 0.0); if (value == _refreshIndicatorExtent) return; _refreshIndicatorExtent = value; markNeedsLayout(); } } float _refreshIndicatorExtent; public bool hasLayoutExtent { get { return _hasLayoutExtent; } set { D.assert(value != null); if (value == _hasLayoutExtent) return; _hasLayoutExtent = value; markNeedsLayout(); } } bool _hasLayoutExtent; float layoutExtentOffsetCompensation = 0.0f; protected override void performLayout() { SliverConstraints constraints = this.constraints; D.assert(constraints.axisDirection == AxisDirection.down); D.assert(constraints.growthDirection == GrowthDirection.forward); float layoutExtent = (_hasLayoutExtent ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * _refreshIndicatorExtent; if (layoutExtent != layoutExtentOffsetCompensation) { geometry = new SliverGeometry( scrollOffsetCorrection: layoutExtent - layoutExtentOffsetCompensation ); layoutExtentOffsetCompensation = layoutExtent; } bool active = constraints.overlap < 0.0 || layoutExtent > 0.0; float overscrolledExtent = constraints.overlap < 0.0f ? constraints.overlap.abs() : 0.0f; child.layout( constraints.asBoxConstraints( maxExtent: layoutExtent + overscrolledExtent ), parentUsesSize: true ); if (active) { geometry = new SliverGeometry( scrollExtent: layoutExtent, paintOrigin: -overscrolledExtent - constraints.scrollOffset, paintExtent: Mathf.Max( Mathf.Max(child.size.height, layoutExtent) - constraints.scrollOffset, 0.0f), maxPaintExtent: Mathf.Max( Mathf.Max(child.size.height, layoutExtent) - constraints.scrollOffset, 0.0f), layoutExtent: Mathf.Max(layoutExtent - constraints.scrollOffset, 0.0f)); } else { geometry =; } } public override void paint(PaintingContext paintContext, Offset offset) { if (constraints.overlap < 0.0 || constraints.scrollOffset + child.size.height > 0) { paintContext.paintChild(child, offset); } } public override void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) { } } public enum RefreshIndicatorMode { /// Initial state, when not being overscrolled into, or after the overscroll /// is canceled or after done and the sliver retracted away. inactive, /// While being overscrolled but not far enough yet to trigger the refresh. drag, /// Dragged far enough that the onRefresh callback will run and the dragged /// displacement is not yet at the final refresh resting state. armed, /// While the onRefresh task is running. refresh, /// While the indicator is animating away after refreshing. done, } public delegate Widget RefreshControlIndicatorBuilder( BuildContext context, RefreshIndicatorMode refreshState, float pulledExtent, float refreshTriggerPullDistance, float refreshIndicatorExtent ); public delegate Future RefreshCallback(); public class CupertinoSliverRefreshControl : StatefulWidget { public CupertinoSliverRefreshControl( Key key = null, float refreshTriggerPullDistance = _defaultRefreshTriggerPullDistance, float refreshIndicatorExtent = _defaultRefreshIndicatorExtent, RefreshControlIndicatorBuilder builder = null, RefreshCallback onRefresh = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(refreshTriggerPullDistance != null); D.assert(refreshTriggerPullDistance > 0.0); D.assert(refreshIndicatorExtent != null); D.assert(refreshIndicatorExtent >= 0.0); D.assert( refreshTriggerPullDistance >= refreshIndicatorExtent, () => "The refresh indicator cannot take more space in its final state " + "than the amount initially created by overscrolling." ); this.refreshIndicatorExtent = refreshIndicatorExtent; this.refreshTriggerPullDistance = refreshTriggerPullDistance; this.builder = builder ?? buildSimpleRefreshIndicator; this.onRefresh = onRefresh; } public readonly float refreshTriggerPullDistance; public readonly float refreshIndicatorExtent; public readonly RefreshControlIndicatorBuilder builder; public readonly RefreshCallback onRefresh; const float _defaultRefreshTriggerPullDistance = 100.0f; const float _defaultRefreshIndicatorExtent = 60.0f; static RefreshIndicatorMode state(BuildContext context) { _CupertinoSliverRefreshControlState state = context.findAncestorStateOfType<_CupertinoSliverRefreshControlState>(); return state.refreshState; } public static Widget buildSimpleRefreshIndicator( BuildContext context, RefreshIndicatorMode refreshState, float pulledExtent, float refreshTriggerPullDistance, float refreshIndicatorExtent ) { Curve opacityCurve = new Interval(0.4f, 0.8f, curve: Curves.easeInOut); return new Align( alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 16.0f), child: refreshState == RefreshIndicatorMode.drag ? new Opacity( opacity: opacityCurve.transform(Mathf.Min(pulledExtent / refreshTriggerPullDistance, 1.0f) ), child: new Icon( CupertinoIcons.down_arrow, color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoColors.inactiveGray, context), size: 36.0f ) ) : new Opacity( opacity: opacityCurve.transform( Mathf.Min(pulledExtent / refreshIndicatorExtent, 1.0f) ), child: new CupertinoActivityIndicator(radius: 14.0f) ) ) ); } public override State createState() { return new _CupertinoSliverRefreshControlState(); } } public class _CupertinoSliverRefreshControlState : State { public const float _inactiveResetOverscrollFraction = 0.1f; public RefreshIndicatorMode refreshState; Future refreshTask; float latestIndicatorBoxExtent = 0.0f; bool hasSliverLayoutExtent = false; public override void initState() { base.initState(); refreshState = RefreshIndicatorMode.inactive; } RefreshIndicatorMode transitionNextState() { RefreshIndicatorMode nextState = RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh; void goToDone() { nextState = RefreshIndicatorMode.done; if (SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.idle) { setState(() => hasSliverLayoutExtent = false); } else { SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timestamp)=> { setState(() => hasSliverLayoutExtent = false); }); } } switch (refreshState) { case RefreshIndicatorMode.inactive: if (latestIndicatorBoxExtent <= 0) { return RefreshIndicatorMode.inactive; } else { nextState = RefreshIndicatorMode.drag; } goto case RefreshIndicatorMode.drag; case RefreshIndicatorMode.drag: if (latestIndicatorBoxExtent == 0) { return RefreshIndicatorMode.inactive; } else if (latestIndicatorBoxExtent < widget.refreshTriggerPullDistance) { return RefreshIndicatorMode.drag; } else { if (widget.onRefresh != null) { //HapticFeedback.mediumImpact(); SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timestamp)=> { refreshTask = widget.onRefresh().whenComplete(() =>{ if (mounted) { setState(() => refreshTask = null); refreshState = transitionNextState(); } }); setState(() => hasSliverLayoutExtent = true); }); } return RefreshIndicatorMode.armed; } break; case RefreshIndicatorMode.armed: if (refreshState == RefreshIndicatorMode.armed && refreshTask == null) { goToDone(); goto case RefreshIndicatorMode.done; } if (latestIndicatorBoxExtent > widget.refreshIndicatorExtent) { return RefreshIndicatorMode.armed; } else { nextState = RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh; } goto case RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh; case RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh: if (refreshTask != null) { return RefreshIndicatorMode.refresh; } else { goToDone(); } goto case RefreshIndicatorMode.done; case RefreshIndicatorMode.done: if (latestIndicatorBoxExtent > widget.refreshTriggerPullDistance * _inactiveResetOverscrollFraction) { return RefreshIndicatorMode.done; } else { nextState = RefreshIndicatorMode.inactive; } break; } return nextState; } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new _CupertinoSliverRefresh( refreshIndicatorLayoutExtent: widget.refreshIndicatorExtent, hasLayoutExtent: hasSliverLayoutExtent, child: new LayoutBuilder( builder: (BuildContext context1, BoxConstraints constraints) =>{ latestIndicatorBoxExtent = constraints.maxHeight; refreshState = transitionNextState(); if (widget.builder != null && latestIndicatorBoxExtent > 0) { return widget.builder( context1, refreshState, latestIndicatorBoxExtent, widget.refreshTriggerPullDistance, widget.refreshIndicatorExtent ); } return new Container(); } ) ); } } }